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Lesson Language Arts – Week 5 Holiday Cookie Writing Date December 15, 2022


Subject/Grade Grade 4 Time 50 Minutes

Level Duration


 Organizing Idea 2: 

General Learning Outcomes: Oral Language - Listening and speaking form the foundation of literacy development and improve
communication, collaboration, and respectful mutual understanding

 Sp.2.4.2 Present information that engages, informs, persuades, or entertains an

Specific Learning Outcomes: audience
 Sp.2.4.4 Integrate visual aids to enhance communication.
 Sp.2.4.5 Vary word choice to appeal to an audience.


Students will be able to:

● Students will be able to write persuasive texts.
● Students will be able to integrate images of their cookies to enhance communication.
● Students will be able to choose descriptive words that improve persuasive text’s appeal.

ASSESSMENTS (How I will know students have achieved the objective(s)

 Observation:
- Circulate the classroom during the small table group discussion and make sure that every student is contributing at least
2 words to their list. Ensure that students stay on task and help them make the most descriptive sentences possible.
 Exit Slip:
- A list with the small group’s 10 descriptive words and 2-3 super descriptive sentences. This must be handed in by the end
of class as an exit slip. This will give me an idea of what they find acceptable for levels of description and detail. Using this
I can get a feel for whether or not the class can move on to the next thing.


● Print off enough Holiday hand-outs for each student. ● Smartboard

● Writing Journals (Draft section)
● Holiday Cookie Hand-Out
● Their Cookie


Introduction 8 mins.

Hook: ● Play the How I Met Your Mother clips that illustrate how word choice and imagery can 4 mins.
help in persuasive texts.
● Tell students to pay attention to
word choice and its effects on his audience when describing his favorite pizza place.
● Play from 21 seconds to avoid an
inappropriate comment and preface by explaining that Marshall is about to explain the
greatest burger he has ever tasted.
● While watching, I want students to pay attention to the word choice, imagery and
expression used and what effects it had on what he was saying.

Key Questions: ● What made. Marshall’s description of the pizza and the burger so good? N/A
● What stuck out to you about the descriptions?
● How can we find words that have a similar effect on our audience as the ones Marshall
used in the video clip?
● What can we do to make our texts more persuasive?
● Why do we write 3 or more reasons when writing a persuasive text?

Transition/ ● What made. Marshall’s description of the pizza and the burger so good? 4 mins.
Expectations: ● What stuck out to you about the descriptions?
● Today we are going to be writing a persuasive text that explains why the cookie you
brought in today is the best cookie.

Body 37 mins.

Learning  Banishing Boring Words Discussion: Large & Small Group 15 mins.
Activity 1 - What senses could we use to describe a cookie? Smell, Touch, Taste, Sight
- One way we can make our descriptions more impactful and help with persuading others is
by choosing exciting descriptive words.
- Open the Banishing Boring Words booklet on the pages regarding alternate and
supporting words for smell as a whole class and list them on the board.
- Write a couple of sentences about how they could be used in a sentence about a cookie.
 In table groups, have students do the same for other senses (create a list of 10 words they
could use to persuade someone on a cookies’ taste/touch/way the look; and create 2
sentences (as a group)) that engage that sense for the reader. Make one copy as a group
and hand it in at the end of class (exit slip).
 If students finish quickly, have them pick another sense and do another until the 15
minutes is up.

Learning  Holiday Cookie Writing Assignment: 20 mins.

Activity 2 - Students will be creating a persuasive text where they explain why their cookie is the best.
- These texts must include 3 reasons and supporting evidence for each reason.
- The first thing you will do is brainstorm all the great things about your cookie and what
makes that great
- Using your list, you will draft a persuasive text convincing your audience that your cookie
is the best and why they should want it.
- After you complete the draft, you NEED to complete your editing checklist
- Once you have completed your revision come to me or another teacher, and if we say it’s
good then you can draw a picture of your cookie in the space provided.

Transition/  Grade 4s, I need you to put these in your writing journals in the draft section and then put 2 mins.
Expectations everything on your desk away please.

Closure 5 mins.

Consolidation  What can we do to make our texts more persuasive? 4 mins.

of Learning  Why do we write 3 or more reasons when writing a persuasive text?

Transition to ● With the time we have left, you can begin getting ready for recess and you are dismissed 1 min.
next lesson when the bell rings.
Sponge: What can students work on if done

Students should not be left with much time as they should be doing their best to be descriptive but if they do finish, students can
use the remainder of class as W.I.N time. If they are completely caught up on assignment then they can work on their “Unlock the
North Pole” assignment.



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