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Proposed Syllabus for ITR5E1 Web Technology.

Learning Objectives:
 Introduce the students to emerging web technologies
 Introduce the students with JavaScript concepts and its application
 Motivate the students to develop 3 tier web applications
 Understanding of server side programming using MERN Stack
 To create awareness about the MVC

Prerequisite: NIL
Introduction to Web Technology: WWW and Protocols: TCP/IP , HTTP, DNS, SMTP etc.
Web Servers (IIS, Apache etc)- Web Browsers, Uniform Resource Locator, HTTP Request and
Response Types , n -Tier Architecture, Common Gateway Interface,
Introduction to HTML5 (Elements, Attributes, Hyperlinks, Forms, div, Tables, links, images), Designing
effective navigation.
Cascading Style Sheets- using CSS, background images, colors and properties, using fonts, borders
and boxes, margins, positioning, animation and transition effects with CSS3.

JavaScript and DHTML: JavaScript and variables, functions, conditions, loops and repetition, Pop
up boxes, Event Handing, forms and validations, JavaScript standard objects, DOM, AJAX, Regular
XML Technologies: Introduction of XML, Validation of XML documents, DTD, XML for data files,
HTML vs XML, Embedding XML into HTML documents, Displaying XML usingCSS and XSL

React JS: Features, Advantages, Limitations, Environment Setup, Component, Render function,
Component API, Component lifecycle, State, Props, Mixings, JSX, React Pure Component, Component
Life Cycle, Events, Redux, Router, Component Inter Communication, Higher-Order Component,
HOOKS, Unit Testing Components

Mongo DB: Introduction, Difference between NoSQL and SQL, the Mongo Shell, JSON Introduction,
JSON Structure, BSON, Benefits, Design Goals, Architecture
MangoDB CRUD Operations: Introduction, Functional usage, Read / Write Operations with CRUD,
Query Operators ,Commands and optimization,
Schema Design and Data Modelling: Schema Design and Data Modelling, Various Data Structure and
Tools to Manage Data, Storage Classes, Indexing and Performance Considerations, Aggregation.

Proposed Syllabus for ITR5E1 Web Technology.

Express JS : Overview, Environment, Routing, HTTP Methods, URL Building, Middleware,
Templating, Static Files, Form Data, Database, Cookies, Sessions, Authentication, REST APIs,
Scaffolding, Error handling
Node JS : Introduction, Advantages, Node.js Process Model, Setup Dev Environment, Node JS Modules
: Functions, Buffer, Module, Module Types, Core Modules, Local Modules, Module Exports; Node
Package Manager, Creating Web server: Creating web server , Handling http requests, Sending requests;
File System, Events, Database connectivity, Mongoose ,Template Engines, Callbacks

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of the course students will be able to -

1. Describe the concepts of WWW including browser and HTTP protocol.
2. Develop the modern web pages using the HTML5 and CSS3 features with different layouts as per
the need of applications.
5. Use JavaScript to develop the dynamic web pages and validate data entered by usersthrough
6. Use MERN Stack to generate the web pages dynamically using the database connectivity.
7. Develop modern Web Applications using the client and server side technologies and the web
design fundamentals.

Books Recommended:

1. Pro MERN Stack, 2nd Edition - Vasan Subramanian

2. Steven M. Schafer, “HTML, XHTML and CSS”, Fourth Edition by, Wiley India Edition.
3. HTML 5, Black Book, Dreamtech Press
4. Web Technologies, Black Book, Dreamtech Press
5. Web Design, Joel Sklar, Cengage Learning
6. Web Technologies – Achyut S Godbole and Atul Kahate

List of Practical Assignments:

During the learning of course, students need to do assignments:

1. Design web pages using HTML5
2. Style web pages using CSS3 features
3. Accepting and validating user entered data using JavaScript.
4. Develop a Dice Roller Game using Animation and JavaScript.
5. Setup MERN Stack Environment and Create tic-tac-toe game.
6. Develop a Calculator App using React js.
7. Build a basic Forms using React js.
8. Create a blog app using React js.
9. Setup a Mock API Server and Fetch Data in Blog from an API.
10. Create API to fetch blogs from DB.
11. Add API Authentication to Blog App.
12. Build Chat App.

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