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Crithidia fascicolata: Acriflavine-Induced Changes in Soluble

Enzyme Levels’
Cyrus J. Bacchi

Naskins Laboratories at Pace College, Department of Biology, Pace College,

41 Park Row, New York, New York 10038

George C. Hill”

University of Kentucky, Department of Biochemistry, Lexington, Kentucky 40606

(Submitted for publication, 20 July 70)

BACCHI, CYRUS J. AND HILL, GEORGE C. 1972. Crithidia fasciculata: ilcriflavine-

induced changes in soluble enzyme levels. Experimental Parasitology 31, 290-298.
Chhidia fasciculata ATCC 11745 was grown in the presence of 5 PM acriflavine.
Drug-treated organisms had -50% less respiratory activity and total growth than the
controls and accumulated larger amounts of pyruvate and ethanol in the growth me-
dium. Supernatant fractions were prepared by the alumina method. The activities of
seven enzymes in the supernatant (cytosol) fraction were compared with correspond-
ing enzyme activities in control cells. Hexokinase, glucose&phosphate dehydrogenase,
malate dehydrogenase, alcohol dehydrogenase, and a-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase
were at least 30% higher in acriflavine-treated preparations. ar-Glycerophosphate dehy-
drogenase increased most (85%) and was the most active of all enzymes measured.
Glucose-g-phosphate dehydrogenase, an enzyme of the pentose phosphate pathway,
increased 66%. NADP-linked isocitrate dehydrogenase and malic enzyme had lower
levels (50 and 20%. respectively) in the acriflavine-treated cells. The concentrations
of NAD’ and NADP’ remained relatively constant in both types of cells. The signifi-
cance of these changes with regard to the metabolism of dyskinetoplastic trypanoso-
matids is discussed.
INDEX DESCRIPTORS : Acriflavine, Trypanosomatidae ; Crithidia fasciculata; Enzyme
regulation; Metabolism; Hexokinase; (EC ; Glucose-g-phosphate dehydro-
genase (EC; a-Glycerophosphate dehydrogenase (EC ; Malic
dehydrogenase (EC ; Alcohol dehydrogenase (EC ; Malic en-
zyme (EC ; Isocitrate dehydrogenase (EC

A conspicuous role of the kinetoplast in ages kinetoplast DNA and mitochondrial

the life cycle of trypanosomes is amply doc- structure. Trager and Rudzinska (1964)
umented (Newton 1968 ; Vickerman 1970, and Miihlpfordt (1963a,b) indicated that
1971; Hutner et al. 1972). Acriflavine dam- acriflavine crippled replication of the kine-
toplast DNA with retention of the kineto-
‘This work was supported by Public Health plast membrane. Simpson (1968) found
Service grant AI-0789 to S. H. Hutner from the
National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Dis- t,ional Institute of Allergy and Infectious Dis-
eases, by an American Philosophical Society grant eases.
(Penrose Fund, 5057) and by a Merck Co. Foun- * Present address: University of Cambridge,
dation Faculty Development grant to C. J. Bacchi: The Molten0 Institute of Biology and Parasi-
G. C. Hill was supported by U.S. Public Health tology, Downing Street. Cambridge CB2 3EE,
Service Fellowship No. AI-36,847 from the Na- England.

Copyright 0 1972 by Academic Press, Inc.

