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au. 15 cin tran ec ot nan itn ese a Cv el na Comino GEORGETONOX UNIVERSITY CENTER FOR y SOCIAL IMPACT COMMUNICATION at the School of Continuing Studies UNETE A NUESTRA LISTA DE CORREOS Apellido* Organizacién* Correo electrénico* INSCRIBIRSI Como las redes sociales estan remodelando el sistema educativo actual por Lori Wade No se puede negar que, desde que las redes sociales y los medios sociales se abrieron paso en nuestras vidas, todo es diferente. Comenzando con la forma en que socializamos, interactuamos, planeamos fiestas o incluso con qué frecuencia salimos. No entraremos en un debate sobre los aspectos éticos de la forma en que las redes sociales estén influyendo en nuestras vidas. En cambio, este articulo propone centrarse en las numerosas formas en que las redes sociales estan cambiando la forma en que funciona el sistema educativo. Asi que estad atentos para conocer qué efectos tienen las redes sociales en la forma de educar a nuestros hijos tanto en la escuela como fuera de ella. hitpsiesic. goorgelown.edulmagazinesocial-media-reshaping iodays-educalior-systory 1s riz, 1415 ‘Gémo las rede socials estan remodelandlo l sistema educatvo actual - Center for Social Impact Communication Efectos de empoderamiento Desde la escuela primaria hasta la graduacién universitaria, las redes sociales tienen la funcién de empoderar a los padres, estudiantes y maestros para usar nuevas formas de compartir informacién y construir una comunidad. Las estadisticas muestran que el 96% de los estudiantes que tienen acceso a internet estan usando al menos una red social . Lo que es atin mas extraordinario es que, aunque algunos de los estudiantes usan las redes sociales para entretenerse y otros fines, hay muchos que las usan para promover muchas actividades positivas y utiles. Desde encontrar una pasantia de verano, promover una historia de éxito sobre cémo ganar la batalla de los préstamos estudiantiles 0 colaborar en proyectos internacionales, todo es posible. Implementation in Schools? When it comes to social media, schools tend to adopt different positions. It's a general consensus that they're useful when it comes to sharing information or organizing the school tasks. And at the same time, the social networking is blamed for the lack of attention in students during classes. But an increasing trend of adopting social media in school is starting to show. And since students already devote a lot of time for social media and connecting with others outside school hours, why not do it during school as well? It’s a matter of practicability, really, because it makes perfect sense to use the online universe to communicate with your students since they're already there most of the time. There's no need for another case study about the usage of social media in schools. You simply need to walk through the hallways of any school or colleague to see kids of all ages totally immersed in their smartphones. Browsing their news feed, sharing photos on Instagram of sending Snapchat messages has become a part of their daily routine. How Can Teachers Penetrate the Online World? Moodle and Blackboard are just two examples of learning management system that involves online learning for more than 10 years now. Slowly but steady, such systems will lead to the actual implementation of social media within classrooms. And the best tool available for teachers is social media itself. Only by being open- minded and using the technology themselves will they be able to really reach out to students. “The best teachers I've ever had have used technology to enhance the learning process includina Facebook naaes and events for uncomina nroiects” — Katie hitpsesc.georgelown edulmagazinelscial-media-reshaping-lodays-educalior-systery 218 riz, 1415 ‘Como las rade socials estan remodelandlo l sistema educatvo actual - Center for Social Impact Communication Benmar, Freshman As the above statement emphasizes, students also react very positively when a teacher is willing to use their methods and adapt them as part of the educational process. And it makes perfect sense since a homework has a certain strictness about it, but an online chat discussing a certain book gives students the ability to open up and share their opinions. Daring Teachers Of course, the examples of teachers already implementing social media in classes are far numerous that we can know of, however, there are a few that did such a great job that their students almost made them viral. For example, a biology teacher from Bergen County proposed a challenge to his students. They had to debate over the subject of meiosis on Twitter by using a specific hashtag. This is a great opportunity for students to have fun and learn at the same time. As you need to know your meiosis in order to compress it into 140 characters. “We live in a digital ecosystem, and itis vital that educational institutions adapt” Carla Dawson - Digital Marketing Professor at the Catholic University of Cordoba Professor Dawson really has a valid point there as history showed us all that, no matter how strong the resistance, technological progress and new trends will eventually become a standard. Of course, this applies to developed countries that already have a well-structured traditional educational system. It's a totally different situation when it comes to developing countries that are still struggling to find their way. A Stronger Community Through Social Media The benefits of social media in the education process doesn't have to stop at the teacher-student relationship. There are a lot of other benefits that can be extracted from the use of social networking at higher levels as well. For example, principals or administrators can find a new way to integrate social media. Like sharing school news via social networks, holding online meeting with the parents or even starting fundraising for different projects. And social media can quickly become the only channel of communication since we're living fast-paced lives, parents are usually busy with work and cannot attend school meetings. But this doesn’t mean they shouldn't be in touch with events or be able to check on their kids every once in awhile, Just like in every other field, hitpsesc.georgelown edulmagazinelsocial-media-reshaping-lodays-educalior-systery a8 int, 145: ‘Gémo las rede sociales estan remodelandlo l sistema educatvo actual - Center for Social Impact Communication communication is vital and if it can be done easily with the help of social media, why not go for it? It may not be criteria just yet, but soon enough questions like ‘Does this school have a Facebook page?’ could become just as important as the things that parents are asking right now. Like, how well equipped the library is or what are the optional classes their child can be part of. Conclusions The bottom line is that social media is a big part of our day to day life and there’s no point of keeping it away from the education process. School, college and university staff should be encouraged to make use of technology for student and parent communication. This could easily turn into an argumentative essay topic for college. But the benefits are obvious, starting with healthier parent-teacher relationships and all the way to permanently changing the way our children will learn. Lori Wade is a content writer who is interested in a wide range of spheres from education and online marketing to entrepreneurship. She is also an aspiring tutor striving to bring education to another level like we all do. If you are interested in writing, you can find her on Twitter or Google+ or find her on other social media. Read and take over Lori's useful insights! OUR WORK Research Resources + Events Students Magazine hitpsiesic georgetown edulmagazinesocial-media-reshaping iodays-educalior-systory 46 ainn22, 1115 ‘Gémo las rede sociales estan remodelandlo l sistema educatvo actual - Center for Social Impact Communication ABUU! 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