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Name: ___Tianna Burrows_____________________________________

Class: World History_
SHEET Date: ___12___/ ___8__/ _22_______
Plagues and War Period ______

Main Ideas/Vocab/Questions NOTES

Warm-up Keep your immune system up by drinking a lot of vitamin C, Drink plenty of
water and make sure you get 7-8 hours of sleep

Deadly Epidemics Epidemics have been around for centuries we’ve found ways to get rid of them
like AIDS and Smallpox

Black Death Highly contagious bacteria attacking your reproductive system

First case in 1347
1 out of every 3 died

Plague Spreads Disease was spread by fleas in rats

The disease became an epidemic: Outbreak of rapid spreading disease
50 million people died from it

Life and the Economy Thought God was “punishing” them

Fled cities or hit in their homes
Every religion got blamed by the Christians
Church looked Weak Priest and monks, we dying
The Church was unable to provide answers for the people

Hundred Year War 1357 – 1453, England and France fought over land in France

Joan of Arc 17-year-old Peasant woman

Sent by God to save France
France won many things with Joan
She was burned on a stake

Result France uses the canon and won the war

Nationalism spreads in France
French kings expand their rules

Summary (Exit Ticket) The Black Death cause a lot of issues such as Christians killing Jews and
Muslims because they didn’t believe in God along with everyone getting angry
that the rich getting medical help.

The Black Death had a negative impact on the church due to them not having
answers for everything. So everyone was attacking everyone causing more and
more people to die all because they didn’t believe in God
SUMMARY: Write 4 or more sentences describing specific learning from these notes.

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