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The Story of 8 Dirham

At the time,The prophet intended to buy a clothes.He brought 8 dirham.One day,he on the
way to a market,he met someone.When meeting a female slave,she cried.He approached
her and asked why she was crying.The slave said “O the messenger of Allah,I have lost 4
dirham.That money belongs to my master.I am afraid of going home before i tis found.”He
was touching.The prophet was touched

After the prophet had known about the slave’s problem,he sincerely donated 4 dirham to
the slave.He entered a market.In the middle of the market,he met someone.He met a
boy.The boy starved.After he had known about the boy’s problem,he gave 2 dirham to the
boy to buy some food.The prophet purchased a clothes for 2 dirham.After purchasing the
clothes,he went home.

When on the way home,he met someone,he met an old man.The old man didn’t wear any
clothes.He approached the old man.Then he asked why the old man didn’t wear any
clothes.The old man said “ O the prophet,i don;t have any mney to buy a clothes.” He felt
sympathy for him.The prophet gave his new clothes to the old man.He was blissful.

After meeting the old man,he met the female slave.She was afraid of going home because it
was late.The prophet promised the slave to accompany her home.After they arrived to the
master’s home,the prophet said “ Your servant is late at home because she is afraid of
gaoing home alone.If you think she deseves to get a punishment,I am the one who i will
accept it.” After The master said “O the prophet,we forgive her,even we went to free
her.You coming is a blessing for all of us.”,the prophet went home and realized that he
never saw more profitable matter that 8 dirham.

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