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Anova: Two-Factor With Replication

SUMMARYu v Total
Count 4 4 8
Sum 3.8 3.39 7.19
Average 0.95 0.8475 0.89875
Variance 0.011667 0.081958 0.043127

Count 4 4 8
Sum 3.16 1.53 4.69
Average 0.79 0.3825 0.58625
Variance 0.107133 0.002358 0.09437

Count 8 8
Sum 6.96 4.92
Average 0.87 0.615
Variance 0.058229 0.097914

Source of VariationSS df MS F P-value F crit
Sample 0.390625 1 0.390625 7.692623 0.01685 4.747225
Columns 0.2601 1 0.2601 5.122179 0.04296 4.747225
Interaction 0.093025 1 0.093025 1.831952 0.200843 4.747225
Within 0.60935 12 0.050779

Total 1.3531 15
u v
constant 0.95 0.82
constant 0.9 1.25
constant 1.1 0.58
constant 0.85 0.74
forced 0.5 0.32
forced 0.69 0.43
forced 1.26 0.37
forced 0.71 0.41

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