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Introductory Guide, Book Of Spells & Herbal Magick

Table Of Contents

1. WICCA: An Introductory Guide For The Aspiring Witch

2. WICCA: Book Of Spells

3. WICCA: Herbal Magic


An Introductory Guide For The Aspiring Witch

By Luna Sidana

Table Of Contents
What is Wicca?
The History of Wicca
Witchcraft and Paganism
In This Book

Wiccan Beliefs, Part I

The 13 Principles of Wiccan Belief

Wiccan Beliefs, Part II

Gods and Goddesses
The Elements and Their Importance

Wiccan Beliefs, Part III

Wiccan Rede
Threefold Rule

Cycles and Festivals

Wheel of the Year
The Sabbats

Witchcraft for the Novice, Part I

What is Magick?
Black, Gray, and White Magick
The Science of Magick
Types of Magick

Witchcraft for the Novice, Part II

Tools and Ritual Supplies
Altar Set-Up for Beginners

Witchcraft for the Novice, Part III

Simple Spells and Rituals
Simple Candle Spell to Manifest Love
Simple Candle Spell to Banish
Create with the Earth Element: Simple Flower Spell
Banish with the Earth Element: Simple Apple Spell

Delving Deeper
Choosing Your Wiccan Path
Book of Shadows
Creating Your Book of Shadows


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What is Wicca?

Within this human experience, many of us sense that we are constituents of something much greater, of
something infinite. Many of us have the notion of being an individual pixel of awareness within the
cosmic image of existence. It is the Witch who knows that every pixel is of equal value, as each
contributes to the composition and clarity of the whole picture.

It is the Witch who recognizes divine consciousness in all life, and treats all beings as such. And, it is
the Witch who dedicates his or her life to divinity’s evolution by way of honoring the self, seeking
wisdom, revering nature, and by directing energy in accordance with Universal Law (practicing magick).
Simply stated, Wicca is a modern religion of the Witch.

It is of utmost importance to begin by making a distinction: nearly all Wiccans are Witches, but not all
Witches are Wiccans. Evidence of magick can be found as far back as the Paleolithic era, with
indications seen in cave drawings and clay figures. Ancient Shamanic rituals, such as medicine
men/women utilizing herbs and spiritual energy to heal the tribe, was the initial appearance of
Witchcraft in history. Wicca, however, is slightly over 60 years old.

The History of Wicca
In 1954, a retired civil servant named Gerald Gardener published a book titled, “Witchcraft Today”. In
his book, he disclosed that he had been initiated into an English coven, and was himself a practicing
Witch—essentially outing himself from the broom closet. Since the mid-1500s, there had been a
succession of laws in England, Wales, and Scotland governing Witchcraft. The Witchcraft Act of 1542
forbad the practice, stating it was a felony and a crime punishable by death. Almost 200 years later, the
Witchcraft Act of 1735 replaced the penalties for practicing with penalties for the false pretense of

For another 216 years, those who claimed to have magickal powers or occult knowledge of any kind
faced charges of fraud and vagrancy. Gardener’s courageous publication about Witchcraft being alive
and well, despite centuries of persecution, came only three years after all laws against the Craft had
been repealed. The response to his book from other underground Witches was enormous.

Having spent his life studying religion and magickal practices around the world, Gardener is credited
with collecting historically-ravaged and scattered beliefs, adding to them, and organizing them all into
what we know today as Wicca. Through a revision of his coven’s Book of Shadows—a book where rites
and rituals are recorded—Gardener managed to provide the first guidebook for his Wiccan initiates.

In the 1960s, Gardnerian Witchcraft became the very first Wiccan tradition. Initiation into the coven was
required. Covens were autonomous, but structured by a degree system in which only High Priestesses
could form additional covens and initiate members. Gardener himself initiated many High Priestesses
into his coven. In this manner, the Gardnerian tradition branched out into numerous covens, spreading
Wicca across the United Kingdom and eventually into the United States.

It was customary for a newly-formed coven to copy the parent coven’s Book of Shadows and to add
their own discoveries, effectively advancing the information. Through this continuous modification of the
central doctrine, several alternative Wiccan paths have been forged such as: Alexandrian Wicca,
Dianic, Seax-Wicca, British Traditional Wicca, Georgian, and many others.

The aforementioned Wiccan traditions still follow the convention of keeping their information initiatory
and oathbound, meaning initiation into a coven is required to practice under those denominations.

However, these days, the number of solitary witches that practice a form of Eclectic Wicca seems to
exceed the number of formal initiates in more dogmatic forms of Wicca. This contemporary tradition is
also known as Neo Wicca, and will be the focus of this book.

Securing together all forms of Wicca are the sturdy, common threads of Witchcraft and Paganism. In
other words, Wicca as a formal religion may appear to be structurally loose and infinitesimally young in
comparison to its Abrahamic kin. However, its roots, philosophy, and use of Witchcraft encompass over
30,000 years of aboriginal spiritual beliefs.

Witchcraft and Paganism
Back in the Paleolithic era, humans relied on successful hunts and copious fertility to sustain the tribe.
These two vital aspects of survival—the hunt and fertility—were viewed as the core duality of life itself.
The hunt was the necessary destruction of life, carried out by the men of the tribe, and illuminated by
the rousing sun. When the sun began to set, the men would return home with the day’s kill.

Under the serene moonlight, they laid down with the women. Fertility was the creation of life. Woman,
pregnant with new life, epitomized the creative force. In addition, our ancestors’ primitive observations
correlated the phases of the moon with the menstrual cycle.

Present day studies have confirmed the regulatory relationship between the lunar cycle and menses. As
the moon waxed from dark toward full, so did the female body wax toward ovulation. After ovulation, the
female waned back to menses as did the moon wane back to dark. Thus, during prehistory, masculine
energy became the Hunting God (associated with the sun) and feminine energy became the Fertility
Goddess (associated with the moon).

Cave paintings and clay models, such as the “Venus” figurines found all over the world, and the
anthropomorphic images of horned tribesmen with hooves, depict both the Goddess and the God,
respectively. The Goddess figures commonly have exaggerated feminine features that emphasize
fertility—pendulous breasts, enlarged genitalia, wide hips, and a pregnant belly.

Images of the Hunting God tend to be of a man that is horned and hooved. The reason for this depiction
is due to primary food sources usually being animals with horns and hooves—bison, ox, reindeer, etc.

Hints at the utilization of magick are also portrayed in prehistoric art. There are cave paintings that
depict hunting rituals enacted to promote a successful hunt. Unearthed life-sized clay models of bison
or bears impaled with the tribal spears are also indications of early sympathetic magick, an
understanding of “like-attracts-like”. Directing the tribe’s intention by enacting a successful hunt was to
attract a successful hunt. There are also numerous depictions of animal copulation to ensure the fertility
of the food source.

As time and agriculture progressed, the year was observed as a cyclical seasonal calendar known as
the “Wheel of the Year” (a detailed explanation of the Wheel of the Year is provided in chapter five,
“Cycles & Festivals”). The Wheel of the Year was divided into a light half and a dark half.

The months when crops could be grown and harvested became known as the light half, and was
associated with the Goddess for her life-bearing attributes. To worship and honor the Goddess through
various rituals was to ensure a plentiful harvest for the year.

The dark half refers to the autumn and winter months, and was associated with the God. Rituals and
celebrations honoring death and the resulting rebirth dominated the dark portion of the year. It was

during this budding agricultural era that ritual leaders became known as the “Wicca”, meaning “Wise

By the arrival of Christianity, the common tradition of honoring natural forces was being displaced. The
“Old Religion” was being pushed out of cities and towns, but Christianity had yet to gain a foothold in
rural villages and surrounding farmland. These non-Christian folk became known as “pagans”. The
Latin root of the word “pagan” simply translates to “people who live in the country” or “country dwellers”.
In modern terms, it would have been equivalent to calling someone a “hick” or “country bumpkin”.

Over time, the Church slurred the meaning of “pagan”, and it took on an adversarial connotation. It
began to be a label for anyone who didn’t follow Christ. The ensuing mass hysteria of the Witch-hunts
was the result of Pagans refusing to surrender their age-old beliefs and conform to Christianity. For
centuries, all things Pagan were demonized, Witches and Christians alike were persecuted and
exterminated. It was a genocide in the name of Christ. Sadly, many misconceptions bred by the Church
against Witchcraft and Paganism are still assumed today.

In This Book
Here you will find all the introductory information necessary to determine if Wicca is a path you’d like to
venture at this time in your life. Keep in mind that even if Wicca doesn’t feel right for you now, it may
later. Additionally, you may simply want to apply the bits and pieces that resonate with you and file away
the rest, and that’s perfectly fine.

Forging a spiritual path is very much a DIY project. Some may fit snuggly into the Wiccan belief system
as is, while others will require just a bit of tweaking to feel comfortable, and that’s okay too! Still others
may utilize the Wiccan template to create something completely new and all their own. Wherever you
find yourself is okay and exactly where you’re supposed to be. You are encouraged to listen to your
intuition and do what works for you.

Wiccan Beliefs, Part I

There is an old saying that you may come across several times during your study of the Craft: “If you
ask ten different Witches the same question you will get ten different answers”. Wicca allows for much
freedom when it comes to worship, practice, and beliefs. The many various sects previously mentioned
attest to Wicca’s diversity and preference for free thought.

The spiritual independence Wicca promotes is one of its most welcoming aspects. However, as with all
things in nature, a balance must be kept. Without proper borders, definitions lose their shape and
become meaningless. Specifically, how can one identify as Wiccan if there are no central tenets to
compare oneself against?

In 1974, a group of about 70 Witches from a myriad of magickal paths came together as the “American
Council of Witches”. Their main goal was to create a unifying set of guidelines that most Witches could
agree and identify with. One of the reasons behind laying out a concrete set of a Wiccan axioms was to
distinguish Wicca from the practice of Satanism. Misunderstandings were (and sometimes still are)
prevalent, insisting that Satanism, Wicca, Witchcraft, and Paganism are all “Devil worship”.

During the late 60s, Wicca gained momentum in the U.S by virtue of Raymond Buckland, who was
initiated by Gardener’s own High Priestess and brought the tradition over from Britain. Also in the late
60s, Anton LaVey established his contemporary Church of Satan which lead to even further
perpetuation of the misconceptions about Wicca and Satanism.

Theistic Satanism came about as a rebellion to Christianity. Traditional Satanists very much believed in
the Christian Devil, and took this Christian entity as their preferred deity. The Church then began
lumping all non-Christians under the umbrella of “Devil worshippers”.

However, through the Wiccan worldview, there is no “Devil”, and one cannot worship something that
doesn’t exist as such in their world. Nonetheless, Wiccans were continually considered Satanists and
Devil worshippers. The American Council of Witches did their part in attempts to set the record straight,
but not much else.

As per history, recall that Pagans are the “outliers”. We are the nonconformists. Thus, having any form
of governing committee presiding over such a liberal and autonomous group proved impractical. The
Council of American Witches disbanded shortly after crafting a list of common principles: “The 13
Principles of Wiccan Belief”. Many magickal folks still adhere to them today.

The 13 Principles of Wiccan Belief
1. “We practice rites to attune ourselves with the natural rhythm of life forces, marked by the
phases of the Moon and the seasonal Quarters and Cross Quarters.”

2. “We recognize that our intelligence gives us a unique responsibility toward our environment. We
seek to live in harmony with Nature, in ecological balance offering fulfillment to life and
consciousness within an evolutionary concept.”

3. “We acknowledge a depth of power far greater than that apparent to the average person.
Because it is far greater than ordinary it is sometimes called “supernatural”, but we see it as
lying within that which is naturally potential to all.”

4. “We conceive of the Creative Power in the universe as manifesting through polarity—as
masculine and feminine—and that this same Creative Power lies in all people, and functions
through the interaction of the masculine and the feminine. We value neither above the other,
knowing each to be supportive to the other. We value sex as pleasure, as the symbol and
embodiment of life, and as one of the sources of energies used in magickal practice and
religious worship.”

5. “We recognize both outer worlds and inner, or psychological worlds, sometimes known as the
Spiritual World, the Collective Unconsciousness, Inner Planes, etc.—and we see in the
interaction of these two dimensions the basis for paranormal phenomena and magical
exercises. We neglect neither dimension for the other, seeing both as necessary for our

6. “We do not recognize any authoritarian hierarchy, but do honor those who teach, respect those
who share their greater knowledge and wisdom, and acknowledge those who have
courageously given of themselves in leadership.”

7. “We see religion, magick and wisdom in living as being united in the way one views the world
and lives within it—a world view and philosophy of life which we identify as Witchcraft – the
Wiccan Way.”

8. “Calling oneself ‘Witch’ does not make one a Witch—but neither does heredity itself, nor the
collecting of titles, degrees and initiations. A Witch seeks to control the forces within her/himself
that makes life possible, in order to live wisely and well without harm to others and in harmony
with Nature.”

9. “We believe in the affirmation and fulfillment of life in a continuation of evolution and
development of consciousness, giving meaning to the Universe we know and our personal role
within it.”

10. “Our only animosity towards Christianity, or towards any other religion or philosophy of life, is to
the extent that its institutions have claimed to be “the only way”, and have sought to deny
freedom to others and to suppress other ways of religious practice and belief.”

11. “As American Witches, we are not threatened by debates on the history of the Craft, the origins
of various terms or the legitimacy of various aspects of different traditions. We are concerned
with our present and our future.”

12. “We do not accept the concept of absolute evil, nor do we worship any entity known as “Satan”
or “the Devil” as defined by the Christian tradition. We do not seek power through the suffering
of others, nor accept that personal benefit can be derived only by denial to another.”

13. “We believe that we should seek within Nature that which is contributory to our health and well-

Wiccan Beliefs, Part II

Gods and Goddesses
Although the dual God and Goddess can sometimes lead Wicca to be interpreted as ditheist, it is
actually a polytheistic religion with a pantheistic bent. However, there is no Wiccan pantheon. You are
free to work with any Gods and Goddesses from the multitude of existing pantheons—Egyptian, Greek,
Hindu, Celtic, Norse, the Loa in Vodou, and Orishas in Santeria and Yoruba traditions, etc.

The only limitation comes with being initiated into a specific Wiccan tradition that only works with deities
from one pantheon. For example, Kemetic Wicca only works with Egyptian deities. Even so, working
with just one pantheon is plenty, as they are all equivalent in divine representation.

Per Wiccan belief, the various Gods and Goddesses in every pantheon are all representative (in their
own unique way) of the one God and the one Goddess. For instance: Thoth, Shiva, Cernunnus, and
Buddha all represent the one God essence, as they are all simply individual facets of the masculine
aspect of divinity. Likewise: Isis, Morrigan, Kali, and Hel are all representatives of the Goddess—the
one divine feminine force. As you will learn in the following chapter, the divine feminine has many faces,
phases, and stages.

Each deity does have their own unique personality, however, and embody a specific archetype;
therefore, you may resonate with various representations of the God and Goddess throughout your life.
If you’re a young adult, you may be drawn to work with Brigit from the Celtic pantheon for her young
warrior qualities. Maybe you’ve been undoubtedly called to work with Santisima Muerte as your Matron
deity, or Bast as your Patron.

Matron and Patron deities are the representations of divinity that you actively worship and work with on
a regular basis. Some Wiccans opt to work with, and worship, the divine in the more generalized sense
—the Sky Father and the Earth Mother, for example. However, sometimes the more specialized aspects
of the general divine may call to you. An individual deity from a pantheon characterizes only one side or
facet of the whole diamond.

Selecting a Matron or Patron begins by studying the pantheons that intrigue you. Each God and
Goddess has a story, and symbolizes certain features of divinity that you may admire or relate to. You
might learn about a deity (or several) that you instantly connect with. Foster that connection and build a
relationship. Finding a Matron or Patron is similar to finding “the one”—you’ll just know!

The relationships with your deities may change as you advance in your practice, or they may not; some
Wiccans work with the same deities for their entire lives. In other cases, you will work with a particular
deity until there is nothing left to learn. You will feel a shift in your connection and a distancing. In any
case, allow the process to evolve organically.

The Elements and Their Importance
In our modern society, when many people think of the “elements” they might visualize the Periodic Table
of Elements from chemistry lectures. You may recall from chemistry class that the elements on the table
are what construct the natural world. Molecules of those elements are found in everything from granules
of soil to our entire human bodies. Essentially, all matter contains varying quantities of all the elements
on the periodic table.

A precursor to modern chemistry was alchemy. At face value, alchemical studies throughout Europe,
Egypt, India, and other parts of the world, aimed to transmute base metals (lead, iron, nickel) into noble
ones (gold, platinum, silver). What characterizes noble metals is their attribute of being more resistant
to oxidation and general corrosion—they are simply more resilient substances, and therefore more

To attempt such transmutations, alchemists needed to compile a replete knowledge of the constituents
of nature. They needed to identify the building blocks of matter before any manipulation or
transmutation of matter could occur.

In other words, to turn lead into gold they needed to know what exactly gave gold its desirable attributes
and how. What forms gold? What makes gold that color? What makes it shimmer? What makes it so
durable? How can we take these desirable aspects of gold and apply them to something like lead? By
doing so, lead will then become (be transmuted into) gold and no longer be lead.

During their antiquated study of the natural world, alchemists discovered that there are five elements
which form life and matter. These five elements can be considered the first ever Periodic Table, and are
referred to as the classical elements. Each classical element is broad in definition, and was refined over
time to include many of its own constituents. For example, through scientific advancement, the
“element” of water was further broken down into the elements of hydrogen and oxygen.

In this manner, the classical elements of earth, water, fire, and air became the 118 we see on a modern
Periodic Table. The fifth element of aether is a bit more elusive. The philosopher Aristotle coined this
element the “quintessence”, and today we refer to it as the element “spirit”; it is the element that exists
beyond physical matter. On the grand scale, each of the classical elements are still the basis for life.
Together they construct existence by composing and shaping physical matter and consciousness.

While on its surface, alchemy was about turning base metals into noble metals, there was also a
deeper, metaphysical aspect to the notion of transmutation. The process of alchemical transmutation
also implied a philosophical concept of refining a base-level spiritual awareness (lead) into a noble-level
of supreme consciousness (gold). Basically, it is the mastering of the self, thus the mastering of
existence, and it is achieved through the understanding and application of the five classical elements.

In Wicca, the five elements are utilized in the practice of magick. Through understanding, manipulating
and working in alignment with the properties of these elements, we can prompt change in our reality.

Color: Green and/or brown.
Cardinal Direction: North.
Properties: Grounding, nurturing, supportive, stable, feminine, and receptive.

The element of earth represents the very base of existence; it is the foundation. Earth is the
element of unshakable physicality. It represents all that is solid, 3D, and what can be experienced
by our five known senses. Think of the ground beneath your feet—stable, reliable, supportive.

Recognize that our Earth, as a planet, is also a conscious entity just like yourself. When considering
that your human existence is a microcosm to the macrocosm of Earth’s existence, then your
physical human body correlates to Earth’s physical body. Your skin, flesh, and bone correspond to
her soil, rock, etc. In other words, the element of earth represents the physically tangible and
corporal parts of existence. It is grounding, stable, and sober in its energy.

Color: Blue.
Cardinal Direction: West.
Properties: Cleansing, healing, purifying, feminine and receptive.

The element of water corresponds to emotions, since they are always flowing and in flux. Think of
the aggression of a raging river, and the stillness of a quiet pond. The most violent waterfall can
empty into the most serene lake, out where the ripples settle. Tears are an emotional outlet. After a
bout of crying, you usually feel some degree of relief. There is a certain healing through purification
that only water provides.

Moreover, your blood, circulatory system and tears, correspond to the rivers, streams, lakes, and
oceans of Earth, which are all vital to sustaining life. Communities of all species are formed around
water because nothing can survive without it.

Color: Yellow.
Cardinal Direction: East.
Properties: Transport, movement, communication, sound, intellect, travel, masculine and projective.

The element of air represents movement and the breath of life. Our own breath corresponds to the
winds of the Earth. Vibrations (sound) are carried through the air. Words exit your body through the
breath, and are picked up by the surrounding air, where they are transported to their final

Likewise, spores hitch a ride on air to disperse and reproduce. The air is a medium for travel of all
kinds. Your thoughts also travel in an airy breeze-like fashion. Thus, the element of air also
corresponds to the intellect.

Color: Red.
Cardinal Direction: South.
Properties: Transformative, destructive, purifying, passionate, consuming, masculine and projective.

The element of fire represents swift transformation. It cannot exist without consuming other
elements—air and earth. Through its ravenous consumption, it also completely transforms elements
into other states of being—smoke and ash. They are transmuted permanently, and can never revert
to their former state. Heat is a byproduct of a chemical change, but the comforting warmth is short-

Fire is all about blazing at full glory in the moment. Thus, the element of fire corresponds to our
burning passions and desires. Fire can be dangerous and thoroughly destructive if not managed
properly. However, it is also instantly purifying, leaving nothing but new possibility in its wake.

Color: Black.
Cardinal Direction: All.
Properties: Raw potentiality, being and unbeing, feminine and masculine, receptive and projective.

The fifth element is the prime divine essence. It is the Akasha, the Tao, the all and the nothingness.
Aristotle termed this element the “quintessence”. It is the space in which all exists, and it is what
binds all matter. Aether is the connective, glue-like substance of the universe. It is the substance
between subatomic particles, which was once thought to be empty space. Its presence suggests
that “empty space” does not actually exist.

In astrophysics, the element of aether is referred to as “dark matter” or “dark energy”. Little is still
known about dark matter, but headway is being made day by day. In Wicca and other magickal
paths, this element is also experienced as the connectivity of all things, and the collective
unconscious of beings.

Wiccan Beliefs, Part III

Wiccan Rede
The 13 Principles of Wiccan Belief attempted to neatly package Wiccan ideology. Many Wiccans
believe it does a sufficient job of it. There is, however, one definitive summation of magickal culture; one
common “law” that undertows most magickal workings.

In the 1960s, when Wicca was gaining popularity, Doreen Valiente, an early Gardnerian High Priestess,
poet, and author, publicized the Wiccan Rede. It is a gorgeous piece of poetry that captures the
essence of Wicca as a Neo Pagan religion, with its nod to the ancients and its honoring of times
passed. The condensed version is as follows:

“Bide the Wiccan Law ye must,

In perfect love and perfect trust.

Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill:

An it harm none, do what ye will.

What ye send forth comes back to thee,

So ever mind the Law of Three.

Follow this with mind and heart,

Merry ye meet, and merry ye part.”

At the core of Wicca is the principle of “harm none”. It’s important to define each of those terms for
yourself. What does “harm” and “none” mean to you? For most Witches, the phrase “harm none”
translates to “do not negatively affect any other being”. Any other being can and usually does include:
animals, plants, Earth, and yourself.

Many Wiccans do not leave the rede in the circle. It tends to become a way of living, a philosophy for
existing, rather than simply a guide for working ritual magick. Some Wiccans may want to enter
vegetarianism or veganism as a result of honoring the Rede, and many are ecologically-minded. As a
rule of thumb, before you cast any magick, ask yourself: “What are the possible consequences? Is this
going to hurt someone?”

The Threefold Rule
The code of “harm none” developed from observing a universal law in action. There is a cause and
effect storyline that permeates throughout existence. The Law of Three, the Threefold Law, the Rule of
Three, the Law of Return, etc. This principle is known by many names. It is a cornerstone of Witchcraft
and other magickal practices, not just Wicca.

Some view it as a form of Karma—a retribution. In essence, the principle is that whatever you
energetically send out you will also receive threefold. Meaning, what you project out will amplify and
return to you eventually.

This does not imply a literal return of events. For example, if you punch someone once you will not get
punched three times later on. Instead, if you punch someone as a projection of hate or anger, that
negativity you sent out will return to you in some form. You might misstep and twist your ankle, for
example. Effectively, you’ve harmed yourself. This rule also applies to positive return. If you give good
you will get good.

The amplification of the energetic return is up for debate. Some believe it is equal, while others believe
in tenfold or even hundredfold returns. What is for certain, however, is the principle of cause and effect
in the universe. All serious practitioners of magick have observed and experienced this first-hand. Every
action has a reaction. This means that every cause has an effect, and the effect becomes the cause of
another effect. In other words, everything comes full circle.

Cycles and Festivals

Wheel of the Year
As demonstrated by nature, all things are cyclical. With new life comes inevitable death, and from death
sprouts life anew. Emotions, thoughts, birth, and death all exist in a cyclical pattern, because time itself
is a spiral. Since the passage of time ushers along all things, existence rides on the flow of time. Earth’s
recurring seasons visibly exemplify the ever-turning wheel of existence.

The Wheel of the Year is an agricultural calendar developed by our ancestors. From their ancient
geocentric perspective, the sun appeared to travel around the earth. They observed the sun’s route in
the sky and how it commanded each season. In other words, the Wheel of the Year is the sun’s
apparent cyclical journey around Earth and the effect it has on nature.

As mentioned in chapter one, the Wheel of the Year is firstly divided into two halves: the dark half and
the light half. The dark half consists of the autumn and winter months, when Earth’s fruitfulness lies
quiet and dormant. This time of the year represents death. The light half of the year consists of the
spring and summer months when Earth is vibrant, fertile and bountiful. This half of the year represents

The Wheel is further divided into quarters. These quarters are, of course, the seasons: autumn, winter,
spring, and summer. Within each season are special times of celebration called Sabbats. Below you will
find an illustrated representation of the Wheel of the Year followed by descriptions of the Sabbats.

The Sabbats
The Sabbats are seasonal celebrations that make up The Wheel of the Year. In some Wiccan traditions,
Sabbats are times when no magickal workings are done. Rather, they are for festivity and honoring the
season. They are the holidays—the original holidays to be precise. As you learn about the Sabbats, you
will notice similarities to contemporary holidays. This is partly due to the Church “christening” the
Sabbats in attempts to convert Pagans and make the transition easier.

Catholic holy days merged with Pagan festivals, and the margins blurred over time. Additionally, the
Sabbats are celebrations of Earth’s very observable transitions through a seasonal life cycle. Therefore,
many versions of these same celebrations exist throughout cultures across the world.

In total, there are eight Sabbats, which are divided into four “Greater Sabbats” and four “Lesser
Sabbats”. The four Lesser Sabbats are the solar equinoxes and solstices. These are the Solar Festivals
which mark each season. The four Greater Sabbats are known as the Fire Festivals, due to traditionally
being celebrated with communal bonfires. Each Fire Festival falls between a solstice and an equinox.
Below is a chronological list of the eight Sabbats as they are celebrated during the Wheel of the Year.

List of Sabbats in Chronological Order:

Samhain – October 31st

Yule (Winter Solstice) – December 21st or 22nd
Imbolc – February 2nd
Ostara (Spring Equinox) – March 21st or 22nd
Beltaine or Beltane (also, “May Day”) – May 1st
Litha (Summer Solstice, Midsummer) – June 21st or 22nd
Lammas/Lughnasa – August 2nd
Mabon (Autumn Equinox) September 21st or 22nd

For further clarity, below are the eight Sabbats divided into the two categories of Fire Festivals and
Solar Festivals.

The Four Fire Festivals (“Greater Sabbats”):

Samhain – October 31st

Imbolc – February 2nd
Beltaine or Beltane (also, “May Day”) – May 1st
Lammas/Lughnasa – August 2nd

The Four Solar Festivals (“Lesser Sabbats” – The Equinoxes and Solstices)

Yule (Winter Solstice) – December 21st or 22nd

Ostara (Spring Equinox) – March 21st or 22nd

Litha (Summer Solstice, “Midsummer”) – June 21st or 22nd
Mabon (Autumn Equinox) September 21st or 22nd

Now that you are familiar with the Sabbat names and their placement on the Wheel of the Year, we can
delve into the core significance of each and what they represent.

