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Rennaisance and Reformation (1510-1620) September 23rd

Author biography work genre

Ralegh 1552 – 29 October As You Came from poem and fantastical
1618 also spelled the Holy Land allegory
Ralegh, was an (attributed)
English statesman, A Farewell to False
soldier, spy, writer, Love.
poet, explorer and [Fortune Hath Taken
landed gentleman. Thee Away, My Love]
One of the most See All Poems by Sir
notable figures of the Walter Ralegh.
Elizabethan era, he
played a leading part
in English colonisation
of North America,
suppressed rebellion
in Ireland, helped
defend England
during the Spanish
Armada and held
political positions
under Elizabeth I.
Spenser He was an English "The Ruines of Time" poem and fantastical
poet best known for "The Teares of the allegory
The Faerie Queene, Muses"
an epic poem and "Virgil's Gnat"
fantastical allegory "Prosopopoia, or
celebrating the Tudor Mother Hubberds
dynasty and Elizabeth Tale"
I. He is recognized as "Ruines of Rome: by
one of the premier Bellay"
craftsmen of nascent "Muiopotmos, or the
Modern English verse Fate of the Butterflie"
and is often "Visions of the Worlds
considered one of the Vanitie"
greatest poets in the "The Visions of
English language. Bellay"
Marlowe Christopher Marlowe Christopher Renaissance drama,
was an Elizabethan Marlowe's most Renaissance poetry
poet and William famous play is The
Shakespeare’s most Tragicall History of D.
important Faustus. His other
predecessor in English plays are Tamburlaine
drama. He is noted the Great; Dido,
especially for his Queen of Carthage;
establishment of Edward II; The
dramatic blank verse. Massacre at Paris;
In a playwriting and The Jew of Malta
career that spanned
little more than six
years, Marlowe’s
achievements were
diverse and splendid.
Shakespeare William Shakespeare His 17 comedies Shakespearean critics
was a renowned include The Merchant have broken the plays
English poet, of Venice and Much into four categories:
playwright, and actor Ado About Nothing. tragedies, comedies,
born in 1564 in Among his 10 history histories, and
Stratford-upon-Avon. plays are Henry V and "problem plays."
His birthday is most Richard III. The most
commonly celebrated famous among his
on 23 April , which is tragedies are Hamlet,
also believed to be Othello, King Lear and
the date he died in Macbeth.
1616. Shakespeare also
wrote 4 poems, and a
Shakespeare was a famous collection of
prolific writer during Sonnets which was
the Elizabethan and first published in
Jacobean ages of 1609.
British theatre .
Shakespeare’s plays
are perhaps his most
enduring legacy, but
they are not all he
wrote. Shakespeare’s
poems also remain
popular to this day.
Jonson Craig Johnson, a Walt Longmire series Mystery, Crime
writer from Wyoming, of novels fiction, Detective
is the author of fiction, Westerns
multiple novels in the
Walt Longmire
mystery series which
has garnered popular
and critical acclaim

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