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Accepted Manuscript

Pediatric arterial ischemic stroke: Epidemiology, risk factors, and


Ryan J. Felling, Lisa R. Sun, Emily C. Maxwell, Neil Goldenberg,

Timothy Bernard

PII: S1079-9796(16)30230-3
DOI: doi: 10.1016/j.bcmd.2017.03.003
Reference: YBCMD 2166
To appear in: Blood Cells, Molecules and Diseases
Received date: 11 October 2016
Revised date: 6 March 2017
Accepted date: 6 March 2017

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Pediatric Arterial Ischemic Stroke: Epidemiology, Risk Factors, and Management
Ryan J. Felling1, Lisa R. Sun1, Emily C. Maxwell2,, Neil Goldenberg3,4,, Timothy Bernard2,5

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Department of Neurology
Baltimore, MD 21287

Department of Pediatrics, Section of Child Neurology

University of Colorado School of Medicine

Aurora, CO 80045

All Children’s Hospital Johns Hopkins Medicine and All Children’s Research Institute
St. Petersburg, FL
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Division of Hematology, Department of Pediatrics


Baltimore, MD

Hemophilia and Thrombosis Center
University of Colorado School of Medicine

Aurora, CO 80045

Ryan J. Felling
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Department of Neurology
200 N. Wolfe Street, Suite 2158
Baltimore, MD 21287

Pediatric arterial ischemic stroke (AIS) is an uncommon but important cause of neurologic morbidity in

neonates and children, with consequences including hemiparesis, intellectual disabilities, and epilepsy.

The causes of pediatric AIS are unique to those typically associated with stroke in adults. Familiarity

with the risk factors for AIS in children will help with efficient diagnosis, which is unfortunately

frequently delayed. Here we review the epidemiology and risk factors for AIS in neonates and children.

We also outline consensus-based practices in the evaluation and management of pediatric AIS. Finally

we discuss the outcomes observed in this population. While much has been learned in recent decades,

many uncertainties sill persist in regard to pediatric AIS. The ongoing development of specialized

centers and investigators dedicated to pediatric stroke will continue to answer such questions and
improve our ability to effectively care for these patients.

Key Words

infarct, children, neonates, brain injury



Pediatric arterial ischemic stroke (AIS) is an important cause of neurologic morbidity in children.

Consequences can include sensorimotor deficits, language impairment, intellectual disability, behavioral

problems, and epilepsy. While guidelines have been published regarding the evaluation and

management of stroke in children, these are largely consensus-based and not usually supported by strong

evidence. Based on experience in adults in whom AIS is much more common, it is likely that early

recognition and institution of neuroprotective measures is crucial to improving outcomes in children

with stroke. Unfortunately, the diagnosis of stroke in children is often delayed (1, 2). Understanding

the populations at risk is essential to improving the efficiency with which we can diagnose and manage
AIS. Here we review the most updated data regarding the epidemiology of pediatric AIS, and discuss

the most prevalent risk factors associated with this potentially devastating neurologic emergency. We

also summarize important aspects in the evaluation and management of these patients.


Various nomenclatures have been utilized to classify pediatric AIS based on age. A National Institutes

of Health workshop defined perinatal stroke as “a group of heterogeneous conditions in which there is a

focal disruption of cerebral blood flow secondary to arterial or cerebral venous thrombosis or

embolization, between 20 weeks of fetal life through the twenty-eighth postnatal day confirmed by

neuroimaging or neuropathologic studies (3).” Within this group, patients with AIS often fall into two

distinct categories based on timing of presentation. Perinatal AIS is typically used to define patients

who present acutely in the neonatal period, often with symptomatic seizures rather than the focal

neurologic deficits typically associated with stroke. Presumed perinatal AIS, on the other hand, refers to

patients who do not present until later in the first year of life, often with an emerging hemiparesis. In

these cases AIS is retrospectively diagnosed by the presence of a chronic infarct on neuroimaging (4).
When pediatric AIS occurs outside of the perinatal period, which in the literature is typically defined as

anything beyond the first month of life, we use the term childhood AIS. The use of standardized

terminology is essential, because the pathophysiology underlying each subtype is distinct and has

implications on recurrence risk, outcomes, and treatment strategies.

Estimates of the incidence of childhood AIS are variable and highly dependent on the search strategy

employed as well as the study population. In a retrospective cohort study of a California managed care

plan consisting of 2.3 million children under 20 years of age, key word searches of both radiology

reports and diagnostic codes were performed, yielding an incidence of childhood AIS of 2.4 per 100,000

person-years (5). This estimate is double that of prior reported studies that used only diagnostic code

searches. The largest of such studies searched a California-wide discharge database and found an
incidence of pediatric AIS of 1.2 per 100,000 person-years (6). The highest published rate of childhood

AIS is 7.9 per 100,000 person-years (7). Notably, this study was the only prospective analysis, raising

the possibility that retrospective studies may be underestimating the incidence of childhood AIS. The

incidence of childhood AIS appears to be relatively stable over time, with only one study finding a non-

significant increase in incidence between 1988 and 1999 (8).


