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EDU 535- Assessment in Learning 2

Final Test

DIRECTION: Read the question carefully and shade the letter of your choice in the
answer sheet.

1. It is generally defined as the process of gathering quantitative and qualitative

data for the purpose of making decision?
A. Measurement
B. Assessment
C. Evaluation
D. Testing
2. It refers to non-modern assessment strategies or tools to provide information on
student learning?
A. Instructional Materials
B. Most essential learning tools
C. Traditional Assessment
D. Alternative Assessment
3. This refers to assessing student learning by requiring a student to perform a task
or develop a product as a demonstration?
A. Portfolio Assessment
B. Authentic Assessment
C. Performance Assessment
D. Demonstration Assessment
4. If refers to the use of non-traditional assessment strategies or tools to provide
information on student learning?
A. Instructional Materials
B. Most essential learning goals
C. Traditional Assessment
D. Alternative Assessment
5. Which model of alternative assessment focuses on determining the effects of
instruction rather that determining if student have achieved the intended
A. Authentic Assessment
B. Developmental Assessment
C. Emergent Assessment
D. Performance Assessment
6. Teacher K is confused about the nature of alternative assessment of learning. A
colleague, Teacher M, explained to Teacher K that alternative assessment refers
to the use of non-traditional assessment methods like portfolio assessment. Is
Teacher M correct?
A. Yes, as portfolio assessment is a non-traditional assessment method.
B. No, as portfolio assessment means using portfolio in assessment.
C. Yes, as alternative assessment means using portfolio in assessment.
EDU 535- Assessment in Learning 2

D. No, as alternative assessment and non-traditional assessment are

7. When Teacher O discusses to her students the culminating project for her class,
she takes time to describe and elaborate the quality of the project and the criteria
that she will use to assess and grade the project. Teacher O is practicing what
criterion for determining if an assessment task is authentic or not?
A. Building around topics or issues of interest to the student
B. Involving interaction between assessor and person assessed
C. Making evaluation criteria and standards known to the student
D. Requiring learners to produce a quality product or performance
8. Teacher N is preparing a rubric for assessing a research proposal. She wants to
use the rubric to determine if the students in her class can demonstrate their
knowledge in research and research writing through the development of a
research proposal. Teacher N is doing what type of assessment?
A. Performance assessment as her intention is to determine if the students
can demonstrate what they know through the development of a research
B. Performance assessment as the purpose of the rubrics is to determine
their research writing skills.
C. Assessment of non-cognitive outcomes as research proposal writing is a
psychomotor outcome.
D. Assessment of non-cognitive outcomes as research proposal writing is an
affective outcome.
9. When teacher L grades her students’ group projects, he uses scoring rubrics to
assess and grade the students’ projects. In addition, he provides self-report
rating scale and peer report rating scale for each member of a group so students
can assess their contribution and their groupmates’ contribution in the completion
of their group project. Furthermore, Teacher L interviewed each student and
asked them questions related to their high principle of assessment?
A. Assessment requires the use of app to completed group project.
B. Assessment is both process and product oriented.
C. Assessment must be comprehensive and holistic.
D. Assessment should lead to student learning.
10. Teacher Girlie, an English teacher, wants to give an assessment task that
measures students’ skills, which of the following assessment task can BEST
address her purpose?
A. Essay
B. Interest Inventory
C. Multiple-Choice Test
D. Recital
11. A product-learning target is BEST matched with which of the following sample
assessment tasks?
A. Measuring height using a tape measure
EDU 535- Assessment in Learning 2

B. Explaining the difference between vectors and matrices

C. Demonstrating commitment to completing the group project
D. Writing an essay on the impact of social media in people’s social values
12. In his Physical Education class, Teacher Brain designed a task where his
students will be grouped into teams of five players and play half-court basketball
for 20 minutes. Which of the following learning targets can be BEST assessed in
the task?
A. Affect
B. Knowledge
C. Products
D. Skills
13. Manages time effectively to balance both academics and extra-curricular tasks
and responsibilities. This learning objectives refers to which level within Bloom’s
Taxonomy of Educational Objectives in the Affective Domain?
A. Application
B. Guided Response
C. Organization
D. Valuing
14. In designing performance assessments, what is the most important
consideration is doing so?
A. Come up with the rubric, as this will guide the teacher in rating the
students’ performance or output.
B. It provides opportunities for students to show what they know and what
they can do.
C. It is authentic as the performance task resembles what can be seen in real
D. It only measures lower level of cognitive skills.
15. What is the most important characteristic of a performance task?
A. It allows students to be involved in the process of evaluation of their peers’
performance and output.
B. It provides opportunities for students to show what they know and what
they can do.
C. It is authentic as the performance task resembles what can be seen in real
D. It only measures lower level of cognitive skills.
16. Ms. Rico teachers Fashion Design in one senior high school for the Technology
and Livelihood (TLE) and Technical-Vocational Livelihood Track. What is the
most appropriate performance assessment to conduct to measure students’
learning outcomes in this subject?
A. Student’s actual demonstration on how design and create an apparel
B. Oral questioning by the teacher
C. Portfolio of students’ designs
D. Written exams
EDU 535- Assessment in Learning 2