#hat in acriflavine-treated Leishmania ta- hemin (equine, type III, Sigma Chemical
‘entolae, nuclear division seemed unimpaired Co., St. Louis, MO) was prepared as de-
jut kinetoplast DNA was lost in successive scribed (Hill and Anderson 1969) and
:ell division; respiration was inhibited as added aseptically to a final concentration of
imited growth proceeded in acriflavine 1.5 PM. The final pH of the medium was 7.9.
:oncentrations high enough to yield dyski- Cells grown in acriflavine received 5 PM
retoplastic cells. Acriflavine treatment of neutral acriflavine (gift of Eli Lilly and
7rithidia fasciculata produced ultrastruc- Co., Indianapolis, IN) as described (Hill
;ural effects on the mitochondrion and re- and Anderson 1969). Usually, 6 liters of
luced O2 uptake, the latter attributable to a control and 10 liters of acriflavine-treated
lecrease in cytochromes a + u3, b, and c, cells were grown. Cultures were inoculated
2nd to reduced activities of mitochondrial with 10 ml from a single flask (48-hr. cul-
:nzymes (Hill and Anderson 1969). ture) and grown at 24-27 C with aeration
Conceivably, this impaired functioning of (Bacchi et al. 1968) for 60-80 hr.
;he cytochrome system might be compen-
sated by stimulation of other ATP-generat- Isolation of Soluble Enzyme Fractions
mg systems. Slender bloodstream (trypo- The methods for harvesting cells, obtain-
mastigote) forms of the Trypanosomu bru- ing a soluble enzyme fraction (“superna-
:ei group have a rudimentary mitochon- tant fraction”-alumina method), and pro-
Orion and rely on glycolysis to provide tein determination (biuret method) have
ATP. In contrast, culture (trypomastigote- been detailed (Bacchi et al. 1968).
midgut) forms have a functional mitochon-
Orion with some evidence for cytochromes Enzyme Assays
beging present (Vickerman 1965 ; Ryley Enzymes in the 12,000g supernatant frac-
1962). tion were assayed in a temperature con-
We therefore surveyed the effect of acri- trolled (25 C) recording spectrophotometer.
Bavine-induced dyskinetoplasty on C. fascic- Results were recorded as change in absorb-
data soluble (cytosol) enzyme levels, in- ance (340 nm) due to oxidation or reduc-
cluding several enzymes of the glycolytic tion of NAD+, NADH, NADP+, and
pathway in acriflavine-treated C. fusoicu- NADPH. Specific enzyme activities are ex-
lutu. C. fusciculuta was convenient since pressed as units: 1 unit = 1 nmole pyridine
previous work (Hill and Anderson 1969) nucleotide oxidized or reduced/min/mg pro-
had detailed changes in levels of cyto- tein. Extinction coefficients for reduced pyr-
chromes and mitochondrial enzymes in this idine nucleotides were as given by Kornberg
organism at the acriflavine concentration (1957) and Horecker and Kornberg (1957) :
and with the carbon source (xylose) used in 0.207 absorbance units = 100 nmoles pyri-
this study. dine nucleotide oxidized or reduced.
Reactions were measured in l-cm light-
MATERIALS AND METHODS path cuvettes; the final volume of all reac-
tion mixtures was 3.0 ml. Reactions were
Mass Culture Procedures
normally linear for 1 min. At least 3 deter-
C. fasciculatu (ATCC 11745) was grown minations of each enzyme were made at pH
in a complex medium: yeast hydrolyzate 7.4 in the appropriate buffer. Reference cu-
(Nutritional Biochemicals Corp., Cleve- vettes contained all components of the en-
land, OH) 0.5%, N-Z Amine AS (Sheffield zyme assay mixture except the appropriate
Chemical Div., National Dairy Products, pyridine nucleotide. In the assay, C. fuscic-
Union, NJ) 0.3%, n-xylose 1.33% (0.05 M), data protein was the limiting factor, as