The incidence of perinatal AIS is considerably higher than that of childhood AIS; in fact, the perinatal

period is recognized as one of the highest risk epochs of life with regard to stroke (9). In the National

Hospital Discharge Survey, conducted 1980 through 1998, the rate of AIS was 17.8 per 100,000 live

births per year (10). A more recent study performed in Switzerland between 2000 and 2010 found a rate

of symptomatic perinatal AIS of 13 per 100,000 live births per year (11). Notably, the rates in these

studies were derived from diagnoses made within the first month of life. The incidence of presumed

perinatal AIS is more challenging to determine, because only those children who develop symptomatic

neurologic deficits are detected. The diagnosis of presumed perinatal AIS shows that there is a
significant population of infants with subclinical AIS in the neonatal period, and underscores the idea

that the frequency of perinatal AIS is likely underestimated.

The risk of AIS in children and neonates is highly age dependent, with children less than one year of age

at the highest risk even after accounting for perinatal AIS. After one year of age, the incidence declines

considerably and stays low until mid-adolescence, when it begins to increase (6). Stroke incidence also

varies significantly by race. In one study, when compared with white children, black children were at an

increased risk of AIS (relative risk 2.59), and Hispanic children were at a decreased risk (relative risk

0.7) (6). In that study, the risk was similar in white and Asian children. Interestingly, the difference in

risk between white and black children persisted even when children with sickle cell disease were

excluded from the study. Perinatal AIS is also more common in African Americans when compared with
white infants (11), though data on other races is lacking. In childhood AIS, case fatality rates have been

reported to be similar among all ethnic groups (6). Sex is also a risk determinant, with boys having a

higher risk of both childhood (relative risk 1.25) and perinatal (relative risk 2.0) AIS (6, 11). The

difference between boys and girls persists in childhood AIS even after adjusting for trauma.

Ellis and colleagues recently reviewed six studies examining the cost of pediatric stroke. The costs were

highly variable but ranged from $15,000-$140,000. However, these studies typically only included costs

accrued in the first year after stroke. Therefore, these studies greatly underestimate the true cost of

childhood stroke because of the challenges inherent in predicting many of the less tangible costs such as

lost productivity for families as well as the children themselves due to persistent neurologic disability

later in life. As Ellis et al. point out, pediatric stroke survivors often have normal lifespans, and so costs

accumulate over much longer periods when compared with adult strokes (12).

Risk Factors and Etiology

Pediatric AIS has been associated with diverse risk factors that vary substantially between the perinatal

period and later in childhood. Perinatal AIS is typically thought of as truly multifactorial with risk
factors often specific to pregnancy as detailed below. Childhood AIS on the other hand has numerous

risk factors, many of which are quite different from those typically found in adult AIS (Table 1). As a

result, the systems often used to classify adult AIS, such as the TOAST criteria, are inadequate to

describe pediatric AIS. Recently, experts in the field of pediatric AIS have established a classification

scheme to provide a standardized language for describing the types of strokes that are often encountered.

The Childhood AIS Standardized Classification and Diagnostic Evaluation (CASCADE) criteria

describe strokes in terms of their distribution as well as their behavior in both the acute and chronic

phases (13). This system has excellent interrater reliability and will provide more consistency across

future multicenter studies, although the classification of arteriopathies in the CASCASDE criteria still

needs further refinement (14). Together with an understanding of the underlying risk factors for

childhood AIS, an improved classification system will provide a better clinical understanding of
pediatric AIS subtypes, especially arteriopathic AIS. It is important to note that risk factors for AIS are

different from the cause of AIS which is often a combination of one or more risk factors and inciting

events in childhood AIS. Studies have shown that multiple risk factors are frequently present in the

same patient (15, 16). For this reason, we advocate a comprehensive evaluation for risk factors in all

children with a first AIS (Figure 1).


Perinatal and Presumed Perinatal AIS

Perinatal AIS is frequently separated from childhood AIS because of distinct pathophysiological

mechanisms that are more extensively reviewed elsewhere (17, 18). The cause of perinatal AIS is most

often multifactorial due to the relatively hypercoagulable nature of pregnancy itself and the complex

interaction of the maternal and fetal circulations. As an evolutionary defense against hemorrhage,

changes in hemostasis occur throughout pregnancy, peaking near term gestation. These include

increases in many procoagulant factors, decreases in natural anticoagulants, and decreased activity of

fibrinolytic systems (19). Several case series and case-control studies have identified additional
characteristics that are frequently associated with perinatal AIS (20-25). These include a history of

infertility, primiparity, intrauterine growth restriction, oligohydramnios, gestational hypertension or pre-

