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Current Commentary

The Case for Standardizing Cesarean

Delivery Technique
Seeing the Forest for the Trees
Joshua D. Dahlke, MD, Hector Mendez-Figueroa, MD, Lindsay Maggio, MD, MPH,
Jeffrey D. Sperling, MD, MS, Suneet P. Chauhan, MD, Hon DSc, and Dwight J. Rouse, MD

additional 216 similar studies have strengthened those

In this Commentary, we explain the case for a standard- recommendations and offered evidence to recommend
ized cesarean delivery surgical technique. There are additional cesarean delivery techniques. However, this
three strong arguments for a standardized approach to amount of cesarean delivery technique data creates a
cesarean delivery, the most common major abdominal forest for the trees problem, making it difficult for a
surgery performed in the world. First, standardization clinician to synthesize this volume of data. In response to
within institutions improves safety, efficiency, and effec- this difficulty, we propose a comprehensive, evidence-
tiveness in health care delivery. Second, surgical training based and standardized approach to cesarean delivery
among obstetrics and gynecology residents would technique.
become more consistent across hospitals and regions,
(Obstet Gynecol 2020;136:972–80)
and proficiency in performing cesarean delivery measur-
DOI: 10.1097/AOG.0000000000004120
able. Finally, standardization would strengthen future
trials of cesarean delivery technique by minimizing the
potential for aspects of the surgery which are not being
studied to bias results. Before 2013, more than 155
randomized controlled trials, meta-analyses or system-
C esarean delivery is the most commonly per-
formed major abdominal surgery in the world
accounting for almost 30 million neonates born world-
atic reviews were published comparing various aspects wide in 2015.1 In 2019, approximately 1.1 million
of cesarean delivery surgical technique. Since 2013, an cesarean deliveries were performed in the United
States.2 Two previous systematic reviews summarized
From the Nebraska Methodist Women’s Hospital and Perinatal Center, Omaha, 155 randomized controlled trials (RCTs), meta-
Nebraska; the Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Department of Obstetrics, analyses or systematic reviews from 1960 to 2012 that
Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences, McGovern Medical School at UT Health,
Houston, Texas; the Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Nemours Children’s
addressed specific technical aspects of cesarean deliv-
Hospital, Orlando, Florida; the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kaiser ery.3,4 Using identical search criteria, we located an
Permanente, Modesto, California; and the Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, additional 216 papers published from October 2012
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Warren Alpert School of Medicine of
Brown University/Women and Infants Hospital, Providence, Rhode Island.
through October 2019 addressing at least one aspect
of cesarean delivery. This volume of published surgi-
Dr. Rouse, Associate Editor (Obstetrics) of Obstetrics & Gynecology, was not
involved in the review or decision to publish this article. cal technique data has created a forest for the trees
Each author has confirmed compliance with the journal’s requirements for problem, making it difficult for a typical clinician to
authorship. formulate a comprehensive, evidence-based approach
Corresponding author: Joshua D. Dahlke, MD, Department of Maternal-Fetal to the performance of cesarean delivery. The hetero-
Medicine, Methodist Women’s Hospital and Perinatal Center, Omaha, NE; geneity in surgical technique based on an individual
surgeon’s “preference” is problematic for institutions
Financial Disclosure:
seeking efficiency in health care delivery, for resident
The authors did not report any potential conflicts of interest.
trainees learning this important surgery and for
© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. This is an
open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons researchers who study an aspect of the surgery in
Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives License 4.0 (CCBY-NC-ND), which differences in technique may bias results. The
where it is permissible to download and share the work provided it is properly objective of this Commentary is to offer an evidence-
cited. The work cannot be changed in any way or used commercially without
permission from the journal. based, standardized cesarean delivery surgical tech-
ISSN: 0029-7844/20 nique informed by the aforementioned 370 and up


