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New Methods for the Colorimetric Determination of Halogen Residuals. Part II.

Free and
Total Chlorine
Author(s): A. P. Black and G. P. Whittle
Source: Journal (American Water Works Association), Vol. 59, No. 5 (MAY 1967), pp. 607-
Published by: American Water Works Association
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Accessed: 27-04-2016 01:22 UTC

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New Methods for the Colorimetrie Determination
oí Halogen Residuals. Part II. Free and
Total Chlorine

A paper submitted by A. P. Black, Project Director and Research

Prof. Emeritus, Univ. of Florida, Gainesville, Fla., and G. P. Whittle,
Assistant Prof., Dept. of Civil Engineering, Univ. of Alabama, Uni-
versity, Ala.

use of chlorine as a disinfectant Protection Against Pollution

for potable water supplies is one The importance of applying, main-
of the greatest advances ever made in taining, and controlling a free-chlorine
preventive public health. However, residual in municipal water treatment
chlorine has some limitations. In par-
plants can readily be appreciated in
ticular, the almost universally accepted
view of the ever-increasing pollution of
o-tolodine test for chlorine residuals
our water supplies, with the corre-
is a subject of concern. The reac- spondingly greater risk of serious wa-
tion of chlorine with ammonia and
terborne diseases. Morris г recently
ammonium salts to form chloramines,
suggested chlorination practices to pro-
which are less effective disinfectants,
vide and maintain residuals in the range
has long been recognized as a major of 1-2 ppm of free Cl2 at a proper pH
limitation in the application of chlo- for a sufficient contact time, for all wa-
rine. Compounding this problem
ters that have been subjected to any
has been the difficulty encountered in significant degree of contamination. Of
the use of the o-tolidine test to distin-
equal importance is the maintenance of
guish between a free-chlorine and a a free-chlorine residual in the almost
chloramine, or combined chlorine re-
1,000,000 private and public swimming
sidual. Commonly called the "flash" pools in this country, as well as new
test, it is difficult to perform and the
pools which are being built at a con-
results are not always interpreted cor-
stantly accelerating rate. The proper
rectly. Lowering of the sample tem-
disinfection of swimming pools is not a
perature to nearly 0°C and the arsenite simple matter. The chemical and bac-
modification are procedures not easily tériologie standards to be met are
adaptable to general use. They are those promulgated by the UHPHS for
most suited for carefully controlled lab- public drinking water supplies. In
oratory studies. The result has been many ways the disinfection of swim-
that, for the past 50 years or more, the ming pool water is more difficult than
standard colorimetrie test employed in for municipal water supplies, as pool
this country for chlorine residuals us- water is subject to continuous reinfec-
ing o-tolodine has been unsatisfactory tion from bathers, the atmosphere, and
for the determination of free chlorine. the surrounding environment. In or-