eclampsia, prolonged rupture of membranes, chorioamnionitis or maternal fever, prolonged second stage

of labor, complicated delivery (including forceps, vacuum, or emergency C-section), abnormal

cardiotocography, umbilical cord abnormalities, birth asphyxia, 5 minute Apgar score < 7,

hypoglycemia, and early onset sepsis/meningitis. Unfortunately, there is little consistency of risk factors

identified across studies as is often the case with smaller retrospective studies. Many of these risk

factors are also nonspecific and not necessarily causal etiologies for perinatal AIS. The consistent

association of infections such as chorioamnionitis or neonatal sepsis with perinatal AIS highlights the

important but incompletely understood role of inflammation in the genesis and evolution of perinatal

brain injury. Often, the source of perinatal AIS is presumed to be thrombosis at the level of the placenta
with subsequent embolization across the fetal patent foramen ovale. While reported in small numbers of

patients after perinatal AIS, this has yet to be studied in a systematic fashion because often placental

pathology is not available on a retrospective basis (26, 27). This is an area that deserves attention in

future studies of perinatal AIS.


The low recurrence rate of perinatal AIS either later in childhood or in a subsequent pregnancy supports

the concept that risk factors are usually confined to the perinatal period. Nevertheless, there are

undoubtedly rare cases where maternal and/or infant risk factors confer additional risk beyond the

perinatal period. For example, cardiac disease is an important cause of AIS in the perinatal period that

confers an ongoing risk in many cases. In the International Pediatric Stroke Study, 18% of the 248

patients with symptomatic perinatal AIS had associated cardiac risk factors, most commonly congenital

heart disease (CHD) (28). Studies have utilized imaging to define the timing of brain injury in CHD

patients, and stroke appears to occur preoperatively at least half of the time (29, 30). The need for

cardiac procedures also increases the risk for AIS, and possibly more so in neonates than in older
children. In a study of the data from Extracorporeal Life Support Organization, neonates who required

extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) after cardiac surgery were significantly more likely to

have had a stroke compared to older children (odds ratio 1.73) (31). Only a few case reports raise the

possibility that arteriopathies (congenital, infectious, or traumatic) might predispose neonates to

perinatal AIS (21, 32-34), but advances in fetal imaging and our knowledge of genetic disorders that

predispose to congenital vascular anomalies may further our understanding of the role these play in

perinatal AIS (35).

Hypercoagulable disorders are perhaps the most extensively investigated causes of perinatal AIS. In

two studies of mother-child pairs, at least 50% of both the mothers and the infants had prothrombotic

risk factors including Factor V Leiden, prothrombin g20210a mutation, methylene tetrahydrofolate
reductase (MTHFR) mutations, low protein C or protein S, elevated lipoprotein(a), elevated

homocysteine, or antiphospholipid antibodies (36, 37). A prospective study of pregnant women with

known C677T mutations in the MTHFR gene found AIS in 2/91 neonates, but no concurrent control

population was examined (38). In the largest case-control study of neonatal prothrombotic risk factors

to date, 68.1% of neonates with AIS had at least one prothrombotic risk factor compared to 24.2% of

matched controls (39). In a recent study using rotation thromboelastometry to investigate the

coagulation system in infants with a history of perinatal AIS, the patients exhibited significantly

elevated clot firmness compared to an unmatched control population, although none of the other

measured parameters were different, and there were no differences in the patients who had known

prothrombotic risk factors compared to those who did not (40). Recurrence of AIS later in childhood is

very rare, with the exception to this rule being children with cardiac disease in whom a recurrence rate

of 14% has been reported (41). Otherwise, recurrence has been reported to be about 3.3% for any type

of thromboembolic event in one cohort study of 215 patients (42). Most of the patients who did have a

recurrence (5/7) had an identified prothrombotic abnormality present with their incident AIS.
Recurrence of perinatal AIS within families is even rarer, substantiated only by single case reports (43).

Further prospective cohort studies may help to clarify the role of risk factors in recurrence, but the

overall low rate of recurrence further emphasizes the multifactorial nature of perinatal AIS. Given the

very small recurrence risk, assessment of thrombotic risk factors in perinatal AIS remains uncertain and

controversial; however multiple thromboembolic events and/or a history of thrombosis in first degree

relatives should always prompt a thorough thrombosis evaluation.


Arteriopathies are arguably the most important risk factor for childhood AIS. In one survey of risk

factors, arterial abnormalities were seen in 40-80% of those children with AIS in whom vascular

imaging is performed. (44, 45). Efforts spearheaded by the International Pediatric Stroke Study to
classify subtypes of AIS have helped to standardize the nomenclature used to identify arteriopathies

commonly seen in children. (13, 46). In perhaps the first discussion of arteriopathies in childhood AIS,

Daniels et al. noted a high frequency of angiographic findings in children with lipid profile

abnormalities and family histories of early cardiovascular disease. (47). Sebire and colleagues

subsequently described the entity of transient cerebral arteriopathy (TCA) as a focal stenosis or

segmental narrowing in the vessel wall, typically in the large vessels of the intracranial anterior

circulation, which exhibited fluctuation on serial angiographic studies (48). In this description, TCA

usually involves a vasculopathy of the distal ICA, proximal MCA, and sometimes the circle of Willis.