Samhain – October 31st

Pronounced “sow-in” not “sam-hayne”, this festival marks the Pagan new year. It is most
commonly known as Halloween or All Hallow’s Eve. Traditionally, Samhain was the final harvest
for our ancestors and was the inauguration of winter.

If winter represents the bleak death of the Earth, Samhain is the transcendental, hypnagogic
moment right before Earth crosses over. That is the reason for believing that the veil between
this world and the next is the thinnest on Samhain—this turn of the Wheel is closest to “death”
without fully crossing over to the other side.

It is a transitional time that is neither “here nor there”. Across many cultures, this is the time of
the year to honor the dead and the concept of death itself. Offerings are left out for wandering
spirits, and Dumb Suppers (dinners with the dead) are held for passed loved ones. This is also
the most potent night of the year for all forms of divination and intense self-reflection.

Yule (Winter Solstice) – December 21st or 22nd

Ever since the contrariwise summer solstice in June, the sun has been spending less and less
time in the sky. The winter solstice marks the shortest day of the year, which is also an inversion
point. After the winter solstice, the days will gradually get longer. From this point on, the year
will be waxing. In essence, the winter solstice is celebrated as the rebirth of the sun—The Light
of the World.

With the longest, coldest, and darkest night comes hope through the promise of brighter days.
The astrological death and resurrection of the sun is analogous to the story of many mythical
Gods. This is one of the reasons for why Christianity set the birth of Christ (“The Son/Sun of
Man”, “The Light of the World”) during this time of year. His birth is symbolic of bringing man out
of the dark, rousing man from death. It marked a newly dawning age. Traditional Yule
celebrations include: burning the Yule log, collecting mistletoe from Oak trees, and decorating
the home with holly.

Imbolc – February 2nd

This turn of the Wheel reveals that death is only temporary. Imbolc marks the successful
completion of winter. This is first of three spring fertility festivals. By this point in the Wheel of
the Year, creational forces are gesturing toward the first stirrings of new life.

Traditionally, weather divination was a common practice during Imbolc. The ancients would
watch to see if badgers or serpents were yet emerging from their dens, signaling spring’s
nearness. In modern America, a form of weather divination is still practiced—Punxsutawney
Phil comes out of hibernation on Groundhog’s Day to divine the beginning of spring.

Imbolc is also when agriculture preparations are beginning. Our ancestors performed rituals to
bless their seed and farming tools for planting. If the sun was symbolically “born” again during
Yule, Imbolc marks his steady growth as he becomes stronger. The days are getting longer, and
Earth is revitalizing. Now is the time to prepare for the new.

Imbolc is the Sabbat of purification. Traditions center around clearing your home of old junk that
may have accumulated over the past year—a good “spring cleaning”. A besom is traditionally
used to sweep stale and negative energy right out the front door. It’s time to let go of the past
and allow space for future growth.

Ostara (Spring Equinox) – March 21st or 22nd

Equinoxes are about equilibrium. The days and nights are of equal length at this time. This
translates to the balance of energy being equally masculine and feminine. This is an important
time for many faiths. In modern times, Ostara celebrations share this turn of the Wheel with
Christian Easter and Jewish Passover. The common theme among holidays during the spring
equinox is rebirth.

Being the second of the three spring fertility celebrations, Ostara traditionally incorporates
fertility symbols such as eggs and hares. Eggs are a universal symbol of fertility and life. Thus,
gifting eggs during Ostara is a common practice.

The Earth is prime to receive and nurture new life. Now is the time to plant seeds, literally and
figuratively. Set intentions and start new projects. The year is waxing, and what you sow during
Ostara will be bountifully reaped come harvest time.

Beltaine or Beltane (also, “May Day”) – May 1st

Beltane is the final fertility festival of spring. Just as Imbolc marked the arrival of spring in early
February, Beltane marks the arrival of summer at the beginning of May. On the Wheel of the
Year, Beltane is the direct counterpart of Samhain, meaning both are times of transition—a time
and place that is neither “here nor there” and simultaneously a time and place that is both here
and there.

Consequently, just as during Samhain, the veil between “here” and “there” is the thinnest. Since
Samhain represents the transitional moments between life and death, Beltane being Samhain’s
spatial counterpart represents the transitional moments between death and life.

Legend has it that during Beltane is when the Faerie folk awaken from their winter slumber. Our
infant sun from Yule is now a bright and strong young God, illuminating and assisting the
Goddess with the emergence and ripening of life. During this turn of the Wheel: animals are
being born, flowers are blooming, certain crops are growing, fertility and the creative force is
abound. Incidentally, in modern America, “Mother’s Day” is just around the corner.

Traditional Beltane celebrations include: maypole rituals, bonfires, and feasting. There is also a
crowning of the Queen and King of May which represents the union of the Goddess and the
God during this time.

Litha (Summer Solstice, Midsummer) – June 21st or 22nd

The summer solstice is the spatial counterpart of the winter solstice. This means that our
maturing sun God has reached his zenith in the sky. The days are long and warm. In modern
America, “Father’s Day” passed recently, also celebrating this prominent masculine energy.

The winter solstice marked the shortest day of the year. Contrariwise, the summer solstice
marks the longest day of the year. Each day after Litha will be shorter and shorter as the year is
now waning. With this turn of the Wheel, the sun begins his apparent descent into the
“underworld” once again. Crops are almost fully mature, signaling the coming of harvest.

The arrangement of monolithic monuments, such as Stonehenge, align with the sun’s
placement during its rise into the sky on Litha. For this reason, crowds still gather there to
celebrate the summer solstice.

Lammas/Lughnasa – August 2nd

It’s time to begin reaping what we have sown throughout the year. Traditionally, Lammas
marked the arrival of the harvest season. The first harvest of the season was the grain harvest.
Lammas is also the first beckon of winter, and signifies cyclical completion. It is a time to give
thanks, and to begin preparations for the coming winter months.

Mabon (Autumn Equinox) September 21st or 22nd

Mabon is known as the Witch’s Thanksgiving. It is the second of three harvest festivals. The
second harvest is the harvest of fruit. Just like it’s counterpart, Ostara (the spring equinox), days
and nights are once again equal in length. Masculine and feminine energy are balanced at this
time. However, the nights are becoming longer. The dark half of the year is upon us once more,
as the Wheel is ever-turning.

As we know, the Sabbats honor solar cycles through festivities and celebration. We also know that the
sun represents the God—the masculine aspect of divinity. Well, what of his feminine counterpart? That
is the purpose of the Esbats. They are characterized by honoring lunar cycles by working with the
energies of the moon.

The moon represents the Goddess—the feminine aspect of divinity. The Goddess too has a life cycle
which encompasses three forms. These three forms are collectively known as the Triple Goddess. Just
as the sun waxes during the light half of the year, peaks during Litha, and then wanes during the dark
half, the moon also waxes, peaks, and wanes. She cycles through these energies monthly rather than

The Maiden
The new moon and the waxing phase of the moon reflect the Maiden form of the Triple
Goddess. The Maiden is the young virgin, full of potential and possibility. She is wild, free,
absorbing and developing like a budding rose.

The Mother
The full moon represents the Mother aspect of the Goddess. By this stage in her life, the
Goddess is full of potent creative power. She has developed to a peak of solid stability. The
budding rose has now come to a voluminous bloom.

The Crone
The waning phase and the dark moon reflect the Crone aspect of the Triple Goddess. By this
stage, the Goddess is ultimately wise and experienced. The wisdom she has attained
throughout the cycle of life provides much peace as the rose wilts back to tranquil darkness.

Simply stated, the Esbats are the thirteen lunar cycles which occur in a solar year. The thirteenth full
moon is referred to as the “Blue Moon”, and it is when a full moon occurs twice in one month.

However, in addition to Esbats simply referring to the thirteen lunar cycles, Esbats are also the
gatherings to perform rites, to do magickal work by utilizing the phases of the moon. A coven
assembling to perform a healing ritual during a full moon is an example of an Esbat. Likewise, a solitary
Wiccan performing a banishing spell under a waning moon, to rid him or herself of an unwanted habit, is
another example of an Esbat.

Each phase of the moon has a corresponding energy that aids in specific forms of spellwork. As stated
above, these phases correlate with the Triple Goddess. Below is a detailed explanation of energies
associated with the different phases of the moon and what type of work these energies optimally

Dark Moon and New Moon
There tends to be some confusion about the Dark Moon and the New Moon, since they appear
to be one inclusive lunar stage. However, these terms are not interchangeable, and in fact
reflect the two extremities of the cycle—death and rebirth.

- The Dark Moon

The Dark Moon is the time between the end of the Waning Moon and the
beginning of the Waxing Moon. It is the period when the moon is not visible and
the sky is “dark”. Symbolically, this is the death of the Crone, and represents
death in general. The Dark Moon corresponds to the winter months in the
Wheel of the Year, which also reflect death in all its facets.

Dark Moon energy is exceptionally potent for doing Shadow Work—turning an

introspective eye toward the less-than-favorable aspects of ourselves. As
coined by psychologist Carl Jung, our “shadow aspect” is the energetic
compilation of all our traits we as individuals find displeasing or negative.

Over the course of our lives, we tend to disown these traits, and thus they
construct the shadow. Shadow Work begins with the acknowledgement that
these negative characteristics not only exist, but are also integral to the
wholeness of our being.

The Dark Moon is also the most conducive time to perform urgent banishing
work on elements that require a more forceful removal. For example, this would
include getting rid of stalkers, destructive addictions, or any other serious and
immediate threat that presents itself. Overall, the Dark Moon fosters a time for
recognizing, working with, and even celebrating the more grim and somber
aspects of life.

- The New Moon

If the Dark Moon marks the end of the waning phase, then the New Moon
marks the end of the Dark Moon. Does that sound a bit confusing? In other
words, the New Moon is also the midpoint of the Dark Moon. From this moment
on, the moon is on her way to waxing; the Goddess is being reborn as the
Maiden. Thus, the New Moon is symbolic of rebirth.

Prime workings during the New Moon include: blessing the start of a new
project, scouting for new ideas or inspiration, setting the intention to reinvent
yourself, starting fresh in a relationship, attaining a paradigm shift, or any other
change that feels most in alignment with the energy of renewal and rebirth.

Waxing (First Quarter Moon)

The energy available during the waxing phase of the moon is the lunar equivalent of solar
spring. In other words, the waxing phase is about expanding and growing, planting seeds to
cultivate into fruition.

The moon Goddess is in her Maiden form—young and prime for development. Spells for any
type of gain or increase correspond with this energy. A spell to bring in financial abundance or
to make new and lasting friendships would be ideal examples. The Waxing Moon’s energy well-
promotes anything you want to create and grow or bring into your life.

Full Moon
The Full Moon is the most potent time to perform any magickal work. The Goddess is in her
Mother aspect—fertile, stable, and powerful. Most covens and solitary practitioners will ensure
they commune with the Full Moon if they find themselves only able to work with one phase
during that cycle. The Full Moon stage is versatile; all manner of spellwork can be done with the
accompanying energy. Invoking, banishing, protecting or healing, all correspond to the energies
of this powerful phase.

Waning (Last Quarter Moon)

In contrast to the energy of the Waxing Moon, the Waning Moon is the lunar equivalent of solar
autumn. The waning phase is about diminishing and clearing things out. The moon Goddess is
in her Crone form—wise and mature. Workings to gradually and organically banish is optimal
during the Waning Moon.

As opposed to the more aggressive banishing work done during the Dark Moon, banishing
done during the Waning Moon are for elements that should taper off gently and steadily for the
most beneficial outcome. A weight loss spell or a spell to rid yourself of a long-unwanted habit
are examples.

Allowing for weight to come off gradually is most beneficial and in alignment with Waning Moon
energy. Likewise, quitting a longstanding habit is more successfully achieved over time.
Ultimately, anything you want to send away is most fitting with the energy of the Waning Moon.

Blue Moon
The blue moon is a second full moon in the same month. It could be another opportunity to
perform work. Alternatively, it could be a time for giving thanks. You could construct a ritual to
honor the Goddess, or simply sit outside and spend time with her. It’s all dependent on your
needs and intuitive messages at the time of the blue moon.

Witchcraft for the Novice, Part I

What is Magick?
Magick as a noun, as it exists in nature, is a neutral force or “energy”. It is the illusive life force that
animates all matter in the universe. Magick is what makes the trees grow and the flowers bloom; it is
also what swirls tornadoes and sparks forest fires. Again, here we see the duality of creation and
destruction as being the prerequisite for life and for life’s consistent evolution.

Practicing magick, or “spellcasting”, rather, is the act directing this life force energy (magick) to bring
about a wanted change in your world. It is setting an intention to manipulate energy in accordance with
your Will. As you may suspect, this is a very powerful act which has far-reaching consequences. The
direction in which the consequences flow—whether negative or positive—will result from the intention of
the Witch or Magician. Magick is available to all of us. As stated, magick itself is a neutral force. How
we each decide to employ it will determine its impact on the natural world.

In Wicca, the Goddess and the God are still revered as the primary forces of existence—creation and
destruction. By nature, there are only these two forces at work in the universe, and , accordingly, only
two base forms of magickal workings. All magickal workings are essentially either to create (manifest)
something into being or destruct (banish) something from being.

Destruction magick is not “evil” or “dark”, nor is it synonymous with Black Magick. When a forest fire
organically ignites due to dry and brittle shrubbery, is that considered evil or Black Magick? Surely not.
Such a destruction is necessary, purifying and beneficial for new life to thrive, which is exactly why the
fire occurs. On some level of consciousness, the forest has cleansed the death and rot from itself
through the element of fire, and has effectively created space for new life to flourish. Just like the
cleansing of the forest, another example of destruction magick would be casting a spell to rid yourself of
negative thought patterns that are causing depression and/or suicidal ideation.

Likewise, maybe a loved one is suffering from an oppressing drug addiction that they can’t seem to
escape from under. Destruction magick is a way to facilitate the purging of such decay from one’s life,
thus clearing out the old and granting space for evolution.

Now, let’s imagine you cast a spell to rid yourself of the negative thought patterns mentioned above (the
specifics of such a spell will be covered later). Over time, the spell takes effect. It manifests in the form
of you spontaneously finding the courage, motivation, means, or insight to get yourself some
counseling. Long, intensive healing sessions will follow.

The rot and decay are being purged this way. This means that the spell is successful. With time and a
great deal of work, you’re beginning to feel less depressed, and you are even starting to look toward the
future a bit. What would you like to see there?

Creation magick is equally as powerful. It is a way to bring things into your life rather than push things
out. Through destruction magick, you’ve cleansed and purified a space that can now be filled with all
the wonderful things you want for yourself and for others. Perhaps you’ve discovered that you’re ready

to forge meaningful, lasting relationships. You can utilize creation magick by casting a spell to attract or
bring in those relationships.

The intention you set through spellcasting will likely manifest when you actively put yourself out into the
world around other people. For example, after casting a spell to attract meaningful relationships, you
may go out for tea or coffee one day and a stranger may strike up a conversation with you.

This person may end up becoming one of your dearest friends. Likewise, an old friend that you haven’t
spoken to in many years may reach out to you. The connection with this person might be different and
deeper than it had been in the past, and the two of you nurture this new connection. That is how the
physical manifestation of magickal work occurs—organically and by the laws of nature.

Think of some personal things you would like to cast a spell for. Per the duality of creation and
destruction, each of these things will fall into one of the two categories. You will either want to bring
something into your life (create) or you will want to rid something from your life (destroy). There is
nothing “supernatural” about magick. In fact, there is nothing “supernatural” about anything that exists.
All is in existence and therefore all is natural, or it simply wouldn’t be.

Black, Gray, and White Magick
Labeling the ethics of magickal workings is a controversial topic, and a very subjective one at that. As
with most facets of the Craft, the definitions vary greatly from Witch to Witch. However, some minor
exposure to the concepts floating around of black, gray, and white magick should be included, since you
will most definitely come across the terms elsewhere. You will see many Witches proclaiming to be
“White Witches”. Also, it might be useful to determine whether you identify with any of these labels

Thus far, we have discussed how all magickal workings can be classified as either acts of destruction or
acts of creation, since these are the only two forces at the core of existence. Additionally, each
individual spell that could ever be cast—whether creative or destructive—can also be considered either
black, gray, or white in motive. As explained earlier, magick itself is neutral in nature. The colored labels
refer to the Witch’s motive or intent for casting. Furthermore, the emotional space from which the
practitioner is casting will manipulate the magickal energy, making the magick black, gray, or white in its
energetic essence.

A banishing spell can be a form of white magick. For example, you may want to help rid humanity of
hate (dissolve hate across the world). If it’s cast selflessly with love, the magick will be white. Likewise,
a creation spell can fall into the realm of black magick: Some Magicians may want to induce chaos or
bring misfortune to another’s life. If the magick is cast from a place of fear, anger, sadness, or other low-
vibrational emotional space, it will be black. Meaning, it will contribute or perpetuate the negativity and
darkness of the universe because the magick will take on that vibrational frequency.

In other words, the practitioner is what makes the magick black or white. However unsavory black
magick may feel to you or me personally, it is a choice in this freewill universe, and thus serves a
purpose. Remember, if it isn’t natural or necessary then it does not exist. Each “color” of magick will be
detailed in the following pages.

Black Magick
There are several definitions of black magick. One popular definition is: intentionally imposing
your Will to cause harm. There is a distinction that needs to be made here. Some practitioners
of magick include quick hexes under the Black Magick umbrella. Hexes would include
projecting harmful energy in moments of acute anger.

An instance of road rage is an example of a hex—when you verbally or mentally damn that
person who cut you off or almost ran you off the road. Another example would be wishing any
form of suffering, or even death, upon someone during a heated argument. If you include these
hexes as black magick, then we’re nearly all guilty of performing it at some point in our lives.

However, there is a more structured and premeditated form of black magick. Constructing an
entire ritual and casting a formal spell with the aim of harming another being is undoubtedly the
consensus definition of curses and black magick. As you can surmise, the vast majority of
Wiccans do not practice black magick as it is defined here.

Recall the Wiccan Rede: “An it harm none, do as ye will.” Performing an act of black magick
(casting from a heavy heart and sending that transmuted magick out into the universe) would
be in direct violation of Wicca’s core philosophy. Regardless, most Wiccans would be hard-
pressed to find such a desire lurking around in his or her heart anyway.

Some practitioners believe that black magick is not only the casting of harm, but also includes
any form of spellcasting done for personal gain. Personally casting for banal purposes like
money or health is gray in essence, as long as the route of manifestation does not negatively
affect others or oneself.

Gray Magick
This form of spellcasting tends to come from a place of ego. Interestingly, gray magick is most
likely the first act of magick manipulation that new Witches will perform. Gray magick describes
magickal workings done for personal gain. It is the intentional imposing of your Will in self-
interest. However, it is not harmful to anyone involved, in the sense that the intentions are

This type of magick can be worked for others as well, but it is always for a menial purpose. The
scope of the results is short-reaching. Gray magick will not directly contribute to world peace,
for example. Whether or not you consider your own personal peace of mind as contributing to
the overall peace of the whole is your own distinction to make.

Some of the controversy surrounding gray magick comes from the belief that it interferes with
the natural unfolding of the most beneficial life paths. Something seemingly positive, like
landing that specific job, may not actually be in your best interest. By performing gray magick to
land that one job, you have altered the course of your life dramatically, and it may not
necessarily be for the best. However, there is usually no way of telling right away, and thus
working gray magick technically “harms none”, since your intentions are pure.

Casting a spell on someone else to affect their life in a positive way can also be considered
gray magick (some will even argue that it’s black magick). Even if you’re sending healing into
their lives, or you’re wanting them to fall in love with you because you know how well you’d treat
them, imposing your Will on someone else’s freewill is always a (darker) gray area. Take that
into consideration before casting that love spell on that one individual.

Instead, maybe try casting for a more general outcome. Invite a true, fulfilling love into your life
rather than steering that specific person toward you. Dig down to the core of what you think you
want. You might be surprised by what you find there.

It is possible to ensure that your work manifests through the best possible route for all involved.
Sending out that exact intention during the spell casting is a way to lighten the gray area.
Additionally, being more general in your spell will also allow for the magick to manifest through

the cleanest route of least resistance. What this means is that you may not get that specific job
at the bank that you so desperately wanted, but you will land a job that will allow for you to
contribute more to your own happiness and success than the bank job would have.

Just because there is something you desperately want, does not mean it is what you need or
what is in alignment with your optimal growth. In other words, instead of casting for that specific
job, try casting a spell for abundance, or to realize your life’s purpose. At the core, feelings of
abundance and gratification are really what you’re seeking.

White Magick
White magick is spell casting that is in alignment with your higher self and the greater good. It
does not come from a place of pure self-interest; white magick does not include casting a spell
for only personal gain, such as financial abundance or health.

If it comes from your genuine heart space, from your most high self with the purest of selfless
intention, the magick will take on those qualities and project out as white or high-vibrational
magick. Global meditations are an example of white magick; people all over the world
organizing a time to meditate on love, in order to raise that energy en masse, is very powerful.

The Science of Magick
With the constant advancement in the fields of science, the inner mechanics of magickal functions are
gradually being revealed. Recall that magick is a natural force, and that science is the study of the
natural world. The field of quantum physics has provided huge leaps in the understanding of matter and
energy. For example, string theory presented the first subatomic model of pure energy; physical atoms
are constructed of vibrating energy that is constantly changing and shifting, to provide the atoms with
the appropriate properties.

Models of the relationship between thoughts and matter have also been offered. In the well-known
Quantum Double Slit Experiment, particles of matter at the quantum level behaved differently when
being observed than when not being observed. In a triple-blind study at the Institute of Noetic Sciences,
samples of water were exposed to different intentions (words, thoughts, and emotions).

Scientists found that when ice crystals were formed from each sample of water, the crystals took on the
aesthetics of whatever intention they were exposed to. The crystals from the water that had been
exposed to soothing coos of love took on clear, symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing formations. The
crystals from the water that had been exposed to shouts of anger took on cloudy, asymmetrical and less
aesthetically pleasing formations.

What these studies exemplify is that all is connected and subject to cause and effect, and that the mind
is the major player in all magick and manifestation. It stands to reason that true belief itself is “the

With extensive practice, many Witches begin to notice that all the magickal tools, rituals, and
incantations become increasingly less essential in the successful manifestation of their Will. All the
candles, incense, herbs and oils are seen for what they really are—props. For the beginner, the props
are to guide the mind toward believing its own power, and they help the practitioner raise the
appropriate level of energy.

All the magickal tools instill confidence that something powerful is being done. The seasoned Witch,
who has practiced magick for many years, will have experimented with his or her own powers of
manifestation, sans ritual tools, and noted the results. For the experienced Witch, the mind is the only
indispensable magickal tool, because the mind is where the magickal work actually happens.

However, as a beginner to intermediate, it is wise to incorporate all the magickal tools you resonate
with. Remember, though, that you are the conduit of the magickal power. It is within you. You are
magick. Still, with the aid of tools, you can learn to better focus and direct this power to create wanted

Overall, the practice of magick is about utilizing the flow of natural rhythms to aid in creating a reality
you want. Manifestation always takes the path of least resistance. If you can align your intent with the

natural cycles of life, your magick will manifest smoothly and simply. It’s learning to flow with the stream
of life rather than always struggling to swim against it.

Mastering this takes much trial and error. Consider the scientific studies mentioned above. They are all
acts of magick. Likewise, each magickal practice you perform can be treated as a science experiment.
Take clear notes of what tools, elements, herbs, and deity you incorporated in your spell. What felt
right? What felt a little off? Notice how long it takes for your intention to manifest. Notice how it
manifests and what avenue it took. Notice who or what was affected.

If you feel that changing any of the spell’s aspects would have produced more beneficial results, do so
next time. Log the new results and compare them to the previous results. This is how you learn and
advance in your practice. All these notes can be kept in your Book of Shadows. How to create a Book
of Shadows will be discussed in the chapter titled, “Delving Deeper”.

Types of Magick
We know that magick is a transmutable energy, and that we transmute it through intention and
spellcasting in order for it to manifest differently around us. The elements are what compose matter,
and thus through the elements is how we transmute and manifest magick in specific ways. You will
come across terms such as: candle magick, herbal magic, elemental magick, etc. These all describe
types of spells and what is incorporated in that spellcasting.

Keep in mind that all forms of spellcasting are elemental; you utilize the properties of a certain element
to transmute magickal energy into what you want it to be. Below you will find an overview of the most
common forms of spellcasting. The detailed steps to performing beginner spells can be found in chapter
eight in the section titled, “Basic Spells and Rituals”.

Candle Magick
Candle magick employs the element of fire. It is reputed as one of the simplest forms of
spellcasting, yet also one of the most effective. Candle spells are exceptionally versatile. They
can be basic and done quickly on a whim, or they can be extremely elaborate rituals, depending
on the intention you’re wanting to manifest. A common example of candle magick that almost
everyone is familiar with is making a wish and blowing out the candles on a birthday cake.

During this ritual, you are imbuing the candles with your wish, and the flames are what
transmutes the wish into manifestation. All modifications of candle magick still rely on this same
premise. The candle itself represents your intention in physical form; it brings the initial
thoughtform of a want or desire into the physical world as something you can use your hands
and five senses to manipulate and work with.

The most basic candle spell would consist of simply lighting a candle and using the flame as a
focal point for concentrating on your intention. Conceptually, the candle’s flame provides a point
of focus and induces a mild trance. This trance state is key for imprinting your intention into
your subconscious mind. You will then make subconscious decisions in your daily life that are in
alignment with the manifestation of your spell. In other words, your intention will manifest

Once you’ve cast the intention into the candle through concentrated chanting and/or
visualization, the candle will continue to burn with the energy of your intent, and every time you
glance at the candle on your altar you will be reminded of the spell and what you’re working on.

To reiterate, the candle is your wish in material form rather than thought form. When the candle
extinguishes, the spell is complete and your intention is fully released to the universe (just like
blowing out the birthday candles). You can be sure that manifestation is underway.

Herbal Magick

Herbal magick employs the earth element, since herbs are potent gifts from Earth herself. The
term “herbal magick” refers to incorporating herbs into your spellcraft for a variety of purposes.
Individual herbs have magickal properties as well as healing properties. These properties are all
well-documented from a long history of use in Shamanic healing practices, Witchcraft, and
other magickal and healing arts.

Herbs are used to make ritual oils, tinctures for common ailments, incense, teas, sachets and
charms. They are also used directly in ritual and spellwork for cleansing, and to bring in or
amplify a certain energy of the work being done. There are thousands of herbs, and each one
has its own use and application. Some herbs complement each other, while others conflict.

An expertise in herbalism requires heavy study, and many Wiccans do dedicate much of their
studies to the application of herbs. Simply having a fundamental knowledge of common herbs is
an unparalleled asset to your magickal practice.

Below are just a few of the most commonly used and versatile herbs in Wicca. Included are
some of their properties, and examples of possible applications. These are just to exemplify the
concept of utilizing herbs. Herbs and their possibilities are literally endless.

- Sage
Correspondences: cleansing and purification.
Application(s): Smudge sticks are bundles of white sage that produces thick smoke when
burned. The smoke is used to neutralize the energy of a space or object.