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der to comply with the regulations of rine reacts at a slower rate, making
the Conference of State Sanitary En- possible a differentiation between the
gineers and the National Sanitation two types of chlorine residuals. One
Foundation requiring that a free-chlo- disadvantage of this method is the in-
rine residual of at least 0.4 ppm be stability of DPD in solution form,
continuously maintained throughout a necessitating the use of dry powders or
pool water, it is essential that a rapid, tablets which require a waiting time
simple, and accurate colorimetrie test for complete solution in the water sam-
be available to distinguish between free ple. Recently, Sollo and Larsen5
and combined chlorine at normal pool studied in detail the method originally
water temperatures. described by Taras6 involving the
The authors, cognizant of the need bleaching effect of free chlorine on a
to maintain a free-chlorine residual, methyl orange solution and reported
initiated this investigation to develop significantly less interference from com-
a rapid, simple, accurate colorimetrie bined chlorine than that obtained with
test for free chlorine in the presence of DPD. The methyl orange test, as
combined chlorine, without the serious it depends upon bleaching rather than
disadvantages inherent in the presently color development, requires precise
accepted o-tolodine method. measurement of the quantity of re-
agents added and is somewhat depen-
Previous Methods dent on temperature. Interested read-
ers are referred to a paper by Nichol-
The limitations of o-tolodine were
son 7 which reviews all known methods
recognized in a study by Adams and for determining free and combined
Buswell 2 in 1933. They pointed out chlorine and two papers from the Wa-
that these include the development of ter Research Association of England,8
color by both free chlorine and chlor- which provide similar information.
amines, oxidized manganese, Fe(III)
at concentrations greater than 0.3 ppm, Experimental Method
and nitrites at concentrations greater In Part 1 9 of this series, a method
than 0.1 ppm. In 1934, Tarvin, Todd, for the determination of iodine resid-
and Buswell 3 attempted to find a re- uals in water employing leuco crystal
agent which eliminated some of the violet, 4,4',4" methylidynetris (N,N-
difficulties experienced with o-tolodine. dimethylaniline) as the indicator was
A large number of different compounds described. By this method a mixed
were evaluated as colorimetrie reagents indicator solution is prepared consist-
for chlorine but none was found to be
ing of a dilute leuco crystal violet solu-
superior to o-tolodine. tion and a saturated mercury (II)
The efforts of some later investiga- chloride solution. This mixed indi-
tors to find a new reagent for chlorine cator not only enhances color develop-
residuals have met with some suc-
ment with aqueous iodine buffered at
cess. Palin 4 employed N,N-diethyl-p- pH 4 but also drastically retards color
phenylene diamine (DPD) and re- development by any coexisting chlor-
ported that a free-chlorine residual amines.
may be determined by its instantaneous In this investigation, the adaptation
reaction with this reagent to produce of the previously developed iodine
a red color, whereas combined chlo- method to the determination of a free

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chlorine residual was studied. It was dicator (3 g/1) solution in the test
found that at pH 4, the color produced sample. For natural waters employed
with chlorine had a distinct blue ap- in this study, a mixed buffer consisting
pearance compared to the normal crys- of equal parts of acetate and citric buf-
tal violet color obtained with iodine. fer systems was found to promote indi-
In spite of this visual difference, the cator solubility while providing the
color produced in the concentration required pH control. For waters con-
range of 0.1 mg/1-2 mg/1 of Cl2 was taining large concentrations of dis-
found to possess а Л max of 592 т/л solved solids which may affect the
with maximum absorbance at pH 4 solubility of the indicator, increasing
identical to that found for crystal violet the proportion of the citric buffer sys-
solutions. tem will facilitate indicator solution,
Preliminary studies indicated that provided good pH control is obtained.
the color developed in dilute chlorine
solutions is probably the result of both Reagents
an oxidation process and a substitution
For the determination of free chlo-
reaction producing a chlorinated indi-
cator species. This structural modifi- rine, the following reagents are em-
ployed :
cation resulting from chlorine substitu-
tion alters the absorption character- 1. 4,4',4"-Methylidynetris (N,N-di-
istics of the final dye molecule to methylaniline),* commonly designated
produce the distinct blue color. leuco crystal violet. Dissolve 3 g of
the above compound in approximately
Quality of Indicator 500 ml of distilled water containing 7
ml of 70 per cent perchloric acid. Di-
The absorbance and to some degree lute to 1 liter with distilled water and
the color of the test solutions were determine pH, which should be in the
found to be somewhat dependent on the range of 1.4 to 1.6. The initial solu-
quantity of indicator initially added. tion of this compound in perchloric
However, employing an indicator so- acid should be carried out in darkness,
lution containing 3 g of leuco crystal e.g., brown glass.
violet per liter, excellent reproducibil- 2. Mixed indicator solution. Mix
ity of absorbance values was obtained by volume, twelve parts of the above
with test solutions containing concen- solution of leuco crystal violet and one
trations of 0.1-2 mg/1. The slight part of a saturated aqueous solution of
change in color with increasing chlo- mercury (II) chloride, HgCl2, and
rine concentrations was not accom- store the mixture protected from
panied by a change in Л max which light.
remained at 592 т/л over the entire 3. Buffer solution, pH 4. Solution
range of chlorine concentrations in- (a) - mix by volume 35 parts 4 M
vestigated. potassium hydroxide solution and 70
The pH of the test sample should be parts 2 M citric acid solution. Solu-
held in the range of 3.8-4.1, which is tion (b) - dissolve 161.2 g of acetic
normally provided by a strong acetic acid and 49.5 g of sodium acetate, an-
acid-sodium acetate buffer. The ace-
* Eastman No. 3651, a product of Distil-
tate buffer, however, prevents complete lation Products Industries, Eastman Organic
solubility of the more concentrated in- Chemicals Dept, Rochester, N.Y.

