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Extra exercises

Exercise 1: Listen and fill in the blanks. (nghe và điền vào chỗ trống)
1. What’s this? This is a ………. My …………. is on my …………..
and I use …………………… to smell With.

2. What are ……..? ……….. These are my eyes. ………… W e

use ……………. to see, so I can look.
3. What’s this? mouth and this ………. ……… a mustache above it
and a little beard beloW. This is a …………..
4. What’s ……….? …………….. use our ears to hear With. W e can
hear everything around us. ……………..
5. ….…………………..………?…………….. This is a hand and I can pick
up things With my hand and I can point With my
hand. ………………………………………………..
6. ….…………………………..? ………………… These feet are big, these feet are
7. What is this? Finger. I have ………… on my ………... One, …………,
three, ………….., five …………….
8. What are ………………? Tose. The toses are on the feet. ………………….

Exercise 2: Look at the sample lesson 1 and make a presentation.

(nhìn mẫu bài 1 và thuyết trình)

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