- Basil
Correspondences: prosperity and love.
Application(s): Used in prosperity and love spells. Sprinkle some basil in your wallet to attract
wealth. Include some basil in good luck charms and sachets to promote abundance and

- Lavender
Correspondences: calming, romantic, soothing.
Application(s): Can be sewn into a dream pillow with rosemary and chamomile to promote
peaceful, deep sleep. Sprinkle lavender leaves in a hot bath for relaxation and stress relief.
Make some lavender oil by putting the leaves in a glass jar with any non-scented or lightly-
scented oil and leaving the jar in the sun for 48 hours. Dab a small amount of the oil onto your
temples to relieve headaches. Lavender can also be used in any love spell for endearing
romantic qualities.

- Cinnamon
Correspondences: sun, heat, fire, male aphrodisiac, protection, success, healing, prosperity.
Application(s): Cinnamon is one of the most versatile herbs you can use. Mix it with
sandalwood, frankincense, and myrrh for a potent protection incense, sachet, or charm. Use it

in a love spell to reignite the flames in a relationship.

Witchcraft for the Novice, Part II

Tools and Ritual Supplies
In Wicca, there a few basic tools which will optimally support your practice. Whether you are fortunate
enough to have a permanent altar or not, there are a variety of options available.

Altar Cloth
Whether your altar is a permanent working space or one you dismantle and put away after each
use, you will need something on which to lay out your ritual tools. An altar cloth can also be
used for wrapping up and tucking away a portable altar. Choose a cloth large enough to
accommodate your tools, and one that reflects your own personal style.

Illumination or “Working” Candles

Since most Wiccans prefer to practice in the dark, these candles are simply illumination so you
can see what you’re doing! They are not used to light ritual incense or used in ritual in any other

Goddess Representation
You will need a representation of the Goddess. This could be a gorgeous ornate statue of your
chosen Goddess from one of the pantheons, or simply a white tealight. Goddess representation
is your own custom depiction of the divine feminine. Choose something that embodies this
energy for you.

Some other examples include: small figures or figurines; a white or pink rose; a moonstone or
other such stone; a framed picture; a corresponding tarot card like The Empress; or simply a
white, silver or green candle.

God Representation
You will also need a representation of the God. Just as with the Goddess, choosing your
representational piece is very personal, and should embody the essence of the divine
masculine for you. Again, it can be a grand statue of your Patron deity or simply a small red,
yellow, or gold candle.

Elemental Representations
Generally, each of the elements should be represented. As we have already covered, each
element is either masculine or feminine in its energy, and thus will correspond to either the God
or Goddess. The following are some suggestions for representing the elements on your altar.

Earth – Feminine.
Common altar representations: salt, soil, sand, leaves, flowers, a brown or green candle, the
Ace of Pentacles from a tarot deck.

Water – Feminine.

Common altar representations: water in a glass or another dish, a seashell, a blue candle, the
Ace of Cups from a tarot deck.

Air – Masculine.
Common altar representations: incense, a feather, a bell, a yellow candle, the Ace of Swords
from a tarot deck.

Fire – Masculine.
Common altar representations: a red candle, cinnamon sticks, a cigarette or cigar, the Ace of
Wands from a tarot deck.

Athame and/or Wand

Traditionally, an athame is a double-edged ritual knife with a black handle. It is your personal
tool and an extension of your magickal power. It is used to direct magickal energy within the
circle. If you prefer, a wand can also be used for this purpose.

Crafting a wand is as simple as taking a walk in the nearest woods, picking up a lovely stick that
calls to you, taking it home and wrapping one end of it with duct tape. You can even carve the
other end down to a point if you wish.

The pentagram represents the combination of all the elements and how they harmonize the
symphony of life together. A representation of the pentagram can be a simple printed image, or
you can even visualize it in the middle of your altar space. Your pentagram can also be an altar
tile, a silver or brass cut out, or part of the pattern in your altar cloth.

Altar Set-Up for Beginners
Your altar is where all your magickal tools are kept. Most Wiccan altars are situated in the center of a
room where the head of the altar points north. However, if this is impractical, it’s okay for your altar to
face any direction or be up against a wall if necessary.

When you are facing your altar, the left side is the Goddess side, and the right side is the God side.
Since all the elements correspond to either the God or Goddess by being masculine or feminine, each
elemental representation can be placed on either the left or right side of the altar. Meaning, your earth
and water representations will be placed on the left side of the altar near your Goddess figure. The air
and fire representations will be placed on the right side of the altar near the God figure.

In the middle of your altar is your pentagram. The pentagram represents all the elements in union; the
combination of all the elements is what creates and manipulates magick.

The top point represents the element of spirit—the divine. The left upper point represents the element of
air, which is a divine masculine element. The right upper point represents the element of water, which is
a divine feminine element. The bottom left point represents the element of earth, again divine feminine.
Finally, the bottom right point represents the element of fire, also divine masculine.

Alternatively, you can set your altar up with your elemental representations at their corresponding points
on the pentagram. Where the tools are located on your altar is personal preference. They should be
conveniently handy throughout the ritual. It may take some trial and error to learn what the most
functional altar set up is for your style of practice.

Witchcraft for the Novice, Part III

Simple Spells and Rituals
Casting a Circle
A magickal circle is multifunctional. It carves out sacred space, keeps wanted energy in, and
keeps unwanted energy out. Sacred space is traditionally a place between worlds and
dimensions. It’s a section of time and space that does not belong to the mundane, nor is it
completely etheric. It is where magickal rites and rituals are performed: “a time that is not a time
and place that is not a place; between the worlds and beyond”. It serves a temple that can be
erected anywhere.

As a beginner, it’s advisable to cast a circle prior to all forms of magickal practice and worship.
Simply casting a circle to sit and meditate or to bond with the God and Goddess is perfectly
acceptable. Practicing magick is of course just that—a practice. Witches and Magicians are
practitioners of magick just as doctors are practitioners of medicine. The only way to become
adept is through practice and experience.

The more times you cast a circle, the more familiar you will become with the ritual and with your
own ritual mindset. Getting to know yourself in the circle is one the most effective forms of
refining your Craft. Eventually, some Witches find that casting a circle is only necessary when
performing major magickal workings, while others may continue to cast a circle before all
spiritual work including their morning meditation.

The best advice is to do what feels right for you. There is no “wrong way” in Wicca. It’s all about
finding what works best for you as an individual—this is how your magick becomes effective.
Trial and error is necessary within a magickal practice.

With that in mind, note that the following steps are only guidelines. This is one of the simplest
way to cast a circle. Some methods are more formal, and require several other steps. Feel free
to omit, modify, or add whatever resonates with you and makes you feel the most comfortable.

1. Cleanse and Purify the Ritual Space

Traditionally, the room or area is cleaned. Physically cleaning begins the process of clearing out
any stale or negative energy. If you’re inside, this means picking up strewn items, sweeping or
vacuuming, etc. If you’re outside, clear away branches and debris. In some Wiccan traditions,
the floors and walls are always scrubbed before casting a circle. If you’re a solitary eclectic
practitioner, you can take the cleaning as far as is comfortable for you personally.

If you’re in a place that doesn’t allow for this step, that’s fine as well. However, you definitely
want to energetically cleanse the space. Smudging with sage, sprinkling salt water, fanning
incense around the area, playing a musical instrument or singing bowls will neutralize the
environment. You can simultaneously visualize a white light filling the room and pushing out any
negativity that may be present.

2. Set Up
An altar is ideally located in the middle of the room, facing either north or east. Again, if this is
impractical, you can still cast a circle with your altar against a wall or in corner through
visualization. The idea is for your altar or working space to be in the middle of the circle.

- Make sure you have everything you’ll need for the spellwork. Once the circle is
cast, if you need to leave the circle for any reason, “cutting” a door with your athame or
wand is customary.

- Lay out your altar cloth and arrange your tools.

- Determine how large your circle needs to be to accommodate the type of work you
will performing. Most solitary practitioners can work comfortably in circle with a six-foot
radius. Others may require less or more.

- If possible, mark the ground to visibly show where your circle will be. This could be
done by laying a rope or cord of some kind in a circle, a chalk outline, a ring of salt,
flowers laid stem to petals, or simply four candles placed at the cardinal points of your
circle. If you’re working up against walls, you can visualize the boundaries of the circle
through the wall.

- Light your working candles.

3. Cast the Circle

There are a number of ways to do this. The simplest way is as follows:

- Begin by standing at the north end of your circle’s outline with athame or wand in
hand. If you’re using only your hand, extend your pointer and middle finger to assist in
the projection of your energy.

- Point your tool towards the ground where your circle will begin, and visualize a stiff
beam of protective energy being directed into the ground. This energy is coming from
you, and is only being directed into the ground by the athame or wand.

- Walk clockwise (also known as “deosil”) around your circle, while continuing to
project the beam of protective energy into the ground. The stronger your visualization,
the stronger your circle will be. Take your time, and don’t rush through the casting.

- Once you return to the north, your circle is complete.

4. Grounding and Centering
Once your circle is cast, take a few moments to sit at your altar space and take several deep
breaths. Light some incense of your choice, and meditate for however long it takes to enter a
ritual mindset. Commune with the God and Goddess. Invite any deities to come and witness
your rites. You will notice a shift in your consciousness. When you do, it’s time to begin your
magickal work.

5. Perform Any Magickal Work

After casting the circle and entering the ritual mindset, it’s time to perform your spell, or
complete whatever magickal task you set out to accomplish.

6. Close the Circle

When you’ve cast your spell or otherwise completed your magickal work, you might want to
stand up and thank the Goddess and God for attending. After doing so, you can begin closing
the circle.

- Stand at the north point of the circle with your athame, wand, or fingers pointed
toward the ground.

- Visualize the beam of protective energy retracting back up into you.

- Walk counterclockwise (also known as “widdershins”) around the circle, while

continuing to visualize the beam being retracted .

- Once you reach north, the circle is closed.

7. “Cakes and Ale”

After all your spiritual work is complete, you may want to sip and nibble on some treats to
reintroduce yourself to the mundane world.

Simple Candle Spell to Manifest Love
This spell can be adapted to manifest love of all kinds. Simply alter the color of the candle, the herbs
and oils used (if any), and the intention to reflect what you want to attract.

1. Define Your Intention

First, there must be an intention. What would you like to accomplish with the spell? As an example,
let’s say you’d like to work on self-love and invite a loving relationship with yourself. From what
we’ve already learned, we know that this is a form of creation magick—you want to bring something

What would this intention look and feel like to you? Imagine yourself bubbling with happiness,
feeling loved and accepted. Maybe imagine yourself having a conversation with someone else and
feeling confident. Keep this image in your mind and really feel the emotions associated with it
throughout the entire spellcasting process.

2. Timing: Determine When to Cast the Spell

Choosing when to cast is dependent on each individual spell. Since this spell is going to invite self-
love into your life, you would want to work with the Goddess and attune your spell to the waxing
phase of the moon (the full moon would also promote this and all other spells).

To clarify how we came to this conclusion of when to cast, let’s say you are casting a spell to
smoothly end a relationship with someone else instead. Rather than cast the spell during the
waxing phase of the moon when the energy is best suited for building, the waning phase would be
more appropriate since the waning moon represents ebbing or subsiding.

Timing a spell can include many more factors: the day of the week, month of the year, and the
astrological placement of other planets. However, as a beginner, timing your simple candle magick
spell with the corresponding phase of the moon is a great way to start.

3. Select a Candle: Color and Size

Next, you will need to choose a candle best-suited to your intention. Below you will find a list of
colors and their correspondences. For this example spell, you are inviting self-love into your life, so
you may feel drawn to use either a pink candle or a red candle. Traditionally, pink symbolizes a soft,
sentimental love—charming and sweet.

In addition to self-love, pink is also commonly used for friendships, familial connections, healing,
femininity, and the more romantic aspects of a lover-to-lover relationship. However, if red feels more
like love to you, or if any other color better symbolizes the type of love you’re wanting to attract,
please use that color. In spellwork there are only guidelines. The most potent spells are custom-

In addition to the color of the candle, the shape and size are also dependent on the individual spell.
Generally, votive and tapers are sufficient for almost any spell. You will find that votive and tapers
are readily available in an assortment of colors. Large, seven-day candles are appropriate for more
intensive work, as these will burn continuously for a week. For our sample spell, a pink votive or
taper would be ideal.

Below is a list of the most commonly used colors and some of their correspondences. These will
vary depending on the Witch. Follow your intuition. For example, if a gold candle feels more like
prosperity to you than a green candle, then use a gold candle for your prosperity work.

- White
White candles can be used in place of any other color. If you need a pink candle but only have
white on hand, the white candle will do just fine. As you may know, this logic comes from the
field of physics. It has been scientifically observed that white is all colors. What we see as white
is actually all the wavelengths of visible light at once—all the colors in the spectrum.

Common correspondences of white include: healing, protection, the Goddess, purity,

enlightenment, etc.

- Black
Just as white is all colors, black is the absence of color.
Correspondences: banishing, reversals, protection, pure potential, the blank canvas.

- Green
Many think of the lush, fertile Earth during spring and summer.
Correspondences: the element of Earth, the heart chakra. abundance, prosperity, money,
career, the material world, etc.

- Pink
Correspondences: romance, self-love, friendship, partnerships, the planet Venus, femininity,

- Red
- Correspondences: the element of fire, the root chakra, passion, lust, desire, ambition,
courage, strength, power, renewal, transformation etc.

- Purple or Violet
Correspondences: the element of spirit, clairvoyance, psychic abilities, meditation, third eye,
wisdom, spiritual protection, etc.

- Blue
Correspondences: the element of water, the throat chakra, calming, healing, truth, justice, etc.

- Orange
Correspondences: the element of fire, the root chakra, cleansing, refreshing, motivation,
ambition, optimism, activity, warmth, welcoming, etc.

- Yellow
Correspondences: the element of air, the solar plexus chakra, clarity, sunlight, cheery,
communication, words, sound, intellect, logic, etc.

- Brown
Correspondences: the element of earth, stability, domestic life, animals/pets, material goods,
physical health, etc.

4. Cast a Circle (optional)

The previous three steps were preparation. Now is the time to cast your circle, if you feel compelled
to do so, and begin your work.

5. Dress the Candle (optional)

Many Witches feel that dressing a candle adds to the potency of the spell. Dressing a candle refers
to carving letters, symbols, and/or sigils into the candle, followed by coating the candle with
essential oils and herbs which resonate with the intention of the spell. In the following section titled,
“Herbal Magick”, you will find a list of commonly used herbs and their correspondences.

For our example spell of inviting love, you may want to dress your pink votive or taper by carving a
few hearts into it, anointing it with rose oil, and rolling it in rosemary and/or jasmine. The process of
dressing a candle is generally done as follows:

- Carving the Candle

Choose a symbol which is meaningful for you and corresponds to the intention of the spell.
Carve the symbol into the candle where ever and however many times you see fit. You can be
as elaborate and detailed as you want with the etchings, or simple and rudimentary.

In any case, be sure that you are focusing on your intention throughout the entire carving
process. You can even imagine your desire being transferred into the candle through the
markings. Any tools can be used for the carving—safety pin, needle, pencil, etc. Some Witches
will only use their athame, and that’s fine as well.

- Anointing the Candle with Oil

Apply two or three drops of the oil into the palm of your hand. Then, clutch the candle in your
hand while still thinking of your intention. Massage the oil (and your intention) into the candle.
Please note that if you don’t have a specific oil for a spell available, like rose oil, you can always
make your own in a pinch.

If you have roses nearby, take a few petals and put them in a container with some olive oil or
whatever oil you have on hand. Don’t be afraid to improvise when necessary. Remember, you
are what makes the spell work.

- Rolling the Candle in Herbs

Once the candle is anointed with your desired oil, you will lay the candle on a bed of your
chosen herbs. Since our example spell is to bring something into your life, rolling the candle
toward you is fitting. Contrarily, if you were performing a spell to rid something from your life,
rolling the candle away from you to coat it with herbs would be preferable.

6. Light the Candle and Raise Energy

When you feel that the candle is ready to be lit, take a few deep breaths and place the candle in a
holder of your choosing. You can use a lighter, matches, whatever feels most comfortable. Take
some time to sit and meditate with the flame. Soften your gaze, let your lids droop a bit. Use the
flame as a focal point for visualizing your intention.

You can continue to visualize and feel the emotions of the scenes you’ve chosen. Additionally,
chanting and swaying or rocking helps to raise the energy. You can begin by swaying back and forth
slowly and gradually you will pick up speed. Chants don’t have to rhyme unless you prefer them to.

If you’re drawn to chanting, you can simply say whatever is in your heart to describe your intention.
As an example, for this spell you might want to chant something straightforward like, “I love myself
unconditionally”. Alternatively, you can compose a beautiful piece of poetry to recite. Again, do what
feels natural.

7. Disposal
Customarily, the candle is left to burn out on its own. The purpose of allowing the candle to self-
extinguish is two-fold. Firstly, as the candle burns, it is releasing your intention and all that energy
you imbued it with into the universe through the flame and the rising heat. Secondly, each time you
see the candle burning, you are reminded of the spell and your intention.

This second aspect of the manifestation has a continuous impact on the subconscious mind.
Meaning, you may not always consciously acknowledge your spellwork when you pass by the
candle, but it does have a subconscious impact each and every time.

8. Close the Circle (optional)

If you casted a circle before beginning your work, now is the time to commence with closing.

Simple Candle Spell to Banish
This spell primarily utilizes the fire element to rid yourself of something unwanted. Fire is swift and
thorough in its transformation. The results will manifest quickly, but the route of manifestation can be
situationally intense.

1. Define Your Intention

What needs to be banished from your life with urgency? This could be something like a stalker, or
another type of threatening presence in your life. You may want to quickly end an abusive
relationship or legal situation.

2. Time Your Work

If possible, it would be ideal to wait until the time of the dark moon to perform an abrupt banishing.
Perhaps the dark moon is within a few days. If not, the next most appropriate time would be during
the full moon, or the waning moon.

3. Select a Candle: Color and Size

A black votive or taper candle is ideal for banishing. Black corresponds to the dark moon and the
energy of renewal.

4. Cast a Circle (optional)

Cast your circle in preparation for your spellwork.

5. Write Down What You Want to Banish

On a small slip of paper, write down what you want to banish. While you’re writing, be sure to focus
on your intention. Visualize the situation being released and feel the emotions associated with it.
Channel it all onto the slip of paper through your pen.

6. Dress the Candle (optional)

You might feel drawn to carve the candle with corresponding symbols or words. Carving what you
wrote on the slip of paper works well. You can also dress your candle with the appropriate oils and
herbs as detailed in the previous spell. For banishing, try anointing your candle with clove oil and
coating it with crushed bay leaves by rolling it away from you.

7. Light the Candle and Burn the Slip of Paper

Light your black candle, which represents the transformative element of fire. The slip of paper is
now representative of the situation or person you’d like to banish from your life. Hold the paper over
the candle’s flame and allow it to ignite. Once it’s smoldering well, drop it into your cauldron or other
fire-safe receptacle. Let it burn to ash. Continue to visualize the situation and emotions being

8. Close the Circle (optional)

You may want to close the circle at this time.

9. Disposal
Allow your black candle to burn down completely. The ashes can be disposed of by way of any
other element. Toss them into the wind, bury them in the ground, flush them down the toilet, or
throw them into a running body of water.

Create with the Earth Element: Simple Flower Spell
The element of Earth is solid, steady, and gradual in its pace. Think of how slowly but perfectly a tree
grows—this is Earth magick. The intricacies of constructing a tree take time to complete. Thus, any
intention that you cast utilizing the Earth element will manifest into your world much like the evolution of
a tree. It will take ample amounts of time to flourish, but the results will be long-lasting, sturdy and well-
composed. Consider manifesting with the element of Earth when your intention would most benefit from
“slow and steady wins the race”.

The concept of the flower spell is to charge a seed with your desire and then plant it. As the flower buds
and blooms under your care, so will your desire bloom into your physical world.

1. Define Your Intention

This spell is for something you’d like to bring into your life (or generally bring into being) gradually
and smoothly. It will be something you want to carefully nurture into fruition. Perhaps you are
repairing a relationship with a certain individual; trust may have been breached, but you’re both
ready to rebuild.

This takes time and patience, which is in perfect alignment with the element of Earth. Alternatively,
you may want to foster peace and bring more love to the world. Perhaps you want to become
pregnant and grow a healthy child. These are all prime examples of intentions that are best
manifested through the element of earth.

2. Timing
Since you are wanting to gradually cultivate something, you will want to correlate your spell with the
waxing phase of the moon.

3. Charge the Seeds

You can select a specific type of seed that correlates with your intention or has some significance—
rose, sunflower, carnation. Cup the seeds in your hand and concentrate on your intention. This time
it will be the seeds that are representing your desire.

Focus on the emotions associated with what you want to bring forth. If you’re casting this spell for
fertility, visualize the healthy development of your baby within the womb, and then visualize rocking
him or her in your arms. Feel the emotions as if the event is presently taking place. Visualize these
emotions and images being transferred into the seeds.

4. Plant the Seeds

Once you feel that you’ve sufficiently raised and transferred the energy, it’s time to plant the seeds.
You can plant them in your backyard, directly into the earth. If this is not possible, a large pot or
container filled with fertile soil is just fine. Wherever you plant the seeds, make sure they are
accessible to the sun’s nourishing rays.

5. Cultivate
Nurture your seeds into buds and beyond. Water them, talk to them, give them love. As your flower
grows and blooms, so will your intention.

Banish with the Earth Element: Simple Apple Spell
This spell imbues an apple with something you want to banish. Then, by burying the charged apple in
the ground, you rid yourself of the unwanted aspect gradually and organically.

1. Define Your Intention

You realize there is something you want to remove from your reality. Reflecting on the issue, you
decide that this aspect of your life would best be dissolved gradually and delicately, rather than
instantly go up in flames or get turbulently washed away in torrent. Some examples might be:
gracefully ending a relationship with someone, banishing bad habits, addictions, weight, negative
thought patterns, emotional blocks, hate or racism on the planet.

By invoking the element of Earth to gradually and sustainably banish these aspects, you are
ensuring the durability of the results. You won’t successfully crash diet, for example, and then gain
all the weight back shortly after. Rather, you may start taking real steps toward a complete lifestyle
change instead. The results will not be instantaneous like working with the fire element, but they will
be more likely to last.

2. Time Your Work

Since you are gradually banishing, you will want to time your spell with the waning phase of the

3. Cast a Circle (optional)

4. Charge the Apple

Select an apple or any other fruit with thin skin. You’re going to charge the apple with your intention
just as you would with a candle. Hold the apple in your hands and focus on what you want to
remove from your world. Really feel all the associated emotions and transfer them to the apple.

If you’re wanting to banish an addiction like smoking, for example, feel that craving for nicotine, feel
the guilt every time you light up, feel the burn in your throat, feel the toxins flooding your body, feel
the tightness in your chest, and send all those sensations and emotions into the apple.

You’ll notice that the apple now represents your addiction, just like the candle represented your
desire in the candle magick spell for self-love. No matter what you’re wanting to banish, the apple
will become that thing once it is charged with the energy of that thing. In other words, the apple
simply becomes another medium for your thoughtforms to be physically manipulated.

You can get as elaborate as you’d like with charging the apple. Consider carving the apple with
symbols just as you would carve a candle. Cutting the apple in half, spooning out the core, and then
filling it with tobacco or cigarette butts is a more tangible way of imprinting your intention to quit

smoking. You can also fill and/or dress the apple with any oils or herbs you feel are conducive.
Additionally, you may want to include chants in the process of charging or burying.

5. Bury the Apple

You’ll recall that candle magick primarily utilized the element of fire. Once the candle was charged
with your intention, you lit the candle and let it burn away. Instead of burning the charged apple, you
will bury it deep in the ground—this principally employs the element of earth rather than fire.

As the apple slowly and permanently decomposes from your reality, so will whatever you wish to
banish. It will be absorbed back into the earth, and the energy dispersed away from your life.

Delving Deeper

Choosing Your Wiccan Path
For many magickal paths, there is a designated time of study before any commitment, initiation or
dedication to the path can commence. In Wicca, this time of study is for one year and a day. Regardless
of which path you choose to pursue, the customary study of a year and a day is an advantageous
undertaking. Study all the material you can find before making a commitment. Some of the possible
Wiccan paths are as follows:

The traditional path refers to becoming initiated into an oathbound coven that practices one of
the original Wiccan traditions. Some may even argue the only traditional path is to be initiated
into a Gardnerian coven by a High Priestess following the “Year and a Day” studies. As you can
imagine, simply locating a traditional Gardnerian coven may prove to be difficult, let alone
becoming an initiate.

A group of eclectic, non-traditional Wiccans may come together to form their own coven. This
differs from traditional covens in the sense that the traditions and information are from eclectic
sources, and not oathbound Wiccan material.

Eclectic practitioners incorporate traditions and beliefs from a variety of different religions and
paths. Wicca itself can be considered eclectic, since Gardener incorporated aspects of
Ceremonial Magick and Freemasonry into his Wiccan rites and rituals.

Solitary practitioners are most often eclectic and only practice alone. The eclectic solitary path
is the most lenient and liberating. It also comes with great responsibility, as you are the one
guiding your own spirituality.

Book of Shadows
Before the persecutions, the Craft had mostly been an oral tradition. Word of mouth was how rituals and
rites were passed along. When Witches and covens were forced into hiding to evade persecution, they
began to lose touch with one another. Writing down rituals and rites became a way to keep the
traditions from being lost in the perils of exposure. A coven’s compilation of information became known
as their “Book of Shadows”. It’s believed that the name developed from Witches having to meet “in the
shadows” to worship and practice.

In traditional Wicca, each coven has one Book of Shadows. These days, it is customary for each
individual Witch to have his or her own Book of Shadows. It is a magickal journal of sorts, where you log
ritual information along with any spiritual insights.

Creating Your Book of Shadows
Your own Book of Shadows (BoS) can be made from any materials that resonate with you. Each is as
unique as the Witch it belongs to. Some are large, ornate, leather-bound books filled with parchment
paper and only inscribed upon with quill and ink. However, a simple three-ring binder filled with
notebook paper works just as beautifully. Ideally, you will always be adding to your BoS; keep that in
mind when selecting a book or a method of organizing all the information.

Your BoS should reflect you. It should align with your style of practice, lifestyle, and it should motivate
you to maintain it. You may want to spend time writing pages by hand, to bond with the book and imbue
it with your energy. For others, printing out pages and adding them into the book is more fitting. Simply
keeping the book on your altar will charge it with the necessary energy.

For the modern, technologically-minded Witch, keeping an electronic BoS might be the way to go.
Maintaining a BoS on laptop, tablet or phone is extremely efficient. You can quickly and easily add, edit,
and remove information. Multimedia information can also be kept in an eBoS—videos, recordings, links.
You can decorate the book and pages however you like with the use of digital art. Keeping a space in a
cloud like Google Drive, OneDrive, iCloud, allows for access from any device.

Of course, there is much debate about bringing a mundane electronic device into the circle and utilizing
it during magickal ritual. There is speculation that the electromagnetism can interfere with raising the
proper energy. Additionally, there is the traditional belief of sacred space being a magickal place
between worlds, a place not in the realm of the mundane. Taking care to carve out sacred space, get
into the ritual mindset, and then cracking open your laptop that you use to delete daily spam and
browse for dinner recipes could prove to hinder your magickal workings.

On the other hand, odds are that you’re reading this book on a device. Our devices are quickly
becoming part of us, and part of how we experience ourselves and the world around us. Bringing a
device into the circle may feel like the most natural thing for you to do. Again, this is at the discretion of
the individual Witch. If keeping an electronic BoS resonates with you, then feel free to include one in
your practice.

