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Identifier :

--Name used to identify a variable, function, class etc.

--Should start with a letter A(a) to Z(z) or a underscore.
--Not allowed @, $, %

Multi-Line Statements:
add= 1 + \
2 + \

word = 'word'
sentence = "This is a sentence."
paragraph = """This is a paragraph.
It is made up of multiple lines and sentences."""

# This is a single-line comment.
This is a multiline comment.

User Input :
input("Press the enter key to exit.")

Multiple Statements on Singe Line :

a = 10; b = 20;

--It is very important for python and mandatory. It indicates a block of code.
if 5 > 2:
  print("Five is greater than two!")

Command Line Arguments:

# Use sys Module
# sys.argv is the list of command-line arguments

import sys
print("List of arguments " +str( sys.argv))

############# End #############

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