RCTs, meta-analyses and systematic reviews: one that with this logic. Omitting steps with no benefit are just
both prioritizes the most up-to-date research and the as important as including those with benefit and crit-
value of standardization. ical to establishing a standardized technique.
Recent guidelines for intraoperative care during
WHY STANDARDIZE CESAREAN DELIVERY cesarean delivery for enhanced recovery after surgery
SURGICAL TECHNIQUE? include eight standardized cesarean delivery tech-
Standardized approaches to clinical practice are niques.16 As outlined in the guideline and supportive
consistently associated with improved outcomes. In of the premise of this commentary, a standardized
the outpatient setting, protocols and checklists have approach that removes unjustified variability can
reduced patient harm through increased standardiza- independently improve safety, efficiency and effec-
tion and communication.5 The science of routinizing tiveness in a health care system.16
surgery remains in its infancy,6,7 but may be particu- Regarding the benefit of a standardized surgical
larly beneficial for high-volume procedures such as approach for resident training, consider the following
cesarean delivery. A prime example of these benefits example that likely rings true for any attending
is Shouldice Hospital, an inguinal hernia specialty surgeon who supervises residents. A third-year obstet-
hospital in Toronto, Ontario Canada. Atul Gawande, rics and gynecology resident and their attending are
in his book Complications, described Shouldice’s stan- scrubbing in preparation for a scheduled cesarean
dardized approach to inguinal hernia repair which delivery. While reviewing the patient’s clinical his-
demonstrated a four-fold decrease in hernia recur- tory, the resident benignly asks, “Remind me how
rence relative to other Canadian hospitals.6–8 many layers you like to close the uterus and how do
There is already strong evidence that standardizing you close the skin again?” Anyone who teaches resi-
certain aspects of cesarean delivery surgical technique is dents has probably had this exact experience. The
associated with less surgical site infection. Both Lem- resident was focusing on remembering the nuanced
ming et al and Kawakita et al reported a more than 50% technique that their attending preferred, rather than
reduction in surgical site infection when either four or the approach with the strongest evidence basis behind
nine aspects of cesarean delivery preparation or tech- it. Given the fact that many residents operate with
nique were standardized, respectively.9,10 In a system- dozens of attending surgeons during their training,
atic review and meta-analysis of 44 studies, Martin each with their own “preferences,” it is clear that a
et al11 found similar surgical site infection reduction more efficient and logical way to teach this common
when preoperative antibiotic prophylaxis, vaginal prep- surgery is warranted and long overdue.
aration and spontaneous removal of the placenta were We acknowledge that not all cesarean deliveries
standardly performed. Carter et al12 also demonstrated are created equal and alterations to our standardized
that evidence-based bundles were associated with approach will be necessary in certain circumstances in
reduced surgical site infection in a systematic review which physician judgement and experience should
and meta-analysis. Interestingly, the techniques stan- play an important role. However, we believe that if a
dardized varied among studies, suggesting that the act standardized approach becomes the primary tech-
of bundling or standardization may independently con- nique taught to trainees, opportunities to highlight
tribute to improved outcomes rather than the specific clinical scenarios that warrant modifications to this
techniques individually. technique become strengthened. For example, a
Since the previous systematic review by Dahlke history of multiple prior cesarean deliveries or signif-
et al in 2013, the CORONIS trial has reported short- icant obesity may require modifications to abdominal
term and long-term data for more than 15,000 women entry techniques, and uterine exteriorization may not
undergoing cesarean delivery randomized to three of be possible when there is extensive intra-abdominal
five alternative surgical techniques.4,13–15 There was adhesive disease. However, a standardized cesarean
no difference in outcomes related to cesarean delivery delivery technique could positively influence resident
surgical technique including long-term outcomes such education and performance. In a 2-year retrospective
as subsequent uterine rupture (indicating that double study of a standardized cesarean delivery surgical
layer uterine closure is not protective) or symptoms technique implemented at an academic obstetrics and
attributable to intra-abdominal adhesions (indicating gynecology residency program, Pallister et al17 re-
that peritoneal closure is not protective). The authors ported decreased incision to delivery and total oper-
suggest that in the absence of clinical benefit, consid- ating time with similar perinatal and maternal
erations such as cost and time savings should dictate outcomes after implementation of a standardized
appropriate technique.15 We concur wholeheartedly approach. When surveyed, second-year residents