What you include in your BoS is also up to you to decide. Wiccans commonly include the Wiccan Rede
on their first page. You may also want to include a list of herbs you frequently use, and their properties,
color correspondences, moon phases, the elements, anything you’ll use in practice. Keep a log of your
spells. Provide the step-by-step for each. Note the results and any impressions you get. Your BoS is the
bible to your own path that you write along the way!


Wicca has been a very misunderstood path, even by some who follow it. Yes, its roots are deep in
antiquity, some reaching down to the very origin of human spirituality. However, it is not the indigenous
path of old. Wiccans do not adhere the entirety of the Old Religion, but simply offer reverence for the
past with ritual winks and nods.

As a Neo-Pagan religion, Wicca adapts age-old beliefs to a modern world. It is a patchwork religion, in
which one man stitched together several belief systems that had a common thread. Metaphysical
understanding is what underlies all the elements composing Wicca. There are influences from
Witchcraft, Ceremonial Magic, Freemasonry, Thelema, etc. The inclusion of elements from so many
practices could convolute the message of Wicca, and easily contribute to it being misunderstood.

Humanity has been programmed through evolution and other factors to fear the perceived “darkness” of
the unknown; if something is unfamiliar it could easily be a threat. To the average human mind, the
safest thing to do is to immediately eliminate the potential threat. The hundreds of thousands of lives
lost during the persecutions can attest to that.

Wicca’s permissive nature allows individuals to freely build on its foundation. It is accepting and
accommodating to all who respect it. In the face of conventional dogmatic religious structures, Wicca is
a release from the shackles of spiritual oppression. It provides a nurturing environment for a soul to
relearn how to spread its wings.

“Harm none” as the guiding principle leads Wiccans to foster their compassion for themselves and for
all others. Study anything you want, do anything you want, experience anything you want, but do so
with high regard for yourself and for all around you. Live and let live. Most of all, through its inherent
flexibility, Wicca teaches tolerance. Two Wiccans will never have the same opinion or worldview, and
that amount of diversity, harmoniously stemming from a common seed, is divine indeed.

Book Of Spells

A Beginner’s Guide To Wiccan Spells & Rituals

By Luna Sidana

Table Of Contents


The Nature of Magick

What Is Magick?
White, Grey & Black Magick
Types of Magickal Workings

Magickal Tools
What Are Magickal Tools & Why Do You Need Them?
Common Tools
Other Items & Making Your Own Tools

Setting Up An Altar
Simple Altar Set Up
Advanced Altar Set Up

Tips & Guidelines for Successful Spellcasting

Safety First!
Casting A Circle
Focus, Intent & Power – Manifesting On the Spiritual & Material Planes
Keeping Silent/Redirecting attention

Phases of the Moon

Before Casting

Spells for Abundance & Wealth

Common Items, Elements & Colors
Money Negativity Clearing Spell
New Opportunity Spell
Money Attraction Spell
Dandelion Prosperity Spell

Spells for Love & Relationships

Common Items, Elements & Colors
Self-Love Ritual
Soulmate Spell
Spell for Better Relationships
Spell to Let Go of Old Love
Working with Sex & Orgasms

Spells for Health & Happiness

Common Items, Elements and Colors
Grounding & Protection Spell
Spell for Health & Wellbeing

Sea Spell to Cleanse & Purify
A Vitality Pouch for Passion & Joy

Other Spells & Methods of Working

Working with Deities & Other Entities
Sabbats & Spell Timings
Growing A Magickal Herb Garden


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One of the most fun and rewarding aspects of the Wiccan path is the casting of spells for ourselves and
for others. Magick is a powerful and natural way to bring us closer to the healing energies of the earth.

Casting spells are a way that we formalize our intention and make our will known to the Universe. They
act as a bridge between the unseen, metaphysical world, and the seen, practical, material world.

We can use spells for many reasons – to heal ourselves and others, to rid ourselves of things we no
longer want, or bring things we do want into our lives. We can use them to gain greater knowledge and
power over ourselves and our environments, bringing favorable circumstances and rewards. Spells are
an exciting and interesting way to delve deeper into your Wiccan practice.

In the first half of this book, you will learn about the nature of magick and the kind that Wiccans use. We
will discuss the Elements and why they are so important, as well as how to perform magick in line with
the phases of the moon. We will also discuss issues of safety, and how to give more power to your
working by developing your visualization skills.

You will learn how to cast a circle and perform rituals to help bring you your desires. You will also find
explanations on how to set up your Altar, what tools to use and where to find them, and detailed
instructions on how to undertake magickal spellcasting.

In the second part of this book, we will go on to learn some rituals and spells for different areas in our
lives. From help with finding a new job to calling new love to you, you will find spells which will help you
enhance your life. You will also find instructions on how to perform spells for other people, and learn
about when it is appropriate to do so.

This book forms a handy reference guide you can follow as you begin your magickal journey, and will
give you all the information you need to begin practicing safely and vibrantly. Each spell has been
designed to be easy to perform, while at the same time being potent. By the end of this book, you will
have learned all you need to know to begin successfully casting spells and manifesting your desires.

I wish you all the best in your magickal workings.

Blessed be.

The Nature of Magick

What Is Magick?

As mentioned, magick is a way of formalizing intent to connect with the world around us and produce
benefits for ourselves or others. By using rituals, you can gain a greater understanding of the natural
world in a simple and powerful way.

Magick can help you with manifesting your desires, with personal transformation and with healing for
yourself and for others. It is a very real and beautiful way of interacting with the natural world around us.

Magick works because it focuses the will and communicates your intentions to the Universe. You can
then draw favorable events and circumstances to yourself and others. It’s a little like prayer — however,
it requires a much more direct connection to your own personal power and intention.

The Universe will hear your intention and, with practice, you will be able to communicate the outcomes
you desire. By learning to cast spells, you will experience the subtle yet powerful energy of magick.

White, Grey & Black Magick

It’s important to understand that some Wiccans do not necessarily believe in a strict separation between
different forms of magick. However, some forms – such as black magick – are generally not seen to be
either useful or desirable practices.

The essential Wiccan rede – “And It Harm None,” should be considered when choosing the type of
magick you wish to work with. This rede means that your intent should never be to harm, damage or
negatively affect another person.

You should also keep in mind the Wicca “Rule of Three.” This states that any energy and intention you
send out will come back to you, by the power of three. Therefore, if you use magick to attempt to harm
another person, or send negative energy, it will eventually return to you, and much more powerfully.

Let’s take a closer look at the three different forms of magick.

White Magick

This is the path most commonly associated with Wicca and Pagan spellcasting. It is magick which is
performed with the intent to bring positivity to you or another’s life. Spells for healing, harmony,
abundance and positive knowledge all form the basis of white magick.

White magick also brings the Wiccan positive results in line with the ‘threefold path.’ For every positive
act of magick you perform, the energy will return to you threefold.

Black Magick

Black magick is magick that is performed with the intent to control, harm and negatively manipulate
others. It may include sending negative energy on purpose, such as psychically attacking someone, or
it may involve using charms or other objects to attempt to control other people in a way that affects their
free will.

Black magick is usually practiced from a place of spite, anger and hostility.

This is not a form of magick that any Wiccan practicing under the rede “And It Harms None” would
perform, and, as the Rule of Three states, it can have a negative impact on the practitioner as well.

Grey Magick

Grey magick is generated through workings that are mainly neutral in intent. It is not performed to harm
another person, nor is it necessarily done with the intentions of producing healing results.

Grey magick may also be used by some practitioners to balance white and black energies, and to bring
about integrations between these two opposing forces.

Types of Magickal Workings

There are many different methods you can use for your magickal workings, which can encompass
different objects and items. The following are some common ways in which Wiccan’s practice their craft.

Working With Herbs

Herbs can be used to create magickal potions, elixirs and healing items. You may also use herbs in
cleansing spells, such as using white sage for smudging. If you’re a serious practitioner, it is a good
idea to cultivate an herb garden to grow the needed plants for yourself.

If you don’t have a garden outdoors, or have limited space, then setting up a small herb box inside your
kitchen can be a great way to bring your own magickal items into your home.

Remember that magickal items work best when given loving and focused purpose. Buying herbs from
the store that may have harmful pesticides or other chemicals on them is not advised. Wiccans usually
enjoy connecting with nature in a harmonious way and, therefore, using herbs which are not grown
organically can clash with your intentions.

You may also gather your own plants and herbs outside. A note of caution, however, some herbs or
plants (such as many species of fungus) are harmful. Consult a guide on identifying plants in the wild
before attempting to use any unfamiliar items.

Elemental Magick

Wiccans connect strongly to the divine feminine and masculine in their work. These energies may take
on lots of different forms, from working with the four elements – Earth, Air, Fire and Water, to working
with specific Goddess energies.

Each element is associated with distinct crystals, herbs, and colors which can empower you to connect
more deeply. These will be explained and included in the chapters on individual spells.

Candles and Crystals

Candles are an excellent way to invoke different energies and to perform rituals. Burning candles of
specific colors (such as pink and red for love and attracting passion into your life) can form part of many

Crystals have their own energy, and some Wiccans also believe in an individual crystal spirit – or Deva.
This is a spirit of the earth which holds the form of the crystal, and the energy associated with each

When working with your crystal for the first time, it is wise to cleanse it, and then spend time allowing its
energy to flow into you. Pay attention to its color, shape and texture. Over time, we often find that we
build deep connections with individual crystals.

You can also cleanse and program crystals to empower your intentions. Clear quartz is excellent for this
purpose. We will discuss how to cleanse and charge crystals in more detail later in this section.

Combining Items

As you can see, there’s a vast array of tools and methods that can be used for spellcasting and
magickal work. Many spells combine these elements, such as leaving a crystal in front of a burning
candle. As you delve more deeply into different ways of casting you will learn the best items to use for
each spell, and how to combine items and ritual practices to form your own magickal workings.

Magickal Tools

What Are Magickal Tools & Why Do You Need Them?

Magickal tools are items that you use for ritual and spellcasting work. They are special tools which
should not be used for other activities, and may include knives, wands, chalices, scrying items and
cauldrons. There’s a vast array of tools that can be used, and therefore it can be confusing to know
where to start.

The most important thing to remember is that tools are items you imbue with your own personal power.
You then use them to direct energy during your magickal working. As such, you shouldn’t let others use
them, unless it is for a ritual purpose — and even then, only with caution.

You should regularly cleanse your tools, and keep them in a safe place where they will not be disturbed
by anyone else. You can cleanse your tools in a variety of ways, such as burying them in the ground,
using sea-salt, smudging them with sage or simply washing them.

You can charge your tools in different ways, depending on how you wish to use them. You may place
them in the sun, or under the light of a full moon. Or you may charge them using visualization or
energies from elemental spirits.

Common Tools

The following is a list of the most prevalent Wiccan tools and how they are used.

The Athame
This is a ritual knife used to direct energy during rituals. It often has a dark handle. Athames can be
brought with magickal symbols, such as the pentacle, inscribed on them, according to your personal

The Boline
This is a knife you use for purposes other than a formal ritual, such as cutting herbs or inscribing items.
You should still keep this separately to other knives in your house. It normally has a white or light

The Cauldron
The cauldron is usually made from cast-iron and has three legs. It can be used for ritual purposes, such
as brewing potions or other magickal items, as well as a strong focus of feminine power.

The Chalice
The chalice is smaller than a cauldron, but functions in a similar way. You can use it to mix potions or
liquids, or hold ritual drinks such as wine. It may also be used to hold salt water for cleansing purposes.

The Besom
The besom is an item used to clear and cleanse spaces when readying them for a ritual. It can be a
traditional broomstick made from willow, or simple a brush or broom you use to keep your ritual space

The Censer
This is a ceremonial burner used to burn incense during ritual. You can use one that you place charcoal
disc on to burn loose incense, or you can use a wooden incense holder to burn cones or sticks. The
most important part is burning of ritual herbs and scents.

Ensure that you have a safe space to work with and to hold these materials; charcoal discs are fantastic
for burning loose incense, but they can get extremely hot. Some also have chemicals in them to help
them light faster. Try to avoid these, as they interfere with the natural aroma of many herbs and incense
you may wish to use.

Grimoire – Book of Shadows

Last, but certainly not least, is the Grimoire, also known as the Book of Shadows. This is a book you
use to record your magickal workings and spells. You can use it to make notes on rituals, to record your
own spells or to keep a diary of your sessions.

The Grimoire is a highly personal item. It often takes the form of a book with a pentagram on the cover
— however, you can make your own using a notebook, or even recording it in a special file on your

At the end of each ritual you perform, it is wise to jot down what you did and how you feel about the
experience. You can use this to refer to as you progress with your spellcasting. You might also wish to
note down dreams or visions that occur as you venture further along the path of Wicca.

Recording our dreams often provides us with a portal into our subconscious mind. Since much magick
takes place on the astral, subconscious and manifesting planes, which are not easily accessible in day
to day life, our dreams can teach us much about our work.

Keep your Book of Shadows in a safe place, and enjoy the way it develops as your magickal potential

Other Items & Making Your Own Tools

There are many other items you may wish to use for your magickal work. These include crystals,
candles, oils and resin, and items you have found in nature, such as feathers or flowers and plants.

It can be tempting to go out and buy supplies for your working online or in stores. There are many
beautiful items available, such as wands and chalices — however, they can be expensive.

If you are on a budget, remember that your magickal tools are first and foremost tools that are special to
you, and engages your creativity and willpower in a meaningful way. For example, you may not wish to
spend a huge amount on a chalice when just starting out.

However, you can buy a special mug or piece of glassware which you keep for magickal working only.
You can also use items you find or already own, or even make some yourself.

An inexpensive way to make your own wand is to use a quartz crystal and insert it into a willow branch.
In many case, items you make yourself in this way may actually hold more power, because you have
put the thought and effort in, rather than simply buying it prepackaged from a store.

Picking up items you have found in nature and bringing them home to work with you also adds a
potency and extra dimension to your working; it keeps the mental and emotional bridge between you
and the natural world active.

Clear quartz is a useful crystal. It isn’t expensive, and is highly programmable. Rather than buying lots
of expensive crystals for each purpose, a good place to start is getting a dozen or so pieces of clear
quartz, cleansing and programming each one.

To cleanse a piece of clear quartz, you may wash it in saltwater or smudge it with white sage. To
program it, you will need to sit with the crystal and clearly speak your intent to it. This may feel strange
to begin with, but simply visualize your intention and needs and project them into the solid. You may
even ask the crystal out loud to work with you. To charge your crystals, you can simply leave them in
the sun or moonlight for a couple of hours or so.

When cleansing any crystal, it is best to consult a specific guide for each of them. Most can be safely
washed in salt or clear water. However, certain crystals, such as selenite, cannot be left in water for any
length of time, as it will lead to them breaking down.

Setting Up An Altar

Why do you need an altar?

Your altar is an important part of all your magickal workings. It’s a personal space that you can set up to
focus your intentions and magickal workings onto, and to dedicate fully to your practice.

Your altar is a physical manifestation of your inner self, as well as a conduit to the divine. It is your
Temple, both physically and spiritually. Tools and symbols can be placed within your altar to represent
you and the energies you work with. These can take many forms, and setting up your altar will be
largely personal to you and what resonates with you.

Your altar can be a small space you set up permanently somewhere in your living space, or it can be a
portable one you set up at home or when working outside. During outdoor workings, you might find that
natural altars present themselves to you in the form of tree stumps or small natural alcoves. For
example, I once found a natural altar of a square boulder right next to a beautiful waterfall during a

Your altar is something which needs to be tended to and cared for on a regular basis. Remember to
replace fresh herbs and flowers when they wilt, and keep the space clear of dust and other debris which
may gather, such as leftover incense or candle wax.

Remember that your altar is a positive outside representation of your inner will, and is supposed to be a
sacred area. A dirty, untended altar is not a positive space to manifest your desires!

Simple Altar Set Up

You will need an altar cloth. This can be of any material and color of your choosing. A white cloth is
useful as it can represent many colors, or you can use a brightly colored cloth which you feel represents
your personality and will.

Items such as the Athame and Chalice can be placed on your altar.

You may wish to place a symbol of your manifesting intent on your altar, such as a pentacle or a
representation of the Goddess. This can simply be a drawing you have made, or even a figurine shaped
from modelling clay.

Use crystals and candles to add color and potency to your altar. For example, amethyst crystals and
pink candles can be used for expressing divine love.

Advanced Altar Set Up

A more advanced way of setting up your altar is to adhere to the elements and their cardinal points on
the compass. In addition, you may associate each element with its ritual item.

North should correspond to Earth. Use your pentacle here, either a diagram or one you buy. This
represents feminine energies. You may also wish to place an image or figurine of the Goddess here.

South corresponds to Fire. Use your Athame to correspond to these energies. This is considered a
male energy.

East corresponds to Air. Place your wand here. Air is also a male energy.

West corresponds to Water. Use your chalice here. You may wish to include some saltwater in your
chalice. Replace this every two weeks. Water also represents the feminine, so Goddess
representations can be used as well.

When you have placed your items in their corresponding cardinal points, you can add to your altar with
personal items, charms and crystals.

Remember to tend and care for your altar regularly. Your personal tastes, characteristics and intentions
should be communicated clearly, along with your connection to the elements and energies you are
working with.

Tips & Guidelines for Successful Spellcasting

Safety First!

When casting spells, you need to take care of your safety – physically and spiritually. We will discuss
banishing later in this chapter, as well as remembering the Wiccan rede, and not inviting negativity into
your life by projecting it.

When it comes to practical matters, however, please remember that when you are using certain items,
you must be mindful of any damage they could do to yourself or property.

Always ensure that you extinguish candles and incense, and have a fire blanket or water close by
should you need it. It might sound unnecessary, but if you’re planning on going into trances or
meditating deeply whilst in your circle, it’s easy to fall asleep and forget a candle is burning.

If a spell calls for a candle to be left burning, make sure you place it away from any areas where it can
cause damage. Outside is preferable if possible.

Never ingest oil or herbs unless you are sure of their origin and effects. Don’t burn herbs unless you
know how they were grown. Some herbs or fungi can be toxic if ingested, so please be aware. Don’t
use undiluted oils on your skin as they can cause reactions and irritations. All in all, just use your
common sense, and ensure you keep your safety in mind.


One of the most important aspects of spellcasting is the ability to focus your intent and build a mental
image of the result you desire. Therefore, being able to strongly visualize what you are doing as you
work is beneficial.

Spend some time learning how to create clear mental images in your mind. If you are a less visual
person, you can help to create the concept you want with sounds or calling on your emotions as well.

A Simple Visualization Exercise:

1. Find an object to focus on. It’s ideal if this doesn’t have any strong emotional resonance for you (for
example a family photo). A rock or piece of bark you have picked up outside is great for this exercise.

2. Slow your breath and relax.

3. Focus on the item for a few moments.

4. Close your eyes and try to see it again in your mind’s eye.

5. Try to make it as detailed and rich as you can.

6. Open your eyes and focus again, then repeat.

7. After you have done this a few times, put your item away and try to visualize it without the item being

It may take some practice to get used to ‘seeing’ things in this way, but the more you practice, the more
you will be able to focus your intent into the spiritual and manifesting realms.

When you are performing rituals, one of the key components is being able to visualize what you want. If
you can conjure up clear images of the elements and what you desire, your rituals will become much
more powerful.

Casting A Circle

When working magickally, it is advisable to work within a magickal circle. This can be a physical circle
that you create with salt or other materials (such as drawing it with chalk), a mental image, or a
combination of the two.

You cast a circle to focus your intent for the work you are about to do, and to clear your area and
protect you from outside energies while you are working. Casting a circle cleanses and nourishes your
working area, turning it into a sacred space where your power is focused and amplified.

To make a more powerful circle, align it to the four points of the compass. This is called ‘calling the
quarters.’ You can mark each corner with a candle. You may use a candle, your finger, or your Athame
to draw your circle and call your Quarters. Or you can use your wand, if you have one. You can also
use sea salt to mark out your circle. Scatter salt to mark your outline, turning in a clockwise direction.

Then, you may empower your circle. Remember, this is a part of your ritual, so you should take the time
to really focus and visualize your circle. Feel the energy flowing around you, and try to strongly ‘see’ the
circle as it forms. Feel the warmth and protective power.

There are lots of different variations you can try, with different forms of words and methods of calling the
quarters. You may want to experiment with different forms, and even use your own wording.

However, you may start with this simple invocation:

1. Begin in the North.

2. Focus your intention and say these words:

“Guardians of the North, Energy of Earth. I call upon you to protect and empower my magickal
working. I cast this circle in perfect love and perfect trust. No harm may enter, and none shall

3. Visualize yourself connecting to the element of Earth.

4. Turn clockwise until you face East, drawing your circle as you do with your Athame, wand,
finger or lighted candle.

5. Say:

“Guardians of the East, Energy of Air. I call upon you to protect and empower my magickal
working. I cast this circle in perfect love and perfect trust. No harm may enter and none shall

6. Visualize yourself connecting to the element of Air.

7. Keep turning clockwise and call South and West, using the same form of words. South is the
element of Fire and West is Water.

8. As you draw your circle and visualize each point, try to feel the circle forming around you as a
white light.

9. When you have finished your magickal working, you may close the circle by walking in an
anticlockwise direction, blowing out the candle at each cardinal point.

10. It is important to thank the energies for their attention and bid them farewell.

You may say these words for each element:

“I give heartfelt thanks for your presence in this magickal working. I give you leave to depart.”

The reason it’s important to always thank the elements and give them leave to depart, is to
show respect for their cooperation and power, as well as clearing your ritual space. Don’t forget
to do this.

Focus, Intent & Power – Manifesting On the Spiritual &
Material Planes

As we have discussed, visualization and focusing your intent adds potency and power to your working
when casting spells. Take your visualization and circle casting practices seriously, and use them to build
up the energy you need to project your will into the Universe and manifesting planes.

Also, remember that when you ask the Universe for something you need to do your part, too. If you
want more money or a new job, you may perform a ritual for this purpose. But if you don’t then go
ahead and apply for jobs, nothing is likely to fall into your lap.

Magick works because we give energies the imprint they need to work with us. However, if we go
against that imprint by acting differently on the material plane then we won’t be successful.

An example of this might be that you work a spell for a more harmonious relationship; but you then
decide to get back together with your boyfriend who you know you fight with constantly. You are giving
conflicting signals to the energy you are working with, which can cause confusion and even a certain
amount of chaos.

Some people think magick is a shortcut to get what they want without doing anything more than a ritual.
Unfortunately, those people tend to be left disappointed!

Make your intention on the spiritual plane match your actions in the material. This will greatly enhance
all your magickal workings.


Closing your circle and thanking the elements is normally sufficient to dismiss any energies which you
have attracted during your work. However, at times you may wish to perform a simple banishing and
cleansing. Use white sage to smudge your working area regularly if it’s indoors.

You can purchase a smudging stick from many outlets, or you can make your own from dried herbs.
Cedarwood can also be used, but white sage is by far the most common, and is considered the most
potent of the cleansing plants.

Light your smudging stick, and allow the smoke to rise up into your working space. Ensure that you let
the smoke go into each corner. You may also turn in a circular motion, in a clockwise direction. Feel the
smoke cleansing and clearing any negative energy, and clearing your space.

If you feel the need for additional banishing, simply use your wand, Athame or finger to draw a
pentagram into the air. Once the pentagram is drawn, push into the center of it and imagine any
energies being sent out of your space and consciousness.

Keeping Silent/Redirecting attention

After you have completed your magickal spells, it’s tempting to want to go over what you did in your
mind or to talk to friends about it. Do your best to avoid this, as magick works best on the subconscious
level. Once you have completed your work, trust in the Universe to manifest.

Grounding and redirecting your energies is the most positive thing you can do at this point. Go for a
walk, eat some nourishing food, or watch a great comedy and use the power of laughter to refocus your
energy and ground yourself. Don’t underestimate the power of laughter to banish energy and ground
you in positivity. Genuine, heartfelt laughter is one of the highest vibrations that exists!

In the next chapter, we will discuss the phases of the moon and their importance. This is the last step
before you’re ready to begin with the actual casting of spells.

Phases of the Moon

Being aware of the phases of the moon and working in harmony with them can greatly add to the
potency of your magickal working.

Keep the following points in mind:

The moon cycles from new to full every 25 days. She is considered feminine in aspect, and
therefore has a strong connection to the Goddess and her associated energies.

The moon is also a representation of the emotions, illusion and the subconscious mind. We
work with her to perform magick, especially of the heart.

A new moon symbolizes new beginnings and the planting of the seeds of growth and
manifestation. It is beneficial to perform magick that brings in abundance or favorable
circumstances, for you or others, during this time.

The moon progresses from the new moon to the full moon, growing larger as it does. This is
called the waxing moon. It reaches its peak when it becomes full.

A full moon is a moon by which opportunities and seeds sown earlier in the cycle come to
fruition. It is a powerful manifesting energy, and you can work under the full moon as a
culmination of earlier work began at the new moon, or during the full moon by itself.

The period after the full moon until the new moon — when the moon gets smaller is – called the
waning moon.

You can use the energy of the waning moon to dispel or rid yourself or others of things you no
longer wish to carry with you. For example, you might do a ritual to rid yourself of a negative
thoughtform or habit.

You may find that, as time goes on, you develop an intuitive connection to the moon and her powers.
Lunar energy is beautiful and potent – there’s nothing quite like connecting to a powerful full moon and
enjoying manifesting with her energies!

Now that we have explored some of the ways that we can use ritual and magick to build our focus and
intent, let’s move onto some specific spells that you can start with.

Before Casting

Before you cast any spells, the first thing you need to decide is if you are casting for yourself or for
others. Remember the Wiccan rede – “And It Harm None,” particularly when you are working magick
involving other people.

It is advisable to gain the permission of the person you are working magick for, and it should always be
done with the aim of both their and your higher good. It is ill-advised to perform rituals to try to harm,
control or coerce another person.

A good example of this is love spells. If you wish to bring more love into your life or have more
harmonious relationships, then you may work spells for this purpose. However, the way you work them
is important.

Here are two ways of looking at a love spell. One is positive and one is negative:

Positive – “I wish to attract my soulmate to me.”

Negative – “I want to make Matthew fall madly in love with me and break up with his girlfriend.”

If you work magick in the first way, then what you attract will come to you in a framework of peace and
harmony for your highest good. If you try to work magick the second way, it may work, but you are
essentially attempting to coerce and control another person and cause others around them pain.

The choice on how to practice is ultimately yours. Remember, though, that what you send out returns to
you threefold — and sometimes in unusual ways. You may, for example, succeed in getting the object
of your desire to break up with their girlfriend. However, then you might find that you lose your job soon
after, and your landlord serves you with an eviction notice. “What you sow, you reap”.

Although the above warning and your ritual practices should be taken seriously, it should also be
emphasized that there is another side to spellcasting. This is the fun, joyful and playful side. There is
nothing wrong with being lighthearted and having fun when you are experimenting with spells; many
spells work very well when performed in this mindset!

So long as you work within a respectful framework, all else will be well. So, have fun and enjoy yourself
as you explore the following spells.

Spells for Abundance & Wealth

Spellcasting for abundance and wealth are popular ways to enhance your life and attract more
favorable circumstances. When we talk about abundance we often think in terms of more money. Whilst
we can work spells to increase our bank balance, there are many forms of abundance. One of the most
important things to do is to get your mind into the state of accepting abundance.

