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LAW P.D. 1181

is Law has defined as the body rules of
The purpose of law conduct or action that has been prescribed
o u g h t h e l a w ; the by the controlling authority and has a
n the
information is passed o legal binding force. Also, the law must be
n s e v e r y d a y i n many followed and obeyed by all the citizens.
citize is
ways. A l s o , i t Failing to do so, will result in legal
various h e s
i n m a n y b r a n c consequences of the law.
reflected l e ,
law. For e x a m p
of h a t
l a w s t a t e s t
agreement need to exc It is the purpose of this Decree to prevent
s o r a n y thing control and abate the emissions of air
services, good
i s o f v a l u e . T h u s, it pollution from motor vehicle in order to
everyt h i n g from protect the health and welfare of the people
includes the
g a t i c k e t t o prevent or minimize damage to property and
purchasin the
trading options o n hazards to land transportation.
derivates ma r k e t .

WHAT I Furthermore, property law defines the duties and rights of

S THE people toward the property. This includes real estate along
with possession also its intangible property like shares of
E stock and bank account various offense against state
OF THI federal or local community in itself appeared as a subject
S LAW? of criminal law.

Thus, it provides the government to punish offender

there are many purposes served by the law out of these
the main four are maintaining order establishing
standard, protecting liberties and resolving disputes.

What are the

under this Law? CONTROL
Owner or Operator shall not
discharge air pollutants at level
greater than the acceptable DEVICE
pollutant concentration

Shall not use his vehicle or cause or

allow vehicle to be used unless such
motor vehicle meets the established Section 6: If motor vehicle
emission standards. doesn't meet established
emission standard, vehicle is
No imported or locally manufactured required to install any
motor vehicle shall be sold, registered appropriate pollution control
or operated after the date of device or devices of his own
effectivity of the implementing rules choice which meet specifications.
and regulations of this decree
*unless it meets the established emission standards as certified
by the National Pollution Control Commission.

Promulgate rules and regulations

The National Pollution
for appropriate control measures to Control Commission with
implement and attain the objectives
of this Decree
the help of transportation
agencies, National Police,
Ensure the implementation and traffic agencies, and local
vigorous enforcement of this Decree govt. shall...
and its implementing rules and

Prohibit or enjoin in writing, the use of motor vehicles or any specified class of
motor vehicles in any area or street at all times, or during particular times, as may
be so specified in order to protect human health and public welfare and to ensure
compliance with the established national ambient air quality standards.

shall be responsible for the inspection of motor vehicles and their testing for the
purpose of determining the concentration and/or rate of emission of air pollutants
emitted by them; the correct installation, maintenance and operation of any or all
pollution control devices; and for recommending withholding, or suspension of, the
registration of any vehicle which does not comply with the regulations. It shall also
be responsible for the establishment and operation of a sufficient number of centers
where such inspections and testing may be effectively carried out and appropriate
certificates of compliance issued.

Any person violating this

decree and/or its

implementing rules and

regulations involving the

same vehicle shall,

for the first

for the second

offense, be liable to
offense, to a fine of

a fine of not
not exceeding

exceeding P200.00 P500.00

for the third and succeeding

offense to a fine of not

exceeding P1,000.00 plus the

suspension of his vehicle's

certificate of registration,

until such time as he shall

have complied with the

requirements of the


Fact no.1
One of the most shocking car
air pollution facts is that
motor vehicles are
responsible for around 51% of
carbon monoxide pollution.
The gas contributes to smog
pollution, deteriorates air
quality, and can be deadly in
high concentration.

Fact no.2
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a
virulent air polluting element
Fact no.3 and 31% of all atmospheric
Car pollution statistics clearly show CO2 comes from automobiles
that motor vehicles also discharge
alone. Too much of this gas in
nearly 34% of all nitrogen oxide and
the environment is harmful to
all volatile substances in the
environment. These elements are human health and
dangerous for human health and detrimental to the ozone
plant life. layer.

Fact no.4
The exhaust system releases
many gaseous constituents that
cause more clouds and less rain,
bringing a significant negative
impact on the environment.

Balbin, Ma. Margarette
Domantay, Erwin
Medina, Princess Allura
Salandanan, Mary Angel


“We accept responsibility for our role in

ensuring the integrity of the work submitted by the group in which we participated.”

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