TABLE I formed/min/mg protein. The excess of pure

Sources of Biochemicals for Enzyme Assays glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase ensured
that the C. fasciculata enzyme did not in-
Glucose-B-phosphate Boehringer-Mannheim
Corp., New York, NY
terfere with the reaction.
NADP Boehringer-Mannheim In assaying hexokinase, we found that
Corp., New York, NY with higher (up to 1 mM) levels of Mg2+
Glucose-6-phosphate Sigma Chemical Co., (as MgC12*6Hz0) in the reaction mixture,
dehydrogenasea St. Louis, MO the enzyme’s specific activity increased, but
Adenosine-5’-triphos- Sigma Chemical Co.,
phate St. Louis, MO then the rates increased more than linearly
Dihydroxyacetone Sigma Chemical Co., with increasing supernatant protein. At-
phosphateb St. Louis, MO tempts to elucidate this nonlinearity were
Oxaloacetic acidc Boehringer-Mannheim unsuccessful, hence the reaction mixture
Corp., New York, NY used routinely had 0.1 mM Mg2+-a con-
NADH Sigma Chemical Co.,
St. Louis, MO
centration at which the rates were linear
Acetaldehyde Eastman Organic Chem- with increasing protein but overall activity
icals, Rochester, NY lower. Because Mg2+ was to some extent
L-malic acid Sigma Chemical Co., St. limiting, the actual level of hexokinase in
Louis, MO all preparations may be twice that in Table
nL-isocitrate Sigma Chemical Co.,
St. Louis, MO
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-
a 325 FM units/mg of protein. 6-PDH; EC Assay mixture:
b Supplied as the dimethylketal di-monocyclo- 0.5-1.0 mg supernatant protein, 1 mM
hexylamine salt. Prepared according to manu-
NADP, Tris-HCl buffer; 2 mu glucose-6-
facturer’s instruction.
c Prepared fresh daily as a KOH-neutralized phosphate was added to start the reaction.
solution. a-Glycerophosphate dehydrogenase (a-
GPDH; EC Assay mixture:
indicated by control reactions in which sub- 100-200 pg supernatant protein (diluted
strate and cofactor levels were varied. 1: 20 in Tris-HCl buffer) 0.125 mM NADH,
Sources of biochemicals are in Table I. Tris-HCl buffer, 10 mM Mg2+ (as MgCl2.
Molar notations refer to final concentra- 6H2O) ; 2 mM dihydroxyacetone phosphate
tions in t’he cuvette. was added to start the reaction.
Hexokinase (HK; EC This en- Malic dehydrogenuse (MDH; EC
zyme was measured by linking glucose-6- Assay mixture: 50-150 pg super-
phosphate production to glucose-6-phos- natant protein (diluted 1:20 in Tris-HCl
phate dehydrogenase; the NADPH formed buffer), 0.125 mM NADH, Tris-HCl buffer;
was used as the index of hexokinase activ- 25-50 PM oxaloacetate was added to start
ity in the following assay mixture: 2.3 mg the reaction. Excess oxaloacetate inhibited
supernat’ant fraction protein, 0.1 mM Mg MDH. Therefore the optimal substrate
(as MgCla* 6HzO), 1630 units of glucose-g- level was determined for each preparation
phosphate dehydrogenase; 40 mM glucose, and the specific activity calculated from
0.1 Y Tris-HCl buffer, pH 7.4 (Tris-HCl rates obtained at the optimal concentration.
buffer). After a 2-min temperature equilibra- Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH; EC
tion, 3 rnM ATP was added to start glucose- Assay mixture: 24 mg superna-
phosphate formation. The reaction was al- tant protein, 0.125 mM NADH, Tris-HCl
lowed to proceed for 7 min then 1 mu NADP buffer; 1.66 mM acetaldehyde was added to
was added to start the glucose-6-phosphate start the reaction. Since acetaldehyde boils
dehydrogenase reaction. Specific activities at 21 C, all ADH reactions were measured
were calculated as the rate of NADPH at 19 C.

Levels of Supernatant-Fraction Enzymes in Crithidia fasciculata Grown on o-Xylose; Results with
Untreated and Acrijlavine-Treated Cells

Acriflavine-treated Untreated To Change

Hexokinase 305 (254-388) 228 (191-267) f33%

Glucose-6-Phosphate dehydrogenase 458 (418-530) 282 (234-362) -t-66%
a-Glycerophosphate dehydrogenase 1285 (1186-1438) 730 (570-794) +W%
Malate dehydrogenase 1090 (1019-1144) 845 (705-1000) +30%
Alcohol dehydrogenase 29 (24-34) 20 (16-24) +e%
NADP-Isocitrate dehydrogenase 12 (7-16) 23 (1234) -48%
Malic enzyme 252 (243-263) 323 (292-358) -21%

a Values shown are average rates expressed as nmoles pyridine nucleotide oxidized or reduced/min/mg
of protein; ranges in parentheses. For details of assay procedures see “Materials and Methods”. Per
cent change is based on the following:
Units in acriflavine cells-units in control cells
x 100
units in control cells
Each value is based on the average of 3 runs.