17. When a student says, “I feel nervous in Mathematics”, what affective trait is
illustrated by this behavior?
A. Interest
B. Motivation
C. Value
D. Attitude
18. If peter, a physics student demonstrates skills in helping other students solve a
problem in a laboratory, he is exhibiting a behavior in what level?
A. Responding
B. Valuing
C. Organizing
D. Characterizing
19. From the following, which one is the most acceptable performance term for use
in describing affective behavior at the level of valuing
A. Gives
B. Complies
C. Joins
D. Initiates
20. Which of the following sets of behaviors is at the highest level in the affective
A. Writes, complies, help
B. Defends, formulates, modifies
C. Influences, proposes, solves
D. Completes, initiates, proposes
21. Every student in Mr. Ramos’ Grade 9 class seems to bring unique problems into
the classroom. More than 40 percent of the students migrated from a politically
stricken nearby region. Each meeting seems to be in chaos. Many students
appear restless during class sessions. Others who are quite have eyes drooping
to sleep. Many seek permission to go out every now and then for a drink or visit
the rest room or clinic because of a headache. Mr. Ramos, as a class adviser,
has been reminded of significant absenteeism in the class. What affective trait
most likely contributes to the classroom incidents?
A. Political belief
B. Self-concept
C. Anxiety
D. Motivation
22. Which of the following sets of behaviors is at the highest level in the affective
A. Process Portfolio
B. Product Portfolio
C. Show Portfolio
D. Documentary Portfolio
EDU 535- Assessment in Learning 2

23. Which best feelings explains why portfolio assessment is an appropriate method
in assessing learning?
A. It allows students to assess their own learning.
B. It is more effective in assessing learning than a pen-and-paper test.
C. It is good in assessing more of the process rather that the product of
D. It demonstrates not only what the students know but also what they are
able to do.
24. You are going to assess the writing skills of the students using portfolio
assessment. Which of the following will you ask your students?
A. Let them do a reflective journal for their lessons discussed in the class.
B. Prepare a quality container for their written outputs in class.
C. Collect all their works in the class and compile them
D. Select the evidence of their learning.
25. Which of the following processes are ideal to be done by the students when they
develop their portfolios?
I. Set the competencies targeted for portfolio assessment.
II. Do the evidence that would show attainment of the target
III. Give feedback on the rubric to be used in judging evidence of
attainment of target competencies.
IV. Rate the evidence produced based on the agreed-upon rubric.
A. II and III only
B. I, II, and III only
C. II, III, IV only
D. I, II, III, and IV
26. What response format is used to described the object or behavior by making use
of two opposite adjectives.
A. Likert Scale
B. Verbal Frequency Scale
C. Graphic Scale
D. Semantic Differential Scale
27. Why do we need to arrange the response format according to the degree of
A. To place the answer in the right category.
B. To rate the answers according to the right description.
C. To make the scale discriminating for the less able answers.
D. To represent well the varied answer produced by students.
28. Why is tabular presentation a good way to summarize assessment results?
A. The raw data are represented by global scores across categories shown
in the table.
B. The rows of the frequency table break down into the smaller categories.
C. The heading in the table provides a good way to describe the total score.
EDU 535- Assessment in Learning 2

D. The column provides information what the results is all about.

29. What response format is appropriate when a teacher wants to check students’
use of polite words to adults in the school?
A. Likert Scale
B. Linear Numeric Scales
C. Picto Scale
D. Verbal Frequency Scale
30. What response format is appropriate when the teacher wants to know the
attitude of students on the ban of soft drinks in the canteen?
A. Linear Numeric Scale
B. Verbal Frequency Scale
C. Likert Scale
D. Semantic Differential Scale
31. Why should feedback be given immediately?
A. So that students can revise their answer immediately
B. Because the teacher need to maximize the classroom time
C. Several students need to be accommodated with limited time
D. So that learners will realize their mistakes
32. Why is feedback helping students improve their performance?
A. It points out the part of the performance where there is the mistakes.
B. It tells specific ways to change the work and make it better.
C. It makes the teacher think whether to make the learners resubmit.
D. It helps the teacher provide high grade in the task required.
33. What appropriate feedback is given in a class presentation where the students is
just reading the text in the presentation shown in the screen.
A. Don’t just read it, explain it
B. Why don’t you explain it to us?
C. Please explain what you have read in your own words.
D. You are expected to report not to read.
34. What appropriate feedback is given when he voice of a students during
declamation cannot be heard?
A. Make your voice louder
B. What I wrong with your voice
C. I can’t hear you.
D. Your voice is too soft.
35. Why is the comment of simply saying “very nice” a bad form of feedback?
A. No, specific behaviour commended.
B. No aspect of the behaviour is identified.
C. Misconstrued that all criteria are very nice.
D. Students commonly like to hear this comment.
36. It is an alternative assessment that pertains to students’ construction and use of
compilation in a purposeful and systematic manner in order to document their
progress in the attainment of the learning targets.
EDU 535- Assessment in Learning 2