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610 A. P. BLACK & G. P. WHITTLE Jour. AW W Л

i i i i i i i i i >i

I °6



0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0

Free Chlorine- mg/l

Fig. 1. Standard Absorbance Curve for Free Chlorine

The cell is 1 cm, Л equals 592 w/x, and the pH of the samples is 4. The absorbance is
obtained on a 50 -ml sample treated with 1-ml buffer solution and 1-ml indicator

0.08 i

' 0.06

1 ^^ ^^°
о 0.04

| 0.02

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

Fig. 2. Reaction Bates of Mixed Indicator with Monochloramine as a Function of


The solid lines represent samples containing 1 mg/l of Cl2 as NH2Cl and the broken
lines, 4 mg/l of Cl? as NH2Cl. The open circles and solid circles are for reaction
temperatures of 25° С and 35°C, respectively.

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hydrous, in distilled water and dilute To perform the analysis, measure 50

to 1 liter. ml of sample chlorine concentration
Final buffer solution. Mix equal into a 100-ml volumetric flask. Add 1
volumes of solution (a) with solution ml of buffer solution, pH 4, and swirl
(b). to mix. Add 1 ml of mixed indicator
All these reagents must be prepared solution by filling a pipet, placing the
in ammonia-free distilled water. tip against the glass inside the neck of
the volumetric flask, and allowing the
Free-Chlorine Absorbance Curve
solution to flow down the glass surface
Free-chlorine solutions in the con- into the sample. Swirl to mix and de-
centration range of 0.1-2. mg/1 of Cl2 termine absorbance at 592 m^.

» I ' I 4- I I И

* 0.4

- - y^-
0 lcL¿

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8

Chlorine, CI2-mg/l

Fig. 3. Total Chlorine Standard Absorbance Curve

The cell is 1 ml, A equals 592 mp, and the pH of the samples is 4. The open circles
represent samples containing free chlorine while the solid circles represent sam-
ples containing mono chlor amine.

are prepared by dilutions of a standard- A plot of absorbance values against

ized chlorine or hypochlorite solution, chlorine concentrations is shown in
using only ammonia-free distilled wa- Fig. 1, and, as might be anticipated
ter. Immediately prior to colorimetrie from the chlorine substitution reaction,
analysis, each chlorine solution is ana- Beer's law is not followed as the con-
lyzed for free chlorine by means of an centration of chlorine is increased.
amperometric titrator. Excellent reproducibility is obtained,

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612 A. P. BLACK & G. P. WHITTLE Jour. AW WA

however, and chlorine residuals within sponding error introduced into a test
±0.02 mg/1 of the amperometric titra- for free chlorine are shown in Fig. 2.
tion results may be rapidly determined. For absorbance readings, a square cell
providing a 3-cm light path was em-
Chlorine-Ammonia Compounds
ployed to increase sensitivity. This
As demonstrated previously by the figure shows that, if a sample is read
method for iodine residuals,9 the pres- within 3 min after the addition of the

Fig. 4. Comparison of Colorimetrie and Fig. 5. Comparison of Colorimetrie and

Amperometric Titration Results for the Amperometric Titration Results for the
Determination of Free and Total Chlorine Determination of Free and Total Chlorine