Malic enzyme (EC Assay mix- used with heavy cell suspensions (e.g., 5 g
ture: 0.5-2 mg supernatant protein, 1 mM wet wt of cells diluted to a total volume of
NADP, 0.1 mu Mg2+ (as MgC12*6H20), 15 ml with distilled water) of control and
Tris-HCl buffer; 10 mM L-malate was acriflavine cells. Results are reported as
added to start the reaction. rmoles pyridine nucleotide/mg cell protein.
Isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH; EC Pyruvate and ethanol determinations. Assay mixture: 2-4 mg superna- After growth, cells were removed from the
tant protein, 1 mM NADP, 1 mM Mn2+ (as medium by centrifugation and the pH of
MnSO* *H20), Tris-HCl buffer; 1 mM DL- the medium was adjusted to 7.4. The pyru-
isocitrate was added to start the reaction. vate assay mixture (3.0 ml final volume)
O2 polarography. This was done in a tem- contained: 2.0 ml growth medium, 0.117
perature-controlled (25 C) Yellow Springs mM NADH, 0.85 ml pH 7.4 Tris-HCl
Instrument Co. (Yellow Springs, OH) bio- buffer (0.1 M). Lactate dehydrogenase (30
logical O2 monitor (Model 53), equipped PMolar units, Type II, Sigma) was added
with a Varian G-14 recorder (Varian In- to start the reaction; the changes in absorb-
strument Co., Palo Alto, CA). Acriflavine- ance was monitored for 5 min. The ethanol
grown or control cells (approximately 8 mg assay contained: l.O-ml growth medium, 2.0
protein) were suspended in 3.0 ml of 0.1 M ml 0.1 M pyrophosphate-semicarbazide
Tris-HCl buffer, pH 7.4, with 0.25 M su- buffer (pH 8.8)) 30 PMolar units of yeast
crose and 1 mM EDTA added. Suspensions alcohol dehydrogenase (Sigma, crystalline).
were temperature-equilibrated for 3 min be- The reaction was started by the addition of
fore measurements. Rates were calculated 1 mM NAD+ and the change in absorbance
on the basis of 265 nmoles 02 dissolved per monitored for 15 min. Uninoculated me-
3 ml of distilled water. Protein was deter- dium was assayed for pyruvate and
mined on whole cells as described (Bacchi ethanol; the final concentrations given in
et al. 1968). Results are expressed as Table V have been corrected for amounts
nmoles O2 consumed/min/mg protein. present in these controls. For protein deter-
NAD+ and NADP+ determinations. mination of cells/ml of growth medium,
The methods of Klingenberg (1965a,b) were small aliquots (5 ml) of growth medium

were centrifuged and the cell pellet ana- the highest percentage increase; HK,
lyzed for protein by the biuret method. Cal- MDH, and ADH activities were at least
culations were as described in Bergmeyer 30% higher in the acriflavine-treated cells.
(1965). Values are expressed as rmoles/mg Of all enzymes, the uGPDH activity in ac-
protein. riflavine cells was greatest. In contrast, spe-
cific activities of the NADP+-linked IDH
and malic enzyme decreased in acriflavine-
The final density of C. fasciculata acri- treated cells.
flavine-treated mass cultures was 57% To determine whether the shifts in en-
lower than control cultures (Table III). Ac- zyme levels were part of an overall physio-
riflavine-treated cells had a 52% lower O2 logical change, we also determined NAD+
uptake. These results agree essentially with and NADP+ levels in control and acrifla-
those of Hill and Anderson (1969). Super- vine-treated cells. The results (Table IV) in-
natant fractions from acriflavine-treated dicate t’hat differences in NAD levels were
cells were yellowish because some drug was minimal.
present. Acriflavine (up to 100 ,UM) added Although the mean NAD+ level of acri-
to supernatant fractions of unt’reated cells flavine-treated cells was 13% lower than
did not inhibit the reactions. that of control cells, analysis of the mean
In general, the activity of soluble en- difference indicated the decrease might not
zymes associated with glucose catabolism be as great. Levels of NADP+ were essen-
was higher in acriflavine-grown cells (Table tially the same for both sets of cells.
II). aGPDH and G6PDH activities had To obtain a “physiological profile” of
both groups of cells, culture conditions were
scaled down and 2 sets of cells (3 flasks/
E$ects of Acrijlavine on Cell Growth set) were grown in 500 ml Erlenmeyer
and Respirationa
flasks (100 ml of medium/flask). Cells cul-
Cell type Absorbance 02 Consumption tured under these conditions took 5 days to
achieve full growth. Acriflavine-treated
control 0.60 29.5
acriflavine 0.26 14.1 cells had -30% less growth than controls
(Table V) but caused greater decrease in
(1 Absorbance (750 nm) was taken of pooled the final pH of the medium. Oxygen con-
mass cultures at time of harvesting. 01 consump-
sumption was -50% less in acriflavine-
tion is expressed as nmoles O?/min/mg of protein.
Polarography procedures in “Materials and treated cells. The glycolytic end products
Methods” section. pyruvate and ethanol (remaining in the me-

