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Fuchs, F. (1971), Biochim. Biophys. Acta 245,221. Murray, A. C., and Kay, C. M. (1971), Biochem. Biophys.
Goodman, M., and Toniolo, C. (1968), Biopolymers 6, 1673. Res. Commun. 44,237.
Greaser, M. L.,andGergely, J. (1971), J. Biol. Chem. 246,4226. Richards, E. G., Teller, D. C . , and Schachman, H. K . (1968),
Han, M. H., and Benson, E. S. (1970), Biochem. Biophys. Res. Biochemistry 7,1054.
Commun. 38,378. Schaub, M. C., Perry, S. V., and Hacker, W. (1972), Biochem.
Hartshorne, D. J., and Mueller, H. (1968), Biochem. Biophys. J. 126,237.
Res. Commun. 31,647. Shapiro, A. L., Vinuela, E., and Maizel, J. V. (1967), Biochem.
Hartshorne, D. J., and Pyun, H. Y. (1971), Biochim. Biophys. Biophys. Res. Commun. 28,815.
Acta 229,698. Yphantis, D. A. (1964), Biochemistry 3,297.

Metabolic Profiles of Three Fiber Types of

Skeletal Muscle in Guinea Pigs and Rabbitst
James B. Peter,* R. James Barnard, V. Reggie Edgerton, Cynthia A. Gillespie, and
Kerstin E. Stempel

ABSTRACT: Certain guinea pig and rabbit skeletal muscles, addition to moderate to high glycolytic capacity. Conse-
which are composed solely or predominantly of a single type quently these fibers, previously labeled fast-twitch red, can more
of fiber as defined histochemically, were analyzed for various explicitly be called fast-twitch-oxidative-glycolytic fibers.
enzymatic and substrate characteristics. The results show that Although this fiber type is found in the rabbit, no muscle
fiber types in the adult guinea pig and rabbit limb muscles consisting predominantly of fibers that are fast-twitch-oxida-
can be conveniently classified into three categories on the tive-glycolytic was found. The soleus muscle is slow twitch
basis of three criteria, (1) the contraction time of the fiber and chemically is characterized by low glycogen concentra-
relative to others within the same animal, (2) glycolytic capac- tion and low phosphorylase, lactate dehydrogenase, and
ity, and (3) oxidative capacity. The rabbit semimembranosus mitochondrial a-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase activities
accessorius and the white portion of the guinea pig vastus together with a moderate cytochrome concentration and suc-
lateralis are fast twitch and have a very high anaerobic capac- cinate dehydrogenase activity. These features indicate a mod-
ity, as indicated by glycogen concentration and phosphoryl- erate to high aerobic and a relatively low glycolytic capacity.
ase, lactate dehydrogenase and mitochondrial a-glycero- Formerly labeled the slow-twitch intermediate fiber they are
phosphate dehydrogenase activities. Cytochrome concentra- more appropriately called slow-twitch-oxidative fibers. These
tion and succinate dehydrogenase activity are low, indicating data provide quantitative information on the metabolic
a low aerobic capacity. Consequently these fibers, formerly characteristics of the three distinct muscle fiber types pre-
termed fast-twitch white, are more explicitly called fast- viously described by histochemical techniques. Furthermore,
twitch-glycolytic fibers. The red portion of the guinea pig since muscles composed of fast-twitch-oxidative-glycolytic
vast us lateralis has a high glycogen concentration, moderate or slow-twitch-oxidative fibers are red in appearance the
lactate dehydrogenase, and high phosphorylase and a-glyc- classification of skeletal muscle solely as “red” and “white”
erophosphate dehydrogenase activities. The red vastus lat- is imprecise and incomplete. Failure to recognize this can
eralis has the highest cytochrome concentration and succinate complicate the interpretation of studies with skeletal muscle.
dehydrogenase activity, indicating a high aerobic capacity in

