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Between-Subjects Factors
Value Label N
Suhu 1.000 30 12
2.000 35 12
3.000 40 12
4.000 45 12
Konsentrasi_NaCl 1.000 3% 12
2.000 5% 12
3.000 7% 12
4.000 9% 12

Levene's Test of Equality of Error Variancesa,b

Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
Aktivitas_Enzim_Histamin Based on Mean 13.651 15 32 .000
Based on Median .871 15 32 .599
Based on Median and with .871 15 3.826 .629
adjusted df
Based on trimmed mean 10.796 15 32 .000
Tests the null hypothesis that the error variance of the dependent variable is equal across groups.
a. Dependent variable: Aktivitas_Enzim_Histamin
b. Design: Intercept + Suhu + Konsentrasi_NaCl + Suhu * Konsentrasi_NaCl
Descriptive Statistics
Dependent Variable: Aktivitas_Enzim_Histamin
Suhu Konsentrasi_NaCl Mean Std. Deviation N
30 3% .08533 .005508 3
5% .34033 .213629 3
7% .19533 .003512 3
9% .25467 .004163 3
Total .21892 .133027 12
35 3% .15867 .005508 3
5% .52133 .005859 3
7% .63667 .043039 3
9% .34767 .009609 3
Total .41608 .189750 12
40 3% .07667 .016197 3
5% .14233 .013051 3
7% .23767 .007767 3
9% .25067 .285213 3
Total .17683 .142958 12
45 3% .12400 .003606 3
5% .15267 .006110 3
7% .27533 .003055 3
9% .23633 .014012 3
Total .19708 .064276 12
Total 3% .11117 .035042 12
5% .28917 .186327 12
7% .33625 .184509 12
9% .27233 .130231 12
Total .25223 .166386 48
Tests of Between-Subjects Effects
Dependent Variable: Aktivitas_Enzim_Histamin
Type III Sum of
Source Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Corrected Model 1.042a 15 .069 8.559 .000
Intercept 3.054 1 3.054 376.418 .000
Suhu .440 3 .147 18.087 .000
Konsentrasi_NaCl .345 3 .115 14.164 .000
Suhu * Konsentrasi_NaCl .257 9 .029 3.515 .004
Error .260 32 .008
Total 4.355 48
Corrected Total 1.301 47
a. R Squared = .800 (Adjusted R Squared = .707)
Post Hoc Tests


Multiple Comparisons
Dependent Variable: Aktivitas_Enzim_Histamin
(I) (J) Mean Difference 95% Confidence Interval
Suhu Suhu (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound
Tukey 30 35 -.19717* .036771 .000 -.29679 -.09754
HSD 40 .04208 .036771 .665 -.05754 .14171
45 .02183 .036771 .933 -.07779 .12146
35 30 .19717* .036771 .000 .09754 .29679
40 .23925* .036771 .000 .13962 .33888
45 .21900* .036771 .000 .11937 .31863
40 30 -.04208 .036771 .665 -.14171 .05754
35 -.23925* .036771 .000 -.33888 -.13962
45 -.02025 .036771 .946 -.11988 .07938
45 30 -.02183 .036771 .933 -.12146 .07779
35 -.21900* .036771 .000 -.31863 -.11937
40 .02025 .036771 .946 -.07938 .11988
LSD 30 35 -.19717* .036771 .000 -.27207 -.12227
40 .04208 .036771 .261 -.03282 .11698
45 .02183 .036771 .557 -.05307 .09673
35 30 .19717* .036771 .000 .12227 .27207
40 .23925* .036771 .000 .16435 .31415
45 .21900* .036771 .000 .14410 .29390
40 30 -.04208 .036771 .261 -.11698 .03282
35 -.23925* .036771 .000 -.31415 -.16435
45 -.02025 .036771 .586 -.09515 .05465
45 30 -.02183 .036771 .557 -.09673 .05307
35 -.21900* .036771 .000 -.29390 -.14410
40 .02025 .036771 .586 -.05465 .09515
Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .008.
*. The mean difference is significant at the .05 level.
Homogeneous Subsets
Suhu N 1 2
Tukey HSDa,b 40 12 .17683
45 12 .19708
30 12 .21892
35 12 .41608
Sig. .665 1.000
Duncana,b 40 12 .17683
45 12 .19708
30 12 .21892
35 12 .41608
Sig. .289 1.000
Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.
Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .008.
a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 12.000.
b. Alpha = .05.
Multiple Comparisons
Dependent Variable: Aktivitas_Enzim_Histamin
(I) (J) Mean 95% Confidence Interval
Konsentrasi Konsentrasi Difference Std.
_NaCl _NaCl (I-J) Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound
Tukey 3% 5% -.17800* .036771 .000 -.27763 -.07837
HSD 7% -.22508* .036771 .000 -.32471 -.12546
9% -.16117* .036771 .001 -.26079 -.06154
5% 3% .17800* .036771 .000 .07837 .27763
7% -.04708 .036771 .582 -.14671 .05254
9% .01683 .036771 .968 -.08279 .11646
7% 3% .22508* .036771 .000 .12546 .32471
5% .04708 .036771 .582 -.05254 .14671
9% .06392 .036771 .321 -.03571 .16354
9% 3% .16117* .036771 .001 .06154 .26079
5% -.01683 .036771 .968 -.11646 .08279
7% -.06392 .036771 .321 -.16354 .03571
LSD 3% 5% -.17800* .036771 .000 -.25290 -.10310
7% -.22508* .036771 .000 -.29998 -.15018
9% -.16117* .036771 .000 -.23607 -.08627
5% 3% .17800* .036771 .000 .10310 .25290
7% -.04708 .036771 .210 -.12198 .02782
9% .01683 .036771 .650 -.05807 .09173
7% 3% .22508* .036771 .000 .15018 .29998
5% .04708 .036771 .210 -.02782 .12198
9% .06392 .036771 .092 -.01098 .13882
9% 3% .16117* .036771 .000 .08627 .23607
5% -.01683 .036771 .650 -.09173 .05807
7% -.06392 .036771 .092 -.13882 .01098
Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .008.
*. The mean difference is significant at the .05 level.
Homogeneous Subsets
Konsentrasi_NaCl N 1 2
Tukey HSDa,b 3% 12 .11117
9% 12 .27233
5% 12 .28917
7% 12 .33625
Sig. 1.000 .321
Duncana,b 3% 12 .11117
9% 12 .27233
5% 12 .28917
7% 12 .33625
Sig. 1.000 .109
Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.
Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .008.
a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 12.000.
b. Alpha = .05.

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