The samples initially contained 0.1 mg/l The samples initially contained 0.1 mg/l
of NHS added as NHACl and were main- of NHS added as NH4Cl and were main-
tained at 24°C and pH 6.5. The reaction tained at 24°C and pH 6.5. The reaction
time was 4 hr. The upper graph is for time was 16 hr. The upper graph is for
free chlorine and the lower for total chlo- free chlorine and the lower for total chlo-
rine. In both graphs, the square points rine. In both graphs, the square points
are for amperometric titration results and are for amperometric titration results and
the solid circular points for colorimetrie the solid circular points for colorimetrie
results. results.

enee of mercury (II) chlorine in the mixed indicator, an error no greater

sample effectively retards formation of than 0.02 mg/l of Cl2 results, with
color by chlorine-ammonia compounds combined-chlorine concentrations as
for a sufficient interval, to permit an
accurate determination of free chlo- high as 4 mg/l of Cl2 and reaction tem-
rine. The rate of color development peratures as high as 35 °C.
by monochloramines as a function of Only the rate of color development
time and temperature and the corre- by monochloramine was investigated,

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as efforts to prepare significant concen- shown by the reactions,

trations of di- and tri-chloramines at I- + CI2 + H2O = HIO + 2C1- + H+ (1)
normal pH values for swimming pool I" + NH2C1 + H2O
water or potable water were unsuccess- = HIO + Cl" + NH3. (2)
ful, except with very high concentra- Accordingly, a method for the deter-
tions of chlorine. Data to be presented mination of total chlorine was de-
in a following section on breakpoint veloped. It involved the addition of


Comparison of Colorimetrie Method with Amper ometric Titration for the Determination of
Chlorine Residuals. Sample Temperature of 24° С Samples Initially Contained
0.1 tng/l of NHZ, added as NHACl

Amperometric Titration - mg/1 of CI2 Colorimetrie Results - mg/1 of Cl2

Sample "* Dí¿; *nd

"* Cl«r is *= ££=; <äfc «к. № as? «га

Reaction Time - 4 hr

1 0.2 0.01 0.16 0.00 0.16 0.17 0.00 0.18 0.18

2 0.4 0.03 0.33 0.00 0.33 0.36 0.01 0.35 0.36
3 0.6 0.01 0.38 0.04 0.42 0.43 0.01 0.39 0.40
4 0.8 0.01 0.13 0.06 0.19 0.20 0.00 0.17 0.17
4 1.0 0.12 0.03 0.01 0.04 0.16 0.13 0.03 0.16
6 1.2 0.24 0.05 0.04 0.09 0.33 0.21 0.10 0.31
7 1.4 0.40 0.11 0.05 0.16 0.56 0.42 0.15 0.57
8 1.6 0.59 0.10 0.05 0.15 0.74 0.55 0.20 0.75
9 1.8 0.70 0.13 0.04 0.17 0.87 0.72 0.16 0.88
10 2.0 0.95 0.13 0.05 0.18 1.13 0.89 0.21 1.10

Reaction Time - 16 hr

1 0.2 0.00 0.17 0.00 0.17 0.17 0.00 0.14 0.14

2 0.4 0.01 0.33 0.00 0.33 0.33 0.00 0.34 0.34
3 0.6 0.01 0.37 0.02 0.39 0.40 0.00 0.41 0.41
4 0.8 0.01 0.11 0.00 0.11 0.12 0.01 0.09 0.10
5 1.0 0.01 0.04 0.00 0.04 0.05 0.01 0.02 0.03
6 1.2 0.13 0.06 0.00 0.06 0.19 0.11 0.06 0.17
5 1.4 0.33 0.08 0.04 0.12 0.45 0.35 0.13 0.48
8 1.6 0.45 0.08 0.05 0.12 0.57 0.40 0.16 0.56
9 1.8 0.70 0.10 0.04 0.14 0.84 0.68 0.14 0.82
10 2.0 0.93 0.11 0.04 0.15 1.08 0.90 0.16 1.06

