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Metode penelitian :

Descriptive research is research conducted to determine the value of one or more variables without
making a statement comparison and linking with other variables.

According to Indriantoro and Supono (2012:26) defining descriptive research is research on problems in
the form of current facts from a popularization.

According to Moleong (2017: 6) qualitative research is research that intends to understand phenomena
about what is experienced by research subjects such as behavior, perceptions,motivations, actions and
others holistically and by means of descriptions in the form of words and language, in a special natural
context by utilizing various methods natural.

Qualitative research according to Hendryadi, et. al, (2019: 218) is a process of naturalistic inquiry that
seeks an in-depth understanding of social phenomena in a general way experience. Qualitative research
emphasizes quality not quantity and the data collected does not come from questionnaires but comes
from interviews and observations directly and other related official documents. Qualitative research is
also more concerned with the process aspect than the results obtained. This is caused by the
relationship of the parts being studied will be much clearer if observed in the process.pengumpulan

questionnaires were distributed freely offline and online, we carried out the offline collection method
directly at the restaurant location, while we collected data online by distributing the Google form link
using the whatsapp group, the whatsapp group criteria for us to distribute are 1). which includes
Andalas University students 2). Students who live around Andalas University.

the amount of data we collected for two weeks was 20 respondents, with details, all of them were
Andalas university students, and had lived in the Andalas university environment for about 4 months,
and 16 of them already knew the "Ampera bukan Dia" restaurant, 5 respondents lived with family, and
the rest rent/board/dormitory

Metode analisa data

The initial stage is the open-coding stage for conduct content analysis of the respondents' answers
related to the visit to Ampera bukan dia. Respondent's answer identify their meaning segments and give
them a name naming code, then change to several groups of sub-categories for formulate categories.
Stages of distribution analysis open-coding analyzes three types of respondent data, namely analysis of
the distribution of reasons for visits, menu quality and service quality.
Alasan kunjungan

The first stage of open-coding was carried out on open-ended answers on why the visit to Ampera was
not him. Respondents' answers were formed by several keywords (codes) and various categories as shown
in table one. Based on the division of meaning segments and giving keywords (codes), there are 5
variations of respondents in giving answers

Tabel 1. Open coding Reason for visit

answers Key words Sub-categories categories

1. “Affordable price good food” 1. Affordable price 1. price range 1. price
2. the food is good 2. menu quality 2. menu
2. “the prices are affordable, and 1. Affordable price 1. price range 1. price
there are many variations on the 2. menu variations 2. menu quality 2. menu
3. “Cheap price + self service alias
1. Low price 1. price range 1. price
can eat in kuli (large) portions 2. self service 2. Quality of 2. menu
3. can eat with large service 3. service
portions 3. menu quality
4. “because I like the soy sauce 1. love the soy sauce quality 1. menu
chicken” chicken
5. “The price of side dishes is 1.theprice of fooddishes 1. price range 1. price
cheap, the location is close to is cheap 2. location range 2. Location
campus, self service” 2. the location is close 3. Quality of 3. service
3. self service service

Tabel 2. Axial coding Keyword grouping of reasons for visits

Kata kunci f Sub-kategori f kategori f

affordable prices 2 Affordable price 4 Price 4
cheap price 1
the price is cheap 1

Self service 2 Quality of service 2 service 2

Lots of variety of food 1 Quality of menu 1 Menu 1

Easily accessible 1 Location range 1 Location 1

The results of the identification of keywords (codes) which are formulated into groups of categories are
analyzed using a frequency distribution. In figure one, the category of the most dominant reason for the
visit occurred during a visit to Ampere instead of him was the price with the number of answers (4) and
the second dominant was the reason for the service that received (2). ) and location (1)
3. selective coding

Price is the reason for the large number of visitors to this restaurant, with low prices, this restaurant is
able to attract many customers, cheap prices are the most reason to visit this restaurant, besides this, at
low prices we can take large portions of food, this is what makes the majority of visitors comfortable
with this restaurant.

service is the second most reason for coming to this restaurant, visitors can take as much food as they
want because this restaurant uses the self-service method, this self-service method is what triggers
consumer satisfaction to come to this restaurant, apart from self-service, the waiters in this restaurant
are also friendly

location that is easily accessible and close to campus is the third most common reason to visit this

Teenagers have many intereststo visit the restaurant in order to get social recognition for him, but it
doesn't seem to apply to this restaurant, because based on existing data, people come to this restaurant
purely just to relieve their hunger

PRICE is the main factor that

makes consumers want to visit 'not
him' restaurants repeatedly

An easily accessible Hospitality and a buffet

location makes this Factors motivating
system add to the
restaurant much sought return visits
convenience of this
after by people restaurant

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