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DELA CRUZ, Christine Mae C.


Bayan, Bayani, Bayanihan

I used to think that I am relatively aware of the happenings around me; the
society and the country, but I ve realized that all I am aware of are just pieces
of a story as I only look at things on my convenience.

I used to think that I am signi cantly immersed of the recognitions of the

Philippines, but I ve realized that I am not familiar about the notable and
inspirational people that has brought name to our country.

Because of these realizations, I will strive to learn more about our country and its
citizens, in all the possible ways.

I ve also realized that it is my responsibility as a Filipino to make meaningful

contributions to our country.

I now strongly believe that a country s development is in the hands of the people
who always seek for its betterment.

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