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J 101 - Print

Introduction to Journalism - Television

- Radio
NEWS ARTICLE: Defying Vatican, Flemish bishops allow - Online
blessing of same-sex unions
- Flemish roman catholic bishops issued a document The Birth of Journalism
allowing the blessing of same-sex unions, in direct - Hieroglyphics to Hypertext: Journalism’s history is
defiance of a ruling against such practice by the often influenced by technological progress
Vatican’s doctrinal office last 2021 - A form of literature that is constantly evolving
- The document stated that Church want to be pastorally - A quest for free speech and endless power struggle
close to homosexual persons and be a welcoming
church that excluded no one Journalism in the Philippines
- They also announced the appointment of Willy 1637: Tomas Pinpin - The father of Filipino printing
Bombeek, a gay catholic, as an additional staff member
to their department for pastoral care of families to Elements of Journalism
oversee care of gay catholics (Kovach & Rosenstiel, 2014)
- For me this is interesting because many people in the - The purpose of journalism is to provide people with
Church are already speaking up for them and I think it information they need to be free and self-governing
is a good opportunity for everyone to witness and - Journalism's first obligation is to the truth
understand that love is beyond sexual behavior and that - Its first loyalty is to citizen
love is something that the Church should always bless - Its essence is a discipline of verification

What is Journalism? Core Principles of Journalism

- The activity of gathering, assessing, creating, and - Truth
presenting news and information (American Press - Independence
Institute) - Fairness
- The collection and editing of news for presentation - Justice
- Accountability
Media types - Humanity
- Objectivity - Accurate
- Bias - Properly attributed
- Fair
News Writing - Complete
- Information or reports about recent events - Clear
- Information that is published in newspapers and - Concise
broadcast on radio and television about recent events in - Recent
the country or world in a particular area of activity
Types of news
News Function - Straight news
- Empowerment - News features
- Socialization - Breaking news
- Motivation - Advancer or curtain raiser
- Debate and discussion - Developing
- Education - Follow-up
- Cultural promotion - Soft
- National integration
NEWS ARTICLE: Journalist killings
News elements and values
- Currency - Challenge:
- Proximity - Political
- Magnitude and impact - Journalists have always been a target of trolls
- Prominence - Political harassment in the cordillera region is
- Oddity or the unusual not that intense but trolling is
- Relevance - Baguio - an issue on removing news stands on
- Conflict the streets/sidewalk
- Pandemic - dying print industry
News qualities - Economic - there’s no money in journalism

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