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Name: Jeanelle Datinguinoo

Section: BSN 1101

Year: First Year

Date Forwarded:

Disorder summary:

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease (n.d.) stated that the small intestine
damage is caused by the chronic immune and digestive disorder known as celiac disease. Eating gluten-
containing foods causes the disease to manifest. Your body may not be able to get all the nutrients it
needs from the disease and may experience persistent digestive issues.

Signs and symptoms:

According to Mayo Clinic (n.d.), children and adults may exhibit different celiac disease symptoms, which
can range widely. Adult digestive signs and symptoms include: constipation, nausea, vomiting, fatigue,
bloating and gas, abdominal discomfort, and diarrhea. The following digestive issues are more common
in children with celiac disease than in adults: Nausea, vomiting, chronic diarrhea, swollen bellies,
constipation, gas, and odorous stools.


Mayo Clinic (n.d.) also stated that the exact etiology of celiac disease is unknown, however it may be
influenced by your genes, eating gluten-containing foods, and other factors. Practices used when
feeding babies, gastrointestinal illnesses, and gut flora may also be involved. Celiac disease can
occasionally become active following surgery, pregnancy, childbirth, viral infection, or significant mental
stress. The fine, hair-like projections (villi) that line the small intestine are harmed when the immune
system of the body overreacts to gluten in diet. The vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients in the food
you ingest are absorbed by villus. Even if you consume a lot, you won't be able to obtain enough
nutrients if your villi are damaged.

Clinical Management:

Jennifer Robinson, MD (2020) stated that celiac disease is not managed by medicine. You'll need to fully
eliminate gluten if you want to prevent the health issues it can lead to. A strict gluten-free diet is the
only approach to control celiac disease symptoms. Consuming gluten-free foods promotes healing of
your small intestine and prevents further issues and inflammation. You must stay away from anything
prepared with wheat or wheat flour. Because they all contain gluten, the following grains are likewise
off-limits to you: Rye, Barley, Durum, Farina, Graham flour, Malt, and Semolina.

According to Cleveland Clinic Medical Professional (2020), with celiac disease, there are different
prognoses. The prognosis is very good following appropriate care and frequent medical follow-up.
People who do not receive therapy or do not respond to it may experience some disease complications
or possibly pass away earlier than is typically thought to be normal. The majority of those with celiac
disease who do not eat gluten do well; however, it is seldom fatal.


Cleveland Clinic Medical Professional (2020, October 1). Celiac Disease. Retrieved on November 28,

Jennifer Robinson, MD (2020, November 19). Celiac Disease Treatments. Retrieved on November 28,

Mayo Clinic (n.d.). Celiac Disease. Retrieved on November 28, 2022.

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease (n.d.). Celiac Disease. Retrieved on
November 28, 2022.


According to Sherry Christiansen (2022), bile is a fluid that supports digestion, is primarily stored in the
gallbladder. Additionally, bile is concentrated in this muscular organ, which also excretes it into the
digestive tract. The cystic duct is a tube through which bile is forced when the gallbladder contracts to
release bile. Near the liver on the right side of the body, the gallbladder is situated. The gallbladder is
where bile, also called "gall," is stored after being created in the liver. The name "gallbladder" originates
from this. Additionally, the gallbladder performs a number of crucial tasks, including the following: first,
it stores and concentrates bile; second, it reacts to intestinal hormones like cholecystokinin to empty
and restock its bile stores; third, it helps to regulate the composition of bile (the amount of water, bile
salts, and other components); fourth, it controls the flow of bile into the small intestine; and finally, it
contracts (the first section of the small intestine)

Sherry Christiansen (2022, October 27). Gallbladder function and anatomy. Retrieved November 30,

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