I n 1873 Ranvier reported that muscles which were slow

contracting appeared red whereas fast contracting muscles
ized as “red” or “white” (Barnard et al., 1971 ; Edgerton and
Simpson, 1969; Guth and Samaha, 1969; cf Peter, 1972).
appeared white. Exceptions to this general relationship be- Histochemical, biochemical, and physiological studies of
tween “redness” of a muscle and speed of contraction were hind-limb skeletal muscle of guinea pigs have demonstrated
later reported by Denny-Brown (1929). More recent investi- the presence of three fiber types, each of which possesses a
gations using a variety of histochemical techniques have dem- distinctive combination of histochemical and mechanical
onstrated that most skeletal muscles are composed of differ- characteristics (Barnard et al., 1971). These three fiber types
ent types of fibers and that muscles cannot be simply categor- were classified as fast-twitch red, fast-twitch white, and slow-
twitch intermediate based on (1) their twitch characteristics
~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~
which correlate with the specific activity of myosin ATPase
t From the Neuromuscular Diseases Research Group and the and (2) histochemical assessment of their oxidative and gly-
Departments of Medicine and Physical Education, University of colytic capacities (Edgerton and Simpson, 1969; Gillespie
California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California 90024. Received
December 14, I971. Supported by National Institutes of Health Grants
e f al., 1970; Barnard et al., 1971;Peter, 1972).
H D 02584, NS 07587, and NS 08590. Dr. R . James Barnard is a post- The purpose of this paper is to provide quantitative data on
doctoral fellow of the Muscular Dystrophy Associations of America. the enzyme activities and glycogen concentration in muscles

BIOCHEMISTRY, VOL. 11, NO. 14, 1 9 7 2 2627

PETER e t al.