VOL. 136, NO. 5, NOVEMBER 2020 Dahlke et al Standardizing Cesarean Delivery Technique 973
had increased positive responses toward faculty time There are numerous ways to describe a standard-
spent teaching surgical skills and fourth-year residents ized approach to cesarean delivery. One way to
noted increased autonomy after standardization synthesize the data is to divide techniques into those
occurred.17 For residents, a standardized approach that should be standardized by the surgeon and those
may allow them to assess their improvement in the that should be standardized at the institutional level.
mastery of this common surgery, and for their super- For purposes of this Commentary, we present all the
visors, information to evaluate their progress by estab- techniques in order of their performance (or omission)
lishing reproducible, reliable, and measurable data that should be standardized by the surgeon. In
regarding learning the procedure. For example, with addition, a checklist of techniques that should be
a standardized approach, what is an appropriate inci- standardized at the institution and surgeon level are
sion to hysterotomy time, hysterotomy to delivery included in Figure 1. In Appendix 1, available online
time, or time from delivery to uterine closure time at, we review those
for a trainee at a given level? Although these time aspects that should be standardized at the institutional
intervals have been used as primary outcomes in level.
numerous studies, the findings are often confounded
owing to marked variation in surgical technique. STANDARDIZED CESAREAN DELIVERY
We recognize the audacity of proposing a stan- SURGICAL TECHNIQUE
dardized surgical approach to cesarean deliveries. In
particular, why should one technique be employed Skin, Subcutaneous Tissue, Fascia, and
over another if randomized trials do not demonstrate Peritoneum Entry
a clear benefit? It is worth noting that, in the past 7 Studies that report surgical approaches to abdominal
years, there have been more RCTs published on this entry were often associated with specific procedural
topic than in the previous 50 years combined. The techniques (Joel-Cohen, Misgav-Ladach, or Pfannen-
trials vary tremendously in quality, sample size and stiel methods). Although the location of the transverse
primary outcomes, making it impossible for any skin incision between the Pfannenstiel and Joel-Cohen
clinician to synthesize best practices. varies slightly, the primary difference in these tech-
But an equally apposite question needs to be niques involves sharp compared with blunt dissection
asked; What compels a surgeon to hold on to their and expansion of tissue layers after the skin incision.
“preference” in technique when there is no demon- Since the 2013 review, there have been six additional
strated benefit and instead adapt an approach that RCTs and one Cochrane Review on these techniques,
prioritizes standardization and improved resident edu- with primary outcomes including operative time,
cation? We acknowledge the efficiency of habit relat- postoperative analgesia requirements, febrile morbid-
ing to surgery, and recognize the difficulty of ity, blood loss, and duration of hospital stay.4,20–27
“unlearning” long-used surgical techniques.18,19 How- Techniques that incorporated sharp dissection and
ever, we must also acknowledge the same habit- blunt tissue expansion and entry were favored and
forming power of a standardized approach to cesarean supported by the Cochrane Review.
delivery when training future surgeons. We believe Recommendation: transverse skin incision 2–3
the act of standardization, in and of itself, would pro- cm above the pubic symphysis, sharp subcutane-
vide high-quality and efficient resident training. As ous and fascia dissection, blunt subcutaneous and
such, accounting for each individual surgeon’s “pref- fascia expansion with the omission of superior and
erence” is both unnecessary and outdated. inferior fascia dissection, and blunt peritoneal
Finally, we believe that a standardized approach entry.
to cesarean delivery would improve the quality of
future trials by minimizing the potential for aspects of Bladder Flap Development
the surgery not being studied to bias results. Our Previously, bladder flap development was not
standardized approach may serve as a template for recommended with a moderate level of certainty.4
such studies in the future. With this in mind, we have Two additional RCTs and one systematic review
prioritized the following for each recommendation: 1) strengthen this recommendation.28–30 Omission of
include techniques with high-quality evidence dem- a bladder flap significantly reduces operative time
onstrating benefit; 2) omit techniques if high-quality as well as short-term and long-term bladder symp-
evidence suggests no benefit; and 3) if high-quality toms with no difference in intraoperative bladder
evidence is not available, inclusion or omission is injury rate.
based on consensus of the authors. Recommendation: omit bladder flap development.

974 Dahlke et al Standardizing Cesarean Delivery Technique OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

Fig. 1. Template checklist for stan-
dardized cesarean delivery technique.
IV, intravenous; IU, international
Dahlke. Standardizing Cesarean Delivery
Technique. Obstet Gynecol 2020.

Uterine Incision and Expansion Four additional RCTs have since been published.37–
40 The largest trial of 574 women demonstrated
Sharp transverse uterine incision 2–3 cm, blunt uter-
ine entry and cephalad-caudad expansion was previ- spontaneous placenta removal had a significant
ously recommended with a high level of certainty.4 decrease in blood loss compared with manual
Two RCTs and four systematic reviews have since
Recommendation: spontaneous placenta removal.
been published supporting this technique as it is asso-
ciated with fewer unintended extensions.31–36 Intrauterine Wiping
Recommendation: sharp 2–3-cm transverse uterine Previously, there was insufficient evidence to favor
incision, blunt entry, cephalad-caudad expansion. intrauterine cleaning after placental delivery based on
the lack of any RCTs.4 One RCT of 206 women since
Placenta Removal did not demonstrate any benefit of this technique.41
Spontaneous removal of the placenta was previ- Recommendation: perform intrauterine wiping only
ously recommended with a high level of certainty.4 when placental membranes are seen.

VOL. 136, NO. 5, NOVEMBER 2020 Dahlke et al Standardizing Cesarean Delivery Technique 975
Routine Cervical Dilation compared with 4 of 1,624 in the two-layer closure
Routine cervical dilation of the cervix was previously group. Importantly, 3 of 674 in the single layer group
not recommended.4 Four additional RCTs and one and 4 of 680 in the double layer arm experienced this
systematic review have been performed. Based on outcome while in labor. Placenta previa or morbidly
the systematic review, there remains no evidence of adherent placenta were both similarly rare and not
benefit with this technique.42–46 significantly different between groups.13–15
Recommendation: omit routine cervical dilation. Recommendation: single-layer uterine closure.

