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Services Marketing (Assignment 1)

Name: Aleena Liaqat

ID: 19U00492

QS1: List 10 services and 10 products that you have purchased recently.
Ans: The 10 goods that I purchased recently include cellphone, watch, some products from
grocery shop, fruits, coffee, clothes, makeup, shoes, pizza. The services that I purchased
recently include banking services, food delivery, haircut, room cleaning, education, security.

QS2: List 8 differences between good and services.

Ans: The 8 differences between good and services are following:
1) Services are perishable whereas not all goods are perishable.
2) Goods are tangible in nature whereas services are intangible in nature.
3) Goods have a specific time period between production and consumption whereas
services are produced and consumed together.
4) Goods can be stored whereas services cannot be stored.
5) Transfer of ownership of goods is possible whereas in the case of services the transfer of
ownership is not possible.
6) Goods are the material items that can be touched, seen and felt whereas services are
benefits and facilities provided by other people.
7) Goods can be returned but services cannot be returned once provided.
8) Goods can be separated from the seller but the services cannot be separated from the
service provider.

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