composed predominately or exclusively of one of these types Hexokinase (EC activity was measured by a modi-
of fibers. Based on the data obtained and on the histochemical fication of the method of Sharma et al. (1963). This method
and contractile properties described earlier (Edgerton and is based on the rate of NADPH formation in a medium con-
Simpson, 1969; Barnard et al., 1971; CJ Peter, 1972, for re- taining 50 mht Tris, 2.25 mM K2S04,8 mhi MgCl?, 3 mhi ATP.
view) a more explicit nomenclature is proposed in which the 0.2 mM EDTA, 0.75 mM NADP, 2.5 mM glucose, and e x c r ~ ,
terms fast-twitch white, fast-twitch red, and slow-twitch glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and 6-phosphogluconate
intermediate are replaced by fast-twitch-glycolytic, fast- dehydrogenase. Measurements were done on both the gauze-
twitch-oxidative-glycolytic, and slow-twitch-oxidative, re- filtered homogenate and 105,000gsupernatant.
spectively. Phosphorylase (EC activity was determined in a
medium (pH 7.4) containing 75 mM Tris, 5 nib1 MgCI?, 0.5
mM NADP, 10 m~ KPi, 0.6 mhi AMP, 1 . 3 z glycogen, and
excess glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and phosphoglu-
Muscle Preparation. The muscles used in this study were comutase. Measurements were made on the 270g supernatant
obtained from adult guinea pigs and rabbits. The soleus which contains all of the phosphorylase activity. This assay
( 1 0 0 z slow-twitch-oxidative fibers), the red portion of the medium measures total phosphorylase activity.
vastus lateralis ( 7 8 z fast-twitch-oxidative-glycolytic fibers), Lactate dehydrogenase (EC activity was measured
and the white portion of the vastus lateralis (71 % fast-twitch- as the initial rate of oxidation of NADH at pH 7.4 in a me-
glycolytic fibers) were taken from the guinea pig. The soleus dium containing 50 mM KP;, 0.45 mhi NADH, and 0.35 m u
(96 slow-twitch-oxidative fibers) and the semimembranosus sodium pyruvate. Determinations were done on the 105,OOOg
accessorius ( 8 6 z fast-twitch-glycolytic fibers) were taken supernatant which contained all of the lactate dehydrogenase
from the rabbit. The guinea pigs were sacrificed by a sharp activity.
blow to the head and the rabbits by intravenous injection of Succinate dehydrogenase (EC activity was mea-
air. The muscles were quickly removed, trimmed, and weighed. sured according to a modification of the ferricyanide method
Muscles used for cytochrome, succinate dehydrogenase, and of Bonner (1955). The gauze-filtered whole homogenate was
mitochondrial a-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase assays first preincubated at 37' for 5 min to deplete the endogenous
were immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -70' substrate. The reaction mixture (pH 7.4) contained 0.1 11
for 3-6 days. Preliminary experiments showed no loss in en- KPi, 10 miv KCN, 1 mM K3Fe(CN)8, and 20 mhi sodium
zyme activity with short periods of freezing. Myoglobin succinate. Rotenone (20 p ~ was ) added to block the oxidation
determinations were also done on frozen muscle. of NADH.
For the determination of hexokinase and lactate dehydro- a-Glycerophosphate dehydrogenase (EC activity
genase fresh muscle was homogenized in cold (1-4") buffer was measured by the ferricyanide method described by Bass
medium (pH 7.4) containing 50 mM Tris, 1 mM EDTA, 15 et al. (1969). The gauze-filtered homogenate was preincubated
mM K2S04,and 6 mM MgC12. Fresh muscles used for phos- for 5 min at 37". The reaction mixture contained 0.1 M KP;