chlorination indicate that di- and tri- potassium iodide to the sample, fol-
chloramines do not interfere with the lowed by the colorimetrie determina-
determination of free chlorine in the tion of the iodine residual produced.
concentration range studied. The iodine determined or, more con-
veniently, the absorbance of the color
Determination of Total Chlorine
produced in the test solution, is re-
At pH 4, both free chlorine and lated to the concentration of total chlo-
combined chlorine - that is, chlorine- rine initially present. The reagents
ammonia compounds - oxidize the io- required and the test procedure are
dide ion to hypoiodous acid (HIO) as given below.

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614 A. P. BLACK & G. P. WHITTLE Jour. AW W A

1. Acetate buffer, pH 4: dissolve thoroughly and read absorbance of the

161.2 g of glacial acetic acid and 49.5 solution at 592 m//,.
g of sodium acetate, anhydrous, in dis- Following this procedure, a standard
tilled water and dilute to 1 liter. absorbance curve for total chlorine,
2. Total-chlorine buffer: dissolve 3 shown in Fig. 2, was prepared, em-
g of potassium iodide in 1 liter of the ploying sample solutions containing
acetate buffer, pH 4. Store in brown known concentrations of free chlorine

Fig. 6. Proposed Mechanisms of Oxidation of Leuco Crystal Violet by Hypoidodous

Acid and Hypochlorous Acid

In (a), hypoiodous acid reacts through a hydride transfer to produce crystal violet.
In (b), hypochlorous acid, in addition to a hydride transfer, also reacts by a chloride
substitution producing a new species, chlorinated crystal violet.

glass or opaque bottle and keep tightly or monochloramine. At concentrations

closed when not in use. of total chlorine greater than 0.3 mg/1
3. Mixed-indicator solution: pre- of Cl2, absorbance values for both free
pare as previously described under chlorine and monochloramine fall on
method for determination of free chlo- the same line. Below this total-chlo-
rine. rine concentration, the absorbance
The procedure is as follows : mea- values obtained with solutions of mono-
sure 50 ml of sample into a 100-ml chloramine were slightly less than
volumetric flask. Add 0.5 ml of the those for free chlorine.
total-chlorine buffer and swirl to mix. It is suggested that at these very
Allow a reaction time of at least 10 low concentrations of reactants, a state
sec, followed by the addition of 0.5 ml of equilibrium is approached in the
of the mixed indicator solution. Mix redox reaction involving monochlor-

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amine and the I" ion. In this case, less tions as high as 50 mg/1 of I" did not
than a stoichiometric quantity of H IO interfere when the mixed indicator was
is produced, resulting in lower absorb- employed. The concentration of 20
ance values. In any event, the error mg/1 of I" will theoretically allow
introduced is small and by reference the determination of a total-chlorine
to the dotted line in Fig. 2, precise residual up to 10 mg/1, but the extreme
results may be obtained for samples sensitivity of the method prohibits an

Fig. 7. Comparison of Absorbance Curves Obtained With Different Procedures for Indi-
cator Addition

The cell is 1 cm, ' equals 592 тц, and the pH of the sample is 4. The open circles
represent addition of indicator solution down surface of sample flask while the solid
squares represent direct addition of indicator solution to sample.

containing essentially all chlorine in accurate absorbance reading at this

the combined form. The incorpora- high concentration without suitable
tion of potassium iodide in the pH 4 dilution procedures.
buffer solution afforded a convenient The difference between the free-
one-step sample treatment for this de- and total-chlorine determination repre-
termination. This solution has been sents the combined chlorine present,
found to be stable for months if reason- and it may be accurately determined
ably protected from exposure to light in the following manner.
and air. The quantity of potassium
Breakpoint Chlorination
iodide added is adjusted to produce a
concentration of approximately 20 mg/1 Results of the proposed colorimetrie
of I" in the sample. This concentration method were compared with those ob-
of I" is not critical, however, as pre- tained by amperometric titration on
vious studies showed that concentra- water samples containing an initial am-