Pyridine Nucleotide Levels in Control and Acrijavine-Treated Crithidia fasciculataa

NAD+* Mean Difference” NADP+d Mean Differencec

Control 2.25 f 0.064” 1.84 f 0.23

+0.25 f 0.195 +0.026 f 0.095
Acriflavine-treated 1.95 f 0.145 1.81 f 0.17

5 Usually, 4 liters of control cells and 6 of acriflnvine-treated cells were grown for each set of deter-
minations. For assay procedures, see “Materials and Methods”.
* 4 determinations.
c Control values as compared to acriflavine values.
d 5 determinations.
6 Mean difference i SD.

Comparison of Control and Acriflauine-Treated Crithidia fasciculata. Cells Were Cultured in 100 ml of
Standard Medium in 600 ml Erlenmeyer Flasks”
(nmoles, (1 X 16-)-Wn;les/mg)
Flask Absorbance Final pH
02 Consumption Pyruvate Ethanol

No. 1 0.30 5.30 6.2 4.25 56.3
2 0.32 5.35 6.6 4.53 48.1
3 0.31 5.45 7.0 3.83 44.2
No. 1 0.47 6.15 12.6 3.34 12.9
2 0.44 6.20 11.2 3.21 11.4
3 0.45 6.46 16.5 3.32 8.1

0 Growth was stopped after 5 days; contents were treated separately for each determination. “Pyru-
vate” and “Ethanol” refer to end products of respiration in the growth medium after cells were cen-
trifuged out and the pH of the medium adjusted to 7.4 with KOH. Other details in “Materials and
Methods” and text.

dium after growth) were -27% and faxiculata have diminished

C. mito-
-370% greater, respectively, in the acri- chondrial-mediated oxidation (Hill and An-
flavine-treated cells. Presumably, differ- derson 1969)) glycolytically produced
ences in production of organic acids besides NADH would have to increase due to faster
pyruvate (e.g., succinate: Hunter, 1960) but incomplete breakdown of carbohydrate.
aided in the greater pH decrease observed In addition, reducing equivalents (as
in the medium of acriflavine-treated cells. reduced products of soluble NAD-linked
dehydrogenases, e.g., a-glycerophosphate,
malate) should be oxidized more slowly as
As noted earlier, C. fasciculata grown a result of decreased mitochondrial func-
with xylose in 5.0 PM acriflavine was 85’% tion. Higher levels of NAD-linked dehydro-
dyskinetoplastic, and had decreased levels genases would then be required to recycle
of cytochromes and other mitochondrial en- NADH produced in glycolysis by 3-phos-
zymes (Hill and Anderson 1969). In the phoglyceraldehyde dehydrogenase; activity
present study, using similar conditions, five of this enzyme is controlled by the level of
of seven soluble enzymes assayed had in- NAD+ available in the cytosol as a cofac-
creased specific activities. Although only tor (Grant 1966). The possibility of faster,
HK is part of the Embden-Meyerhof path- more incomplete carbohydrate utilization in
way, the remaining 4 enzymes are function- acriflavine-treated cells seems likely, since
ally associated with glucose catabolism: the there are higher concentrations of pyruvate
NAD-linked dehydrogenases recycle and alcohol accumulated in the growth me-
NADH produced in glycolysis and GGPDH dium of these cells.
is the entrance to the pentose phosphate The increased activity of uGPDH in ac-
pathway of glucose catabolism. riflavine-induced dyskinetoplastic cells
Increases in activities of NADH-linked seems to approximate the situation in the
dehydrogenases (aGPDH, MDH, ADH) in slender bloodstream form of T. brucei-sub-
acriflavine-treated cells may denote higher group trypanosomes in so far as high activi-
glycolytic activity. Since dyskinetoplastic ties of NAD-linked crGPDH are needed to