Typically, this entity involves a basal ganglia stroke of the lenticulostriates, and the arteriopathy

demonstrates a transient worsening over the first 3-6 months, followed by improvement and/or

sometimes resolution of vascular irregularity/stenosis. The term “transient” underscores the importance

of longitudinal evaluation of childhood intracranial arteriopathies. Recent imaging studies have

suggested that other types of arteriopathy, such as intracranial dissection, may mimic the presentation of

TCA, and a small percentage (6%) will go on to develop frank moyamoya with progressive narrowing
and collateral formation (49). Recently, the term focal cerebral arteriopathy (FCA) has been adopted as

a broader category to include TCA and other forms of arteriopathy that may have overlapping

presentations, as described in the CASCADE criteria (13).

Understanding the pathophysiology of FCAs is an ongoing challenge to investigators in the field of

childhood AIS. One known cause of FCA is post-varicella angiopathy, but this is rare in our experience.

While there is a clear association between TCA and varicella infection within 1 year of diagnosis, most

cases lack pathologic evidence (50). More recently, the Vascular Effects of Infection in Pediatric Stroke

(VIPS) study identified serological evidence of acute herpes virus infection in 45% of a prospectively

enrolled population of childhood AIS patients (51). To complicate the relationship between infection

and arteriopathy, however, the VIPS study discovered a similar prevalence of recent infection across all
AIS subtypes, regardless of arteriopathy diagnosis. Another entity diagnosed in children is primary

CNS angiitis, which can affect either small vessels or medium to large vessels. While diagnostic criteria

have been delineated in adults, the clinical and angiographic appearance can resemble many of the other

diagnoses that fall under the FCA rubric. Understandably, pathology is typically not available to study

in patients with childhood AIS, and this leaves persisting questions about whether such arteriopathies

result from direct infection of the vessels themselves, a parainfectious process, or an autoimmune

disease. While Fullerton and colleagues have found a high likelihood of prodromal infection in the days

leading up to AIS occurrence, the role of recent infection in these arteriopathies remains unknown. (52,

53). Many of these infections were common childhood upper respiratory infections typically caused by

viruses without known vascular tropism, and the rates of infection were similar across childhood AIS

subtypes, supporting a general inflammatory or parainfectious role (54). While certain infections such

as VZV and HSV are known to directly affect the blood vessels and are associated with childhood AIS,

the role of infection and inflammation in these arteriopathies is clearly yet to be fully understood.
Noninflammatory arteriopathies are also important considerations in childhood AIS. Arterial dissection

of the craniocervical or intracranial vessels is likely an under-recognized cause of arteriopathy in

children, particularly when relying solely on MR angiography for diagnosis (49, 55, 56). There is some

evidence that intracranial dissection may be more common in children compared to adults, and it often

occurs without the preceding history of trauma that is typically expected with extracranial dissection

(57, 58). While common lore suggests that craniocervical dissections occur commonly in connective

tissue disorders such as Marfan, Ehlers Danlos, and Loeys-Dietz syndromes, the true prevalence in these

patients is unknown due to a lack of good case-control or prospective studies (59). Nonetheless, these

disorders are important considerations, particularly in patients with evidence of multiple dissections.

The fibromuscular dysplasias (FMD) are a group of noninflammatory arteriopathies typically affecting

the carotid and renal arteries, though they can involve any vessel. These have classically been described
to have a “stacked coin” or “string of beads” appearance on angiography. While dissections have been

reported in this group, a study of 27 children with AIS and pathologically confirmed FMD found no

corroborating evidence of dissection and a relative infrequency of the classic angiographic appearance

compared to adult studies (60). These findings suggest that the pathogenesis of AIS in children with

FMD may be different than in adult patients with FMD. Moyamoya disease is a progressive

noninflammatory arteriopathy involving the distal carotid artery, first described by Suzuki in Japan

where it remains most prevalent (61). The term moyamoya was originally coined to describe the hazy

appearance of the network of basal collateral vessels that form as the result of progressive stenosis of the

carotid terminus. Pathologically, moyamoya disease is characterized by fibrocellular intimal thickening,

possibly due to a constrictive remodeling process (62). Idiopathic moyamoya disease can exhibit

sporadic or hereditary occurrence, and susceptibility loci are beginning to be identified, such as the

RFN213 gene (63). In contrast to idiopathic moyamoya disease, a moyamoya syndrome refers to similar

angiographic findings that occur in the context of other underlying diseases including Trisomy 21,

Neurofibromatosis Type 1, and sickle cell anemia. Understanding of this disease entity is important
because its treatment is unique in the context of other arteriopathies, relying on surgical

revascularization (64).