phorylase determinations were homogenized in 100 mM Tris (pH 7.4), 5 mM EDTA, 10 mM KCN, 1 mM K3Fe(CN)c,0.4 g
(pH 7.4) and muscles used for a-1,4-glucosidase determina- of bovine albumin/100 ml, 25 mbi a-glycerophosphate, and
tions were homogenized in distilled water. For the deter- 20 p~ rotenone.
minations of cytochromes, succinate dehydrogenase, and a-I,4-Glucosiduse (EC activity was determined
mitochondrial a-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase the frozen by the method described by Hudgson et ul. (1968). The homog-
muscles were thawed and homogenized in a buffer medium enate was incubated at 37" with shaking in a medium con-
(pH 7.4) containing 50 m~ Tes, 100 mM KC1, 5 mM MgS04, sisting of 5 mhi maltose in 0.1 hi acetate (pH 4.0). Aliquots
1 mbi EDTA, and 50 mM KPi. were removed from the reaction mixture at 30 min intervals
Immediately after sacrifice the trimmed muscles to be as- and immediately placed in 1 2 % HC104. The solution was
sayed for glycogen were placed in hot KOH (373 for glyco- then neutralized with KsC03 and centrifuged at 10,OOOg for
gen extraction and subsequent acid hydrolysis (Gillespie 10 min. The amount of glucose formed was determined by the
et al., 1970). Glucose was then measured according to the maximum change in optical density when an aliquot was
method of Nelson (1944). added to a medium containing 100 mhi Tris (pH 7.4), 5 mhi
For myoglobin determinations, the muscles were thawed, MgC12, 0.5 mM NADP, 1 mM ATP, and excess hexokinase
homogenized with sand in a mortor and dialyzed overnight and glucose-6-phosphatedehydrogenase.
against 0.1 M Tris (pH 8.2). Supernatants were then chromato- Cytochromes a and c concentrations were measured by the
graphed on a Cellex D (DEAE) column and myoglobin was difference spectra method of Schollmeyer and Klingenberg
determined according to Brown (1961) with the following (1962). Complete oxidation of the cytochromes was produced
exceptions. The precipitation of myoglobin with ammonium in a test tube containing 2 phi carbonyl cyanide nz-chloro-
sulfate was eliminated and the supernatant from the first phenylhydrazone, and 1.5 ml of homogenate (1 :7. w;v).
centrifugation was dialyzed with Tris buffer for 24 hr and To a second test tube containing 2 p~ carbonyl cyanide in-
then separated by column chromatography. chlorophenylhydrazone and 8 mM sodium succinate, 1.5 ml
Enzyme Assays. All enzyme activities were determined on a of homogenate was added and shaken for 1 min; freshly
Gilford 2000 recording spectrophotometer at 37" and are prepared potassium cyanide (2.5 mM) was then added and the
expressed as initial maximum rates. solution incubated at 37" for 5 min. Both tubes were gassed
for 30 sec with 100% Onand the difference spectra then re-
corded on a Cary 14 spectrophotometer. The difference in
1 Anatomy and abbreviations used are: exact location of the semi- optical density between the completely oxidized and coni-
membranosus accessorius is described by Kerr (1955). The small muscle pletely reduced forms was determined at the following wave
located in the middle of the semimembranosus accessorius is the semi-
membranosus proprius and is composed predominately of slow-twitch-
lengths: cytochrome c + cl, 550-541 mp, and cytochrome
oxidative fibers: Tes, N-tris(hydroxymethyl)methyl-2-aminoethane- a, 605-630 mp. Extinction coefficients of 14 and 18 were used
sulfonic acid. for cytochromes a and c , respectively.

