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1. The main objective of testing in teaching
a. To assess students learning and the
effectiveness of instruction.
b. To assess the effectiveness of teaching
methods used.
c. To evaluate the instructional materials used.
d. To evaluate the performance of the teacher
in that particular lesson.
2.Teacher Adrian conducted item analysis and
he found out that more from the lower group
got the test item number 6 correctly. This
means that the test item_________.
a. Has a low reliability
b. Has a high validity
c. Has a positive discriminating
d. Has a negative discriminating
3. Which of the following statements best
describes the incorrect options in item
a. Determining the percentage equivalent of
the cut off score
b. Determining the highest score
c. Determining the attractiveness of distracters
d. Determining the cut off score
4. To what extent were the objectives of the
course met? This is the concern of the
process of ________evaluation.
a. authentic
b. criterion – referenced
c. norm – referenced
d. formative
5. Other than finding out how well the
course objectives were met, teacher K also
wants to know his students performance
when compared with other students in the
class. What teacher K is interested to do?
a. authentic evaluation
b. formative evaluation
c. criterion – referenced
d. norm - referenced evaluation
6. Which must go with self – assessment
for it to be effective?
a. external monitor
b. consensus of evaluation result
from teacher and student
c. soring rubric
d. public display of results of self –
7. Which must be present for self -
evaluation to succeed?
a. consensus between teacher and student
regarding evaluation results
b. teacher’s approval of self – evaluation results
c. Teacher’s monitoring of self – evaluation
d. student’s intrinsic motivation to
8. The best way to assess learning is to
used real – life situations, objects and
materials existing in the environment .
hence, teachers are encouraged to use
a. rating scale
b. observation technique
c. pencil and paper test
d. authentic assessment
9. Understanding of a concept is revealed
as ___________, the ability to accomplish
tasks successfully under pressure.
a. performance in teamwork
b. performance in art
c. performance know- how
d. performance at works
10. The more information teachers obtain about
how students perform, the more capacity they
have to rethink their pedagogy, and the more
opportunities they create for student success.
Which statement BEST explain the text above?
a. teachers should keep track of learning outcomes
b. teachers should keep records of family
c. teachers should file information
d. teachers should teach to test.
11. Teacher F narrates: I went through a
test where I was asked how the ink blots
appeared to me. ‘’ What test did Teacher F
probably undergo?

a. IQ test
b. Rorschach test
c. aptitude test
d. EQ test
12. Which is one measure of attitude that
consists of a value statement where you
were asked to express your degree of
agreement or disagreement of a
a. likert – scale
b. interview schedule
c. semantic differential
d. checklist
13. Assessment anchored on performance
task on projects enables the students to
use their knowledge in ___________.
a. relationship
b. context
c. essentials
d. prioritization
14. Any deviation from a standard or
desired level of performance is a
a. problem
b. gap
c. devotion
d. decision
15. A negative discrimination index of a
test item tells that particular test item lacks
a. objectivity
b. reliability
c. content validity
d. construct validity
16. Which of the following is the precise
meaning of evaluation?
a. collecting data relevant to
personal characteristics
b. administering teacher –
made test
c. interpreting and attaching
value to data collected
d. scoring accomplished tests.
17. The instructions of the test made
simple, clear and concise. This is part of
which of the following characteristic of a
good test?
a. objectivity
b. economy
c. administrability
d. scorability
18. Which of the following statements
concerning test validity and reliability most
a. a valid test is a reliable test
b. a reliable test is a valid test
c. a test cannot be valid and
reliable unless it is objective
d. a test cannot be valid and
reliable unless it is
19. In the context of the 6 facets of
understanding cited by Wiggins and Mc Tighe,
what is proof of a student’s understanding a
a. repeating the principle given
by the teacher
b. applying it to solve his/her
c. stating it from memory
d. memorizing it
20. When a student clarifies information,
what cognitive domain is involved?
a. analysis
b. evaluation
c. application
d. synthesis
21. Which measure/s of central tendency
easily affected by the extreme scores?
a. Median
b. Mean
c. Mode
d. Mean and Median
22. Obtaining a dependable ranking of
students is a major concern when using:
a. Teacher – made diagnostic test.
b. Norm – reference assessment test
c. Criterion- reference assessment
d. Mastery achievement test
23. Teacher Paul conducted item analysis and he
found out that significantly greater number from
upper group of the class got test item number 10
correctly. This means that the test item__________.
a. Has a negative discriminating
b. Has a positive discriminating
c. Has low reliability
d. Has high validity
24. Teacher Kristy gave a chapter test, in
which competency did her students find
greatest difficulty? In the item with a
difficulty index of ____________
a. 0.25
b. 0.15
c. 0.75
d. 1.00
25. Teacher Lawrence gave a test in
Mathematics. The facility index of item no.
10 is 75%. The best way to describe item
no. 10 is _________.
a. Very easy
b. Easy item
c. average item
d. difficult item
26. A Z- scores provide information about the
location of the raw score__________
a. above/Below the mean in units of the
range of the distribution;
b. Above/below the mean in units of the
standard deviation of the distribution;
c. Gives students real- life tasks to
d. includes parents in the determination
of assessment procedures.
27. During the sensorimotor period, a child does
not see things in abstract form. Which of the
following should teachers remember in teaching
and assessing young children’s performance?
a. use of pictures may not be necessary
b. use of concrete objects is not necessary
c. printed words are easier to understand than
d. colored pictures are more effective than printed
28. Teachers should avoid_________ in
assigning student performance – based
a. arbitraries and bias
b. unnecessary deductions
c. partiality and calculation
d. unnecessary evaluation
29. After scoring, teacher G got the
difference of the highest and lowest scores
in each class. What did she compute?
a. standard deviation
b. mean
c. range
d. median
30. There is a negative correlation between
amount of practice and number of errors in tennis.
What does this mean?
a. the increase in the amount of practice does not all
affect the number of errors.
b. decrease in the amount of practice goes with
decrease in the number of errors.
c. as the amount of practice increases, the number of
errors decreases.
d. the decrease in the amount of practice sometimes
affects the number of errors.
31. Which is TRUE when standard
deviation is big?
a. the bell – curved shape is steep
b. scores are spread apart
c. scores are concentrated
d. scores are not extremes
32. Which measure of central tendency is
most reliable when scores are extremely
high and low?
a. cannot be identified unless individual
scores are given
b. mode
c. mean
d. median
33. If the difficulty index of your test item is
.45, what should you do with this item?

