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Getting a job is an important step in everybody's life.

But still, considering

and choosing a high salary job but a lot of stress
or a job that we like but not well paid. However, there is an item that rule the
world and that is money. Thus, the most reasonable
decision is to opt for a high income job.

The first thing to consider is, if someone have more money, their life quality
will be greatly increased. They can afford more things,
more household garget for convenience, better heathcare and overall their life can
be lengthened. Furthermore, having a high income, the person
will has enough ability to take a break from the job for a day or two and not have
to worry about money. If not, although the job is their favourite, they will
have to work everyday and can not catch a break, they will be concerned about how
can they manage the money and not be able to go on a vacation. Finally, money
is very important if the person wants to make family. Having a family is expensive,
paying more for food, purchase more equipments for child's growth,
pay for its education raising a child is time consuming and time is money. To pay
for all those expense and secure a happy life with thier family, the person
have to be ready, save a large ammount of money.

In summary, it is a wiser choice to choose working for a high salary job.

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