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I've learned many things working at Celebration Village the past 2 years.

I have an exceptionally good

memory remembering the residents' orders. It used to be something I struggled with. I have also made
myself very handy with a knife. I can cut any fruit you need, from lemons to pineapples. Another thing,
I've become very attentive to things when they get low now anywhere I am. Whether I am at work or
home. This job has taught me how to be more responsible, aware of my surroundings, and various
tactile skills.

There's many things that aren't physical that i have learned from my job. Like working in a team even if
you don’t like your co-workers. Unfortunately, I have been in that position countless times. I've learned
that in any industry, you must learn how to stick up for yourself. If you don’t, you'll end up without a
paycheck even though you worked forty plus hours each pay period. I've also learned how to keep my
cool and stay calm and collected, even though inside I am just boiling. Being yelled at for things that are
not your fault and you're the only one working will take a toll on your emotions. Being harassed by
coworkers and when you tell upper management, they laugh and say it's no big deal. I have really
learned how to keep in check with my emotions.

Self-control is a big skill in the food industry. Constantly being yelled at, being screwed over one way or
another, having your co-workers pass around an embarrassing video of you and it takes every bit of
yourself not to take the instigator outside to the parking lot. Or when a resident threatens to stab you
with a plastic fork because you didn’t set her ice cream down first. CNA’s threating to report you
because you accidentally bumped into her and apologized, she still wanted to fight. Getting about
twenty hours of overtime, and HR refusing to put it on my paycheck the first time. Doing them favors
and getting sternos from the store, to never get paid back. Theres so many more things that I used to I
would have blown, but today I will do things the right way by the book.

Honesty is something I respect in the workplace. Growing up I never had anything sugar-coated for me.
My mother was always blunt. That made me very honest, but working here after a while, I learned how
to buck up and tell my truth. Lying barely gets you anywhere, it may get you one step forward but telling
the truth will get you farther in life. The truth always comes out one way or another. Theres been two
times a co-worker has tried to get me fired by lying to my manager, once I showed proof of the opposite
they were fired.

I'm very loyal to Celebration Village, only because I get so many benefits and for my age, I'm not mad
about my pay. I get to go home every night at 7:00-7:30 every night. I get to work when I want because
I'm PRN, so I make my own schedule. And sometimes extra pay to come in for a shift. So, until it gets
extremely horrid, I will stay and do my best because arduous work pays off eventually.

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