a. revise it
b. reject it
c. retain it
d. reserve it for another group of
34. If the difficulty index of your test item is
.25, what should you do with this item?
a. revise it
b. reject it
c. retain it
d. reserve it for another group of
35. After doing the exercise on verbs, Ms. Borja
gave a short quiz to find out how well the
students have understood the lesson. What type
of assessment is this?
a. Summative assessment
b. Formative assessment
c. Diagnostic assessment
d. Placement assessment
36. The major shortcoming of school grades or
mark is that _____.
A. The schools different clientele find them
B.They make students become more cooperative
C.The same grade may mean differently to
different teachers
D. They reflect the true word on performance
37. What type of validity does the pre-board
examination posses if its results can explain how
the students will likely perform in their licensure
a. Concurrent
b. Predictive
c. Construct
d. content
38. Ms. Alvis wants to determine if the students’
scores in their final test is reliable. However, she
has only one set of test and her students are
already on vacation. What test of reliability can
she employ?
a. Test – retest
b. Kuder Richardson formula
c. Equivalent forms
d. Equivalent forms and test retest
39. Ms. Camba aims to measure product of
learning. Which of these objectives will she most
likely set for her instruction?
a. Show positive attitude toward learning
common nouns
b. Identify common nouns
c. Construct a paragraph using common nouns
d. Use a common noun in a sentence
40. Mr. Stipin developed an achievement test in
Math for her grade three pupils. Before she finalized
the test, she examined carefully if the test items
were constructed based on the competencies that
have to be tested. What test of validity was she
trying to establish?
a. Content validity
b. Concurrent validity
c. Predictive validity
d. Construct validity
41. Ms. Hao wants to establish the reliability of her
achievement test in English. Which of the following
activities will help achieve her purpose?
a. Administer two parallel tests to different group of
b. Administer two equivalent tests to the same group of
c. Administer a single test but to different group of students
d. Administer two different tests but to the same group of
42. What correlation is determined when there
are three raters of an essay test?

A.Triple rater
B. External rater
C. Multiple rater
D. Inter-rater
43. As positive correlation is to direct relation, to
what relation is negative correlation?

A.Definite relation
B. Inverse relation
C. Neutral relation
D. Indefinite relation
44. An entering student In college would like to
determine which course Is best suited for him.
Which test Is appropriate for this purpose?
A. Achievement test
B. Intelligence test
C. Diagnostic test
D. Aptitude test
45. In assessment for Problem-Based Learning,
who are responsible in judging student
A. Teacher-and-supervisors
B. Teacher-and-students
C. Teacher-students-supervisors
D. Teacher and peers
46. Tests should be non-threatening, but which
of the following actually threatens students?