2628 BIOCHEMISTRY, VOL. 11, NO. 14, 1 9 7 2


TABLE I : Guinea Pig Skeletal Muscle Characteristics.

Muscle Red Vastus White Vastus Soleus

Gross appearance Red White Red
Histochemical fiber type (%)"
Fast-twitch-oxidative-glycolytic 78 f 2 29 f 2 0
Fast-twitch-glycolytic 18 f 2 71 f 0 . 6 0
Slow-twitch-oxidative 4 f 0.5 0.0 100
Time-to-peak tension (msec)" 19.0 f 0 . 4 20.1 f 0 . 4 82.3 * 1.3
ATPase (pmoles/min per mg of natural
actomyosin), pH 9 . 4
Actomyosin 0.16 f 0.02 0.27 f 0.01 0.04 f 0.01
Myosin 0.34 f 0.02 (6) 0.32 i 0.01 (6) 0.14 f 0.01 (6)
Glycogen' (mg/g wet weight) 9 . 7 f 0 . 8 (11) 7 . 4 f 0 . 6 (11) 3 . 3 i 0 . 4 (5)
Phosphorylase (pmoleslmin per g)
270g supernatant 6.67 f 0.66(8) 7.13 * 0.72 (7) 1.54 f 0 . 0 9 (6)
Lactate dehydrogenase (pmoles/min/g),
105,OOOg supernatant 218 i 19(9) 449 f 41 (7) 105 f7 (6)
a-Glycerophosphate dehydrogenase
(pmoles/min per g)
Whole homogenate 1.67 f 0.16(6) 1.62 f O.lO(6) 0.61 i 0.05 (6)
Hexokinase (nmoles/min per g)
Whole homogenate 620 f 54 (6) 297 f 57 ( 5 ) 978 f 59 (4)
105,OOOg supernatant 177 f 17 71 f 11 358 f 30
a-l,4-Glucosidase (nmoles/min per g)
Whole homogenate 22.1 f 1 . 9 (4) 9.9 f 0.7 (4) 25.5 f 1.0(5)
Succinate dehydrogenase (pmoles/min
Per 8)
Whole homogenate 2.49 f 0.29 (6) 0.72 f 0.05 (5) 1.95 f 0.17 (4)
Cytochrome a (nmoles/g)
Whole homogenate 12.8 f 0 . 7 (5) 2 . 2 i 0 . 3 (7) 4 . 8 f 0 . 5 (4)
Cytochrome c (nmolesig)
Whole homogenate 18.0 f 0 . 9 (5) 1 . 9 i 0 . 3 (7) 6 . 5 f 0 . 3 (4)
Myoglobin (mg/g) 1.44 f 0.20 (14) 0.31 f 0.07 (5) 1.39 i 0 . 1 5 (8)
a Data cited from previous publications (Barnard et af.,1971 ; Gillespie et af.,1970). Values are means f std dev. The number
of muscles analyzed is given in parentheses.

