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Long Distance Tips

1. Always start and end the day with “I love you” (or good morning etc.)
2. Be aware and understanding of each other’s schedule
3. Make the small moments special
a. Date night making the same meals
b. Starting a movie or series at the same time to “watch” things together
c. Give partner homework - Share favorite movies, books, food, and poems and talk about
how you liked them
d. Write letters or postcards
e. Send care packages for stressful events
f. Send article of clothing with your smell for your partner (James wear a sweatshirt for a
month then ship it to Stephanie or send a small bottle of cologne she can spray on a
pillow next to her bed
g. Leave voicemails or voice messages for each other
h. Go on a walk together while on the phone. Stare at the moon and realize your both
sitting under the same moons and stars.
4. Start watch a tv show online and give each other days or weeks to catch up and watch it
5. Stay flexible
6. Don’t be afraid to sext or use toys if you’re ready
7. Use the time apart to work on hobbies or better yourself for when you’re together again
8. Get excited planning out the future, future visits, or vacations together
9. Be honest with each other and share your feeling of longing, the hard days, and the good days
10. Trust each other and communicate any feelings you’re having

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