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monium ion concentration and treated and tri-chloramines are included in the
with increasing quantities of a chlorine colorimetrie method for total chlorine.
solution. A series of water samples
containing SO mg/1 of alkalinity, added
as sodium bicarbonate, and 100 mg/1 The interference from combined
of total hardness, added as calcium chlorine has been shown to be very
chloride, were treated with an am- slight with relatively high concentra-
monium chloride solution to contain tions of chloramines at elevated tem-
0.1 mg/1 of NH3. Increasing incre- peratures, provided the determination
ments of a standardized chlorine solu- is completed within a reasonable time.
tion were added providing an initial The interference from iron and ni-
concentration range of 0.2-2 mg/1 of trate ions up to 20 mg/1 is negligible
Cl2 in the sample series. The reaction for the determination of both free and
pH was near 6.5, and after standing combined chlorine. Colorimetrie tests
for 4 hr, the samples were analyzed by performed on both natural and syn-
amperometric titration for free chlo- thetic waters indicate no interference
from alkalinity values up to 150 mg/1
and total hardness values up to 300
F ree- Chlorine Déterminations on Samples mg/1. No interference was found with
at Various Temperatures
chloride ion concentrations up to 600
Sample Amperometric Colorimetrie mg/1. Chloride ion concentrations
Temperature Titration Result
°C free. Clr-mg/l free Cl^-mg/l
above this value result in slightly lower
absorbance values.
8°C 0.42 0.45 The nitrite ion produces a color at
8°C 0.76 0.78
a very slow rate but the interference
15°C 0.22 0.21
in both the free- and total-chlorine
15°C 0.50 0.52
25 °C 0.48 0.49 tests is negligible when the concentra-
25°C 0.85 0.82 tion of NO2" is less than 2 mg/1.
32°C 0.58 0.57
The oxidized forms of manganese
35°C 0.57 0.57
35°C 1.34 1.32 were found to interfere as even very
low concentrations of these species pro-
duced a rapid color development with
rine, monochloramine, and di- and tri- the indicator. Although not investi-
chloramines and colorimetrically for gated in this study, it is believed that
free and total chlorine. The analyses a suitable arsenite modification may be
were repeated after allowing the sam- employed to compensate for this inter-
ples to stand for a total of 16 hr. The ference.
results are tabulated in Table 1 and Many colorimetrie tests performed
shown in Figs. 4 and 5. Excellent on natural surface and ground waters,
agreement was obtained between color- as well as swimming pool waters, indi-
imetrie and amperometric titration re- cate that constituents normally present
sults, and the data presented in Table 1 in water do not interfere in the de-
indicate that di- and tri-chloramines do termination of free chlorine.
not interfere in the determination of
free chlorine in th concentrations ob- Influence of Temperature
tained. In addition, a comparison of The colorimetrie test for free chlo-
the two methods shows that both di- rine is, to a remarkable degree, unaf-

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fected by the temperature of the sam- August when pool water temperatures
ple, as accurate determinations may be were between 28°C-32°C. The color-
obtained, without any special precau- imetrie results are compared with am-
tions, over a sample temperature range perometric titration results on the same
of 8°C-35°C. This is demonstrated sample as shown in Table 3. To in-
by the data shown in Table 2 in which sure that a free-chlorine residual would
colorimetrie results are compared with be present, all pool waters with the
amperometric titration values over a exception of No. 7 were treated heavily
wide sample temperature range. with hypochlorite or gaseous chlorine
It was shown previously in Part I 9 prior to these spot determinations.
of this series that for the determination A similar study was carried out in a
of total chlorine (the determination of water treatment plant and the results
iodine released by chlorine) the effect obtained with the new colorimetrie test,
of temperature up to 40° С is negligible. amperometric titration, and the o-toli-


Spot Determination of Free- Chlorine Residuals in Eight Pools by New Colorimetrie Test

