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aubergine Noun Berenjena Food and cooking
Avocado Noun Aguacate Food and cooking
Baked Adjective Al horno Food and cooking
Beans Plural noun Judías Food and cooking
Beef Noun Ternera Food and cooking
Beetroot Noun Remolacha Food and cooking
Boiled Adjective Cocido Food and cooking
Cabbage Noun Col Food and cooking
Cherries Plural noun Cerezas Food and cooking
Chicken Noun Pollo Food and cooking
Courgette Noun Calabacín Food and cooking
Crab Noun Cangrejo Food and cooking
Cucumber Noun Pepino Food and cooking
Duck Noun Pato Food and cooking
Egg Noun Huevo Food and cooking
Fish Noun Pescado Food and cooking
Fried Adjective Frito Food and cooking
Fruit Noun Fruta Food and cooking
Grapes Noun Uvas Food and cooking
Grilled Adjective A la parrilla Food and cooking
Lamb Noun Cordero Food and cooking
Lemon Noun Limón Food and cooking
Lobster Noun Langosta Food and cooking
Mango Noun Mango Food and cooking
Meat Noun Carne Food and cooking
Melon Noun Melón Food and cooking
Mussels Plural noun Mejillones Food and cooking
Peach Noun Melocotón Food and cooking
Pear Noun Pera Food and cooking
Pepper Noun Pimiento Food and cooking
Pork Noun Cerdo Food and cooking
Potatoes Plural noun Patatas Food and cooking
Prawns Plural noun Gambas Food and cooking
Raspberries Plural noun Frambuesas Food and cooking
Roast Adjective Asado Food and cooking
Salmon Noun Salmón Food and cooking
Seafood Noun Marisco Food and cooking
Squid Noun Calamar Food and cooking
Steamed Adjective Al vapor Food and cooking
Tuna Noun Atún Food and cooking
Vegetable Noun Verdura Food and cooking
Affectionate Adjective Cariñoso Personality
Ambitious Adjective Ambicioso Personality
Anxious Adjective Preocupado Personality
Bossy Adjective Mandón Personality
Charming Adjective Encantador Personality
Competitive Adjective Competitivo Personality
Dishonest Adjective Deshonesto Personality
Disorganized Adjective Desorganizado Personality
Friendly Adjective Amable Personality
Honest Adjective Honrado Personality
Imaginative Adjective Imaginativo Personality
Inmature Adjective Inmaduro Personality
Impatient Adjective Impaciente Personality
Independent Adjective Independiente Personality
Insecure Adjective Inseguro Personality
Insensitive Adjective Insensible Personality
Irresponsible Adjective Irresponsable Personality
Kind Adjective Amable Personality
Mature Adjective Maduro Personality
Moody Adjective De humor cambiante Personality
Organized Adjective Organizado Personality
Patient Adjective Paciente Personality
Rebellious Adjective Rebelde Personality
Reliable Adjective De confianza Personality
Responsible Adjective Responsable Personality
Self-confident Adjective Seguro de sí mismo Personality
Selfish Adjective Egoísta Personality
Sensible Adjective Sensato Personality
Sensitive Adjective Sensible Personality
Sociable Adjective Sociable Personality
Spoilt Adjective Malcriado Personality
Stubborn Adjective Terco Personality
sympathetic Adjective Compasivo Personality
Tidy Adjective Ordenado Personality
Unambitious Adjective Poco ambicioso Personality
Unfriendly Adjective antipático Personality
Unimaginative Adjective Poco imaginativo Personality
Unkind Adjective Cruel Personality
Unreliable Adjective Poco fiable Personality
Unselfish Adjective Egoísta Personality
Unsociable Adjective Poco sociable Personality
Untidy Adjective Desordenado Personality
Cake Noun Pastel Food and cooking
Cookie Noun Galleta Food and cooking
Fresh Adjective Fresco Food and cooking
Frozen Adjective Congelado Food and cooking
Fruit salad Noun Ensalada de fruta Food and cooking
Hot Adjective Picante Food and cooking
Low-fat Adjective Bajo en grasa Food and cooking
Onions Plural noun Cebollas Food and cooking
Pasta Plural noun Pasta Food and cooking
Pear Noun Pera Food and cooking
Raw Adjective Crudo Food and cooking
Spicy Adjective Picante Food and cooking
Tinned Adjective En lata Food and cooking
Tomato Noun Tomate Food and cooking
How fantastic! ¡Es fantástico! Practical english
I don't believe it. No puedo creerlo. Practical english
Never mind. No importa. Practical english
Oh no! ¡Oh no! Practical english
Really? ¿De verdad? Practical english
That's great news! ¡Una noticia estupenda! Practical english
What a great idea! ¡Qué gran idea! Practical english
What a pity. ¡Qué pena! Practical english
You're kidding. Estás de broma Practical english
Go ahead. Adelante Social english
He's a really nice guy. Es un chico estupendo Social english
How do you see… ¿Cómo ves...? Social english
How incredible! ¡Es increíble! Social english
I mean...
Not really
That’s because
Things like that.
Allergic Adjective
Cheer yourself up
Filling Noun
Generous Adjective
Intolerant Adjective
Miss Verb
Ready-made Adjective
Rebellious Adjective
Takeaway Noun
Talkaltive Adjective
Topping Noun
Afford Verb
Borrow Verb
Budget Noun
Charge Verb
Contactless payment Noun
Cost Verb
Earn Verb
Inherit Verb
Insurance Noun
Invest Verb
Lend Verb
Live off Ph verb
Live on Ph verb
Loan Noun
Mortgage Noun
Note Noun
Owe Verb
Pay Verb
Pay back Ph verb
Raise Verb
Salary Noun
Save Verb
Spend Verb
Take out Ph verb
Tax Noun
Waste Verb
Worth adjective
Beauty treatment Noun
Cash machine Noun
Cleaning product Noun

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