Evaluation for arteriopathy is one of the essential points of management in childhood AIS. Multiple

studies have demonstrated a markedly increased risk of recurrent AIS when an arteriopathy is present

(65-67). As evident from the discussion above, however, the angiographic diagnosis of arteriopathy

may not definitively indicate the underlying etiology. This has produced a field rife with opportunity for

biomarker discovery (68, 69). Inflammatory biomarkers such as high-sensitivity CRP and serum

amyloid A are associated with increased risk of recurrence in arteriopathic AIS and may have value in

predicting progression of the arteriopathy (70). Others have identified circulating endothelial cells and

BDNF as markers of an endothelial repair response that is predictive of AIS recurrence in the setting of
an arteriopathy (71). The presence of an arteriopathy in the context of an elevated D-dimer may portend

a poor clinical outcome, even in the absence of AIS recurrence (72). Advanced imaging techniques are

providing additional strategies for studying arteriopathies as well. High resolution vessel wall imaging

is increasingly utilized on a clinical basis and promises to provide a noninvasive means of further

understanding the pathophysiology of arteriopathy (Bernard et al., communication).


Cardiac Disease

Children with cardiac disease represent one of the most significant subsets of pediatric AIS patients.

Across most series, cardiac risk factors are present in 2-31% of children with AIS, with the incidence

notably higher in Western populations compared to Eastern populations (15, 44, 73-78). In a

retrospective study of the Intermountain Pediatric Stroke Database, children with either acquired or

congenital heart disease had a 16.1-fold increased risk of AIS compared to the general pediatric

population, and those with single ventricle physiology exhibited the highest incidence (79). A similar

increase in risk was observed in a case-control study from Northern California (80). CHD is the most

commonly cited risk factor, representing more than half of the children with AIS attributed to cardiac
disease in the International Pediatric Stroke Study registry, but acquired conditions such as arrhythmias,

cardiomyopathy, or endocarditis are diagnostic concerns as well (81). Multiple studies have found

children with cardiac causes of AIS to have an earlier age at presentation (80, 81). Recurrent AIS is a

significant concern in patients with cardiac disease as well. In a study of the Canadian Pediatric

Ischemic Stroke Registry, 27% of patients with CHD and AIS had a recurrent stroke in the 10 years

following the sentinel event (41). Conditions associated with recurrence included a mechanical valve,

prothrombotic condition, or acute infection, and about half had recurrence despite being treated with

anticoagulation at the time. A point of uncertainty persists regarding the role of an isolated patent

foramen ovale (PFO), in part because there is significant variability in how this has been considered

across studies, with some lumping it in with other structural heart diseases while others have separated it

as a distinct diagnosis. While there is some evidence suggesting an important role of right-to-left
shunting across an atrial defect, particularly among patients with prothrombotic conditions or

cryptogenic stroke (82), the role of device closure remains undefined due to lack of sufficient evidence


An important consideration in the association of cardiac disease with pediatric AIS is the inevitable

necessity of invasive cardiac procedures with many of these conditions. These include corrective

surgeries, cardiac catheterization (either diagnostic or therapeutic), and augmentation of cardiac function

with ventricular assist devices or ECMO. In a study of the Northern California population, a history of

CHD surgery increased the risk of AIS more than 30-fold compared to controls, and the risk remained

elevated even after adjusting for perioperative stroke (80). Patients undergoing Fontan procedure for

palliation of single ventricle physiology represent one of the most extensively studied groups of CHD

patients at risk for AIS. In one retrospective study of these patients, 9% suffered AIS within a median

follow-up period of 3.5 years. Of these strokes, 16% occurred pre-surgery, and the majority of the rest

could be directly attributed to either the perioperative period or a defined cardiac event such as arrest or
catheterization (84). While this study found a statistically reduced incidence of AIS with antithrombotic

treatment, other studies have not found such an association, and the inconsistency in antithrombotic

practice in these patients is highlighted in a multicenter cross-sectional study from the Pediatric Heart

Network (85-87). Future multidisciplinary efforts are needed to optimize strategies for reducing

neurologic morbidity in these patients.

Sickle Cell Disease

Arterial Ischemic stroke is a well-recognized complication of sickle cell disease (SCD), and prior to

2000 SCD represented one of the most common causes of stroke in children (88, 89). Publication of the

pivotal STOP trial in 1998, which demonstrated that chronic transfusion therapy is effective in primary

prevention of AIS in high risk children with SCD, has dramatically reduced the stroke risk in this
population in high income countries (90). Nonetheless, SCD remains an important cause of neurologic

morbidity worldwide, even more so in low to middle income nations where access to transfusion therapy

is not as readily available. Even in high income countries such as the United States, regional differences

in access to transcranial Doppler (TCD) screening causes some children who would benefit to be missed

(91). Despite well characterized risk of AIS in SCD, the underlying pathophysiology remains poorly

understood and is likely multifactorial (92). The development of a vasculopathy, typically involving the

internal carotid or middle cerebral arteries, is common in SCD and a well described risk factor for AIS.