A. Self-record of test scores

B. Scheduled exam
C. Surprise quiz
D. Submission of report
47. What kind of assessment helps teachers
determine gaps in learning a subject matter?

A. Formative assessment
B. Summative assessment
C. Diagnostic test
D. Placement examination
48. Among standardized tests, which is to
measure cognitive abilities, and administered
either as a group or individual test?
A. Intelligence test
B. Aptitude test
C. Achievement test
D. Personality test
49. What dependent variable can be used to test
the hypothesis, "The more a teacher knows
about a specific subject matter, the better she can
teach it"?
A. Teacher's yearly performance rating
B. Personality traits of the teacher
C. Motivation from the school head
D. Incentives offered to teachers
50. What is wrong with test items that give clues
to answers to questions?
A. Unclear directions
B. Tests brevity
C. Poor construction
D. Ambiguity
51. What is being assessed by the Rubric that
seeks to assess high, moderate, or low
imaginative thinking?
A. Creativity
B. Appeal
C. Aesthetic
D. Craftsmanship
52. In a Problem-Based Learning Group, who
take notes, join discussion and review
A. Facilitator
B. Team members
C. Team leader
D. Recorder
53. To what principle should the
responsibility of the teacher be shared?
•A. Learner accountability
•B. Learner responsibility
•C. Learner performance
•D. Learner competencies
• 54. In his Literature class, teacher Ted gives
stress to one's own ability to write poetic verse,
drawn from sensible images thoughts and
perceptions. What creative thinking behavior is
he trying to develop in students?
• A. Curiosity
• B. Originality
• C. Awareness
• D. Elaboration
• 55. Among written categories of assessment
methods, what instruments did teacher Mona
use when she used a check list in order to grade
the dramatic performance of students in play?
• A. Performance test
• C. Product rating scale
• B. Observation and self-reports
• D. Oral questioning
• 56. Which is the research method or technique
best suited for the study of the incidences in
early marriage in Barangay Rizal?

• A. Case Study
• B. Observational technique
• C. Historical method
• D. Opinion polling
• 57. What should be the basis of remedial

• A. Complex patterns in learning

• B. Basic errors and lapses
• C. Errors, failings and lapses
• D. Identified systematic errors by students
• 58. Among general categories of assessment
methods, what instruments did pre-school
teacher Eva use when she rated the hand writing
of her student using a prototype handwriting
• A. Performance test
• B. Written response instruments
• C. Observation, and self-reports
• D. Product rating scale
• 59. Which indicator is most useful for assessing
quality of schooling?

• A. Drop-out rate
• B. Net enrollment rate
• C. Cohort survival rate
• D. Participation rate
• 60. In order for assessment to have clarity of
learning targets, outcomes must be stated in
behavioral terms so that this can be measured.
Which of the following shows this desired clarity?
• A. To practice reading with competence
• B. To improve the speed of reading competence
• C. To appreciate reading competence
• D. To understand the concept of reading
• 61. Using Rubrics, which is futuristic and
hypothetical, among the following criteria
chosen to assess a planned students affairs
program for the school year?
• A. Projected impact of projects/activities
• B. Feasibility of projects/activities
• C. Full participation of students
• D. Significance of the students affairs program
• 62. Which of the following is the most reliable
tool for determining the students' ability to

• A. Portfolio assessment
• B. Interview of students
• C. Scoring rubric
• D. Self-assessment
• 63. With closeness to direct experience as
standard, which one should a teacher choose?
• A. contrived experiences
• C. dramatized experiences
• B. study trip
• D. demonstration
64. What is known as a self-appraisal for
professional growth that is acceptable and useful
for recognizing weakness and strengths for a new
or beginning teacher?
• A. Self-evaluation
• B. Master teacher's evaluation
• C. Student's evaluation
• D. Principal's evaluation
• 65. Teacher Mona is a great lecturer and so she is
invited to speak and represent the school
on many occasions. What is one quality of her lectures
when she follows a planned
sequence, not diverting so as to lose attention of her
• A. Fluency
• B. Explicit explanations
• C. Inclusion of elements
• D. Continuity
• 66. The test questions in Teacher Dante's test
were confusing and subject to wrong
understanding, especially to poorer students.
What was wrong with the test?
• A. Test items inappropriate for outcomes being
• B. Inappropriate level of difficulty of items
• C. Unclear directions
• D. Ambiguity
• 67. Among recording devices during assessment,
which can the student use to describe behavior
and context without which observations may be
forgotten or remember incorrectly?