Results vastus of the guinea pig and the semimembranosus accesso-

rius of the rabbit.
Table I summarizes the observations made on the three By contrast slow-twitch-oxidative fibers stain negligibly
different guinea pig muscles. The red vastus, white vastus, for myofibrillar ATPase at pH 9.4 and for mitochondrial
and soleus are composed predominately of fast-twitch-oxida- a-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase whereas the histochemical
tive-glycolytic, fast-twitch-glycolytic, and slow-twitch-oxida- activity of NADH-diaphorase and malate dehydrogenase is
tive fibers, respectively, as determined by the histochemical intermediate between that of the fast-twitch-oxidative-gly-
activity of myofibrillar ATPase, mitochondrial a-glycero- colytic and slow-twitch-oxidative fibers (Figure 1). In addi-
phosphate dehydrogenase, NADH-diaphorase, and malate tion to these differences the distribution of reaction product
dehydrogenase (Figure le-h). The specific activity of myosin with NADH-diaphorase, malate dehydrogenase, and succi-
ATPase measured in homogenates of these muscles is con- nate dehydrogenase in slow-twitch-oxidative fibers is uniform
sistent with physiological and histochemical findings (Table throughout the fiber cross-section and its size is fine in con-
I ; Figure 1; Barnard et al., 1971) in that muscles with fast trast to the subsarcolemmal preponderance of coarse reac-
contraction times have a higher specific activity of myosin tion product in fast-twitch-oxidative-glycolytic and fast-
ATPase and stain darker at pH 9.4 for myofibrillar ATPase twitch-glycolytic fibers (Figure 1 ; Table 111). In the sections
than do the slow-twitch muscles (Tables I and 11). shown, this difference in pattern is most obvious with malate
The serial sections of rabbit (Figure la-d) and guinea pig dehydrogenase (Figure ld,h).
(Figure le-h) gastrocnemius show that fibers staining darkest As illustrated in Figure la-d the third type of fiber termed
with myofibrillar ATPase also stain darkest with mitochon- fast-twitch-oxidative-glycolytic stains for myofibrillar ATPase
drial a-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase and phosphorylase and mitochondrial a-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase with
(not shown) and lightest with NADH-diaphorase and malate an intensity between that of fast-twitch glycolytic (dark) and
dehydrogenase (Figure 1). These fibers are histochemically slow-twitch-oxidative fibers (very light) but stains most in-
similar to the fast-twitch-glycolytic fibers found in the white tensely for NADH-diaphorase and malate dehydrogenase.

B I O C H E M I S T R Y , VOL. 1 I, NO. 14, 1 9 7 2 2629

P E T E R f?t U!.

TABLE 11: Rabbit Skeletal Muscle Characteristics.

._. _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._

Accessorius Soleus
Gross appearance White Red
Histochemical fiber type (%)"
Fast-twitch-oxidative-gly colytic 12 4
Fast-twitch-glycolytic 86 0
Slow-twitch-oxidative 2 96
Time-to-peak tension (msec) 30 85
Phosphorylase (pmoles/min per g)
270g supernatant 8 25 + 1 72 (4) 2 06 * 0 31 (4)
Lactate dehydrogenase (pmoles/min per g)
105, OOOg supernatant 1485 i 154 (5) 328 i 88 (5)
a-Glycerophosphate dehydrogenase (pmoles/min per g wet wt)
Whole homogenate 1 46 & 0 31 (4) 0 28 =k 0 14 (4)
Hexokinase (nmoles/min per g)
Whole homogenate 183 + 53 (7) 993 i 115 (7)
Succinate dehydrogenase (pmoles/min per g wet wt)
Whole homogenate 0 64 =k 0 14 (4) 1 81 k 0 16 (4)
Cytochrome LI (nmoles/g wet wt) < 1 O(4) 7 0 i 0 6(5)
Cytochrome c (nmoles/g wet wt)
Whole homogenate <1 0 (4) 7 3 I 0 6(4)
~~ ~

a These data are estimates taken from small samples of each of the three muscles. Values are means =tstd dev. The number of
muscles analyzed is given in parentheses.


Type of Fiber
~ ~

Fast-Twitch-Oxidative- Fast-Twitch- Slow-Twitch-

Glycolytic Glycolytic Oxidative
Staining intensity
NADH-Diaphorase High Low Intermediate
Malate dehydrogenase High Low Intermediate
Phosphorylase High High Low
PAS High High Low
Mitochondrial a-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase High High Low
Myofibrillar ATPase, pH 9.4 Intermediate-High High Low
Staining with NADH-diaphorase
Cytological localization Many Few More uniform
subsarcolemmal su bsarcolemmal throughout fiber
aggregates aggregates
Granular size of stained particles Large Large Small
Previous terminologies
Dubowitz and Pearse (1960), Engel (1962) I1 TI I
Romanul(l964) 11 I I11
Yellin and Guth (1970) ffP ff @
Ashmore and Doerr (1971) a-red a-white @-red
Brooke and Kaiser (1970) IIA IIB I
Stein and Padykula (1962) C A B
Padykula and Gauthier (1966) Red White Intermediate
Burke et al. (1971) FR FF S

Histochemical activities of phosphorylase, lactate dehydro- oxidative-glycolytic. These fibers in the guinea pig gastroc-
genase, and succinate dehydrogenase also show that this nemius are presumed to be fast because of their great histo-
fiber has more glycolytic and oxidative activity than the slow- chemical similarity to the predominant fiber of the red vastus,
twitch-oxidative fiber. Hence, it is described as fast-twitch- a muscle of the guinea pig known to be fast-twitch and com-