As demonstrated in the STOP trial, TCD is a reliable method to identify children with elevated cerebral

blood flow velocity (CBFV), intracranial vasculopathy, and high stroke risk (93-95). In addition to the

presence of a vasculopathy, other concomitant risk factors may also contribute to AIS in children with

SCD including acute illnesses or infection, severe anemia, paradoxical shunting, and thrombophilia. All

of these conditions can impact cerebral metabolic demand or oxygen delivery and thus exacerbate an

already high-risk condition.

Studies in children with SCD often differentiate between overt stroke and silent cerebral infarctions

(SCI), which are MRI lesions without any corresponding abnormality on neurologic exam. While useful

from study perspectives, it is more likely that these are two ends of the same pathophysiologic spectrum

rather than distinct entities. Supporting this idea is the fact that SCI is a strong risk factor for developing

overt stroke (96, 97). Additionally, transfusion therapy is also effective in preventing SCI (98). A study

of children undergoing screening MRI for clinical trials identified acute but asymptomatic infarcts in

1.3% of the patients, and other studies have found even higher rates for patients admitted to the hospital

for severe anemia but without frank neurologic symptoms (99, 100). In addition to TCD screening and

SCI detection, there is substantial interest in developing additional biomarkers for stroke risk in children

with SCD. One potential candidate is glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) which may be evident in the

blood prior to the development of overt stroke in at-risk patients (101). Future efforts at developing
such biomarkers will be very useful in risk stratifying patients and identifying which ones may need

escalation of therapy or additional preventive measures under certain circumstances.



Prothrombotic conditions, either acquired or inherited, are frequently cited risk factors for pediatric AIS,

but the extent of their contribution remains controversial, partly due to variability in the extent of testing

across small case series. Studies suggest that prothrombotic factors can be identified in 20-50% of

children, much higher than similar observations in adults with AIS (102-108). While many of the

putative thrombophilic risk factors for AIS have been described in small series or case control studies,

an extensive meta-analysis of 22 studies found statistically significant association between first AIS and

the following thrombophilia traits: deficiency of protein C or antithrombin, factor V G1691A (Leiden),

factor II G20210A, MTHFR C677T polymorphism, elevated level of lipoprotein(a), and the presence of

antiphospholipid antibodies (109). Some believe that thrombophilia is simply a permissive trait in

promoting thrombosis in the setting of other risk factors, but there is evidence that at least some
prothrombotic factors independently increase the risk of AIS. In a case-control study of 148 pediatric

AIS patients and 296 age-matched controls without any other known risk factors, Nowak-Gӧttl and

colleagues identified elevated lipoprotein(a), factor V Leiden, factor II G20210A, protein C deficiency

and MTHFR polymorphisms as independent risk factors for AIS (107). Liporotein(a) is intriguing

because it is a well-recognized risk factor for atherogenesis in adult populations, but it’s role as an

independent prothrombotic factor due to inhibition of fibrinolysis through competition with plasminogen

is debated (110). Such a role would seem to be supported, however, by its emergence in multiple

studies as a risk factor for both incident and recurrent AIS in pediatric patients where atherosclerosis is

not felt to be a contributing factor (66, 107, 108, 111).

Stroke is one of many neurologic morbidities that can accompany pediatric cancers and their treatment.

Data regarding frequency and details about predisposing factors, however, are lacking. Studies of

cohorts of children with cancer have revealed the incidence of AIS to be of 0.5-4% with substantial

variation based on the underlying malignancy (112-114). Stroke is rarely a primary manifestation of the

underlying malignancy, but more often is a complication during therapy (115, 116). L-asparaginase and

cytarabine are two of the more high-risk chemotherapeutic agents associated with stroke or stroke-like

syndromes (117, 118). The highest and most enduring risk, however, is associated with cranial

irradiation therapy and subsequent development of vasculopathy (119-121).

