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Assessment 1: The value of life

Rights, Duties, and Freedoms

Abortion has always been a controversial topic and people have many different perspectives and
opinions, throughout history abortion was considered a crime in many different countries.

Roe v Wade was ruled in 1973, this ruling gave women the right to decide whether to continue a
pregnancy or not. This law legalised abortion until a foetus became visible with a heartbeat, usually
during the rst 10 weeks of pregnancy. The decision made by the US supreme court to overturn Roe
v. Wade on June 24th, 2022, has taken away the constitutional right to seek an abortion, this has
caused a lot of con ict between, both people who are pro-life and people who are pro-choice. The
overturning of Roe v. Wade allowed the divided individual states to decide independently the legal
framework for abortion care. A decision that had a disproportionate impact on the reproductive lives
of women in the country of America.

Roe set reproductive decision-making along with other necessary rights including freedom of
speech and freedom of act, referring to this as "strict scrutiny”. This decision impacted women by
removing women’s constitutional right to choose what to do with their own bodies during
pregnancy. A growing number of women face hurdles and problems due to harmful legislative
restrictions which target abortion clinics and for many other women, the desired pregnancy might
be transformed by a life-changing situation that may include a serious medical diagnosis that
requires immediate medical attention, that is incompatible with pregnancy. Many women might face
many nancial barriers that might get in the way of caring for a child. This ban has caused outrage
among survivors of sexual assault because now they have to struggle with the duties of taking care
of the child and they would have to struggle with their mental, nancial and physical health.

The public has the right to have their own opinion about this topic, but so far, this ban has caused
nothing but problems and complications for many women all over the world. Many women have
spoken out about these issues they are currently facing and are trying to create awareness to defend
all women who went through complications. Abortions will never stop, but this law has increased
the chance of unsafe abortions, putting the mother in danger.

Certain information and research are taken from


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