2630 BIOCHEMISTRY, V O L . 11, NO. 14. 1 9 7 2

B I O C H E M I S T R Y Of F I B E R T Y P E S O F S K E L E T A L M U S C L E

posed predominately of such fibers. Table 111 correlates the

histochemical characteristics of these fibers with an outline
of previous terminologies employed to describe various types
of fibers.
The histochemical activity of myofibrillar ATPase at pH
9.4 in the three fibers correlates with the specific activity of
natural actomyosin ATPase (Figure 1 and Table I); the fast-
twitch-oxidative-glycolytic fibers show more activity than the
slow-twitch-oxidative but less than fast-twitch-glycolytic
In the guinea pig the red vastus and white vastus both have
high glycogen concentrations and high phosphorylase, lactate
dehydrogenase, and mitochondrial a-glycerophosphate de-
hydrogenase activities relative to the soleus (Table I). These
muscles are composed predominately of fast-twitch-oxidative-
glycolytic, fast-twitch-glycolytic, and slow-twitch-oxidative
fibers, respectively (Table 111). Hexokinase activity which is
highest in the soleus does not parallel either the glycolytic
activities or Cytochrome concentrations. Mitochondrial a-
glycerophosphate dehydrogenase correlates with the gly-
colytic activities rather than with succinate dehydrogenase
or cytochrome concentration (Table I). Like hexokinase the
activity of a-1,4-glycosidase is high in both the soleus and
red vastus relative to the white vastus. Succinate dehydro-
genase activity and cytochrome concentrations are highest
in the red vastus, intermediate in the soleus, and lowest in
the white vastus. Myoglobin concentration is high in both the
red vastus and soleus and is very low in the white vastus.
Table I1 summarizes the observations made on the two
different rabbit muscles composed predominately of fast-
twitch-glycolytic and slow-twitch-oxidative fibers. The popu-
lation distribution of individual fibers in these muscles is an
approximation made from histochemical examination of
three each of the different muscles. Although the absolute
level of enzyme activities between the two species show some
FIGURE I: Rabbit la-d and guinca pig le-h gastrocncmius muscles
quantitative differences, the enzyme profiles of fast-twitch- consisting of the three basic fiber types are illustrated. Myofibrillar
glycolytic and slow-twitch-oxidative fibers in the rabbit are ATPase after an alkaline buffer preincubation and alkaline incuba-
similar to those observed in the guinea pig, as are the histo- tion at pH 9.4 (a$), mitochondrial a-glycerophosphate dehydro-
enzymatic activities of the three fiber types (Figure 1). No genase (&f), reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide diaphorase
hind limb muscle composed predominately of fast-twitch- (c,g),and malate dehydrogenase (d,h)are shown. Fibers that are the
darkest staining with ATPase (fast twitch) have high a-glycerophos-
oxidative-glycolytic fibers was found in the rabbit. phate dehydrogenase and low NADH-diaphorase and malate
dehydrogenase activity and are called fast-twitch-glycolytic fibers.
Other fibers that stain darkly with ATPase (but slightly less than in
Discussion fast-twitch-glycolytic fibers) stain moderately with n-glycerophos-
phate dehydrogenase and heavy with NADH-diaphoraseand malate
The biochemistry of red and white muscle has been of in- dehydrogenaseare called si st-twitch-oxidative-glycolytic. The fibers
terest to scientists since the early 1900's. Early studies of the which show the lightest n.yofibrillar ATPase activity also have the
biochemical, structural and functional characteristics of red lowest mitochondrial n-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase activity
and white muscle were reviewed by Needham (1926). Pette and moderate NADH-diaphorase and malate dehydrogenase activ-
ity and are called slow-twitch-oxidative. Morphologically fast-
and his associates (Pette and Bucher, 1963) and Beatty, Bocek, twitch-oxidative-glycolytic and slow-twitch-oxidative fibers differ
and their associates (Beatty and Bocek, 1970) have added ex- in that the granularity of the staining is more coarse and localized
tensive biochemical data on red and white muscle in different more peripherally in the former. Although not illustrated here histo-
species. chemical phosphorylase activity as well as glycogen concentration by
Unfortunately the design of most of these biochemical PAS stain are higher in the fast-twitch-oxidative-glycolytic and fast-
twitch-glycolytic than in slow-twitch-oxidative fibers of the guinea
investigations indicates a reliance on muscle color and a lack pig (Gillespie et al., 1970). The bar in Figure la represents 50 N.
of application of information obtained from numerous histo-
chemical studies describing the existence of at least three
distinct types of skeletal muscle fibers (cf:Table 111). Although
Beatty and Bocek (1970) mention an intermediate fiber, they profile including oxidative and glycolytic enzyme activities.
were unable to assess its biochemical properties because The relative speeds (times-to-peak tension) of hind limb
muscles composed predominately of one fiber type were not muscles composed predominately or exclusively of one or
studied. another histochemical type of fiber determine their classifica-
In the past we have classified the three fiber types found in tion as fast-twitch or slow-twitch (Edgerton and Simpson,
mammalian hind limb muscles as fast-twitch red, fast-twitch 1969;Barnardetal., 1971;Peter, 1972).
white, and slow-twitch intermediate on the basis of their con- Based on the quantitative data presented herein we now
traction time and according to their histochemical enzyme suggest that shorthand, nondescriptive nomenclatures such as

