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for i in range(1, 11):

if i%2==0:

1. Keywords:-for, in, if
2. Identifiers:-i
3. Literals:-1, 11, 2, 0
4. Operators:-%, ==
5. Punctuators:-, and :


Name, name.1, NAME, name-1, name, _name, name1, name_1, 1name, name 1
Valid Identifiers:- Name, NAME, name, _name, name1, name_1
Invalid Identifiers:- name.1, name-1, 1name, name 1

TOKEN:-The smallest individual unit in a program is known as a token or a

lexical unit or a lexical element. Python has following tokens:-

PUNCTUATORS:-Punctuators are symbols that are used in programming language to

organize programming sentence structures and indicate the rhythm and emphasis
of expressions, statements and program structure.
Single quote ' Double quote " Hash # Backslash \ Parentheses () Square Brackets
[] Curly brackets {} At the rate @ Comma , Colon : Dot . Equal =

An identifier is a name given to entities like classes, functions, variables,
objects, lists, dictionaries etc. It helps to differentiate one entity from

Rules for writing identifiers:-

Identifiers can be a combination of letters in lowercase (a to z) or uppercase
(A to Z) or digits (0 to 9) or an underscore _.
Names like myClass, no_1 and MyClass, all are valid example.
An identifier cannot start with a digit. It means 1no is invalid, but no1 is a
valid name.
An identifier must not be a keyword of Python. global = 1 is invalid, but
global1 = 1 is a valid.
We cannot use special symbols like !, @, #, $, % etc. in our identifier.
no# = 1 is a invalid name.
Identifier is a case-sensitive. It means Name and name are not the same.
Multiple words can be joined using an underscore, like no_1.

Literals are data items that have a fixed value.
Several kinds of literals: - (like String, Numeric, Special and Boolean)
String Literals
String literals: - A string literal is a sequence of characters surrounded by
quotes. We can use single, double and triple quotes for a string.
Some valid string literals are „abc‟, “abc”, „‟‟abc‟‟‟, „123‟, „1-x-0‟, „a‟,
“a” etc.
print(type(„123‟)), print(type(„a‟)
Single line strings: - The string that you create by enclosing text in single
quotes or double quotes in one line is known as single line string.
print(type('python')) print(type("python")) print(type('1-a-0'))
Multiline strings: - The string that you need to write multiple lines is known
as multiline string.
a = 'Hello\ a = “Hello\ a = „„„Hello
world' world” world‟‟‟
print(a) print(a) print(a)
Note: - Don‟t forget to use backslash in single or double quotes.
Here backslash is used to continue the text. It is also known as EOL(End Of

Numeric Literals
Numeric Literals: - Numeric Literals are immutable (unchangeable). Numeric
literals can belong to 3 different numerical types: Integer, Float and Complex.
Integer Literal: - An integer constant must have at least one digit and must
not contain any decimal point. It may either +ve or -ve sign.
print(bin(65)) # 0b1000001 Binary Literals
print(hex(65)) # 0x41 Hexadecimal Literal
print(oct(65)) # 0o101 Octal Literal
print(ord('A')) # 65 Decimal Literal
print(chr(65)) # A String Literal
print(str(0b1000001)) # 65 Decimal Literal
print(str(0x41)) # 65 Decimal Literal
print(str(0o101)) # 65 Decimal Literal
print(int('0b1000001',2)) # 65 Decimal Literal
print(int('0x41',16)) # 65 Decimal Literal
print(int('0o101',8)) # 65 Decimal Literal

Float Literal: - A real constant in fractional form must have at least one
digit with the decimal point. It may also either +ve or -ve sign.
print(float(65)) # 65.0 fractional form
A real constant in exponent form has two parts: one is mantissa and
another is an exponent. The mantissa is followed by a letter E or e and the
print(pow(.3,100)) # 5.153775207320094e-53
print(.3 ** 100) # 5.153775207320094e-53

Complex Literal: Python represents complex numbers in the form A + Bj. Here j
represents imaginary number. The meaning of j is √-1. a = (1+2.56j) +
print(a) # (2+5.12j) print(a.real) # 2.0 print(a.imag) # 5.12
print(complex(65)) # (65+j)
print(complex(65, 2)) # (65+2j)

Special Literal: - Python has one special literal which is used to indicate
absence of value. The name of special literal is None.
def myFunction():
#return (c)
x=myFunction() # None

Boolean Literals: - A Boolean literal in Python is used to represent one of the

two Boolean values True or False.
print(bool(0)) # False print(bool(1)) # True

#After finding the calculation, this function will be returned the value.
def myFunction(): #myFunction() is the name of function.
a=10 #the value of a is assigned 10.
b=20 #the value of b is assigned 20.
c=a+b #the calculation of a and b is stored in c.
return (c) #the value will be returned here.
x=myFunction() #the function will be called here.
print(x) #this statement will be printed the value of c.

EXPRESSION:-An expression is any legal combination of symbols that represents a

value. e.g.:- 10, 20, a+b etc.

STATEMENT:-A statement is a programming instruction that does something or some

action takes place. e.g.:- a=10, b=20, c=a+b etc.

COMMENTS:-Comments are the additional readable information which is read by the

programmers but ignored by the Python interpreter.
FULL LINE COMMENTS:-The physical lines beginning with hash sign(#) are the full
line comments.

INLINE COMMENT:-The line starts in the middle of a physical line after python
code is called an inline comment.
DOCSTRINGS:-Comments enclosed in a triple quotes(""") or triple apostrophe(''')
are called docstrings or multiline comment.

FUNCTION:-A function is a code that has a name and it can be reused by

specifying its name in the program where needed.

SUITE:-A group of statements which are part of another statement or a function

are called block or code-block or suite in Python.

INDENTATION:-Python uses indentation to create blocks of code. Statements at

same indentation level are part of same block. It is recommended have a
colon(:) at its end.

WHITESPACE:-You should always have whitespace around operators and after

punctuation but not with parentheses. Python considers these 6 characters as
whitespace: space(' '), new line(\n), horizontal tab(\t), vertical tab(\v),
formfeed(\f) and carriage return(\r).

MULTIPLE ASSIGNMENTS:-Assign same value to multiple variables is called

multiple assignments in single statement.
a = b = c = 10
Assign multiple values to multiple variables is also called multiple
assignments in single statement.
a, b, c = 10, 20, 30

DYNAMIC TYPING:-A variable pointing to a value of a certain type can be made to

point to a value or object of different type this is called dynamic typing.
x = 10 #here x is pointing to an integer value.
x = "python" #whereas here x is pointing to a string value.

x = 10 #here x is referring to an integer value.

x = "python" #but here x is reassigning to a string value.

def myFunction():
a=int(input("Enter the first value:"))
b=int(input("Enter the second value:"))

for row in range(1, 11):

for col in range(1, 11):
if product<11:

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