Knowing that more is available to you and that you deserve it is important. If you believe that you
cannot get a better job, or that you will always be poor, and come to these spells in that mindset, then
you will most likely attract more scarcity to you.

If you feel you are having trouble with these aspects, then try working with general spells for
confidence, or ones that revolve around letting go of old habits and attachments. Some of these can be
found throughout the next few chapters, for specific areas of your life.

Common Items, Elements & Colors

Items and energies that are great to use for abundance and wealth spells are as follows:

Element – Earth. Fire. Earth is for grounding and sewing our seeds of intention. It also reminds us to
work on the material plane. Fire gives passion and vitality.

Colors – Green and gold, particularly green candles, are very useful. If you don’t have green candles,
you may use a white candle and draw on it with green marker pen. Even writing or carving words can
be useful. Orange and yellow colors can also be used.

Crystals – Citrine is a wonderful crystal which will attract prosperity and abundance. sun stone is a more
expensive crystal, but works powerfully. tigers eye and green aventurine are also useful for good
fortune, personal power and prosperity.

Whilst we have listed specific crystals, remember that, if you don’t have these at hand, you can program
a piece of clear quartz as a substitute.

Herbs / Oils – ginger and nutmeg for prosperity. saffron is also wonderful, but it can be very expensive
because it is harvested by hand. You can find organic dried saffron online or in health stores, and once
you have invested in it, only use a few strands for each working.

Frankincense and myrrh essential oils are great for attracting abundance. Orange oil is uplifting and
promotes joy and prosperity. You can use orange peel or pieces of orange flesh if you don’t have the oil.

Other objects — Coins are a wonderful item to use for working with wealth and abundance spells.
Seeds can also be useful, especially if you plant them and tend to your own herb garden.

Flowers and other perishable items should always be removed, thanked and let go of once they have
begun to wilt. Everything living goes in a cycle of growth and decay. However, we obviously want to
emphasize the growth aspect of nature during these workings.

Money Negativity Clearing Spell

Many people have conscious and subconscious negativity regarding their relationship with money. We
fear being greedy, or feel that money is soulless – the expression ‘cold, hard cash’ speaks to this. Or we
might have pictures in our heads of wealthy businesspeople exploiting others to maximize their profits.

However, money is a tool which is neither negative or positive; it’s what we choose to do with it that
changes its nature.

If you feel you have negativity surrounding money, use this spell.

You will need:

A White Candle
Sage smudging stick
Paper and writing tools or an athame / sharp tool
Essential oil such as orange or frankincense

1. Work indoors, during a waning moon.

2. Cast your circle and call the Quarters.

3. Take your white candle. You may either write on paper, or carve your candle. If you choose to
write into your candle, write the word “negative” on it and then a representation of money, such
as a dollar sign.

Alternatively, you may write “I dispel negative associations with money” on the paper.

4. Focus your intent on the candle and the cleansing light of the color, as well as the flame.

5. Visualize all your negativity dissolving as the candle burns.

Or - Take your paper and set fire to it. Ensure you have a suitable receptacle nearby to place it
in. Watch the paper burn and feel the negativity lifting as it does.

6. When the paper has finished burning, take your white sage and smudge yourself and the area.
As you do feel the last remnants of negativity dissolving.

7. Then anoint yourself with an essential oil which is uplifting and positive, such as the orange oil,
to represent your new positivity surrounding money.

8. Thank the elements and dismiss them. Scatter the ashes left over from your working outside.

9. If you have chosen to work with a candle carved with your intent, you may wish to repeat this
over several days until the candle has burned away. It is not necessary to cast a circle and call
the quarters each time, but once the candle has burned the entire carving away, thank them
and say “My work is done. So, mote it be.”

Working for another:

1. Ask your friend to write their worries regarding money on a piece of paper for you.

2. Rework the spell, but this time use their name, and imagine a cleansing aura around them
which dispels the negative attachments they have surrounding money.

New Opportunity Spell

This is a spell you can use to attract a new job or to help with advancement in your career. For this
spell, working at the New Moon will be beneficial.

You will need:

Citrine for prosperity
Oils for magnetism – Use sandalwood, bergamot and frankincense for magnetism and to attract
prosperous thoughts.
A picture representing the work you wish to find. You can print this from the internet.

1. Cast your circle and call the Quarters.

2. Light candles representing air and earth. White, yellow or green colors can be used.

3. Focus on the representation of your desired job or goal. Place the crystal over it and feel the
energies merging.

4. Say these words:

“Air and Earth, wind and soil, bring to me a loving toil. I draw the work which pleases best, in
strength and love to me bequest.”

5. Repeat these words and anoint yourself with your prosperity oil. Do this on pressure points,
such as the wrists and temples, and dab some on your solar plexus and third eye area.

6. You may discard your image when you are finished, or place it on your altar.

7. Thank the elements and dismiss them.

Working for another:

1. Use a representation of the person you are working the spell for. You may write their name on a
piece of paper.

2. Place the crystal over the representation.

3. Instead of the words said for you, utter these words:

“Air and Earth, wind and soil, bring to (insert name) his/her loving toil. Grant the work which
pleases best, in strength and love I do bequest.”

4. Dab the crystal with some of the oil.

5. Give the crystal to your friend, or wait until the moon is no longer full, then thank the crystal and
cleanse it to use for another working.

Money Attraction Spell

At times, we may want to invoke greater wealth in terms of money. Ensure that you have worked on any
negative associations you have with money before you begin.

You will need:

A green candle
A coin
Some modelling clay, or a personal item which represents you. A photograph will be ok, but
using modelling clay will be more powerful.
A green ribbon

1. Work under a full moon to make this spell as powerful as possible. If you don’t want to work
under a full moon, work when the moon is waxing, not waning.

2. Cast your circle and call the quarters.

3. Light your candle and focus your intent until you are ready to work.

4. Take the modelling clay and make a representation of yourself. It doesn’t have to be a perfect
sculpture, just make it look like a person. As mentioned, if you don’t want to make a figurine,
use a photo of yourself instead.

5. Press the coin into the clay, in the area of the solar plexus. This is an area associated with
wealth and personal power.

While doing so, say these words:

“I draw money to myself. I am wealthy and filled with abundance. By the power of Earth and
Fire, I draw wealth to me like a magnet.’’

6. Tie the green ribbon around your figurine.

7. Visualize money flooding to your figurine. Feel the joy and security in knowing you have
enough. Know that you will use this money for both yourself and others, being generous and
spreading comfort with it.

8. If you can, safely leave the figurine under the light of the green candle until it burns out. If you
are not able to leave it, place the figurine under its light, then thank it and extinguish it.

(If you are using a photo, place the coin on top of the photo. Then tie the ribbon around the
photo whilst saying the words above. You may place the coin on your altar.)

9. Thank the elements and dismiss them.

10. Leave your money figurine on your altar.

Working for another:

1. Get the permission of the one you wish to aid, and ask them about their money worries and
how they feel about money. If necessary, help them to perform a cleansing ritual to rid
themselves of negative associations.

2. Ask them to give you a coin, and then use the coin with a figurine you have made of them, tied
with green ribbon. You may give them the figurine to keep with them if they desire.

Dandelion Prosperity Spell

Dandelions may seem like a weed, but they have a lot of powerful symbolism attached to them. The
yellow flower symbolizes fire and the sun, and the name ‘lion’ attracts strength.

When the dandelion is in its ‘puffball’ phase, the seeds can be used to symbolize carrying our intentions
on the wind. The greens of the dandelion can even be used to make a healing tea. In many ways, the
dandelion is a positive and uplifting plant.

You will need:

A dandelion which is flowering
Your chalice or glass
Some paper and pen
A citrine crystal (substitute clear quartz if you don’t have citrine)


Part A.
(This spell is powerful when performed outside on a lovely sunny day. If you don’t have great
weather, or you want to perform it indoors, use a white or yellow candle to represent the sun
and material prosperity.)

1. Cast your circle and call the quarters if you desire.

2. If you don’t want to cast a full circle for this spell, simply imagine a glowing sphere of pure white
light around you. Speak to each element, invoking its assistance.

3. Take your dandelion and place it into your chalice or glass. Fill with clean water. If you can fit
your citrine crystal into the chalice / glass, then put it there. If not, simply place it beside your
working area.

4. Take your piece of paper and focus your intent. Then write these words onto the paper:

“My will is to invite more prosperity into my life.” (if you want to add in specific areas, then do,
but try to keep it short and simple)

5. Focus on the dandelion, and imagine the power of the earth from which it grew and the energy
of the sun which nourished it.

6. Place your piece of paper into the glass next to the dandelion and crystal.

7. You may thank the elements, and then discard the items if you wish. However, to give this spell
more potency, carry on to the next part.

Part B
1. Leave your chalice and dandelion on your altar if you have worked indoors, or bring them inside
and place them on your altar if you have worked outside.

2. Wait for the dandelion to turn into its puffball state. This can take a few days.

3. Then, carry the chalice/glass outside. Remove any traces of the paper, and bury them in the


“I commit my intent to the earth, so that prosperity may grow in my life.”

4. Discard the water.

5. Take your dandelion, and hold the charged crystal in one hand and the dandelion in the other.

6. Blow the seeds into the air, visualizing your will being carried into the corners of the world and


“I project my intent and will, so that new opportunities may find me from far and near.”

7. Thank the dandelion energies, and take your crystal home.

8. Place it on your altar or under your pillow to feel the energy of prosperity surrounding you. If you
have a crystal small enough, you may carry it in your pocket as you go about your daily tasks.

Working for another:

1. Write their name on the paper you use, and invite more prosperity for them.

2. Visualize them with golden and white light flowing to them.

3. If possible, go for a walk with them and ask them to pick a dandelion of their choosing.

4. When you have empowered the crystal and finished the spell, give them the crystal to carry.

Spells for Love & Relationships

Spells to attract happy and loving relationships into your life are brilliant ways of working.

Always remember the Wiccan rede when working, and do not use magick to attempt to influence
another’s free will. The right person will come to you at the right time if you have confidence, and
approach your working in harmony and with love. Approach with a mindset of jealousy, control and
anger, and you will attract those energies to you.

Common Items, Elements & Colors

Elements – Water for the emotions, Fire for passion.

Colors – Pink, gold, and red. Silver can be used to represent spiritual bonds of love.
Crystals – Rose quartz and amethyst for love. Ruby and garnet for passion.
Herbs and Oils - White sage for cleansing. Lavender oil for peace, harmony and self-love. Rose oil and
bergamot for grounded love. Jasmine and Ylang Ylang for passion.
Other Items - Flowers such as rose and carnations are wonderful for attracting more love.
Representations of the Goddess and reminders of her Universal love are also beneficial.

Self-Love Ritual

Many people struggle with attracting the relationship they want because they don’t feel self-love. We
often attract outside influences that actually mirror how we feel internally. A perfect way to heal and
attract love is to practice lifting your self-esteem with this loving ritual for the self.

You will need:

Rose petals and lavender oil
White sage and sea salt
A pink candle
A Rose quartz and some thin wire or cord.


Part A
1. For this spell, you will begin by taking a ritual bath. Ritual baths are amazing for cleansing and
inspiring you, and this will put you in the perfect frame of mind for the second part of the ritual.

2. Run a bath and, whilst the water is running, put a few drops of lavender oil in, along with a
handful of sea salt and a few white sage leaves.

3. Light your candle and get into the bath. If you can put on some calming music, that would also
be helpful.

4. As you bathe, visualize all the negative emotions you have surrounding love being replaced
with deep love for yourself.

5. Say out loud:

“I cleanse myself of all negative energy. I connect with my divine being, made with infinite love. I
am whole, complete, and I love and accept myself.”

6. Repeat this phrase at least three times, and put as much focus and meaning into it as you can.

7. Get out of the bath and dress, and take note of the water as it empties. See all the doubts and
worries you may have had about yourself drain away with the water.

8. If you don’t have a bath, you can wash your hands and face in the scented water whilst
repeating the invocation.

Part B
1. Next, go into your ritual space, taking with you the candle, your amethyst (or programmed clear
quartz), and the cord or wire.

2. Cast your circle and call the quarters. Pay particular attention to water and the waves of
emotion and love from this element.

3. Now, breathe in deeply and visualize yourself being filled with infinite love. Remember all your
amazing qualities and forgive yourself for past mistakes. Then take your amethyst and begin to
wind the cord or wire around it, until you have secured it tightly.

4. As you wrap the crystal, say:

“I deeply love and honor myself. I am worthy of love, and I allow myself to feel and experience
divine love.”

5. Repeat until the crystal has been wrapped. Place the crystal under your pillow, or put it onto a
necklace close to your heart center.

6. Thank the elements and dismiss them.

Working for others

1. You may use the oil and herbal / petal mixture in order to cleanse a representation of the
person you are working for. You can use a piece of quartz and visualize them whilst holding it,
for example.

2. Cleanse your representation whilst saying — “Beloved (insert name). You are a whole and
complete being. You are worthy of love and feeling self-love.”

3. Then, use your ritual space to wrap the crystal and invoke for your subject a feeling of divine

4. Give the crystal to them, or visualize the energy flowing to them before thanking the energy and
allowing it to depart.

Soulmate Spell

Many of us search for our soulmates over our lifetime. Remember that many people have different
ideas about who a soulmate really is. For example, some people believe we only have one soulmate.
Another viewpoint is that there are many others out there who we are attracted to on a deep level, those
who will encourage us to grow and find deeper love in our lives.

One of the advantages of this viewpoint is that it allows us to attach to the concept of infinite and
healing love in a framework of abundance, rather than a scarcity model idea of only one soulmate, and
that this soulmate is the only one who can complete you. Such a mindset often leaves us feeling hollow,
as well as placing far too much pressure on one person to complete us.

Truly nourishing love doesn’t leave gaps! We simply add to an already complete picture — like a circle
that is continually expanding.

Use the following spell to attract such soulmates to you.

You will need:

Silver ribbon
Two pink candles
A small heart. This can be a metal heart, or a heart you have made yourself from clay.

It is recommended that you make your own heart:

1. Simply take some modelling clay and form it into the shape of a heart.

2. Next, use some silver paint (you can buy sprays or craft paint) to make it silver.

3. Add in some glitter-powder or small pieces of rose petal.

4. You will need to wait for it to dry, so do this 2-3 days before you intend to carry out this spell.

1. Wait until a full moon.

2. Cast your circle and call the quarters.

3. Sit inside your circle and take hold of the heart you have made. With one hand on the heart and
another on your chest in your heart-chakra area, repeat these words:

“My heart is your heart. Your heart is my heart. May we find each other and unite. For our
highest good, in love and acceptance.”

4. Next, take one of your pink candles and tie the silver ribbon around it. Do the same to the other
candle, so the ribbon connects the two. The silver represents pure cords of attachment.

5. Light both candles and say:

“We are bound in love and acceptance. The pathway between us is forged. May we unite for
our highest good.”

6. Take each candle and carefully drip some wax from each onto the heart. Visualize the meeting
of souls in love and unity as you do.

7. Extinguish the candles and thank the energies before dismissing them.

8. Place the heart under the light of the full moon.

Working for another:

1. Use the same methodology. However, instead of speaking for yourself, speak these words:

“Two hearts as one. Found and united. May (insert name) and her (or his) soulmate find one
another. For their highest good, in love and acceptance.”

2. As you are weaving the candles, say:

“Soulmates bound in love and acceptance. The pathway is forged. May they unite for their
highest good.”

Spell for Better Relationships

This spell can be used to harmonize your relationships. Remember to work on the material plane by
communicating with your loved ones. It’s not necessary to inform them specifically of your intentions.
However, you must work in the spirit of easing tensions for everyone, not simply for getting your own
way in arguments!

You will need:

A white candle
A large bowl
Sea salt and sage
A fluorite or jade crystal – both are excellent for inviting harmony.

1. Work during a waning moon

2. Cast the circle and call the quarters

3. Take your white candle and, using your Athame, carve the initial of everyone involved in your
disputes, or simply write the word, ‘peace.’

4. Place the candle in the bowl, and fill it with water. Place your fluorite or jasper crystal into the

5. Now, sprinkle the sea salt into the bowl whilst saying:

“May disagreements be forgiven and negative energies dispelled. May water purify our
relationships, and earth cleanse bad feelings.”

6. Light the candle and say:

“May light shine upon darkness. May our relationships be harmonious. For the highest good of
all, so mote it be.”

7. Wait until the candle burns to the point where the water extinguishes it, and then visualize
peace and letting go of any resentments.

8. When the candle has burned out, thank the energies and dismiss them.

9. Take the crystal and place it in your living space if your spell is to bring greater harmony in
home-based relationships, or carry it with you to help better and more harmonious relationships
outside the home.

This method can easily be worked for others as well, by simply changing the words to ‘their’ instead of
‘ours’. You may place the crystal in the workplace, or give it to the person you are working for to carry or
place in their home.

Spell to Let Go of Old Love

Sometimes, we know the time has come to let go of relationships that are no longer serving us. It’s not
always easy, so a ritual focused on letting go and cutting those cords of attachment can be useful.

Please note that these spells should not be done in anger or to punish another person. If you are still
holding onto anger or resentment, then it might be advisable to perform a self-love and self-acceptance
ritual before you proceed.

This spell is to let go of energy, and to allow new things to come into your life. Therefore, you must be
able to wish your old love well before you proceed.

You will need:

Two red candles
Silver cord
Lavender Oil
Rose quartz
Sea salt

1. Cast your circle and call the quarters.

2. Take the two candles and tie them to one another with silver cord. Visualize the person you
need to let go of and the cords binding you both.

3. With the highest good in mind for you both, take your Athame (or scissors if your Athame is
blunt) and cut the cord tying the candles together.

4. Say:

“I release the cords between us. I thank you for your presence in my life, and I wish you
farewell. May we both find love and peace. For our highest good, so mote it be.”

5. You may wish to tie the cord three times and repeat, strengthening your intent each time.

6. Next, it is important to take good care of yourself, as severing these ties can be painful. Take
the rose quartz and dab it with lavender oil.

7. Say these words:

“I invite healing and love into the spaces now present. I forgive, both myself and (insert name). I
let go and move forward with joy and love.”

8. Thank the energies and dismiss them.

9. Go outside and bury the rose quartz, sprinkling sea salt over it before you cover it. Allow the
earth energy to cleanse and take hold of any remaining negativity.

This is a highly personal spell that already involves working with another energetically (your old love).
It’s not recommended you work this on behalf of anyone else.

Working with Sex & Orgasms

A powerful way to work in any ritual is to use orgasms. We have included some thoughts here regarding
the energies of orgasms and how they might be used. If you are planning on using this energy when
with a partner, you must let them know what you are doing and why.

To not do this is to take their energy without permission, and this can end badly for you. There are other
texts which discuss Sex Magick in more detail, and it is recommended you consult these before using
magick with a partner in this way.

As a solo practitioner, you might use the power of your own orgasms to heighten spells you cast,
especially love spells. The way you do this is important. There are two ways of having an orgasm and
using the energy from it magickally. The first is to draw things to you, and the second it to project your
will or unwanted things to the universe around you.

For the first, follow this method:

1. Lay down in a comfortable place and calm your breath.

2. Focus your intention on what it is you wish to draw to you. You may do this in your magickal
circle if you are using it as part of your ritual.

3. As you begin to get close to orgasm, imagine the energy from your arousal to be working its
way upwards into your body from your lower chakras. Imagine what you wish to be drawn
magnetically to you.

4. At the point of orgasm, tense your muscles so that the physical sensation and energy feels as
though it is directing inside of you, not outwards. Focus as strongly as you possibly can on a
mental image of what you want (such as more money or better health).

5. When you have finished, it is particularly important to ground yourself with laughter and
nourishing food.

Second method:
1. For this method, begin as you did with the inward orgasm. However, as you begin to build the
sexual energy, imagine it is flowing from you. If you want to rid yourself of a negative trait then
imagine that trait leaving your body.

2. If you want to influence energy in some way (for example you want to project love and getting
favorable circumstances out into the world) then imagine this energy leaving your body.

3. At the point of orgasm, attempt to ‘push’ your orgasm out of your body with your muscles as
they contract. This might be a strange way of feeling them if you’re not used to it.

4. Visualize the energy as strongly as possible, and then see it go out into the Universe.

5. Once again, take care to ground yourself with laughter and nourishing food afterwards.

Note: When you are working with orgasms, you may also add relevant crystals and colors, such as
red candles or a ruby for passion.

Spells for Health & Happiness

These spells are lovely all-round spells you can use to bring either more harmony and peace into your
life, or for specific health issues.

Remember that happiness, like all emotions, is not a permanent state. Work these spells regularly, and
you will find more contentment and acceptance in the moment. This will lead to greater allowance of
happiness when it arises, as well as encouraging you not to cling to it in fear of it leaving.

Common Items, Elements and Colors

Elements – Earth. Water. Earth is for grounding and sewing our seeds of intention. It also helps us to
protect and heal. Water for purifying and cleansing. Other elements, such as Fire, can be invoked for
passion and joy.

Colors – Blue, green and white all symbolize healing, fertility and purification.

Crystals – Dark crystals tend to dispel negative energy. Obsidian and black tourmaline are wonderful for

Herbs / Oils –White sage and sea salt for cleansing. Eucalyptus for healing. Nettle and mint for
cleansing. Sandalwood for spiritual healing and growth.

Other items – Lily flower for protection. Pebbles from the sea or near rives for grounding, magickal
power, protection and healing.

Grounding & Protection Spell

When undertaking magickal work, it’s always advised to ground yourself after each ritual. From time to
time, however, you might want to undergo a more thorough grounding. This is to help you connect your
intentions in the manifesting realm to your material space. It also helps you to connect more deeply with
all the magick inside of nature and the Goddess Earth.

In addition, it helps you to ground yourself spiritually. Sometimes, when we first begin to practice
magick, the temptation is to focus only on magick. Unfortunately, if we do this, our existence in the
material world will often suffer. We must learn to balance our energies, and regular grounding helps
greatly with this.

You may also wish to shield or cleanse yourself from any negativity you might have picked up during
your workings or daily life. For example, you might have a particularly high-stress job, and want to
cleanse and protect yourself from taking on board too much negativity from other people.

Bear in mind that the more focus we give to the idea of others deliberately harming us, the more power
we lend them. It is relatively rare for people to send deliberate and malicious attacks on the astral plane.
However, people all experience negativity and powerful negative emotions, and if we are sensitive to
these, we may inadvertently pick them up.

You will need:

Obsidian or black tourmaline
A small box with a mirror on the outside. You can buy mirror tiles from craft shops and glue
them onto a box.
Paper and pen or craft clay
Soil and sea salt.

1. Cast your circle and call the Quarters.

2. Take your obsidian or black tourmaline and visualize it helping you to connect to the earth.

3. Say:

“Soul to earth, earth to soul, I ground and heal, complete and whole.”

4. Next, take your pen and paper or your craft clay. Write a representation of you; could be a
symbol you feel an affinity with, your name or a rough sketch of yourself. If you are using clay,
make a small rough figurine of yourself.

5. Now, place the representation of yourself on the floor and sprinkle it with sea salt.

Say again:

“Soul to earth, earth to soul, I ground and heal, complete and whole.”

6. Place your crystal into the box.

7. Place your handful of soil in the box to represent you grounding into the earth.

8. Place the representation of yourself into your box.

9. Visualize the box as a shield, helping you to ground and to protect from any negative
influences. See the mirrors on the outside reflecting any negative energy which may come into

your sphere.

10. As you do this, visualize roots coming from the soles of your feet, or base chakra, and
connecting with the goddess earth. Feel her grounding and cleansing energy rise up to meet

11. You may leave the box on your altar or simply thank the elements for their help, and then put
the box to one side. The box allows for a physical representation of your will, but it is not
necessary to keep hold of this physical representation. You may repeat this spell often by using
the box if needed, or visualizing it.

Working for Another:

1. If possible, get the person you are working with to make a representation of themselves. If not,
then write their name on a piece of paper.

2. This time, you may use the box, but don’t leave the representation in there. Simply thank the
elements and cast aside the box and representation.

3. You can burn a piece of paper whilst visualizing the intention floating out on the air to the one
you are working for.

4. You may give them the charged crystal to carry if you wish.

Spell for Health & Wellbeing

This spell is great to help boost general health and wellbeing, across the physical as well as the spiritual
planes. However, please remember to consult a physician if needed, and don’t use spells to replace
existing physical medications or treatments which have been prescribed. Use this as a complement, not
as a replacement.

You will need:

Rosemary, juniper and sandalwood
Sea salt
Honey and an empty jar
Green candle
Yellow candle
Yellow ribbon


Part A
1. Firstly, run yourself a ritual healing bath (If you don’t have access to a bath make a bowl of the
healing water and wash your hands and face in it.)

2. As the water is running, sprinkle in a handful of sea salt. Then, add in the rosemary, juniper and
sandalwood. You may use dried herbs for the rosemary or essential oils for the juniper and

3. As the water runs, say:

“Grant these waters healing power. Vitality, wellness and health. I cleanse and draw positivity to

4. Get into the bath and let the water soak into you, visualizing healing and wellness.

5. Get out of the bath and go into your ritual space.

6. Cast your circle and call the quarters. Pay particular attention to Earth and her healing powers.

Part B
1. When you have cast your circle, light the green candle and the yellow candle, saying —
“healing light bless this work.”

2. Take your empty jar and add in a few drops of sandalwood and juniper oil. Add a pinch of sea
salt and dried rosemary. Then, spoon in three large tablespoons of honey. The honey
represents healing and energy.

3. Next, add in a few drops of wax from the green candle, and a few from the yellow (use a white
candle if you don’t have those colors).

4. Say:

“Healing light, earth and Bee, Healing energy flows through me”

5. Stir the mixture slowly in a clockwise direction and feel the healing energy entering your body
and soul.

6. Put the lid on the jar and tie the yellow ribbon around it, making a bow at the front.

7. Thank the energies and dismiss them.

You may keep this jar for a few days, until you feel the energy begin to work its magic. Then, discard
the mixture, preferably into the earth where you can visualize it continuing to nourish you from afar.

An alternative to this is to omit the juniper and sandalwood oil, and only add in a small amount of
rosemary and a tiny pinch of salt (not so much that you can taste it).

Then, for three days you may eat a spoonful of the honey whilst repeating:
“Healing light, earth and Bee, Healing energy flows through me.”

Remember not to ingest essential oils or any other material you don’t know the origin of.

Working for another:

1. Repeat the spell, but omit the cleansing bath. As you add the ingredients together you may
want to add in a representation of the person you are working for, or simply visualize them as
strongly as you can.

2. The first incantation can be changed to add in the person’s name.

3. The second one can be said as this:

“Healing light, earth and Bee, wellness wish I send to thee. May healing energy rise and flow.
As I will it, it is so.”

4. Focus your intention on the person you are working for. When you have finished, mindfully
dispose of the jar and its contents.

Sea Spell to Cleanse & Purify

This is a beautiful and powerful spell to use when you wish to thoroughly cleanse and purify yourself or
a living space.

You will need:

A rock or pebble you have collected from the seashore
A silver pen, paint or other method of writing
A white candle and blue candle
Sandalwood incense
A crystal or other small personal item as an offering. You may also use watermelon.


1. Perform on a full moon for maximum effect.

2. It’s ideal if you can make a visit to the sea. Take a walk and notice the waves —how they crash
across each other and into the shore.

3. If you can cast a circle at the sea shore, then do so, but if not (if there are too many people
around or you don’t feel comfortable) then pick up a pebble or other small rock that has washed
up close to the shoreline.

