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Contact Information

The Office Of the President

Kamden Oomen

Release Date:
2 December 2022

Presidential Press Conference On Alien Contact

WASHINGTON, D.C 9:00 AM (EST)- President Joseph Biden will hold a press conference in
Kokomo at 2 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 2. To discuss the Landing and human contact of an alien

The president will be joined by Paul Miki Nakasone, Director of the National Security Agency,
and Indiana Governor Eric J. Holcomb.

The President and the other speakers will be answering questions and presenting information
released by the state of Indiana on Friday, Dec. 2 at 9 a.m in regards to an alien life forms
landing on Earth and the contact it made with a local farmer in Kokomo, Ind.

At this time the alien life form as well as its race does not appear to be an immediate threat

There are no details of photos available at this time.

The president has made a statement which can be found below.

President Biden: "This is a historic occasion not just for our nation, but for our entire planet.
Our alien guest is polite, curious, and appears to be technologically advanced. We are
cautiously optimistic that it has arrived in a peaceful fashion but our experts are still working
with it to understand why it is here and how it arrived in Indiana. We are putting our alien
contact protocols in place and I am also talking to other key leaders from around the globe as
we learn more."

All Members of the media allowed in the press conference must be approved ahead of time
and must immediately request credentials via the website The
deadline for applications is noon on Friday, Dec. 2.

Please direct any further questions to Kamden Oomen at the office of the president.

Phone:269-535-1058 Email:


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