A. Portfolio Assessment
B. Authentic Assessment
C. Performance Assessment
D. Demo Assessment
37. These are the different models of alternative assessment. Which among the
choices below does not belong to the group?
A. Emergent Assessment
B. Developmental Assessment
C. Authentic Assessment
D. Alternative Assessment
38. It is the most popular model for assessment and this refers to the use of
assessment strategies or tools that allow learners to perform or create a product
that is meaningful to the learners as they are based on real-worlds contexts.
A. Emergent Assessment
B. Developmental Assessment
C. Authentic Assessment
D. Alternative Assessment
39. It focuses on the determining the extent that students have developed their
competencies from instruction.
A. Emergent Assessment
B. Developmental Assessment
C. Authentic Assessment
D. Alternative Assessment
40. This focuses on determining the extent the effects of instruction to the students to
emphasize both the intended and unintended effects of learning outcomes.
A. Emergent Assessment
B. Developmental Assessment
C. Authentic Assessment
D. Alternative Assessment
41. Which is true about portfolio assessment?
A. It assesses process and not the product of learning.
B. It assesses product and not the process of learning.
C. It assesses the process and product of learning.
D. It is a traditional form of assessment.
42. In planning for portfolio assessment, you examined the curriculum to find out the
topics that require outputs as evidence of learning. What principle explains the
process of portfolio assessment?
A. Content Principle
B. Learning Principle
C. Equity Principle
D. Product Principle
43. What is the advantage of letting your student develop a learning portfolio?
EDU 535- Assessment in Learning 2

A. Student are evaluated in the most objective manner.

B. Student are evaluated based on varied evidence of learning.
C. Student are evaluated free from their teacher’s personal biases and
D. Student are asked to demonstrate what they are capable of doing without
necessarily providing outputs of learning.
44. You have asked your students to develop a portfolio. What should you do first?
A. Explain to the students the purpose of developing the portfolio.
B. Let the students have a copy of the rubrics for use in your assessment.
C. Group the students and let them organize all their outputs in class to form
a portfolio.
D. Let the students collect whatever they want from the activities you have
given them in class
45. You are planning performance task where your students could create some
evidence of their ability to solve word problems involving the four basic
operations. Which of the following will you consider as the best task to give to
your students as outputs for inclusion in their learning portfolio?
A. Letting the students solve a set of word problems involving the four
fundamental operations.
B. Letting the students construct word problems involving the four
fundamental operations that they have to solve after.
C. Letting the students construct word problems involving the four
fundamental operations that they have to solve and discuss with their
D. Letting the students construct word problems using the given number
sentences involving four fundamental operations that they have to solve
46. Teacher Jeng makes sure his assessment tools are congruent with the OBE
principle of expanded opportunity. He practices the principle:
A. Assessment should have clear purpose
B. Assessment is not an end in itself
C. Assessment is going, continuous and formative process
D. Assessment is learner-centered
47. “Assessment should be performed using a variety of strategies and tools
designed to assess student learning in a integrative manner” is a principle under
A. Assessment is both product and process oriented
B. Assessment must be comprehensive and holistic
C. Assessment requires the use of appropriate measures
D. Assessment should be as authentic as possible
48. Ms. Cruz is planning to develop a rubric that can use to assess her students’
performance in an individual book review reporting and in group oral presentation
EDU 535- Assessment in Learning 2

for her 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the world class. What kind
of rubric is applicable for both performance tasks?

A. Analytic
B. General
C. Holistic
D. Task-specific
49. Mr. Arevalo required his students in his Understanding Culture, Society and
Politics class to write an essay on their roles as agents of social, cultural, and
political change in the country. To evaluate his students’ work, he plans to use
different criteria separately, namely, content, organization, position/stance,
development/support, and grammar, language, and mechanics. What type of
rubric should Mr. Arevalo use?
A. Analytic
B. General
C. Holistic
D. Task-specific
50. Which is a valid tool when you want to find out how well your students can speak
A. Written quiz in extemporaneous speaking
B. Reading of written text
C. Writing speeches
D. Extemporaneous speaking performance

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