BIOCHEMISTRY, VOL. 11, NO. 14, 1 9 7 2 2631

PETER e t nl.

are listed in Table I11 as well as our own imprecise designation well as cytochrome and myoglobin concentrations are great-
of fibers as fast-twitch white, fast-twitch red, and slow-twitch est in these fibers. Fast-twitch-oxidative-glycolytic fibers are
intermediate be replaced by the straightforward, descriptive also characterized by a moderate to high glycolytic capacity.
terms fast-twitch-glycolytic, fast-twitch-oxidative-glycolytic, They have the highest glycogen concentration and moderate
and slow-twitch-oxidative. The latter classification is purpose- lactate dehydrogenase activity. In these fibers of the guinea
fully open-ended so that additional terms characterizing simi- pig the phosphorylase and mitochondrial a-glycerophosphate
larities or differences between the fibers can be appended. dehydrogenase activities are very high. The high a-glycero-
In addition, the precision of the terms themselves can be phosphate dehydrogenase activity suggests an important role
improved by quantifying the terms used, e.g., by appending for the a-glycerophosphate shuttle system in the regeneration
to the speed term the measured time-to-peak tension of such a of NAD for glycolysis in both fast-twitch-glycolytic and fast-
fiber or of a muscle composed of such fibers. twitch-oxidative-glycolytic fibers. The latter fibers in the
This system of nomenclature readily accommodates other guinea pig also have a high capillary to fiber ratio in compar-
permutations and combinations of muscle speed and met- ison to fast-twitch-glycolytic fibers, suggesting a blood flow
abolic pattern which are possible such as fast-twitch-oxidative, adequate for aerobic metabolism (Mai et a[., 1970). Other
slow-twitch-glycolytic, and slow-twitch-oxidative-glycolytic, investigators have found the myoglobin concentration in cat
some of which are expected in various species. Indeed fast- muscle correlates directly with blood flow and inversely with
twitch-oxidative fibers are known to exist in pigeon extra- speed of contraction (Reis and Wooten, 1970). Our work
ocular muscles (Maier et al., 1972) and probably in the rabbit supports the direct relationship between capillary density
cricothyroid (Hall-Craggs, 1968). In addition the classifica- and myoglobin concentration but study of fast-twitch-oxida-
tion should prove useful for describing tonic, nonpropagating tive-glycolytic fibers clearly shows that the relationship be-
fibers as well as fibers of muscle spindles. tween capillary or myoglobin concentration and speed of con-
We would emphasize, however, that at this point there traction is not necessarily inverse (Mai et id,,1970; Table I).
can be no definite answer to the fundamental question of Other studies from this laboratory show quantitative differ-
whether the fast-twitch-glycolytic fibers and fast-twitch- ences in the ATPase activity and other characteristics of
oxidative-glycolytic fibers described herein reflect quantum natural actomyosin isolated from fast-twitch-oxidative-gly-
differences in metabolic properties of two distinct popula- colytic fibers compared to that from fast-twitch-glycolytic
tions of fibers or whether they are simply convenient examples fibers (Table I ; Furukawa and Peter, 1971). In particular the
for description of what is really a continuum of metabolic specific activity of the Mg2+-activated actomyosin ATPase
properties of fast-twitch fibers in certain hind-limb skeletal at pH 9.4 is highest in fast-twitch-glycolytic fibers, intermedi-
muscles of the species studied. An answer to this question ate in fast-twitch-oxidative-glycolytic fibers, and lowest in
should be possible with analysis of the biochemical, histo- slow-twitch-oxidative fibers (Table I). These data (Table I)
chemical and quantitative electron microscopic features of correspond to the intensity of staining of the same fibers for
many individual fast-twitch fibers. In any case investigations myofibrillar ATPase (Figure 1 and Table 111) and suggest
of skeletal muscle must take into account the differences in that a component of the thin filament contributes to the histo-
fast-twitch muscle fibers. chemical differentiation of the fast-twitch fibers. On the other
The present study defines certain quantitative biochemical hand, the characteristics of calcium transport by fragmented
differences in muscles known to be composed predominately sarcoplasmic reticulum isolated from fast-twitch-oxidative-
or exclusively of a single fiber type. The enzyme activities glycolytic and fast-twitch-glycolytic fibers (the red vastus and
given in Tables 1 and I1 represent maximum activities mea- white vastus, respectively) are very similar (Fiehn and Peter,
sured in aitro under the conditions described. Although the 1971).
activity of these enzymes may be different in ciGo due to com- The high capacities for glycogenolysis, glycolysis, and oxi-
partmentalization, substrate-product inhibition, etc., the dative phosphorylation together with its speed of contraction
in vitro data establish the gross metabolic capabilities of slow- give the fast-twitch-oxidative-glycolytic fiber a distinctive
twitch-oxidative, fast-twitch-glycolytic, and fast-twitch-oxida- metabolic profile. The magnitude and scope of these metabolic
tive-glycolytic muscle fibers in the guinea pig as well as siow- activities appear to gear these fibers for high intensity, pro-
twitch-oxidative and fast-twitch-glycolytic fibers in the rabbit. longed work, a proposed function which is supported by
These capabilities are expected to parallel the in cico capacity their selective recruitment during exercise (Edgerton er al.,
for glycogenolysis, glycolysis, and oxidative metabolism, but 1970a,b).
further studies are needed to establish the precision of this The enzyme profile of fast-twitch-oxidative-glycolytic
relationship. fibers could not be quantitated in homogenates of rabbit
Fast-twitch-glycolytic fibers (guinea pig, white vastus lat- muscle, because muscle composed predominately of such
eralis ; rabbit, semimembranosus accessorius) are predom- fibers was not found. However, fast-twitch-oxidative-gly-
inately anaerobic fibers. They have a high glycogen concen- colytic fibers, identified histochemically in heterogeneous
tration and high phosphorylase, lactate dehydrogenase and hind limb muscles of the rabbit, have a n enzyme profile deter-
a-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase activities. Their aerobic mined histochemically which is in complete agreement with
capacity is very limited as manifest by low succinate dehydro- results found in homogenates of fast-twitch-oxidative-gly-
genase activity as well as low cytochrome and myoglobin con- colytic muscles in the guinea pig.
centrations. The high activities of phosphorylase, lactate de- Slow-twitch-oxidative fibers (guinea pig and rabbit soleus)
hydrogenase, and mitochondrial a-glycerophosphate dehy- appear to rely predominately on aerobic metabolism. These
drogenase relative to cytochrome u concentration (Tables I fibers have a low glycogen concentration and low phospho-
and 11) also indicate that fast-twitch-glycolytic fibers rely rylase, lactate dehydrogenase, and mitochondrial a-glycero-
mainly on anaerobic metabolism for the production of ATP. phosphate dehydrogenase activities. Their cytochrome con-
Fast-twitch-oxidative-glycolytic fibers (guinea pig, red centration and succinate dehydrogenase enzyme activity are
vastus lateralis) appear to have the highest capacity for aero- intermediate between those observed in the fast-twitch-oxi-
bic metabolism because succinate dehydrogenase activity as dative-glycolytic and fast-twitch-glycolytic fibers.

2632 BIOCHEMISTRY, VOL. 11, NO. 14, 1 9 7 2


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