oxidize glycolytically produced NADH. of GGPDH ostensibly reflects increased ac-

The level of soluble UGPDH in T. rhode- tivity of the pentose phosphate pathway in
siense slender blood forms was ~50% acriflavine-treated cells. It is tempting to
higher than in culture forms (Ryley, 1962). interpret this as a compensatory attempt by
The parallel is limited, however, since slen- the dyskinetoplastic organisms to maintain
der blood forms have a cyanide-resistant a supply of NADPH. NADPH is necessary
,GP oxidase (Grant and Sargent 1960; for steroid and lipid syntheses (Simpson
Grant et al. 1961), while in acriflavine- and Estabrook 1969). Impairment of
treated C. jasciculata this enzyme remains NADPH-generation capacity is inferred
cyanide sensitive (Hill, unpublished). from the lower activity of malic enzyme
Bayne et al. (1969) found that growth in and NADP-IDH in acriflavine-treated or-
acriflavine slightly depressed MDH (21%) ganisms. The latter soluble enzyme may
and lactate dehydrogenase LDH (17%) ac- also have regulatory functions in both the
tivities in Trypanosoma conorhini; succinic carbohydrate metabolism and oxidative
dehydrogenase decreased 73%. The aGP ox- metabolism of C. jasciculata (Marr and
idase activity of such T. conorhini cells Weber 1969a,b).
proved less sensitive to cyanide. In these Alterations in the level of NAD+ - and
studies, acriflavine was added to S-day NADP+-linked enzymes do not seem to af-
log-phase cultures. The above dehydrogen- fect concentrations of the oxidized pyridine
ase assays were apparently carried out on nucleotides in acriflavine-treated cells. The
whole-cell homogenates (see also Bayne explanation for this constancy may be that
and Roberts 1969) and so introduce the un- pyridine nucleotides no longer needed for
certainties in interpretation of combined operation of the Krebs cycle are in greater
mitochondrial and cytosol protein (~44% demand for cytosol reactions.
of total homogenate protein was attributed Three of the enzymes assayed in the
to combined mitochondrial fractions : Table study are sited in both cytosol and mito-
III, Bayne and Roberts 1969). In the chondrion in mammalian cells: NADP-
present study, supernat’ant fractions were IDH, MDH, and malic enzyme. The relative
cleared by centrifuging at 12,000g for 10 amounts of mitochondrial forms of these en-
min, ,thus removing kinetoplasts and mi- zymes contaminating the C. jasciculata
tochondria. Succinic dehydrogenase was not supernatant fractions are not known, how-
a contaminant of the supernatant fractions ever the degree of contamination may be of
(Bacchi et al. 1968)-thus excluding mem- minor importance in view of the following
brane-bound mitochondrial enzymes as con- considerations. Marr and Weber (1969a)
taminants. These considerations limit direct found high activity of NADP-IDH in the
comparison of the 2 systems of inducing dys- cytosol fraction of C. jasciculata; Bayne and
kinetoplasty. Roberts (1969) found only 21% of the total
Further similarities between dyskineto- MDH activit’y of untreated T. conorhini to
plastic C. jasciculata and slender blood be associated with mitochondrial fractions;
forms are indicated by the lower activities most of the mitochondrial malic enzyme ac-
of malic enzyme and NADP-linked LDH. tivity of bovine adrenal cortex was demon-
In T. .rhodesiense, these enzyme levels were strable only after sonication of the mito-
60-70% lower in slender blood forms as chondrial fraction (Simpson and Estabrook,
compared to culture forms (Ryley 1962). 1969). Determination of these enzyme levels
Acriflavine-treated C. jasciculata cells had in mitochondrial preparations of dyskineto-
20-50% lower enzyme activity as compared plastic organisms should help clarify the
with levels in control cells. source of synthetic control.
The large (66%) increase in the activity Comparison of mitochondrial and soluble

enzyme activities from trypanosomatids of the Society of General Microbiology 16,

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