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john cage: graphical notation

aria score
he has sense of humor
no meter but a stop watch

every time you see a color you have to decide what it means to
you: red= afraid = AAA
dots mean
thickness: volume up
you decide everything

half notated, half real notes: joelle khoury electroesie

Presentation: adorno
he is difficult to criticize
thomas mann, schoenberg ⇒
and adorno jewish
schoenberg ended up in california too

one composition by wagner: apocalepse, wagner soundtrack

L#21 1
nietzsche: be careful on what they want especially when they ask
you questions
from which point of view they write music
philosopher, sociologist
2 modes to destroy music:
1- kill it all and create new one (kandisky )
2- distort it (picasso)

serial or 12 tone row ⇒ schoenberg

berg wozzeck:
technique between speaking and singing
atonel : silly melody- how comfortable you are when you are
doing your thing and how scary to go outside your zone

L#21 2

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