4. Thank the sea for her bounty, and bring the pebble home.

(If you can’t get to the sea at all, use a rock you have picked up from elsewhere in nature —
preferably near a source of water that runs to the sea, like a river. You must then sprinkle some
sea-salt on it, and visualize the power of the ocean.)

5. Cast your circle and call the quarters.

6. Light your sandalwood incense and breathe in the aroma for a few moments.

7. Take your pebble and hold it in your hands. Feel the power of the ocean flooding into it and up
into your body — clearing any negative thoughts or illness within your body.

8. If you are near to the sea, watch the waves and feel them enter the pebble. Continue to
visualize the power of the waves flowing into your pebble and up through your hands.

9. Say:

“Goddess sea, thank you for your bounty. Allow your waves to wash over and through me.
Cleanse my body, soul and emotions. Allow your protection and healing. For the highest good.
So mote it be”

10. Feel yourself and the sea becoming one.

11. When you feel that the connection is strong, take your pen or paint and decorate the pebble
with a pentacle. Feel the cleansing and protecting power of the ocean within the symbol and

12. When you have finished, thank the sea and offer your crystal or other small personal item to the
waves. Throw in the item with gratitude (you may use watermelon or another fruit, such as

13. Thank the energies and dismiss them.

14. Take your pebble home and place it near to your bed or on your altar. Meditate with it every
time you need a cleansing burst of healing sea power.

Working for another:

1. Cast your circle and call the Quarters. This time, use a representation of the one you are
working for, such as a piece of paper with their name on it or a picture. Visualize the healing
power of the waves washing through them.

2. Say these words:

“Goddess sea, thank you for your bounty. Allow your waves to wash over and through (insert
name). Cleanse her (or his) body, soul and emotions. Allow your protection and healing. For
their highest good, so mote it be.”

3. Then, you can draw on the pebble if necessary, to take home to the one you are working for, or
you can simply write their name on the pebble and commit it to the waves — making clear that
you are asking for protection and healing. Give the waves your offering afterwards.

A Vitality Pouch for Passion & Joy

This spell can be used to increase vitality, passion and a sense of joyfulness in your life. You will create
a “magickal intention pouch”, which you can then carry with you when you need a little extra energy.

Perform this on a new moon, to represent playfulness and new beginnings.

You will need:

Three red candles
A carnelian crystal for increasing joy and vitality
Jasmine oil or angelica oil (or you can use both)
White sage and sea salt mix.

1. Cast your circle and call the Quarters.

2. Take your three red candles, and on each of them inscribe a word. On the first, inscribe ‘vitality’.
On the second, ‘passion’, and on the third, ‘joy.’

3. Light each candle in turn whilst saying:

“I light the fire of vitality within me. May I be filled with energy and natural charisma wherever I

4. Light the second and say:

“I light the fire of passion within me. May I be filled with passion for life and those around me.”

5. Light the third candle and say:

“I light the fire of joy within me. May my thoughts and deeds spread gladness wherever I go.”

6. Arrange the candles in a circle, and place your crystal between them. See the light flowing into
the crystal, awakening and empowering its natural attributes.

7. Dab some jasmine or angelica oil on the crystal and say:

“As I will, so mote it be. By fire and will I draw this energy forth.”

8. Wait until the candles have burned past the place where you have inscribed them if it’s safe to
do so, or else mindfully extinguish them, seeing the energy flow into the crystal.

9. Put a mixture of sea salt and sage into a small bag. You can buy organza bags cheaply online.
Then, place the crystal inside, and tie the bag to your belt or put it in your pocket.

10. Thank the energies and dismiss them.

Working for another:

Complete the ritual with the candles and, when lighting each one, substitute ‘Me’ or ‘I’ for that person’s
name. When you have finished the pouch, give it to the person to wear or place in their home.

Other Spells & Methods of Working

Working with Deities & Other Entities

So far, we haven’t discussed deities other than the great Goddess. There are many different energies
and ways of working which include specific goddesses and gods, deities and other elemental energies
(such as sea Goddesses or water nymphs for example) and it would be impossible to include them all in
one volume.

That being said, the following section gives a brief introduction to working with these energies, and how
you may incorporate them into your ritual practice. You may even find that, over time, you build special
relationships with different elementals or deities.

The Great God & Goddess

Wicca is a religion which honors the feminine, but also recognizes the importance of the masculine and
balancing energies. There are many ways that the archetypal energies of feminine and masculine
power can be represented and expressed.

These deities go by many names and forms, such as Isis, Pan, Aphrodite, Gaia and Horus. They have
been expressed in many different religions and belief-systems. However, they all correspond to the
great overarching influence of these energies, and so can be called on and worked with by referring
them to Great Mother, Great Father or the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine.

Working with other forms

You may at times wish to connect with other expressions of divine energy. There are whole pantheons
of Gods and Goddesses from Celtic, Roman, Grecian and other areas, and many have distinct
characteristics and attributes.

Therefore, you should approach each deity individually, ensuring you have carried out research into
them. Investigate different pantheons and myths, both ancient and their modern forms. See which
resonate the strongest with you.

Because Wicca is a new religion, and encompasses both new earth energy and ancient energies, one
of the main ways to approach a deity is to discover who you intuitively feel drawn to. Take some time to
learn about different gods and goddesses, and spend time in meditation to discover if you are drawn to
some more than others.

Working with Deities – Respect and Offerings

Remember when working with deities that they are not simply tools you can use and then discard as
you wish — nor are they there simply to grant a wish and then leave; you must approach each deity
with respect.

Finding out which offerings a deity likes is very helpful. There are many different sources available that
will tell you which days of the week it’s best to approach each deity, which colors they like and what sort
of other offerings.

Using ritual wine, fruit and bread are common ways of leaving offerings. You may charge these items by
saying prayers and invocations over them, and transmitting your intent to offer them to the deity or
energy you are approaching.

Once you have left your offerings during your ritual, there are two main ways you can respectfully
discard them. The first way is to eat and drink the offering you have left after the ritual — consuming it

by proxy for the deity. Do this mindfully and respectfully.

The second way is to leave the offerings on your altar, and then discard them once they have begun to
wilt. You may bury them outside, offer them to the sea, or to birds to take.

Always approach deities with respect and care. It’s ok if you make mistakes, so long as your intentions
are of respect and appreciation. This is why offerings are so important; they show that you have taken
the time to gather items that will be pleasing to the energy you are approaching, and that you
appreciate their presence and assistance.

Don’t simply expect to speak to a Goddess a couple of times and then have her work for you. It is a
relationship you are building, so you might want to do several rituals with offerings in order to nurture
this connection.

Personal Deities
Over time, you may find that you build a bond with one or two deities. These can be important and very
special relationships in your magickal life. The exact nature of each relationship will be personal to you
and that deity, but take time to meditate, make offerings and record all your interactions. Eventually, you
may find you have one or two personal deities you have built an ongoing relationship with.

During your magickal rituals, you may include an offering and invocation to your chosen deity at the
beginning of the ritual, once you have cast your circle and called the quarters. You may ask them to be
present with you during your ritual, and to help you empower it. Listen carefully for their answer, and
proceed with your spell.

When you have finished, thank the energies and either ritually eat your offerings, or place them on your
altar to discard at another date. Remember to be respectful and open-hearted when approaching
energies. They will be happy to respond in kind.

Sabbats & Spell Timings

The Wiccan Calendar runs from October to October and is marked by 8 celebrations, or ‘Sabbats.’
These represent the cycles of nature as we pass through the year. During these 8 special celebration
days, rituals and offerings can be made, as well as connecting to the energy of each one. Here are the
8 Sabbats and their meanings, with some suggestions for what type of ritual might be relevant to each
time period.

Perhaps the most well-known one during October. You might know it as Halloween. This celebration
marks the end of summer – Samhain means ‘Summers End.’ It signals the coming of the year’s end,
and is a great time for discarding that which no longer serves us, and welcoming in the new. Rituals for
new beginnings, cleansing and ridding ourselves of negative attachments are appropriate.

This is the Winter Solstice on the 21st December, and marks the beginning of the ‘dead season.’ It is a
time for comfort and solace, as well as looking forward to the planting of new ideas and harvest. Use a
self-love ritual during this time, or a cleansing spell to let go of the old. You might also want to use the
health and vitality spell to help combat the long nights and general lower energy which often comes with
this time of year.

Imbolc / St Brigit’s Day

Held in February, this Sabbat honors the Goddess Brigit, who is patron of midwifery, healing and poetry.
This time of the year is for planting our seeds of intention, and honors the maiden in all women. This
doesn’t just relate to your actual age or marital status, but rather to the young woman inside all women,
and themes of vitality, youthfulness and joy. Perform rituals for sewing intentions and gathering positivity
to you during this time.

Spring Equinox
The mid-point of spring, where male and female energies are balanced. It’s a time of fertility and
celebrating union and growth. It’s also a time of birth and new beginnings. Use cleansing rituals and
rituals to draw love and harmonious situations to you. This is also a great time to perform rituals for a
new job or promotion.

This is the festival of love, held on or just before May Day. Love, fertility, passion and joy are celebrated,
as well as reaping the harvest of our earlier efforts. Fires, feasts and celebration of solar energies take
place on this day. Use spells for empowering your life, to increase joy and abundance and to raise your
levels of self-love.

Summer Solstice
The longest day of the year. Celebrations of solar energy, fertility and lightness all take place here —
excellent for increasing our wealth and abundance as well as healing and bringing joy to others.

This is the grand harvest festival, and marks the full reaping of everything we have sown over the year.
From this point on, energy begins to naturally wane as the darker nights begin to approach. Use this
time to enjoy the fruits of your labor, as well as deciding what you need to store to provide sustenance
over the winter months.

Celebrating our achievements and performing self-love rituals are good at this time of year, to let go of
our perceived failures, as well as appreciating all the effort and abundance we have already received.

Fall Equinox
This, like the Spring Equinox, is a day which is equal in length to the night. Balance and harmony, as
well as taking stock of our harvest and appreciating the last of the summer light as it transitions, are all
themes during this festival. Cleansing and spells to rid ourselves of negative attachments are useful

Growing A Magickal Herb Garden

Making your own magickal herb garden is a potent way to increase the power of your workings. Use a
herb box on your kitchen windowsill if you don’t have access to a garden outside. Tending to your own
garden will help to keep you connected to nature and the cycles of life and death, especially when you
also follow the Wiccan Sabbats.

Using a garden to sow seeds of purpose and watch them come to life, then harvesting, drying and using
your herbs in your rituals, brings a lot of satisfaction. Because you have tended to your garden yourself
and spent time and energy, it increases the strength of your intentions. In addition, you can be sure that
the herbs you grow are free from harsh chemicals and other harmful substances that are often used to
grow herbs commercially.

You can experiment with different herbs and learn more about their uses as they grow. Common useful
herbs include – fennel, mint, rosemary, sage, thyme and lavender. Sometimes, certain spells or
magickal workings include plants such as belladonna, wolfsbane and foxglove. However, proceed with
caution, as these herbs are poisonous. If in doubt, do not grow them, or at least consult an in-depth
guide to poisonous herbs.


You should now have a deeper understanding of the basics of spellcasting and how magick works. As
you progress through each ritual and begin to weave spells into your life, you may find that some rituals
resonate more strongly with you than others.

You may also find that, at times, you substitute items such as crystals or herbs for others which seem to
fit with you the best. This is ok. Remember that magick is about creativity and will, intention and focus,
and the spells are tools which you use to build energy and then direct it. Each Wiccan will develop in
their own way, and take different paths towards greater communion with nature and the world around

After you have become familiar with the basics and the spells in this book, you may wish to further your
study by delving deeper into certain areas. Crystal healing, herbal magick and working with deities are
all specialized subjects in themselves, and the possibilities for learning and growth focusing in these
elements is almost endless.

Take some time to build a solid foundation of visualization and focusing your will, and see what calls to
you the strongest. As you go on, you will find your intuition and psychic abilities may well flourish and
help to guide you towards the paths of knowledge that suits you the best.

Again, always remember to keep safety in mind for yourself and those you work with, and take your
working seriously — treating the energy and your rituals with respect and care. Take care to balance
this with a joyful heart, the healing power of laughter and having fun and experimenting; this is your
chance not only to learn a beautiful tradition which will bring you closer to natural energies, but to get
creative and unleash your own potential.

So long as you work your magick with intentions to the highest good of all, understanding and abiding
by the Wiccan rede – “And It Harm None”, you will find that your efforts bring beauty, fun, and
enrichment to your life and the lives of those you wish to aid.

We hope that you have enjoyed this introduction to Wiccan spellcasting, and wish you all the best on
your continued journey into the wonderful world of Wicca.

Blessed be.

Herbal Magic

By Luna Sidana

Table Of Contents

Chapter 1: Plants & Magick

Chapter 2: List of Herbs and Plants for Magickal Working

Chapter 3: Tips For Working With Herbs

Growing A Magickal Garden
Magickal Herb Box
Care & Growth
Drying & Storing Herbs
Charging Herbs For Magickal Use
Gathering Herbs & Plants In The Wild
Buying Herbs
Ritual & Magickal Items Using Herbs

Chapter 4: Common Herbs & Items

Other Useful Plants

Chapter 5: Spells Involving Whole Herbs Or Parts Of Them

Casting A Circle
Prosperity Poppet Spell
Protective Power Pouch
Ritual Relationship Bath For Attracting Love

Chapter 6: Magickal Oils

How To Make Magickal Oils
Prosperity Oil
Full moon Goddess Oil
Psychic Awareness Essential Oil

Chapter 7: Magickal Teas

Purification Tea
Emotional Healing Tea
Supercharged Energy Tea

Chapter 8: Magickal Smudging & Incense

Magickal Incense
Loose Incense
Rolling Cones or Sticks
Meditation & Visualization Incense

House Blessing Incense
Abundance Incense

Chapter 9: Magickal Baths

Cleansing Baths
Infusing Baths
Magickal Bath Bomb For Luck and Success
Ritual Purification Bath
Healing Waters Bath

Chapter 10: Sachets & Pouches

Super Serenity Sachet
Protective Power Sachet
Lucky Love Sachet


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Working with herbs is one of the most rewarding and powerful ways you can practice magick. Living
with a sense of harmony and deep respect for the natural cycles of existence is an essential part of the
Wiccan lifestyle.

Becoming closer to nature through working with her natural bounty helps to strengthen and focus our
connection to the magick that surrounds us all.

Each plant and herb holds its own energy and vibration — some are excellent for healing and
cleansing, while others help to draw positivity toward you. By getting to know each plant and the subtle
energies which sustain it, you can learn how to work powerful magick.

The life-death-life nature of all living beings is strongly illustrated in the power and resonance of working
with herbs. If you are willing and able to grow your own herbs and create a magickal garden, this power
will be brought into sharp focus for you as you deeply connect with the energy of the plant.

You will find that the more time you spend working with these beautiful natural substances, the more
your own power and intuition will develop.

Herbal magick is an important part of understanding and harnessing the subtle energies which surround
us and make up the bedrock of the Wiccan belief system. Connecting to Gaia, along with the
archetypes of fertility and plenty, directly aligns you with a deep and mysterious force.

To care for an herb garden, as well as sourcing plants and learning how to use them harmoniously, is
an excellent way to increase the discipline and deep natural learning that all Wiccans strive for.

This book acts as an introduction to herbal magick. In it, you will find information on herbs and plants
that are commonly used, as well as an in-depth look at some of the most common and versatile
magickal herbs.

You will learn about the different ways that herbs can be incorporated into ritual — from smudging and
incense-making, to healing baths using herbal infusions and magickal teas. You will also learn how to
create your own magickal garden — either indoors or outdoors — and how to connect with the energy
of each plant.

In each section, suggestions for spells and methods of working with herbs is suggested, as well as
recipes for you to try with both items you have bought and herbs you have grown yourself.

By the end of the book, you will have a thorough understanding of multiple ways that herbs can be
worked with magickally, as well as a greater knowledge of different herbs, their uses and magickal

Herbal magick is one of the oldest and most powerful forms of energetic practice there is. It can be
used in nearly every aspect of spellcasting and Wiccan rituals. It’s also an exciting and rewarding
experience — blending mystical knowledge with practical hands-on experience. It’s also a chance to get
creative and enjoy crafting magickal items with your own two hands.

Bright blessings on your magickal journey.

Safety Warning

This book is a guide to the use of herbs in magickal spellcasting. Please be aware that ingesting or
using herbs as topical treatments can carry some amount of risk — certain plants and herbs are toxic,
and can even be fatal!

Never ingest a plant unless you are sure of its provenance and physical effects. If you are pregnant or
breast-feeding, it is recommended that you consult your health care practitioner before using unfamiliar

Magickal working should ideally be carried out in conjunction with any treatments or medications
prescribed by your health care practitioner. As we live in a blended society, where much knowledge has
been lost — as well as new knowledge gained through modern medicine — it is wise to always view
magickal workings as a collaboration between different forces.

Try not to separate ‘natural’ and ‘synthetic’ into two broad categories, and assign a value-judgement to
either. Striving to live a holistic, balanced life which is connected to all aspects of magick and healing
doesn’t automatically mean ignoring modern medicine altogether.

Chapter 1: Plants & Magick
Plants have been used throughout human history as a means of connecting with nature, expanding
consciousness and working magick. From the sacred tinctures of Frankincense and Myrrh of the
Christian Bible, to the reverence of Basil as sacred in Hinduism, plants and herbs have always held a
source of power and fascination for spiritual seekers.

Plants have been used for medicine and healing for as long as we have written records, and even
before that. Archeologists examining human remains at Bökeberg in Sweden, thought to be around
6500 years old, found evidence of Birch Bark Gum in the cavity of a tooth, suggesting the healing
properties of Birch were known to the inhabitants.

The ‘Ötzi Iceman’, a 5300-year-old mummy found in a glacier in the Italian Alps has been noted to have
over 61 tattoos covering his body. These tattoos are thought to be medicinal because of the positioning
on the body, but were also sealed by rubbing charcoal and herbs into the incisions of the tattoo.

Even further back in the archeological record, a bone carving was found from the Gironde region of
France, dating back to 15,000 B.C. It appears to depict a blossom or other flowering plant.

While the exact nature of this representation can’t be certain, it’s clear that plants and herbs have
played important roles in the psyche of humans for millennia.

As written records commence, plants can be seen to play ritual and magickal roles in societies such as
Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia and India, as well as throughout many other historical cultures.

In Ancient Egypt, the Blue Lotus flower was one of the most sacred plants, and can be seen depicted
on numerous paintings, statues and temples. It has been found on jewelry such as amulets and
protective talismans, and was thought to represent rebirth, the sun and creation.

Wearing an amulet with a Lotus flower on it was thought to protect the wearer from the evil eye. It was
an important symbol of Upper Egypt, and featured in Egyptian creation myths where the creator was
born from the Lotus.

Because the Lotus flower closes overnight and blooms again in the morning, it became an important
symbol of the light and renewal. The Ancient Egyptians also used the symbolism of the Lotus flower in
funerary practices. It is mentioned in The Book of the Dead in spells to transform into a Lotus – a
metaphor for resurrection and eternal afterlife.

In Ancient Mesopotamia, plants were seen as a vital component in treating illnesses, both in terms of
relieving physical symptoms as well as spiritual pain. For example, some descriptions of the use of
plants include how to use them to make lotions or medicines, whereas others speak about planting
them in different ways to ward off psychic attacks from negative entities.

Instructions might include advising to pull up a plant before sunrise, or to put herbs outside under
starlight. This shows how in ancient times people understood the need to combine the spiritual and
physical, and that plants have both physical and metaphysical healing properties.

In India, archeological investigations have shown evidence of the cultivation and gathering of herbs
going back 1000’s of years, which are still used today by Ayurvedic physicians and folk healers. Ancient

Vedic texts describe illness as relating to both spiritual and physical causes, and the teachings from
these texts live on today with the practice of Ayurveda.

Investigations into ancient Cambodian temples have shown the use of plants and herbs to illustrate
mythological stories. Many plants were venerated, and sacred groves of trees were planted for ritual

In recent times, several researchers have begun to investigate the mystical properties of plants. During
his time living with Peruvian natives, anthropologist Jeremy Narby was told that knowledge of the
biochemical and mystical attributes of plants was transmitted to the population whilst under the effects
of hallucinogens.

After studying with the natives for many years, Narby concluded that their claims were actually true, and
that they were able to communicate with plant life, allowing deep insight into the nature of the plants
and of humans.
Narby found that over 74 percent of the worlds modern plant-based medications were first discovered
by the indigenous societies of places such as the Amazon. One example of this is the substance
‘Curare,’ developed into a muscle-paralyzing substance to use in hunting.

Now used in laboratories all over the world, it undergoes a complicated process to be made ready to
use as a synthetic compound. Many scientists have suggested that discoveries such as Curare were
the result of luck and experimentation on the part of indigenous populations. However, the kind used by
Western medicine requires parts of plants to be combined from over seventy plant species.

Each plant must be boiled in a certain way to avoid toxic fumes emitted from the broth. In addition, the
final product is ineffective if eaten — it has to be inserted under the skin to take effect. Luck and chance
seem like very unlikely factors in such a complicated process.

It’s clear that in many regions of the world, knowledge of the powers of plants has never left the
collective consciousness of the population. In the modern Western societies, people are rediscovering
the ancient and powerful connections that can be forged with the land, and the plants which rise from
the earth.

As a practicing Wiccan, you can connect with and use plants and herbs in many different ways. These
include making healing tinctures or balms, the preparation and cultivation of herbs for incense and
offerings, and using oils or resins for ritual purposes — such as cleansing baths or anointing oils.

Sachets of dried herbs can be used to add potency to Magickal workings, and herbs such as Sage and
Cedarwood have been used for thousands of years for cleansing and purifying energy.

The spirit of the plant, or ‘Deva,’ is the consciousness which each living being has. Although plant
consciousness is very different to our own, it will improve all your magickal workings to develop real
relationships with the herbs you use.

This can include speaking and giving love to your herbs as you cultivate your garden, meditating with
different herbs, or simply asking for permission to cut and use an herb, then thanking the herb for its
assistance in your working.

Chapter 2: List of Herbs and Plants for Magickal
In this section, you will find a list of plants and herbs which may be used for various magickal work.
They have been listed in alphabetical order for greater ease of reference. Each herb’s magickal
properties are included.

This list is extensive, but by no means exhaustive. There are 1000’s of herbs and plants, which would
require an entire book to completely catalog. Please consult an herbal encyclopedia if you wish to
increase your knowledge of plants in general.

In Chapter 4, we will focus on some of the most common herbs and how they can be used in magickal


Name Magickal Properties

Acacia Psychic powers, Protection

Acorn Good Luck, personal power, protection, good fortune, wisdom
African Violet Protection, spirituality, happiness
Agrimony Strength, protection, renewal, healing. Removal of blockages
Alfalfa Money and prosperity
Almond Prosperity and wisdom
Aloe Cleansing, purification, healing, good luck
Angelica Protection, healing, courage, divination
Aster Love, protection, to find lost items, consecration
Basil Love, Protection, Wealth, prosperity
Bay Purification, Dreams, Protection, Healing
Bergamot Money, Protection, restful sleep, love. Increases power of ritual
Birch Protecting against evil eye. Purification
Black Pepper Banishing, protection
Blackberry Wealth, prosperity, abundance.
Boneset Protects against curses
Burdock Removes negative feelings about yourself and others.
Cactus Banishing and protection. Removes negative blocks
Caraway Passion, love, protection. Develops concentration and memory
Cardamom Lust, love and fidelity
Catnip Invites good luck
Cedar Protection, purification, cleansing. Can be used instead of sage when smudging
Chamomile Cleansing, prosperity. Luck, protection and banishing
Chervil Helps to connect with the Higher Self
Chives Protection. Banishing.
Citronella Prosperity and luck in business. Cleanses aura.
Clove Love, prosperity, abundance and protection
Coriander Love and lust. Can enhance love and relationships
Cowslip Blessings for businesses and houses. Promotes youthfulness and vitality

Cumin Protection, fidelity, exorcism
Cypress Helps to overcome loss. Eases grieving
Dandelion Wealth, prosperity, protection, cleansing. Aids divination
Devils Claw Protection and banishing
Dill Wealth, attracting money. Blesses houses and keeps away unwanted energy
Dragons Blood Energy, vitality, dispels negativity
Echinacea Adds potency to herb mixes
Eucalyptus Attracts healing energy, aids purification
Evening Attracts love and positive energy
Fenugreek Money and fertility magick
Fig Aids divination
Frangipani Attracts love and promotes psychic awareness
Frankincense Purification, protection, induces psychic powers
Gardenia Attracts love and friendship. Protects from negative influences
Garlic Healing, protection, repelling negative energy, purification
Geranium Harmony and balance. Clears confusion
Ginseng Love, wealth, vitality and vibrancy
Gorse Relationships, romance, love, harmony
Grapefruit Cleansing and purification
Hawthorn Fertility, rebirth, renewal, energy
Heather Brings luck and success
Heliotrope Joyfulness, prosperity, abundance
Hibiscus Divination and prophetic dreams. Attracts love
Hyacinth Love, luck and good fortune. Promotes restful sleep
Hyssop Purification and cleansing during rituals
Iris Promotes wisdom, psychic abilities, self-belief
Ivy Fertility, love, protection, abundance
Jasmine Passion, lust, love and vitality.
Juniper Attracts good health and prosperity
Kava Kava Astral travel and protection on the astral planes. Promotes visions
Knotweed Used in binding spells. Can break curses
Laurel Luck, protection and healthy relationships
Lavender Healing, peace, love, harmony, relaxation
Lemon Energy, vitality, cleansing, purification
Lemon Balm Spiritual healing and protection. Aids psychic abilities
Lemongrass Psychic healing and enhancement of psychic abilities
Lilac Aids memory and healing. Promotes wisdom
Lily Death and rebirth. Fertility. Romance and marriages
Lime Protection and purification
Lobelia Attracts love, calms conflicts
Lotus Rebirth, eternal life, fertility, openings
Magnolia Loyalty, peace, beauty and love
Maple Attracts wealth and prosperity. Healing and empowering
Marigold Good luck in legal matters
Marjoram Protects against negativity, Draws wealth and abundance
Meadowsweet Aids friendships. Assists with finding new jobs
Mint Cleansing, purification, energy, vitality, healing
Mistletoe Creativity and fertility. Protects against the negative intentions of others
Monkshood Makes one invisible to enemies. Protection and banishing
Mugwort Aids with divination and astral travel
Mustard Seed Enhances courage and faith

Myrrh Meditation and spiritual awakening. Enhances psychic abilities
Myrtle Youthfulness, fertility, harmony and abundance
Narcissus Peace, tranquility and harmony
Neroli Confidence, overcoming blocks, joyfulness
Nettle Cleansing and protection. Dispels fear and aids courage
Nutmeg Attracts wealth and abundance, draws luck and prosperity
Oak Sacred visions and ritual
Olive Peace, harmony, tranquility
Orange Energy, vitality, abundance and prosperity
Orchid Strengthens willpower, aids focus and concentration
Oregano Vitality, joy, prosperity, abundance
Palm Divination, fertility, willpower and focus
Papaya Protects against negativity
Paprika Adds potency to magickal workings, attracts energy and vitality
Parsley Wealth and prosperity. Aids protection and vitality
Passion Flower Increases lust, fertility, love, romance
Patchouli Attracts wealth, abundance, prosperity. Love and passion
Pecan Wealth, success, career enhancement
Periwinkle Concentration, focus and protection. Aids relationships
Pine Rebirth, Third Eye, moving on after hurts
Pineapple Luck and success in business
Pomegranate Fertility, abundance, sacredness and ritual
Primrose Encourages the telling of truths. Banishes secrecy
Ragwort Protection against negativity
Rose Divine love, romance, relationships, passion, fertility, friendship
Rosemary Cleansing, energy, purification, protects against nightmares
Rowan Increases magickal powers. Protection and cleansing
Rye Self-control, fidelity, commitment
Saffron Wealth, passion, prosperity, healing
Sage Cleansing, purification, healing, protection, aids healing from grief and loss
Sandalwood Aids psychic development, meditation, visualization. Cleansing and purification
Senna Passion, lust and love
Snapdragon Purification, protection, cleansing
Sow Thistle Increases strength and stamina
St. John’s Wort Protects against negativity. Aids sleep and memory
Star Anise Increases psychic abilities
Sunflower Protection, vitality, growth
Sweetgrass Strength, cleansing, purification, seeing spirits
Tansy Good health, longevity, protection
Tarragon Aids compassion and self-belief
Tea Tree Cleansing and purification. Aids concentration and psychic awareness
Thistle Promotes healing from injuries. Protection from negative energy
Thyme Protection, healing, loyalty. Promotes strength and courage
Tuberose Serenity, harmony and sensuality
Valerian Aids peaceful visions, purifies scared spaces. Aids love and romantic relationships
Vervain Protection and peaceful sleep. Enhances creativity
Violet Calming and soothing. Aids restful sleep and prophetic dreams
Willow Helps to overcome grief. Calms and soothe nerves. Increases magickal abilities
Witch Hazel Cleansing and protection
Yarrow Flower Divination, love, happy relationships
Yew Breaks curses, protection, spiritual cleansing

Chapter 3: Tips For Working With Herbs
Working with herbs can be a powerful and rewarding part of your Wiccan practice. Below we will
explore several ways that you can cultivate and use herbs, and how best to approach each method.