• A. Portfolio
• B. Anecdotal record
• B. Checklist
• D. Self-assessment
• 68. Of the types of validity for tests, what type
constructs a test for a particular subject, the
items adequately reflecting the Specific matter
of the subject?
• A. Content validity
• B. Criterion validity
• C. Curricular validity
• D. Predictive validity
• 69. Among standardized tests, which reveals
strengths and weaknesses for purposes of
placement and formulating an appropriate
instructional program?
• A. Achievement tests
• B. Diagnostic tests
• C. Competency tests
• D. Personality tests
• 70. In using Essay questions, what of the
following are these tests susceptible to, such as
to make them less reliable to measure broad
knowledge of the subject matter?
• A. Bluffing
• B. Guessing
• C. Time consuming
• D. Cheating
• 71. Of skills teachers should understand and
students need to acquire, which is the ability to
monitor and modify thinking, as well as deal
with ambiguous or unclear information without
getting frustrated?
• A. Focusing
• B. Tolerance
• C. Sharpening
• D. Narrowing
• 72. What primary response factor is considered
by Essay questions?

• A. Wide sampling of ideas

• B. Factual information
• C. Originality
• D. Less time for construction and scoring
• 73. What is a scoring guide that lists the criteria
and their levels of quality on which the
evaluation will be focused?
• A. Portfolio
• B. Stem
• C. Journal
• D. Rubric
• 74. Using intrinsic motivational assessment,
what could be the most noble motive in
students pursuing a lifetime work and mission
for the teaching profession?
• A. Promise of higher rank and prestige
• B. Social service to upcoming generations
• C. Economic security and welfare
• D. Respected position in society
• 75. Among written categories of assessment
methods, what instruments did Science teacher
Julian use when he prepared a list of behavior
that makes up a certain type of performance in
the use of a microscope?
• A. Observation and self-report
• B. Product rating scale
• C. written response instruments
• D. Performance test
• 76. Which of the following are alternatives

• A. Portfolio, exhibits, journals

• B. Paper-and-pencil test, demonstration, reports
• C. Multiple choice, structured observation,
sentence completion
• D. Self-assessment, authentic assessment,
• 77. Using Rubrics to assess power-point
presentations of students, which criteria from
the following is most significant as it is the
essence the presentations?
• A. Presentation design
• B. Oral delivery
• C. Content value
• D. Orderly sequencing
• 78. For assessment in Problem-Based Learning,
how do you classify the teacher's assessment of
individual students presenting their output in
• A. Peer assessment
• B. Cased-based assessment
• C. Group assessment
• D. Individual assessment
• 79. With manner of answering as a criterion,
which of the following does NOT belong to this
test group?

• A. Completion test
• B. Matching
• C. True-False
• D. Multiple choice
• 80. What is the transformation strategy in
outcome-based education that caters to bodily
kinesthetic potentials through socialization?

• A. Reciprocal Questioning
• B. Human Chain
• C. Recitation
• D. Bingo
• 81. In interpreting assessment results, which is
described when the results are consistent?
• A. Reliability
• B. Validity
• C. Subjectivity
• D. Objectivity
• 82. What kind of plan can be developed by
keeping track of assessment results from one
periodic rating to the next?

