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Keanna Marie P.


Local History: Overview on the History of Mindanao

The arrival of Islam was described in the "Overview on the History of Mindanao."
Muslim History in the Philippines, Muslims' Role in the National Conflict, and Spanish
Colonialism List of Spanish Rule's Impacts on the Philippines, American Colonial Policy and
the Colonial Government of America

The historical gap is a period of time that divides the new and ancient generations by
two or more events. Between the Sultanate Era and the present in the Philippines, the US
era generated historical turmoil. They's cultures change substantially during 50 years under
US governance, and after 50 years, people establish a new culture that is not orientated in
the same way as previously. Islam is practiced in the Philippines. Islamization is considered
complete when Islamic Governmental Institutions establish in Southeast Asia in the early
15th century.

I learned from the conversation that Muslims were dominating in terms of political
power because it runs in their blood, dating back generations, as it did for their forebears,
though not all of them. When we hear the word Muslim, we often assume that all Muslims
are the same, but after watching this discussion, I realized that there are many different
types of Muslims, and that most of the tribes discussed were influenced by other tribes, and
that some of them were also influenced by inter-marriages.

If the Spanish brought us culture and religion, the American dictatorship taught and
schooled us to be self-sufficient, free, and independent nations. Human Rights were
safeguarded, the economy was built, and it was a prosperous time. Enhanced our sanitation
and cleanliness, and the public school system would be the most significant impact of
Americans in the Philippines.

It also covered the local insurgency and the many types of organizations that oppose
the Philippine government. This lesson taught me that the freedom we have today is the
product of many people's sacrifices, and that we should be grateful. As a result, the adage
"Everything happens for a reason" holds true because the various colonizations and
rebellions that occurred have become part of what we have and who we are today. Having a
more dependable government that rises to the occasion. That having the strength to get
back up every time we fall would be the greatest gift from God. We can also observe where
the Philippines' beauty came from, and how numerous tribes (people) with unique cultures
and beliefs contributed to it becoming more fascinating. It also discusses how our
civilizations ended here in this situation. This definitely demonstrates that everything and
everything happens for a reason.

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