Remember, when working with herbs, you’re strengthening your connection to the natural cycles of life
and death. By becoming more in tune to the natural harmony all-around you, you can learn more about
yourself and your magickal nature.

By choosing the herbs you wish to grow, planting the seeds, and then tending to them as they flourish,
you can become closer to the natural rhythms present in life and nature.

Because herbs use all the elements during their growth, it can be helpful to reflect on each element and
the way it helps the herbs to come to life.

Air helps to spread seeds and encourage ‘cleaning’ of plants by blowing away old leaves or

Water is essential to any plant in order to stimulate its ability to gain nutrients from the soil.

Fire, in the form of light from the sun, nourishes the plants.

Earth itself holds the plants steady, and provides them with the foundation they need to thrive.

When you grow your own herbs, you can see for yourself the holistic and collaborative nature of the
four elements and how they mix together to create magick. In addition, many herbs have their own
special correspondences to different elements, and these can help you work with each element

Because your herb garden will be constantly changing and growing, you will find yourself becoming
more aware of their powerful transformative nature.

It is wonderful to use herbs in different ways – to dry and store and make ritual objects with them.
However, this is only part of the magick. As you will see, the tending and cultivating of your garden can
be every bit as magickal as the formal rituals you choose to perform.

Growing A Magickal Garden

Growing your own magickal garden is one of the most potent ways you can learn more about the
mysteries of herbology and herbal magick. If you have space outdoors, go for it!

If you don’t have access to your own garden, you can work with magickal herb boxes, which can be
placed on your windowsill in a fitting place, such as your kitchen.

Firstly, choose a space where you will grow your herbs and plants. You can choose to make this space
as small or large as you want. Still, in the beginning, it can be useful to start with one smaller section of
your garden, and learn how to tend to the magickal herbs there. Clearing a space, or adding in boxes to
grow herbs in, can be a rewarding experience.

Look over your garden and decide on a place which you think resonates with your aims. Make sure it
has conditions which are suitable for the herbs you want to grow, and plenty of light during the day.

You can tend to the area by first weeding and removing any old plants or debris that has collected.
Using a good-quality compost or nutrient-rich growing soil from your local garden center can help to
revitalize areas which may need fresh energy.

Placing crystals in the soil is a fantastic way to help your garden become potent and healing, and
encourage your herbs to grow.

Crystals that are excellent for plant growth:

Moss Agate
A wonderful stone for grounding and helping to create a bond between you and your plants. This crystal
is known as ‘The Gardeners Talisman.’ Place pieces of Moss Agate in your planting area to really help
your garden to thrive.

For fertility and abundance.

To help warm and harmonize your garden.

Onyx and Obsidian

Thought to help keep garden pests away. They also help with establishing a grounding connection

Clear Quartz
This is a lovely and inexpensive crystal which can be cleared and then programmed with your intention.
To clear a quartz crystal, simply wash it in salt water or smudge it with sage. Charging via direct sunlight
can be helpful.

To program your intention, simply hold the crystal and breathe deeply for a few moments. When you
have sensed the connection between yourself and the crystal state your intention to it and ask for its
help in carrying out that intention.

Some people use clear quartz flakes or chips to place in their herb gardens, which not only helps with
growth and transmitting your intentions, but also adds some extra beauty to your garden.

When you have chosen where begin your planting, choose your herbs and check how they correspond
to your intentions. The next chapter gives greater details about the individual properties of the most
common herbs used for Wiccan magickal workings.

When you have chosen which herbs you wish to plant, clear spaces for them by digging with intention.

This means taking care to clear and nurture the space they will go into:

1. As you work, project loving energy into the earth.

2. Pick up some clumps of earth and feel them between your fingers, or sit down next to the earth
and feel yourself grounding into the energy.

3. This is a good time to place some crystals into the soil, or do a cleansing and purifying ritual.

4. When you feel the time is right, take your seeds and carefully place them into the soil, taking
care to note the depth and spacing which is the most appropriate for each herb. Lovingly cover
them with the soil.

5. If you wish, you may say these words:

“Elements shine and Elements fire. Harmonious growth and peaceful desire. With love and
honor these seeds I sow. Let beauty and magick below me grow.”

As you can see, the very act of choosing a space, clearing, and then planting your seeds is a magickal
choice — one which can set the scene for a beautiful relationship between you and your herbs.

Magickal Herb Box

If you would rather make a space indoors to grow an herb garden, you can find space in a light area of
your house. A conservatory or your kitchen windowsill are ideal for this.

Take time to clear the physical space by removing old objects – we all know how we like to collect
things on our kitchen windowsills! Clean your windows and any tiling. You can place crystals in the
corners of the windowsill to nurture the space, and add vibrancy and color.

Another lovely aspect of working with an herb box is that you can choose to decorate the outside of the
box in ways that resonate with you. This might involve painting it a bright color, or using varnishes or
even stencils to add designs.

One idea might be to use the elemental symbols of Earth, Air, Fire and Water around a pentacle. You
can even place charms or representations of the Goddess and fertility symbols near, beside, or in your

The only limit is really your imagination, and this can be another opportunity to create a sacred and
ritual space. You can view this as a living altar, adding to the significance and energy you put into the

When you have chosen your space and decorated the box in the way you wish, you’re ready to select
the herbs you would like to connect with. Because space is limited, it’s best to work with perhaps 3-4
different herbs at most in each box.

If you have the space and desire, you might choose to make four small boxes corresponding to each
element, and chose herbs that align with those elements.

Planting seeds in an herb box requires the same thoughtfulness and presence of mind as it does in a
larger outdoors space. You may treat the planting like a ritual, and say the words given in the above
section if you wish.

Remember when growing herbs indoors to regularly open up the windows, in order to let the fresh air
add its energy to the growth process.

Care & Growth

As your garden begins to flourish, take time to care for it properly. Remember to water your herbs both
indoors and outside if the weather is dry. Add rich, nutrient-dense soil to your growing area.

You can change crystals if you desire, especially if they are outside of the soil. However, for ones you
place inside, it’s best to keep them there as your plants grow, rather than upsetting the energies. The
exception to this would be if you felt that the crystals you had selected were not resonating correctly
with the plants’ energies.

Another aspect you can work on is sending your garden encouraging positive energy. Many studies
have shown that plants that have had positive intentions and healing words said to them flourish.

By encouraging growth and projecting love to the plants, you can directly impact their ability to develop.
This also brings you closer to them as actual living entities, which have their own energies you can
connect with. You may also begin to impart your magickal intention to the herbs you are cultivating.

When the time is right for you to harvest the herbs you have grown, carefully cut the herbs whilst
thanking them for their assistance. By using a magickal tool such as a boline, or a knife you have
dedicated especially for this purpose, you can add to your sense of occasion and ritual.

It is an important time in the cycle of your relationship with the plant. So far, you have tended lovingly to
its growth, and now you are asking it to help you in your magickal working. For this reason, cutting your
herbs should be done mindfully, with loving intention and gratitude.

Drying & Storing Herbs

Fresh herbs intended for cooking or ritual baths should be stored in a refrigerator after being cut.

To dry herbs, you can cut them and bundle them in small batches using twine, before hanging them
upside-down. If you don’t have beams in your kitchen or ritual working space, you can use simple hooks
or a drying rack to hang them on.

Dried herbs will last for around 6-12 months before losing potency. If your herbs are looking brittle, or
losing their color and scent, then they are getting past their use-by date. Keep an eye on their state to
avoid wasting precious plant matter.

You should cut herbs when their oils are at the most potent. This is usually just before flowering. For
outdoor cutting, choose a day that is dry and humid, if possible. If you don’t regularly air your kitchen, it
is advisable to find a space in a different area to dry your herbs, as steam or cooking residues could
affect the drying process, as well as their scent.

It will take about 10-16 days for your herbs to dry, depending on how thick the bunches are and the
temperature of air in the room. You can also put herbs in the oven for short bursts of time on a cooking
sheet, in order to help draw out the moisture and speed up the process.

Keep your herbs out of direct sunlight as much as possible once you have dried them, as this can
cause the herb to be less effective.

Charging Herbs For Magickal Use

The way you charge your herbs before use will greatly depend on what resonates with you, and where
you got the herbs from. If you bought your herbs online or in a store, you might want to cleanse them of
any energies they have picked up in transit.

You can clear herbs by washing them if they are fresh, or by using Sage to smudge them if they are
dried. You can also place them briefly in some loose soil you have implanted with a clearing crystal,
such as black tourmaline for clearing negative energy, or one of the ‘Growers Crystals’ listed previously.

Clear quartz can also be used for clearing herbs. You can place a piece of clear quartz into your
storage jar with the herbs overnight, or sit your herbs within a circle of clear quartz for an hour or two.

When you are working with herbs you have cultivated yourself, a good deal of your intentions will have
already been transmitted to the herbs via the growing process and the positive talking you did when
nurturing them. However, you might want to really focus your intent.

A good time to do this is when you hang them up to dry, as well as when you take them down. Simply
sitting with the herb and visualizing your intention going into the energy of the plant will be useful. In
other cases, you can speak your intention out loud. You can also charge herbs by leaving them outside
in moonlight if you are using them for a ritual which calls for lunar energy.

Gathering Herbs & Plants In The Wild

A great way to incorporate using herbs and plants in your rituals, as well as really connecting to the
harmony of nature, is to gather herbs or flowers from where they grow naturally.

Again, please do not pick any plant you don’t know the identity of, and don’t use or ingest anything
which you are unsure of. Some plants can be toxic, and cause serious harm. Safety first!

When outside, it’s best to go to plants which ‘call’ to you in some way. It might be a flower which has a
beautiful color or symbolism, such as a dandelion, or it could be a patch of wild lavender you come
across in a field.

Buying Herbs

At times, you may find that a ritual you wish to perform calls for herbs that are not found in your local
environment, or which are particularly difficult to grow. At these times, it can be useful to buy these
herbs online or in local stores.

If the herbs you buy online or in stores come in a plastic sachet, then take them out of their packet and
store them in an airtight glass container — ideally one with a screw-top lid.

Remember that some herbs or plants (particularly those which aren’t intended to be ingested, such as
many flowers or shrubs) may have been grown using pesticides. Thus, it is ill-advised to attempt
making incense with them. If you do, the burning plant matter can create unpleasant and potentially
toxic fumes.

If you do need to source herbs from stores, try to find suppliers who are mindful of how they harvest
each herb, and buy organically where possible. You can charge and give thanks to the herbs in the
same way as you normally would.

Although you miss out on the aspect of growing herbs yourself with this method, you should still try to
spend time connecting to the plants’ life-cycle and spiritual essence.

Ritual & Magickal Items Using Herbs

There are several ways you can use herbs for magickal purposes.

These include:

Poppets are magickal representations of people or beings you wish to work with. They can be made
from cloth or melted candlewax, or even modelling clay. “Corn dollies” can be made to represent the
sacrificial God at Lammas, for example.

Some people have negative associations with poppets because they believe them to be related to
things such as voodoo dolls. However, as with all magick, intention is everything. Poppets can be used
to draw love, luck, prosperity and healing to yourself and others.

Herbs can be used inside poppets as simple stuffing, or by mixing them with materials such as candle
wax. For example, you might use dried Basil to do an abundance ritual.

Magickal Sachets
Magickal sachets are typically used to bring protection and good fortune to the wearer. You can buy
organza drawstring bags, and crush and mix dried herbs while working with magickal intention. This will
create a protective or healing pouch you can carry around with you.

Oils and Resins

Oils and resins can be used to add to poppets or magickal sachets. They can also be used in candle
making or in anointing oil or ritual baths. You can make your own herb-infused oil which can then be
used for ritual purposes.

Magickal Incense
Making your own incense using herbs you have grown yourself can be a potent way to add power to
any ritual.

We will explore how different types of herbs can be used for making oils, incense and magickal items in
later chapters, with some ideas and recipes for you to try at home.

Chapter 4: Common Herbs & Items
Below you will find an in-depth guide to seven herbs that are commonly used in Wiccan rituals. These
herbs are ones you can grow at home, or easily find in various stores, including online shops.

These herbs have been chosen because of their ease of availability, as well as their non-toxic status to
the general user (please take note of any individual allergies or sensitivities you might suffer from).
There are also suggestions of other plant based items or flowers you can grow, buy or gather.

This section is intended to help you focus on some of the most versatile and easy-to-use herbs. By
beginning with these herbs — getting to know them and their attributes, as well as the way they grow —
you can connect more deeply with your Wiccan practice.

While it might be tempting to rush out and buy many exotic and hard-to-find ingredients, these herbs will
teach you far more about herbal Magick than simply finding an unusual ingredient or plant.

1. Basil - Ocimum basilicum

Element: Fire
Planetary Association: Mars
Gender: Male
Associated Deity: Vishnu

Medicinal Uses:
Basil can be used as a treatment for stress, due to its calming effects.
It has anti-fungal and antiseptic properties.
Can be used to aid digestion and act as a mild sedative.

Magickal Uses:
Basil can be used for spells relating to purification, protection, wealth and courage.
It soothes emotional upsets and can be used to help bring peace to difficult situations,
especially with lovers.
Basil can be sprinkled in your place of work to help bring you more wealth, or outside the house
for protection.

Basil is easy to obtain, and can be found in dry, fresh and live form in local stores. It’s an easy herb to
grow, and can be sown at any time indoors. If sowing outdoors, avoid spring frosts, and wait until
weather has thawed.

Basil will continue to grow after you have picked the leaves, and will grow all year-round indoors. If
growing outdoors, you can bring plants inside if the weather becomes frosty.

It likes plenty of sun and moist soil. Basil leaves can be used in culinary dishes such as pasta, as well
as in magickal oils and teas.

2. Chamomile - Matricaria recutita

Element: Water
Planetary Association: Sun
Gender: Male
Associated Deity: Ra, Cernnunos

Medicinal Uses:
Can soothe indigestion, menstrual cramps and aid anxiety.
Is often used in skincare products because of its soothing qualities.

Magickal Uses:
Considered a lucky herb.
Used to attract abundance.
Can be used for banishing and protection as well as cleansing.
The flowers can be pulverized and used in candle magick by rubbing them onto candles, or
adding them to candles you make – use green candles for wealth and black for banishing.
Can be drank as a tea to aid meditation and calm visualization.

Chamomile grows best outdoors, so if you don’t have access to a garden to plant it in, grow it in large
pots outside instead. If you are growing it indoors, a fluorescent plant light will help it to flourish.

When planting outdoors, allow for plenty of sunlight, and space plants about 6 inches apart. The seeds
need light to propagate, so sow with a light covering of soil during August, or when spring frosts have
passed. Chamomile can also be bought in the form of tea from local stores, or in dry form online.

3. Lavender Lavandula officinali (English Lavender), Lavandula angustifolia (French Lavender)

Element: Air
Planetary Association: Mercury
Gender: Male
Associated Deity: Hecate, Mercury

Medicinal Uses:
Can be added to baths to aid circulation.
Used to alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety.
Can be ingested to ease stomach and digestive complaints.
May cause drowsiness.

Magickal Uses:
Brings peace, joy and healing.
Use in magickal sachets to embody calm and serenity.

Can be used to attract love and to induce calming dreams.
Use lavender for purification rituals, as well as psychic dreaming and protection.

Lavender is a beautiful, purple-colored flowering herb which is known for its gorgeous fragrance and
calming properties. Lavender thrives in warm conditions, with well-drained soil and direct sunlight.

Lean soil will encourage a more intense oil. When growing in pots, lavender prefers a tight space which
encourages its roots to form a ball. Bring lavender inside if possible during winter months for best
results, as frost and thaws can affect the plant by making the roots too moist.

Essential oil made from lavender can be added to baths, poppets or candles. It can also be bought in
dried form from plenty of stores.

4. Sage - Salvia officinalis

Element: Earth
Planetary Association: Jupiter
Gender: Male
Associated Deities: Zeus, Jupiter. A symbol of the Virgin Mary

Medicinal Uses:
Sage may help improve cognition for Alzheimer’s sufferers.
Can be used as an anti-inflammatory.
High in antioxidants, it can help protect against the effects of free radicals.
Sage can also help with diabetes, by lowering blood glucose.

Magickal Uses:
Sage is one of the primary banishing substances, and has excellent cleansing and clearing
Use for purification and healing rituals.
Sage helps alleviate grief, and enhances inner wisdom.
Sage can be added to ritual cleansing baths, and used as smudging sticks to clear and cleanse
energetic negativity.

While many people think of white sage as being the ‘best’ to clear, any type of sage is potent. Because
white sage is difficult to grow in captivity, the over-harvesting of white sage has now threatened the
indigenous population.

For this reason, growing your own sage or buying varieties normally used for cooking is advised. Sage
likes well-drained soil, and is hardy during winter months, meaning you can sow it outdoors without
worrying about moderate frost damaging it.

Sage grows slowly from seed, so if you would like a plant you can harvest quickly, buy small plants from
a garden center that you can re-pot at home or plant in your magickal outdoor garden.

5. Rosemary - Rosmarinus officinalis

Element: Fire
Planetary Association: Sun, Moon
Gender: Female
Associated Deity: Aphrodite, Hebe

Medicinal Uses:
Rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds.
Helps boost immune system and blood-circulation.
Can aid in easing digestive problems.

Magickal Uses:
Can be used for cleansing rituals and to remove negative vibrational energy.
Improves relationships – romantic and friendship.
Use to purify and invigorate.
Can be used to attract love. Aids meditation, mental clarity and visualization.

Known as ‘Dew of the Sea,’ Rosemary is a fragrant and versatile herb. It grows best when harvested
from a cutting rather than as a seed, but needs little attention or special conditions to flourish.
Rosemary likes to be left alone to grow as it likes, so ensure it has a mixture of sunshine and water and
let it take care of itself.

Rosemary prefers drier conditions, so don’t over-water. Rosemary is widely available in dried form in
grocery stores or online, and you can buy young plants from local garden centers.

6. Thyme - Thymus vulgaris

Element: Water
Planetary Association: Venus, Mercury
Gender: Male
Associated Deity: Freya, Aphrodite

Medicinal Uses:
Thyme can be used as a tincture to combat acne.
Lowers blood pressure.
Can ease coughing and sore throats.
Has antiseptic and antifungal properties.

Magkical Uses:
Can be used in health and healing spells.
Attracts positive energy into your home.
Good for clarity and cleansing.
Aids with courage during hardships.

Is thought to keep nightmares away, and to enhance psychic abilities.
Attracts wealth and abundance.

Thyme is another commonly-used herb in cooking, and can be easily obtained in local grocery stores
and garden centers as either dried or fresh leaves, as well as cuttings. It is easy to grow, and can do
well in a variety of locations and soil types.

Like Rosemary, thyme likes to be left to grow without too much interference. Take care not to over-water
it, as this can rot the roots.

7. Peppermint - Mentha piperita.

Element: Air
Planetary Association: Venus
Gender: Male
Associated Deity: Hecate, Pluto

Medicinal Uses:
Mint has been used for many years as a remedy for digestive complaints.
Is known to soothe stomach aches as well as headaches, and its antiseptic properties make it
useful as a topical lotion to relieve pain.
Do not ingest in large doses as this can cause stomach upsets.

Magickal Uses:
Mint has healing properties due to its antiseptic nature.
Use in healing and cleansing spells.
Peppermint placed in your bedroom will help aid sleep and prophetic dreams.
Using mint in tea can help with psychic vision.
Mint has protective properties.

Mint is a versatile and pleasant herb to use for magickal workings. It can be brought in local stores in
dried or fresh form. When planting, ensure you leave plenty of space for the roots, which like to spread
out. Peppermint grows well in most types of soil. Harvest leaves before the plant flowers for best

Oils are at the strongest in mint plants that have been grown in fairly dry soil. Mint can be brought dried
as a cooking supplement or as tea. Some stores also sell fresh cuttings and live plants.

Other Useful Plants

Dandelion is a wonderful and versatile plant which can have potent magickal properties. The full-yellow
flower associates it with prosperity and good luck. Dandelions are also associated with the sun, lions,
power and vitality.

A dandelion which has gone into its puffball stage, with the characteristic fluffy white heads, can be
used to project your intentions into the universe.

The greens can also be used in cooking and in tea. Dandelion tea can help promote psychic powers. It
can help cleanse the liver and makes a powerful purifying drink.

Find dandelions growing in the wild or plant in your garden to harvest the greens. Dandelion is also
sometimes available as an herbal tea in grocery stores.

Saffron is a beautiful and aromatic spice which is known for its bright red color. Since it promotes vitality
and sexuality, it can be used in spells for passion, energy, love and fertility. It can also attract prosperity
and wealth. Saffron is thought to help menstrual cramps and the immune system.

Saffron is made from drying the stigmas of the flower purple autumn crocus, as well as part of its styles.
Saffron can only be produced by harvesting these flower parts by hand, and each pound of saffron
takes over 75,000 flowers to produce. As a result, it is very expensive.

When buying saffron, be cautious with your supplier, as many people sell dyed pieces of bark or other
materials in an attempt to pass them off as the genuine thing. You can tell saffron is genuine by the
distinctive aroma, and also when it retains a yellow color after being steeped in water for a few minutes.

A little goes a long way with saffron, so if you invest in a small jar, it should last you for many workings
— you only need to use a few strands for it to be effective.

The first thing that comes to mind when thinking about nettles is probably you or a friend being stung by
one. Because of its sting, nettles are often overlooked as a useful plant.

However, nettle can be used in tea, alongside herbs such as peppermint for a cleansing and detoxifying
drink. Nettles are great for psychic protection, healing and warding off negative energy.

You can grow nettle yourself, preferably in pots — it’s not advised to try and grow them in your garden,
unless you put up a barrier to stop them from spreading. They will spread, and quickly, without an
underground barrier — their growth will be difficult to control.

Patchouli is a beautiful and fragrant herb which is part of the mint family. It’s most often familiar to
people via incense or essential oils. Growing Patchouli can be tricky, as it prefers a warm and humid
environment. However, it can flourish indoors or in a greenhouse.

Patchouli has antiseptic properties as well as a rich scent. Magickal uses include prosperity and
abundance, as well as fertility and passion. You can easily buy patchouli incense or essential oil online,
as well as in many alternative health stores.

Made from extracting oil from the wood, Sandalwood is a staple of many Wiccans’ magickal toolkits. It’s
possible to buy sandalwood shavings in stores to add to incense, or you can purchase sandalwood
essential oils and pre-rolled incense.

Sandalwood is known for its protective properties, its aid in psychic abilities, adding power and potency
to ritual, and cleansing and purifying. It’s also great for meditation and astral travel.

Made from the resin of Boswellia trees, frankincense can be brought as incense, resin or essential oil.
Most alternative health shops will sell it as an essential oil. It has a long history which predates its
famed biblical associations, as it has been found in the graves of ancient Egyptians.

It’s a potent substance and can be used to dispel negativity, to consecrate and dedicate, to induce
psychic powers and visions and to calm the spirit. It can also be used for cleansing and mediations, as
well as protection.

Chapter 5: Spells Involving Whole Herbs Or Parts
Of Them
Here you will find some general spells which you can use as part of your herbal magick. For each spell,
you can use either dried or fresh herbs you have grown yourself, or herbs that you have bought from a
store or online.

These spells are easy to use, and will help you connect more deeply with the different herbs you have
gathered, cultivated or acquired.

When casting spells, it is advisable to call the quarters and cast a magickal circle before proceeding. A
more in-depth guide to magickal spellcasting can be found in the book ‘Wicca - Book of Spells.’

Casting A Circle

When performing magick, it is advisable to work within a charged circle. This can be a physical circle
that you create with salt or other materials (such as drawing it with chalk), a mental image, or a
combination of the two.

You cast a circle to focus your intent for the work you are about to do, and to clear your area and
protect you from outside energies whilst you are working. Casting a circle cleanses and nourishes your
working area, turning it into a sacred space where your power is focused and amplified.

Here is how you do it:

1. To make a more powerful circle, align it to the four points of the compass. This is called ‘calling
the quarters.’

2. You can mark each corner with a candle.

3. You may use a candle, your finger, or your Athame to draw your circle and call your corners.

4. You can also use sea salt to mark out your circle. In that case, scatter salt to mark your outline,
turning in a clockwise direction.

5. Then, you may empower your circle (remember, this is a part of your ritual, so you should take
the time to really focus and visualize your circle).

6. There are lots of different variations you can try, with different forms of words and methods of
calling the quarters. You may want to experiment with different forms, and even use your own
wording. However, you may start with this simple invocation:

Begin in the North. Focus your intention and say these words:
“Guardians of the North, Energy of Earth. I call upon you to protect and empower my Magkical
working. I cast this circle in perfect love and perfect trust. No harm may enter and none shall

7. Visualize yourself connecting to the element of Earth.

8. Turn clockwise until you face East, drawing your circle as you do with your Athame, wand,
finger or lighted candle.

“Guardians of the East, Energy of Air. I call upon you to protect and empower my Magickal
working. I cast this circle in perfect love and perfect trust. No harm may enter and none shall

9. Visualize yourself connecting to the element of air.

10. Keep turning clockwise and call South and West, using the same form of words. South is the
element of Fire and West is Water.

11. As you draw your circle and visualize each point, try to feel the circle forming around you as a
white light.

12. When you have finished your magickal working, you may close the circle by walking in an
anticlockwise direct and blowing out the candle at each cardinal point.

13. It is important to thank the energies for their attention and bid them farewell.

14. You may say these words for each element:

“I give heartfelt thanks for your presence in this magickal working. I give you leave to depart.”

Prosperity Poppet Spell

Poppets are a fun and rewarding way of setting your magickal intention. This spell invokes prosperity
for yourself or others, depending on how you design your poppet. A poppet is a representation of you or
another person.

