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(Ainda não sei o que está escrito)

2. Do you know someone who is an example of

Yes, my father is an example of punctuality because he
always arrives at the right time and doesn't like anyone
who doesn't arrive at the right time!

3. When was the last time you were late for an

Last time I was late it was dinner at home yesterday!

4. The meeting usually starts and ends on time, why?

Meetings start and finish right time because it's formal

5. What do you do to arrive on time for your

I always try to arrive some time before the appointment

What's up? Where are you these days?
Angel and I are in Dallas, working for a men's clothing
What's new in your life? I can't wait to hear from you!

I'm in New York working for a design company, and I got a

big promotion inside the company, and I also can't wait to
see you, I think I'll be visiting you in a week! Now I have
to go, then we'll talk more!

What I did this morning

Today I went to the park in my city, and there were a lot

of people there, and since I don't like places with a lot of
people, I already left! I came home, and I spent the rest of
the morning playing!

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