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Sampah Membengkak: Analysing the Waste Management

of Indonesia as a Developing Nation

Indonesia ranked 10th in the top emitters of carbon dioxide in 2018
alone, accounting for 2% of the total global CO2 emission of that
year according to Union of Concerned Scientists (2019), and 4 th in the
top municipal solid waste (MSW) producers (Maplecroft, 2019).
Despite these statistics, Indonesia doesn’t even reach the top 50
countries by waste management and sustainable treatment. These
obviously contrasting points stem from decades of insufficient
attention on the country’s treatment and reduction in waste level,
which has caused numerous negative outcomes in various sectors
across the nation.
Journalist media The Guardian; CNA Insider; along with several
environmental organizations, rank Indonesian rivers Citarum and
Ciliwung as some of the most polluted rivers in the world.

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