• A. Annual Implementation Plan

• B. School Improvement Plan
• C. Division Plan
• D. Regional Plan
• 83. If Mr. Ibarra will have to make a scoring
rubric for the students output, what format is
better to construct considering that the teacher
has limited time to evaluate their work?
• A. analytic rubric
• B. holistic rubric
• C. either a or b
• D. neither a nor b
• 84. Which should be done first when planning
for a performance-based assessment?
• A. determine the table of specifications
• B. set the competency to be assessed
• C. set the criteria in scoring
• D. prepare a scoring rubric
• 85. A law providing for the establishment and
maintenance of an integrated system of education
reiterating the policy of the State to established and
maintain a complete, adequate and integrated
system of education relevant to the goals of national
development. What is this law better known as?
a. Education Act of 2001
b. Higher Education Act of 1994
c. Education Act of 1982
d. Fair and Equitable Access to Education Act
• 86. May 18, 1994, through Republic Act No. 7722,
also known as the Higher Education Act of 1994, as
part of a broad agenda for reforms in the country's
education system outlined by the Congressional
Commission on Education (EDCOM) in 1992. What
government entity was created by this law?
b. DepEd
• 87. What does R.A. 8190 provides teachers in their
respective cities, municipalities?
a. Prescribing the code of the national flag, anthem,
motto, coat of arms and other heraldic items and devices
b. Granting priority appointment or assignment to public
school teacher who reside in a barangay municipality or
city near the school
c. Establishing the national museum system and providing
for its permanent home
d. Establishing adopt-a-school program
• 88. Which of the following is not TRUE in the
implementation of the K to 12 program?
a. Universal Kindergarten started in SY 2011-2012.
b. The new curriculum for Grade 1 and Grade 7 (High
School Year 1) will be implemented in SY 2012-2013
and will progress in the succeeding school years.
c. Grade 11 (HS Year 5) will be introduced in SY 2016-
2017, Grade 12 (HS Year 6) in SY 2017-2018.
d. The first batch of students to go through K to 12 will
graduate in 2019.
• 89. Where will the additional two years be added in the K-12
a. The two years will be added after the existing six-year
elementary school program. This will be called Senior
Elementary School
b. The two years will be added after the existing four-year high
school program. This will be called Senior High School.
c. The two years will be added after the exiting four-year tertiary
program. This will be called Senior College Program.
d. The two years will be added after the student decides
whether He/She will continue going to school after the four-
year High School program.
• 90. Why is the K to 12 program better than the current
a. K to 12 offers a more balanced approach to learning that will
enable children to acquire and master lifelong learning skills (as
against a congested curriculum).
b. It will help in freeing parents of the burden of having to
spend for college just to make their children employable.
c. All graduates of this program will be successful in whatever
skill or decision they make in the future.
d. It can result to a more productive Filipinos in the long run
because High School graduates will have earned a craft that he
can use in the for productive purposes
• 91. Will K to 12 addresses the dropout problem? Which reason of the
Department of Education is out?
a. The decongested curriculum will allow mastery of competencies and enable
students to better cope with the lessons. This should partly address those who
drop out because they cannot cope with schoolwork.
b. The curriculum will be learner-centered, enriched, and responsive to local
needs. It will also allow students to choose electives that suit their interest. This
should partly address those who drop out because of lack of personal interest.
c. DepED will also continue to offer programs such as home schooling for
elementary students and the dropout reduction program for high schools. These
programs address the learning needs of marginalized students and learners at
risk of dropping out.
d. The system is full proof that parents are assured of their investment and
children will be able to face any problem they may face in the future if they try
to stay in the system.
• 92. A group of wandering teachers began to
teach in Athens in 400BC. Claimed that they
could teach any subject or skill to anyone who
wished to learn it.
a. Thomasites
b. Platos
c. Sophists
d. Aristotles
• 93. This Greek philosopher sought to discover and
teach universal principles of truth, beauty, and
goodness. His educational method consisted of
asking probing questions that forced his students to
think deeply about the meaning of life, truth, and
a. Socrates
b. Aristotle
c. Plato
d. Isocrates
• 94. He developed a method of education
designed to prepare students to be competent
orators who could serve as government officials.
a. Socrates
b. Aristotle
c. Plato
d. Isocrates
• 95. A teacher who subscribes to the pragmatic
philosophy of education believes that experience
should follow learning in her teaching, she therefore
exerts effort in _____.
• A. encouraging learners to memorize factual
• B. equipping learners with the basic abilities and skills
• C. requiring learners full mastery of the lesson
• D. providing learners opportunities to apply theories
and practices
• 96. The authoritarian setting in the Filipino
home is reinforced by a classroom teacher who:
A. encourages pupils to ask questions
B. prescribes what pupils should do
C. is open to suggestions
D. asks open ended questions
• 97. Which is not a perennialist point of view about
• A. Education should cultivate human’s rational mind.
• B. Education should stimulate humans to think
critically and thoughtfully
• C. Experience is the real test of the worth of all
• D. Truth is unusual and unchanging and therefore
good education is also constant
• 98. Which philosophy of education gives the
teachers and students time to discuss real life
problem situations and were allowed to choose
the most feasible solutions?
• A. Realism
• B. Idealism
• C. Essentialism
• D. Existentialism
• 99. A type of educational aims which develops
an individual for maximum usefulness in the
state is _____.
• A. humanism
• B. realism
• C. utilitarianism
• D. individualism
• 100. Any educational system which aims to
develop the well-rounded personality of a
person must be inspired by the ideals of the
early ____.
A. Athenian education
B. Roman education
C. Spartan education
D. Egyptian education

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