Other Causes

We have reviewed the best-studied risk factors for AIS in neonates and children, but a host of other

systemic diseases can also predispose to AIS. Inherited vascular syndromes such as Sturge-Weber

(122), incontinentia pigmentii (123), and PHACE syndrome (124) have been associated with childhood

AIS. Other metabolic disorders such as MELAS or Fabry disease can result in AIS either through
effects on the blood vessels or through energy depletion (125, 126). Inflammation has already been

noted as an important risk factor for AIS in the setting of infection, but autoimmune diseases such as

lupus and systemic vasculitides can be associated with childhood AIS (127, 128). The proliferation of

genetic testing has also identified novel gene mutations that confer risk for AIS such as Adenosine

deaminase 2 (ADA2) deficiency (129) and Notch3 mutations (Cerebral Autosomal Dominant

Arteriopathy with Subcortical Infarcts and Leukoencephalopathy, or CADASIL) (130). The rapidly

declining costs of genomic testing will likely expand the list of associated genes in the near future, as

has already been demonstrated by the recently discovered ADA2 deficiency syndrome (131). Given the

urgency of the diagnosis, AIS should be considered early in the differential for any child presenting with

a focal neurologic deficit, particularly in the context of acute systemic illness or with a family history of

the above conditions.


Management of Pediatric AIS


Several guidelines have been published regarding the management of AIS in the pediatric population

(132, 133). Recognizing that AIS is an evolving injury, treatment must be focused on distinct phases:

the acute phase, the recovery phase, and the chronic phase. Acute treatments have revolutionized the

management of adult stroke and include interventions directed toward revascularization and protection

of the ischemic penumbra. Intravenous recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) improves

outcomes in adult AIS when administered within an appropriate time window, currently defined as 4.5

hours from the time of stroke onset (or time the patient was last seen normal) (134). More recently,

interventional mechanical thrombectomy has further improved outcomes in multiple clinical trials with

appropriate patient selection (135). The Thrombolysis in Pediatric Stroke (TIPS) trial was designed as a

dose escalation safety study of IV tPA in children 2-17 years old. Although it was closed due to lack of

enrollment, it provided a valuable consensus regarding proposed (but unconfirmed) safety criteria for the
use of IV tPA in children, and helped to identify some of the barriers to thrombolytic use pediatric AIS

patients (136). Current strategies for treating acute childhood AIS with IV tPA or endovascular

therapies are uncertain and controversial, without much consensus. As a result, most centers target

efforts during the acute phase of pediatric AIS at supportive neuroprotective measures including

maintenance of cerebral perfusion through permissive hypertension and reduction of metabolic demand

with aggressive treatment of fevers and seizures.

Currently the mainstay of treatment both acutely and for secondary prevention in the chronic phase is

antithrombotic therapies. These include anticoagulation with either heparin or warfarin, and antiplatelet

agents, most commonly aspirin. One nonrandomized, prospective study compared low molecular

weight heparin (LMWH) with aspirin for secondary prevention in childhood AIS and found that neither
demonstrated superiority in regard to prevention of recurrence (137). While significant bleeding events

with anticoagulation in pediatric AIS are thought to be rare based on retrospective studies, the risk of

hemorrhagic conversion in the ischemic brain during the acute phase must still be considered (138). In

addition, the use of anticoagulation in extracranial dissection and cardioembolic stroke is recommended

by the American Heart Association guidelines, while aspirin is recommended for idiopathic stroke

(133). Without strong evidence, however, the optimal treatment strategy remains undefined, and

standard practices vary both geographically and based upon AIS subtype (139). Given the very real risk

of recurrence in pediatric AIS, future randomized, controlled treatment trials are needed to better

understand which therapies are most effective.

Other disease specific treatments may be warranted depending on the etiology of pediatric AIS. In SCD,

exchange transfusion is frequently used to improve cerebral blood flow in the setting of acute AIS (140).

Chronic transfusion has been the standard of care for primary prevention, with a reported 92% risk

reduction for the occurrence of AIS (90). More recently, results from the Twitch trial have shown that

hydroxyurea offers comparable efficacy and may be more easily accessible to patients (141).
Moyamoya disease and syndrome are amenable to surgical revascularization, a procedure that is well

tolerated and effective in preventing recurrent AIS (64). Other approaches to treatment of AIS are

available and variably used such as steroids, but these have not been well studied in terms of safety and

efficacy. Novel modalities of treatment such as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) are also

increasingly being investigated and incorporated into managing the recovery phase after pediatric AIS


Outcomes After Pediatric Stroke

Significant neurologic deficits (i.e. moderate to severe impairment) have been reported in 31-51% of

patients with childhood AIS (143-146), while no neurological deficits were observed in 25-41% of these
children (3, 143, 145, 147, 148). Rates of hemiparesis in childhood AIS fall between 55-62% of patients

(149). With respect to cognition, overall intellectual functioning in patients with childhood AIS

generally falls within the average range; however, the mean score for this group falls significantly below

the normative sample (148, 150). Some research has suggested that childhood AIS patients tend to

exhibit higher verbal intellectual abilities than performance/nonverbal intellectual abilities (144).

Pavlovic and colleagues interestingly found better cognitive functioning following childhood AIS when

the stroke occurred during the school-aged years compared to toddlerhood and adolescence (144).

Studies have also indicated that childhood AIS patients have poorer performance compared to the

normative sample on tasks of working memory (144, 145, 150), processing speed (148, 150), visual-

spatial/visual-constructional skills (144, 145), inhibitory control (150), and problem solving (147).