Amperometric Titration
Poni Water Free Cl2 by
TWMn S N TemP- New Test
TWMn S N °C mg/l Free Cl2 Combined Cl2 Tot. CI2
mg/l mg/l tng/l

1 30 0.01 0.02 0.13 0.15

2 31 0.28 0.27 0.03 0.30
3 30 0.18 0.20 0.18 0.38
4 32 0.31 0.32 0.10 0.42
5 28 0.17 0.15 0.07 0.22
6 31 0.20 0.18 1.20 1.38
7 30 0.06 0.05 3.00 3.05
8 30 0.35 0.38 2.10 2.48

Although the reaction rate between dine test are compared in Table 4. The
combined chlorine and the indicator new colorimetrie test was performed
increases with an increase in tempera- rather rapidly by a person who had
ture (Fig. 2), free chlorine may be only a few minutes instruction in its
accurately determined at relatively high use.

sample temperatures, provided the de- Both these field studies confirm the
termination is carried out in a reason- laboratory findings that free chlorine
able time. may be accurately determined in the
presence of combined chlorine at rela-
Field Tests
tively high water temperatures.
A test kit for determining free chlo-
rine with appropriate color standards
was assembled and employed in a spot In Part I of this series, the indicator,
determination of free chlorine in eight leuco crystal violet, has been shown to
typical swimming pool waters. These undergo a normal oxidation reaction to
tests were performed in the month of its highly colored form, crystal violet,

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618 A. P. black & G. P. whittle Jour. A WW A

in the presence of an iodine residual. fluenced by the ratio of free Cl2 to

Kinetic data indicate that this reaction indicator at the beginning of the re-
proceeds exclusively through HIO, action. The addition of the indicator
possibly through a hydride transfer, as solution down the sides of the sample
shown in Fig. 6 (a). There is evi- flask prevents agitation of the sample
dence that leuco crystal violet, in the solution, so that the entire quantity of
presence of free chlorine, undergoes a indicator solution is added before ap-
chlorine substitution reaction in addi- preciable reaction takes place. This
tion to the normal oxidation step. A permits a high initial concentration of
possible reaction path and product are indicator to be present and, on mixing,
presented in Fig. 6 (b). Hypochlor- produces solutions of the highest ab-
ous acid is shown as the reactive spe- sorbance. A comparison of the ab-
cies, as aqueous chlorine buffered at sorbance curves obtained by two differ-
pH 4 is predominantly in this form. ent methods of indicator addition is
The absorbance data show that the shown in Fig. 7. The dotted line rep-
values obtained with free chlorine resents the direct addition of the indi-
cator solution to the sample, and the
TABLE 4 solid line denotes the addition of indi-
cator solution down the surface of the
Comparison of Methods for Chlorine Residuals
on Waters From Treatment Plant flask (Fig. 1). The difference in ab-
sorbance values between the two ad-
dition procedures increases as the con-
AlTitřaUoenrÍC New Test o-Tolidine Test
centration of chlorine increases. This
is probably as a result of the increases
Free Cl2f Total Cl2, Free Cl2, ^f)1 Tot. Cl2, in the chlorine substitution reaction
mg/l mg/l mg/l &ffi rng/l
and its greater dependence on mixing
0.73 2.79 0.70 0.02 2.8 conditions. Regardless of the method
0.70 2.44 0.75 0.02 2.5
0.90 2.99 0.85 0.06 2.9
employed, excellent reproducibility of
0.80 2.86 0.85 0.00 1.9
results is obtained as to both color and
0.15 2.49 0.20 0.00 1.9 absorbance, provided the same indica-
0.02 2.09 0.00 0.00 1.9
tor addition procedure is followed for
each sample.