It doesn’t have to be a perfect work of art, but ensure you make it look person-like in shape. Some
poppets are made from cloth and stuffed, however for this poppet we will be using modeling clay and
dried herbs.

You’ll need:
Modeling clay
Dried mix of basil, sea salt and thyme
A few strands of saffron (optional)
Green candle
Pen and paper (optional)

Work during a waxing or full moon to add greater potency.

1. Mix your sea salt, basil and thyme together using a mortar and pestle, or a mixing bowl.

2. Take the mixture, along with your modeling clay and green candle into your ritual working area.

3. Cast your circle and call the quarters.

4. When inside your circle, meditate on the prosperity you want to draw toward you. If you prefer,
you can write your intention on the paper. Remember to state your desire using positive words
and in a clear and concise manner. If you don’t want to write down your intention, visualize it
clearly as you meditate instead.

5. As you meditate, place your hands into your prosperity mix. Try to feel the abundance of the
earth and nature through the connection with the mixture.

6. Take the modeling clay and begin to form your poppet. As you work, sprinkle a small amount of
your prosperity herb mix into the clay.

7. Make a hollow space in the area of the solar plexus and another in the area of the root chakra.
These areas correspond to personal power and wealth.

8. When you are ready, place the piece of paper with your intention written onto it inside the
poppet, along with a few strands of saffron. If you don’t want to use either of these, then simply
use your prosperity mix.

9. Fill the hollows you have made with the mix.

10. Light the green candle and allow the light to shine over your poppet.

11. Say these words:

“Wealth and plenty I to me draw. Let nature’s beauty hear my call. In peace and love,
embracing power. Abundance blooms as a sacred flower.”

12. Visualize wealth and abundance drawing up from the earth and flooding into your poppet.

13. Then, use the rest of the clay to cover the hollows and smooth over the mixture.

14. Place the poppet on your altar.

15. Thank the herbs you have used for their help, and the elemental energies.

16. Dismiss the energies and close your circle.

Protective Power Pouch

Magickal pouches are a fantastic way to boost yourself if you are feeling low or under attack in some
way — for example, you might be having issues with colleagues at work, or with friendships or family.

Using a protective sachet in your house, or carrying one around with you, will help to give you courage
and strength to protect yourself from negativity.

You’ll need:
A cloth drawstring bag, such as an organza bag. Ideally black, but you can use another color if
you don’t have one.
Sage, sea salt, rosemary and mint mix.
Dried nettle can be used for additional psychic cleansing (optional).
Sandalwood oil.
A white candle.

Work during a waning moon for best results.

1. Grind and mix your protection mix of sage, sea salt, rosemary and mint. Add in the nettle if you
are using it.

2. Call the quarters and cast your circle.

3. Light your candle and meditate on the cleansing quality of fire.

4. Hold your mix over the flame (in a fireproof bowl), and feel the protective qualities become
charged by the purifying light of the candle.

5. Say these words:

“Herb and flame bring healing light. Dark and shadows take swift flight.”

6. Repeat the words three times, each time visualizing a protective layer emanating from your mix
into your surroundings.

7. Take the sandalwood oil and add three drops. As you add the drops, you may repeat the words
until you are satisfied that the mixture is charged.

8. Add the mixture into your drawstring bag and secure the top.

9. Thank the herbs for their help. Thank the elements and dismiss them.

10. Close your circle.

Hang the bag near to your bed to ward off nightmares, or keep it in your pocket if you want its protection
outside the house. Alternatively, you can hang it in the doorway of any room to ward off negativity.

Ritual Relationship Bath For Attracting Love

A ritual bath is a good way to help you visualize your intention, as well as allowing any negative energy
to be dispelled.

You’ll need:
Patchouli essential oil
Rose petals
Sage and lavender mix (dried or fresh)
Sea salt
A few strands of saffron (Optional)
Pink or red candles – either four of each or two of each. If you don’t have these colors you can
use white candles and dedicate them to your intention before you begin.

Work on a full moon for best results.

1. Clear your bathroom, and place four candles at each corner of your bath. You may use either
pink or red, or a combination (pink is for romance and red is for passion).

2. Mix your sage and lavender together using a mortar and pestle, or by hand. You can use either
dried or fresh. If using fresh, simply tear the herbs, making sure to thank them as you do.

3. Add in the sea salt.

4. Light the candles, and as you light each one, say:

“Love and passion I now ignite. Shining strong as starry night.”

5. Now, begin to run your bath whilst adding in your sage and lavender, rose petals, saffron and
patchouli. Do this in stages, and as you add each one, visualize the water becoming infused
with love and romantic energy.

6. Take your bath and allow the water to envelop you. Let the warmth comfort you, and ignite your
own passion. If you desire, you can heighten the experience using ritual orgasm, whilst
visualizing love and passion flowing toward you.

7. If you don’t have access to a bath, you can use the same method by filling a sink or large bowl
with water and your ritual mix.

8. Surround the water with candles and say the same words. Use the mixture to anoint your hands
and face.

9. When you have finished, thank the herbs for their help, and let the water out of the bath.

10. Let any lingering fears or worries about love and relationships drain away as the water does.

Chapter 6: Magickal Oils

Magickal oils can be fun to use and easy to make. One advantage of making your own is in allowing the
herbs you have grown or obtained to be transformed while sending your intention into the infusion. By
focusing your will in this way, you add to the potency of the magickal working.

Magickal oils aren’t the same thing as essential oils. Essential oils are made by a lengthy process which
uses a large volume of herbs (and other ingredients) and then distills them into a highly-concentrated

Because of this, they are usually expensive to obtain. They are almost always used with a base oil for
massage, or in very small doses when adding to a bath or oil burner.

Because of their strength and purity, essential oils are useful for adding to ritual mixes and items. This
enhances intention, but essential oils on their own do not transmit your personal magickal intention.

You can use essential oils with an oil burner of you desire, and mix your own using different blends of
oils. A few drops of oil can be added to a dish over the top of a candle or other warmer. The oil is then
allowed to scent the room or magickal working area.

Magickal oils are one’s which you infuse with your intention and will, by adding herbs or other items to
your own oil mix. You can also add in objects or ingredients which you feel will add to the theme of your

For example, you might want to add a crystal or another object, such as a sea shell. Making your own
infused oil is also less expensive than using only essential oils. You can use your own oils as anointing
oils in addition to using them for magickal intention.

This makes them different to pure essential oils which usually cannot be used on the skin. As always
take care you know the provenance of any ingredients you use before you put any oil on your skin or
ingest anything.

How To Make Magickal Oils

Find a carrier oil to use. There are plenty of different carrier oils. These range from the more expensive
ones, such as jojoba oil or coconut oil, to more common oils such as almond oil and pure olive oil.

You can also use sunflower or vegetable oil for a very inexpensive base oil. Most of these oils can be
found either in your local grocery store, or from health food stores and online retailers.

Follow the ‘rule of thumb’ when adding ingredients:

2 ounces of oil to 2 tablespoons of herb.

You can infuse these oils with essential oil blends if so desired.

If you want to use other herbs and items you have either brought or grown yourself, then follow this

1. Use fresh herbs and flowers ideally. These will provide purer scents. You can use dried herbs if
you prefer, but some may not smell the same when dried.

2. Bruise or gently chop the herbs you wish to use.

3. Pour enough of the oil over your herbs to cover them.

4. Gently heat for an hour. You can heat in a saucepan on the stove. Do not allow the mixture to

5. Stir the herbs gently whilst speaking your magickal intention to them.

6. Allow the mixture to cool and filter it into a storage jar or bottle. You can use coffee granule
filters or a tea strainer. If you wish to use other items such as crystals or other objects, add
them to your jar first, and make sure your mixture is cool enough before adding it.

7. You can allow some of the mixture to remain in the infusion if desired. Remember to thank the
herbs for their assistance.

If you don’t want to heat your oil, then you can infuse it cold. This takes a lot longer, and you need to
leave the herbs in the mixture. You may have to remove the herbs and replace them with fresh cuttings
until you reach the desired scent and strength.

Prosperity Oil

You’ll need:
2 Tablespoons of crushed chamomile
2 Tablespoons of sage
2 Tablespoons of thyme
6 Drops of sandalwood oil
6 Ounces of carrier oil

1. Use the warming method described previously for best results.

2. As you stir your mixture, speak your intention for prosperity clearly to it.

3. You can add in a citrine or sunstone crystal to your jar to attract more abundance to you.

You can also use this oil to anoint yourself with when taking part in prosperity rituals.

Full moon Goddess Oil

You’ll need:
Three pieces of moonstone or clear quartz
1 Tablespoon sage
1 Tablespoon crushed rose petals
2 Teaspoons crushed frankincense resin
5 Drops of myrrh essential oil
A pinch of sea salt

Perform on a full moon.

1. Cleanse and clear your moonstone crystals and place them inside your jar.

2. Crush the rose petals and sage and mix the sea salt into them.

3. Crush your frankincense into small pieces, and then add to your mixture. Sprinkle the mixture
on top of your crystals and then add in your carrier oil (almond oil works best for this oil, but you
can use olive oil).

4. Seal the jar and leave it outside under the light of a full moon.

5. Repeat with extra ingredients for three consecutive Full moons if desired.

6. You can also use the warming infusion method — ensure that the mixture is thoroughly cooled
before adding it to any of your crystals.

7. As you leave the oil outside, visualize the energies of the Lunar Goddess connecting with the oil
and crystals.

8. You can use this as an anointing oil for lunar rituals, or with candles or other magickal items.

When you have used all the oil, or you have discarded it, you can remove the crystals, wash them and
then add them to your altar for supercharged lunar energy.

Psychic Awareness Essential Oil

This oil can be used whilst meditating to enhance psychic awareness. You can add it to candles or burn
it in an oil burner. Remember not to use undiluted essential oils on your skin. Mix the ingredients while
focusing your magickal intention.

This recipe is included to give you an idea for a beginner’s recipe to use if you wish to pursue the art of
mixing essential oils. You can buy essential oil starter kits online, or in some health-food or wellness

You’ll need:
2 Drops cedarwood oil
4 Drops lemongrass oil
2 Drops bay oil
1 Drop nutmeg oil

Chapter 7: Magickal Teas

Magickal teas are teas which are made with focused intention. You can make them very simply by
mixing herbal teas you have bought at the store. However, a more powerful way of working is to make
your own tea blend.

The best way to do this is to steep dried herbs. You can use fresh herbs, but they don’t steep as easily
as dried herbs. Do not attempt to use essential oils or herbs that you don’t know the provenance of.

You can make magickal tea easily at home by following this general method:
1. Take your dried herbs and mix them into the blend you want. Use about a teaspoon of each

2. Put them into saucepan or another vessel which you can warm.

3. Pour boiling water over the herbs, and add in enough for the tea you want, plus a little extra to
account for evaporation.

4. Keep the tea warm for 10-15 minutes whilst the herbs steep. Do not boil but don’t leave to go
cold. A gentle heat will work best.

5. As your tea steeps, speak your intention to it.

6. Strain the tea using a tea strainer, or coffee filter. Remember to thank the herbs for their

Purification Tea

You’ll need:
½ Teaspoon basil
1 Teaspoon mint
1 Teaspoon sage
1 Teaspoon nettle

1. Steep the herbs using the method described earlier.

2. As you steep them, remember to speak your intention to them.

You may use a purification chant such as:

“Pure of heart and soul and mind. My will be clear and peace I’ll find.”

Emotional Healing Tea

You’ll need:
½ Teaspoon basil
1 Teaspoon thyme
1 Teaspoon rosemary

1. Combine the herbs and allow them to steep.

2. As you inhale their scent, allow their soothing and strength-giving properties to wash through

3. Slowly drink the tea while visualizing comforting energy flowing into you and forming a
protective cushion around you.

Supercharged Energy Tea

You’ll need:
1 Teaspoon mint
1 Teaspoon nettle
Pinch powdered ginger
Pinch ginseng root extract

1. Combine the ingredients and allow them to steep.

2. Let the vibrancy of the ingredients warm you, providing an instant ‘pick me up.’

3. If you would like an extra dose of power, allow the ingredients to sit under the light of a full
noonday sun for one hour before using them.

Chapter 8: Magickal Smudging & Incense
One of the most important ways you can use herbs is by burning them in order to create cleansing and
purifying smoke. They can also be added to essential oils and other items, like resins, to create
powerful incense.

Incense can attract energies you wish to work with, focus your will and intention, and help connect you
to innate psychic and intuitive powers. One reason for this is because scent is a very well-developed
sense — it can evoke powerful emotions and energy. This has a knock-on effect on other, subtler


Smudging has its roots in Native American and other shamanic traditions. It has been used in many
cultures, and more recently has been used by Wiccans as a way of clearing energy, preparing for ritual
and cleansing magickal objects or other items.

Smudging is a powerful way to dispel negativity and restore balance to a space which has had upsets in
energy. It is also an effective way to cleanse when undertaking ritual work.

It’s advisable to regularly smudge your ritual working areas if they are indoors, as well as your altar and
magickal items you accumulate. This can include your magickal tools such as the boline or wand, and
personal crystals.

Smudging is most traditionally associated with sage — white sage in particular. All types of sage are
effective, so you don’t need to use white sage. Other items which can be used for smudging are
lavender, cedarwood and sweetgrass. You can also use juniper and resins such as frankincense to

You can buy smudging sticks online, which sometimes have combinations of different herbs and plants
as part of them. You can also make your own smudging sticks by drying herbs and bundling them with

How to smudge:

1. Ground yourself into the energies of earth. Spend a few moments setting your intention to
cleanse and purify your space.

2. Light your smudge stick, taking care that you have a non-flammable surface underneath it to
catch any stray embers. Smudge sticks tend to create a lot of smoke once they get going.
However, you may need to light them several times and blow on the embers before they
produce copious amounts of smoke.

3. Walk around the space you are smudging in a clockwise direction. Hold the smudge stick out
and allow the smoke to rise from the ground up to the ceiling.

4. As you smudge, you can say out loud: “I cleanse and clear this space from all negativity.”
Meanwhile, visualize all negativity being cleansed by the smoke.

5. Make sure you take your smudge stick into each corner of the room, and allow the smoke into
each corner.

6. When you have completed your circle around the room return to the center of the room.

7. Repeat your intention to cleanse and clear. If it is safe to do so place the stick onto the floor and
allow the smoke to envelop you. Some practitioners use a feather in order the push the smoke
onto the body of the person they wish to cleanse.

8. Thank the energies and mindfully extinguish the smudge stick.

It’s not necessary to keep windows shut once you have completed your smudging ritual. In fact,
letting in fresh air can be extremely beneficial once you have cleared the space.

Magickal Incense

Magickal incense is a powerful way of adding potency and atmosphere to your ritual working. You can
buy incense already premade in the form of cones, sticks or loose incense.

Varieties and purity vary from supplier to supplier. You can find a vast array of types of incense in online
stores and in some health stores or alternative health outlets.

Cones and sticks can be lit and placed in an incense holder. Always remember to extinguish any
incense if you are going to leave the room, or go to sleep.

Loose incense needs to be heated on a surface that will allow it to burn. The most common way of
doing this is to use charcoal discs which can be placed on a holder. The discs are lit, and then the
incense is placed on top.

Loose incense tends to be stronger, and produces more smoke than cones or rolled incense. However,
it also burns quicker, and tends to be more expensive. In addition, many of the charcoal discs on the
market are advertised as ‘self-lighting.’

What this means is that the entire disc has a chemical substance on it which, when lit, will continue to
spark and heat very quickly. This is useful for ease of lighting the incense, but many brands can
produce a chemical smell, and interfere with the natural scent of the incense. Some people also report
that it induces headaches.

Other alternatives for burning loose incense are by using Ash in a bowl and lighting the Ash, or by
placing the incense in a metal foil above a candle. The latter method can be dangerous so take extra
caution and never leave it burning unattended.

Making your own magickal incense can be a wonderful way of working with herbs and other oils and

Loose Incense

Making your own loose incense requires blending of herbs, resins and woods. You’ll need a mortar and
pestle, and in some cases a way of grinding difficult-to-powder materials. Some people use coffee
grinders for this purpose.

Electric coffee grinders aren’t recommended, as most hard resins may break the blades. Grinding and
powdering by hand is the best way, unless you plan to buy all your ingredients already powdered.

Grinding your incense can be challenging work, but it’s very rewarding in the end. You can take this
opportunity to imbibe your intention into the ingredients, and really connect with the energies and scent
of the items you are using.

Learning which types of herbs and resins work well together in terms of energy and scent can be a
complex task. It’s advisable to begin with only 3-4 ingredients and then work your way into adding more
as time goes on.

You may also wish to invest in a separate mortar and pestle for resins as they can be sticky and difficult
to remove. It is also difficult to grind other items if your mortar and pestle has sticky resin residue on it.
You can freeze resin in order to make it easier to grind.

Grind your herbs first, and then add in any resins or wood. You may wish to add a limited amount of
essential oil, but if you do, remember to let the mixture dry thoroughly before use.

You can also use dried fruits and oils to form your loose incense into pellets if you desire. Once you
have finished mixing, you can seal your incense in glass screw-top jars to store it until you are ready to
use it.

Rolling Cones or Sticks

To make your own cones or sticks, you must pulverize your ingredients into a fine powder. This can be
time-consuming but, again, this is a wonderful opportunity for you to connect with the scent and the
energy of the herbs and resins you are working with.

When you have ground your ingredients into a powder, you need to roll them with a substance to hold
the form. There are different methods for doing this, but two of the most popular are Arabic gum and
makko. Makko is made from the bark of the tabu-no-ki tree. Both of these substances can be found in
online stores and in some grocery stores.

It’s best to leave your powdered incense overnight, to allow the ingredients time to blend with each
other. The next stage is to slowly add your gelling agent into your mixture with a little water, in order to
form a paste. Because each batch can vary, it’s best to begin with a small amount of water and gelling

Try to get the mixture to feel pliable, but not too dry. Only add in small amounts of water so that you
don’t ‘flood’ the incense. When you are able to knead and shape the incense without it either falling
apart of being too sticky to form, you have the correct balance.

Roll the shapes you want, and then leave the incense to dry for at least 48 hours.

Meditation & Visualization Incense

You’ll need:
2 teaspoon frankincense resin
1 teaspoon sandalwood powder
1 teaspoon sage
A few drops of elemi oil

1. Grind all ingredients as described above, depending on which type of incense you are making.

2. As you grind the incense, imagine them blending to promote a clear space with an empty
horizon in all directions.

3. Whilst grinding, practice mindfulness by paying attention to the rich smells, texture and sounds
of grinding. Notice how your hands and arms feel as you work. Allow the scent to infuse your
senses, and notice how your mind and body are affected.

4. When it comes to burning your incense, allow the empty horizon to form in all directions.

5. As you inhale the scent, imagine the incense is coming into your empty horizon — and with it,
clarity of mind and psychic vision.

House Blessing Incense

Use when moving into a new house, or for clearing and banishing energies from a living space.

You’ll need:
2 Teaspoons sage
1 Teaspoon cedarwood
1 Teaspoon powdered frankincense resin
5 Drops juniper oil

1. Mix the ingredients using the methods described above.

2. As you mix, visualize the blend coming together to create good fortune, prosperity and
blessings in your home.

3. Light the incense and smudge your house with it.

Abundance Incense

You’ll need:
2 Teaspoons basil
1 Teaspoon chamomile
½ Teaspoon peppermint
5 Drops patchouli oil

This is a simple but effective blend which you can use with herbs from your own magickal herb garden.

Because your connection to the herbs should be strong, all you need to do is gently ask them for help in
attracting more abundance into your life.

Light your incense, and allow the smoke to warm your body while visualizing wealth and abundance
flowing through you.

Chapter 9: Magickal Baths
Magickal baths can be used for two main reasons; the first is as a ritual preparation for further work,
and the second is as a ritual itself.

You can use magickal baths to dispel unwanted energy and traits, via cleansing and purifying, or you
can use them to infuse you with certain traits and energy, and draw favorable circumstances to you.

Cleansing Baths

Good staple items to use in cleansing baths are sage and sea salt. These items help to purify your mind
and body. You can also add in other cleansing items such as nettle and basil.

When you are using a bath to cleanse or to ready yourself for ritual, always state your intent as you add
ingredients. If you are intending to clear yourself of negative traits, you can light white candles around
the cleansing bath.

As you bathe, imagine the water running throughout your body and energetic field. Visualize the
element of water flowing through you — washing and cleansing you from the inside out.

When you leave the bath, watch the water drain and visualize any negative habits or traits you wish to
rid yourself of draining away with the water. You may have leftover herbs or resins which collect in the
plughole of the bath. For extra clearing, you can take these outside and bury them in the ground.

Infusing Baths

You may wish to work with invoking energy and drawing positive traits to you. For this, choose herbs
and resins which attract abundance and prosperity. Light orange, yellow or green candles for more
energy and wealth. If you want to attract love and passion use pink and red candles.

State your intention as you add the ingredients and light your candles. This will help to focus your mind
on acceptance and attracting positivity to you.

As you lay in the bath, envision the infusion entering your body and flooding you with the trait or energy
you want to nurture. Let the warmth of the water soothe you from the inside, and allow the magickal
ingredients to draw your desires to you.

Try to cultivate an attitude of acceptance and trust in the abundance of the universe, and always
remember to thank the energies after your workings.

Magickal Bath Bomb For Luck and Success

You’ll need:
10 Drops patchouli oil
½ Teaspoon ground sage
½ Cup powdered citric acid
1 Cup baking soda
¾ Cup corn starch
A few drops of olive oil

1. Mix together the ground sage, citric acid, baking soda and corn starch.

2. Add in the patchouli oil and a few drops of olive oil

3. Mix well and then form into a ball shape, using a mold (you can use small candy molds or
silicone molds for baking which can easily be found online).

4. As you form the ball, visualize luck and success forming a swirling ball of energy.

5. Allow the ball to dry for 24 hours.

Ritual Purification Bath

Use this bath for purification before rituals.

You’ll need:
2 Teaspoon sea salt and sage mix
1 teaspoon crushed lavender and rosemary mix

1. As you run your bath, alternate between adding your two mixes.

2. As you add each one, say:

“Bless these waters with healing light. Pure of heart and clear of sight.”

3. Take your ritual bath, allowing the herbs to clear and purify your energy, ready for ritual practice.

Healing Waters Bath

You’ll need:
1 Teaspoon lavender
5 Drops sandalwood oil
2 Teaspoons thyme and rosemary mix
Large pinch of sea salt

1. Run your healing bath and sprinkle the mixture in.

2. As you relax in your bath, allow the combination of scent and energy to infuse your being with
healing and light.

Chapter 10: Sachets & Pouches
Magickal sachets and pouches are excellent ways of bringing your Wiccan working into your daily life.
Because they are unobtrusive and portable, you can carry them around with you, or place them in
locations where you might need a mystical ‘pick me up.’

Using a protective sachet on your desk at work to protect from electrical emissions (as well as
difficulties posed by excessive screen time, if you work in an office environment) can be useful. It can
also help to soothe tensions if you have high-stress colleagues.

You can make pouches to place in different rooms in your house, or place one under your pillow or near
your bed to promote healthy sleep. They also make lovely gifts for magickally inclined friends.

Making sachets and pouches is simple. You can buy organza bags online or from craft stores.
Combining different dried herbs and resins can help add richness and potency to your magickal

Simply use your mortar and pestle to grind any resins or a coffee grinder to crush woods. As with
making your own incense you may need to experiment a little with different combinations of herbs and
other ingredients and find the ones which complement each other the best.

Super Serenity Sachet

You’ll need:
2 teaspoons of dried lavender
2 teaspoons of dried sage
2 teaspoons of myrrh resin
A handful of sea salt
A few drops of sandalwood oil

1. Crush your lavender, sage and sea salt.

2. Place them to one side, and then crush your myrrh resin. You may want to freeze it first, to
make it easier to crush.

3. Mix in a few drops of sandalwood oil, and mix thoroughly. As you mix, project your intention of
serenity and harmony wherever you and the sachet go.

4. Allow the mixture to dry if needed, and then add it into the organza bag.

5. Hang the bag in areas where you need an extra dose of serenity. Carry it with you if you are
facing tough situations and need to keep your cool (please note: do not use the sachet when
driving in case of any possibility of drowsiness).

Protective Power Sachet

You’ll need:
1 teaspoon basil
1 teaspoon rose petals
1 teaspoon mint
½ teaspoon fennel
Pinch sea salt

For this sachet, you can buy dried rose petals, or dry your own. Use dried herbs for the rest of the

1. Mix the ingredients together and add in the sea salt.

2. To make this sachet even more powerful, you can make a small clay poppet with some of the
mixture added, and place it inside the sachet.

3. Carry it with you for extra protection outside the house, or hang it by your bed to protect against
negative energy.

Lucky Love Sachet

You’ll need:
1 teaspoon sage and sea salt mix
1 teaspoon rosemary
5 drops Ylang Ylang essential oil
1 Clear quartz, crushed
1 Rose quartz, crushed
1 pinch of glitter dust – gold or silver

1. Use your mortar and pestle to break up small pieces of raw clear quartz and rose quartz. Don’t
use polished tumble stones, as they will be too difficult to crush.

2. Make sure you wear protection, such as goggles or glasses, to stop any small flecks from flying
up and going into your eye. You can also use the crystals whole if you don’t want to break them

3. Add in the sage, rosemary and sea salt.

4. Add in the Ylang Ylang and allow the mixture to settle. For extra effect, add in the glitter dust.

5. You can place the mixture under the light of a new moon, or mix it on a new moon to add extra

6. Hang the sachet by your bed or place on your altar, to attract more love into your life.


As you’ve probably discovered, herbal magick is a vast and versatile way of working as a Wiccan. By
getting to know a range of commonly used and easy to obtain herbs, as well as some common resins, I
hope you see how interesting and complex even ‘everyday’ herbs can be.

This is a key component of Wicca – that magick can happen naturally, and with natural methods and
substances which are all around us every day. Magick is a subtle energy which is always surrounding
us, and what better way to connect with that than with learning the magick which is present even within
the most familiar of herbs?

As you have learned, there are many ways of using herbs and combining items to create your own
individual spells. Getting to know which herbs work for you and which you are drawn to via taste, smell
and tactile sensations, as well as more subtle explorations, will be an experience unique to you.

There is a high component of experimentation and learning your own recipes, many of which you can
record in your own Book of Shadows, when it comes to herbal magick.

Although this can be time consuming, there is nothing quite like discovering the special blend of
fragrances and energies which works for you and your intentions, and developing that personal
energetic relationship with your magickal garden and herbs.

Combining other aspects of your workings, such as knowledge on crystals and color magick, can add
vibrancy and potency to your herbal workings. Above all, it is important to continue to connect deeply
with the source of all magick in the form of the natural world and all its beauty and bounty.

For further research, it’s advisable to take each section as an individual area to build your expertise in.
Learning how to mix essential oils, and which items and herbs work best for you in magickal infusions,
for example, can be a rewarding way to deepen your knowledge. So, too, can learning the art of
blending herbs and oils for magickal incense and sachets.

Once you have tried out the basics for each section, you should have a better idea of what kind of
workings are best suited to you. You might be more attracted to creating your own herbal infusions, or
you might feel using herbs as part of creating other magickal items, such as poppets, resonates more
strongly with you.

When deciding which area to specialize in, consider your home environment, how the method fits into
your life, and how much time and resources you have to invest in deeper study.

Above all, remember your connection to the herbs and plants you use as living energy, even after the
plant has been cut, cured or dried.

May you find peace and prosperity in all your workings.

Blessed be.


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