Additionally, these children exhibit impairments in language, facial memory, and attention measures

compared to controls (151). Furthermore, 27-33% of patients with childhood AIS receive academic

instruction within a special education classroom (144, 147). In terms of psychological functioning, up to

60% of childhood AIS patients experience emotional or behavioral difficulties (143), although only 15%
meet diagnostic criteria for a psychiatric disorder (143). In general, parents of childhood AIS patients

report a greater number of problems with respect to their child’s quality of life compared to parents of

healthy children (143). Of these parents, approximately 18% rated their child as having poor quality of

life overall (152). Predictors of outcome are desperately sought to help with early prognosis, but remain

very limited. Larger infarct volumes (3, 150, 153) and neuroimaging abnormalities, such as the presence

of arteriopathy (3, 139), have been associated with poorer outcomes for these children. Future studies

will hopefully provide new strategies for improved prediction of recovery.

Studies have demonstrated that poor neurological outcomes (i.e. moderate to severe impairment) are

present in 37-62% of children with perinatal AIS (144, 146, 151, 154); however, up to a third of these

children do not exhibit any neurological impairment (155). Hemiparesis has been reported in upwards of
58% within this population (11, 156, 157). In terms of early development, children with perinatal AIS

display lower developmental quotients on standardized testing compared to the normative sample (144),

with 31-41% demonstrating delayed developmental performance (11, 155). Westmacott et al. found that

preschoolers with a history of perinatal AIS do not display evidence of cognitive impairment when

measured by IQ; however, by school age, children with perinatal AIS demonstrate lower intellectual

functioning than the normative sample, thus clinicians and parents must recognize the potential for late

emergence of neurologic deficits in these children (158, 159). Moreover, research has indicated that

children with perinatal AIS experience difficulties with various measures of language, facial memory,

and attention compared to controls (151) and exhibit lower visual-motor integration, visual-spatial, and

visual-constructional skills compared to the normative sample (151, 159). Quality of life overall is

reportedly poor in 8% of these children based on parental report (152). Outcomes following perinatal

AIS appear to be negatively impacted by a number of different factors, particularly the presence of

epilepsy (144, 151, 159). Following presumed perinatal AIS, 92-95% of children are hemiparetic (157,

160), and 91-96% of these children are diagnosed with cerebral palsy (161, 162). Studies have found
that cognitive impairment occurs in 42-52% of children with presumed perinatal AIS (160, 161) and

approximately 50% of these children have a speech delay (160). Furthermore, approximately 17% of

children with presumed perinatal AIS exhibit behavioral difficulties (160). While on the surface it

appears that children with presumed perinatal AIS have worse outcomes, we must consider the selection

bias inherent in these studies because only patients with some sort of neurologic problem get the

imaging necessary for diagnosis.

The Future of Pediatric AIS

The burgeoning field of pediatric stroke has realized remarkable advances over the past decade, but

clearly many unanswered questions persist. Patients will continue to benefit from the ongoing work of
collaborative multicenter groups studying this rare but costly disease. The importance of time and

recognition of AIS in children cannot be overemphasized. These factors are well recognized in adult

AIS, and benchmarks are constantly evolving to improve the efficiency with which these patients are

identified and treated. Additionally, while the acute phase of AIS is often a primary focus of treatment,

the recovery phase is just as critically important and deserves further attention and study. This is best

achieved through a multidisciplinary team approach with the capability of following patients

longitudinally from the time they present throughout long-term follow up. These principles have begun

to develop with the emerging concept of a primary pediatric stroke center (163). Improvements in

systems of care and standardized care pathways, larger scale studies of treatment strategies, and novel

technologies in neuroimaging and neurorehabilitation will lead to better understanding of the

pathophysiology of pediatric AIS and allow us to achieve better outcomes for these children.
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Risk Factors for Childhood Arterial Ischemic Stroke
Focal or transient cerebral arteriopathy
Craniocervical arterial dissection
Fibromuscular dysplasia
Moyamoya disease
Primary CNS angiitis

Cardiac Disease

Congenital heart disease


Inherited thrombophilia
Protein C, S, Antithrombin deficiency
Factor V Leiden

Prothrombin G20210A

Lipoprotein(a) elevations

Acquired thrombophilia
Antiphospholipid syndrome

Drug-induced thrombophilia (i.e. asparaginase)

Sickle cell disease

Congenital vascular syndromes
Inborn errors of metabolism
Mitochondrial disorders
Fabry Disease
Rheumatologic disease
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Systemic vasculitis (i.e. Takayasu arteritis, Churg Strauss)
Table 1. Summary of the various causes and risk factors for childhood AIS.
Figure 1. Outline of a diagnostic algorithm for a child presenting with new AIS.


Figure 1

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