(Fig. 1) are approximately one-half Summary

those theoretically expected (Fig. 3),
and for this reason the reaction of two A method for the determination of
moles of HOC1 to produce one mol of free chlorine employing leuco crystal
colored product is shown in Fig. 6 violet as the indicator has been shown
(b). However, di- and tri-chloro re- to give accurate and reproducible re-
action products may also be produced sults with minimal interference from
as the relative decrease in absorbance
combined chlorine at relatively high
values with increasing chlorine concen-
trations indicate that larger proportions
water temperatures. The method is
of the chlorine residual are consumed very rapid, involving only a matter of
in substitution rather than oxidation. seconds to develop the test color, and
As a result of the substitution reac- the stability of the developed color al-
tion, the final colored product is in- lows ample time for accurate color

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matching with standards. The effect Acknowledgments

of sample temperature on the accuracy Appreciation for valuable help in the
of the method is negligible over a wide application of these test methods is
range and constituents normally pres- expressed to Dr. R. N. Kinman, now
ent in water do not interfere. The
Assistant Chief, Demonstration Grants
oxidized forms of manganese produce Activity, FWPCA, Dept. of Interior,
the only serious interference found, Washington, D.C.
and in the case of the relatively few The project was supported in part
waters presenting this problem, it is by the Special Purpose Training
believed that it can be solved by using Grant SP-6-63 from the Division of
a suitable arsenite modification.
Community Health Services, USPHS,
Application of the test method in and in part by Demonstration Grant
field studies involving swimming pool WPD- 19-04-66 from the Division
and treatment plant waters gave results of Research and Training Grants,
in close agreement with those obtained FWPCA, Dept. of Interior, Washing-
by amperometric titration. All re- ton, D.C.
agents are easily prepared and show
exceptional stability in solution form. References
The test method is most satisfactorily 1. Morris, J. C. Future of Chlorination.
employed with free-chlorine concentra- Jour. AWWA, 58:1475 (Nov. 1966).
tions of 2 mg/1 or less, but may be ex- 2. Adams, H. W. & Buswell, A. M. The
Ortho-Tolidine Test for Chlorine, lour.
tended greater than this concentration AWWA, 25:1118 (1933).
by suitable dilution methods. 3. Tarvin, D.; Todd, H. R.; & Buswell,
A very sensitive method for total A. M. The Determination of Free

chlorine has been presented and when Chlorine. Jour. AWWA, 26:1645
used in conjunction with the free-chlo- 4. Palin, A. T. The Determination of
rine test, will permit the determination Free and Combined Chlorine in Water
of a combined chlorine residual by dif- by the Use of Diethyl-p-phenylene Di-
ference. amine. Jour. AWWA, 49:873 (Jul.
As of publication date, there are at 5. Sollo, F. W. Jr. & Larson, T. E. De-
least six manufacturers * in the process termination of Free Chlorine by Methyl
of preparing test kits based on these Orange. Jour. AWWA, 57:1575
methods for the determination of free (Dec. 1965).
6. Taras, M. Colorimetrie Determination
and total chlorine, and it is anticipated of Free Chlorine with Methyl Orange.
that these kits will be available by early Anal. Chem., 19:342 (1947).
1967. 7. Nicolson, N. J. An Evaluation of the
Methods for Determining Residual
*Hach Chem. Co., P.O. Box 907, Ames, Chlorine in Water. Part I. Free Chlo-
Iowa 50011; Industrial Specialties, 7122 rine. Analyst, 90:187 (1965).
7122 Gerald Ave., Van Nuys, Calif. 91406; 8. WRA Technical Papers TP. 47 and TP.
The LaMotte Chem. Prod. Co., Chestertown, 29. Water Research Assn., Medmen-
Md. 21620; Salisbury Industries, Inc., 130 ham, Marlow, Bucks, England.
County Courthouse Road, Garden City Park, 9. Black, A. P. & Whittle, G. P. New
N.Y. 11040; W. A. Taylor & Co., 7300 Methods for the Colorimetrie Determi-
York Rd., Baltimore 21204; and one in Eng- nation of Halogen Residuals : Part I.
land, Tintometer Ltd., Waterloo Road, Iodine, Iodide and Iodate. Jour.
Salisbury, Wiltshire, England. AWWA, 59:607 (Apr. 1967).

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