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-They are living things that can only be seen by using a microscope.

-A microscope is an instrument with a set of lenses that magnify the image and that enables us
to observe microorganisms and samples of certain other things.

9. Types of microorganisms

1. Beneficial organisms. They perform photosynthesis and are food for other living things,
decompose organic matter, provide us with antibiotics, help plants obtain nutrients and help in
the creation of certain foods (bread, wine, yogurt).

2. Harmful microorganisms. They cause various illnesses in humans and other living things
(salmonellosis, meningitis).

10. Viruses

-They don´t belong to any of the groups we have studied. They are microscopic agents that are
smaller than cells, they have a smaller structure and are formed of an external protein layer
(capsid) and a nucleic acid.

-They only perform the reproduction, but they need the help of a cell. So, they are forced to be
parasites and aren´t considered to be living things.

11.Bacteria/Moneran kingdom

-All bacteria belong to Moneran kingdom. They are unicellular and have a cell wall, an outer
wall and a membrane (ver dibujo de las partes de la bacteria).

-Bacteria can be spherical (cocci),rod-shaped(bacilli), spiral(spirilla) or comma-

shaped(vibrio).Most bacteria group together to from colonies.

12.Nutrition in bacterias

-They can be autotrophic(they perform photosynthesis) or heterotrophic.

-Heterotrophic bacteria can be: parasitic (use organic matter produce by other living things
and can cause harm),symbiotic (live together with another living thing and they both benefit)
and saprophytic( feed on decaying organic matter).

13. Reproduction in bacteria

-Some bacteria can perform sexual processes: in conjugation, two bacteria exchange
fragments of nucleid acid.

-They can divide quickly and adapt to any environment. And they can create a protective
structure (endospore).

14. The biological importance of bacteria

-They are decomposers and recycle matter into new nutrients.

-For health and biotechnological reasons.

-For creating medicines and obtaining food products.

14. Protist kingdom

-They are aquatic or live in humid conditions. They have cilia, flagella or pseudopodia to move.
Their reproduction can be asexual or sexual. The most important group are the protozoa and

15. Protozooa

-They are unicellular, heterotrophic and made up of eukaryotic cells. They are classified into
their ability to move: ciliates, flagellates, rhizopods and sporozoans.

-They can live in aquatic or very humid environments. Some are able to form cysts to survive.

16. Algae

-They are eukaryotic, unicellular or multicellular and aquatic. They make photosynthesis.

-Cells in multicellular algae don´t form tissues (thallus).They can contain pigments and be
brown, red or green.

-They produce oxygen and are used by the food industry (soups, salads) ,the pharmaceutical
industry(cosmetics) and the agricultural industry (fertilisers).

17.Fungus kingdom

-They are unicellular (yeats) and multicellular (moulds, mushrooms).They have a substance
called chitin. They are all heterotrophic: saprophytes (feed on remains of living things),
parasites (cause diseases) and symbiotic (they take nutrients from other organisms a d provide

-They are used as antibiotics ,to produce some food and to be eaten.

18. Unicellular fungi: yeasts

-They are unicellular and can obtan energy from nutrients (fermentation),obtaining alcohol
and lactic acid.

19. Multicellular fungi: moulds and mushrooms

They are multicellular with long filaments(hyphae) that form mycelium.

Mushrooms are formed by mycelium , have an umbrella-shaped and reproduce using spores.

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