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Enano, Cathleen Gale C.



Nationalism is "disliking people you've never met and being proud of

something you didn't do."

It involves believing that your place of birth makes you superior to

others. believing, without a doubt, that our method is the best.
Declaring constantly that "we're number one" while ignoring any
evidence to show otherwise.
It's wonderful that nationalism promotes a sense of belonging among
children and youngsters to their growing culture. When they look at all
of their neighbors, they can see that they are a part of a larger
community with a rich history and large population. They have the
chance to consider what being Filipino means to them before we lose
sight of who we are.
Filipinos are reminded by nationalism that what makes them special is
a component of a larger story that they must appreciate and be proud
of. All Filipinos should care about our culture and identity, not just
those who have faced discrimination because of their appearance or
origins. No matter who we are, we all belong in the Philippines, and
we need to understand why that is the case. .

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