Uterine Repair: in Situ or Exteriorized Intra-abdominal Irrigation

An additional three RCTs and one systematic review Routine intra-abdominal irrigation was not recom-
have been published, adding to the prior 14 previous mended based on the findings of two RCTs.4 Since
RCTs or systematic reviews.4,13,47–49 Similar to prior then, one RCT and one systematic review strengthen
studies, there may be benefit to either exteriorization these recommendations. Intra-abdominal irrigation
or in situ repair depending on the outcome of interest. has consistently been shown to increase intraoperative
In the most recent systematic review by Zaphiratos and postoperative nausea, increased antiemetics use,
et al,48 exteriorization appeared to reduce blood loss. and no reduction in infection rate.64,65
Previous RCTs and reviews demonstrated benefit of Recommendation: omit intra-abdominal irrigation.
in situ repair with regard to patient nausea, vomiting
and resumption of bowel motility postoperatively. Peritoneal Closure
There were no short-term or long-term outcome dif- Closure compared with nonclosure of the parietal
ferences between groups in the CORONIS trial.13–15 peritoneum was one of the most studied technical
Given the likely blood loss reduction, ability to med- steps in the previous review with no clear benefit of
ically mitigate patient symptoms, and improved either surgical approach.4 One RCT and one system-
inspection of the adnexa, uterine exteriorization is atic review have been performed since then and it was
recommended. also a technical step included in the CORONIS
Recommendation: uterine exteriorization during trial.13–15,66,67 There was no difference in short-term
repair. or long-term outcomes between groups in this trial
Uterine Closure and no clear benefit demonstrated in the Cochrane
Optimal uterine closure remains one of the most
Recommendation: omit peritoneal closure.
studied and controversial aspects of cesarean delivery.
Eleven additional RCTs and four systematic reviews
have been performed since the previous review.4,13–
Rectus Muscle Reapproximation
15,36,50–61 Two RCTs were also performed comparing Compared with other technical aspects, there is a
barbed suture compared with standard suture for uter- paucity of RCTs that address reapproximation of the
ine closure.62,63 In addition to single- compared with rectus muscle. In the prior review, there were no
two-layer closure, a distinction is made in some RCTs identified RCTs that addressed this step.4 One RCT
regarding locked or unlocked suture technique. Pri- has since been published and rectus muscle reapprox-
mary outcomes vary between operating time, blood imation was associated with increased postoperative
loss, and postpartum ultrasound measurement of the pain and analgesic requirements.68
residual myometrial thickness. These studies suggest Recommendation: omit rectus muscle reapproximation.
that two-layer closure, in particular when the first
layer is closed in an unlocked fashion, likely results Glove Change
in the thickest residual myometrial thickness, a finding Previously, intraoperative glove change was not
not clearly associated with clinical outcomes. recommended with moderate certainty.4 Although
The strongest clinically relevant data regarding one recent RCT reported a decreased risk of a com-
single- or two-layer closure are from the 3-year follow- posite wound complication with glove change, three
up of the CORONIS trial.15 Of the original 9,200 previous trials found no benefit to glove change,
women randomized to single- or double-layer closure, including the largest (N5760, relative risk [RR] for
approximately 1,600 women in each group had sub- endometritis 1.0, 95% CI 0.79–1.3).69–72 Given this
sequent viable pregnancies within 3 years. In those inconsistent and conflicting data, routine glove change
with single-layer closure of the uterus, only 5 of is not recommended.
1,610 experienced uterine rupture or scar dehiscence Recommendation: omit routine glove change.

976 Dahlke et al Standardizing Cesarean Delivery Technique OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

Fascia Closure rationale for inclusion of each technical aspect
One RCT addressing suture type (nonabsorbable com- informed by an updated systematic review of the
pared with delayed-absorbable) has been performed literature. An evidence-based, standardized approach
since the previous review, demonstrating less chronic would benefit institutions by improving safety and
incisional pain with delayed-absorbable suture.4,73 efficiency, benefit resident training by providing
Recommendation: continuous with delayed absorb- consistency and improved teaching, and strengthen
able suture. future trials of cesarean delivery technique. In Fig-
ure 1, we have provided a template for a checklist
Subcutaneous Tissue Irrigation for our standardized approach that may prove useful.
Subcutaneous tissue irrigation remains under studied In summary, we believe now is the time for all stake-
compared with other aspects of cesarean delivery. holders, including attending surgeons, obstetrics and
One RCT of 185 women demonstrated no difference gynecology residents, and institutional policymakers,
in surgical site infection but less hematoma and to adopt an evidence-based, standardized approach to
seroma formation in those who had subcutaneous the most common abdominal surgery performed in
saline irrigation.74 the world.
Recommendation: perform subcutaneous tissue
irrigation. REFERENCES
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