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goals with the possibility of success.

Introduction to Philosophy the degree which a rational ethical
standard is taken, we are able to correctly
Philosophy is the oldest among the organize our goals and actions to
sciences accomplish our most important values.
Philosophy begins when an individual Any flaw in our ethics will reduce our
thinks ability to be successful in our endeavors.

Etymologically the name came from two Logic

Greek words [philien + sophia] which -is “the study of correct reasoning,
means, “love of wisdom”. especially regarding making inferences.”
Logic is used in other disciplines like math
It is involved in all the activities of the and computer science.
society in history, be it ancient, medieval,
modern, or contemporary. Philosophy of Man
-is the branch of philosophy dealing with
Major Branches man as the meeting place of matter and
spirit. Man is an embodied subject.
Branches of Philosophy
-This study is unique in the sense that man
Ethics is the subject as well as the object of
-is the branch of study dealing with what is knowledge. Body and soul are equally real,
the proper course of action for man. It true, radical, substantial, and original.
answers the question, "What do I do?" It is They are neither uniform nor deducible
the study of right and wrong in human from each other. There is no existential
endeavors. At a more fundamental level, it cleavage between them. Yet they can be
is the method by which we categorize our distinguished from each other. Soul is the
values and pursue them. Do we pursue our form of the body. We can never encounter
own happiness, or do we sacrifice mere body and never encounter pure soul.
ourselves to a greater cause? Is that
foundation of ethics based on the Bible, or Cosmology
on the very nature of man himself, or -is a branch of philosophy dealing with the
neither? origin and general structure of the
universe, with its parts, elements, and
Ethics is a requirement for human life. It is laws, and especially with such of its
our means of deciding a course of action. characteristics as space, time, causality,
Without it, our actions would be random and freedom. the part or branch of
and aimless. There would be no way to astronomy that deals with the general
work towards a goal because there would structure and evolution of the universe.
be no way to pick between a limitless
number of goals. Even with an ethical
standard, we may be unable to pursue our
Cosmology is the study of the universe, via mental. It is concerned with how our
theory and observation, of its beginning, minds are related to reality, and whether
evolution, large-scale structure, and far these relationships are valid or invalid.
future. A philosophy of cosmology seeks
to discern ways of knowing the universe, Epistemology is the explanation of how we
given that we have only the one data point think. It is required in order to be able to
(one universe) and we cannot conduct determine the true from the false, by
classic experiments on it. determining a proper method of
evaluation. It is needed in order to use and
Metaphysics obtain knowledge of the world around us.
-is the branch of philosophy responsible Without epistemology, we could not think.
for the study of existence. It is the More specifically, we would have no
foundation of a worldview. It answers the reason to believe our thinking was
question "What is?" It encompasses productive or correct, as opposed to
everything that exists, as well as the nature random images flashing before our mind.
of existence itself. It says whether the With an incorrect epistemology, we would
world is real, or merely an illusion. It is a not be able to distinguish truth from error.
fundamental view of the world around us. The consequences are obvious. The degree
to which our epistemology is correct is the
Metaphysics degree to which we could understand
is the foundation of philosophy. Without reality, and the degree to which we could
an explanation or an interpretation of the use that knowledge to promote our lives
world around us, we would be helpless to and goals. Flaws in epistemology will
deal with reality. We could not feed make it harder to accomplish anything.
ourselves, or act to preserve our lives. The
degree to which our metaphysical Aesthetics
worldview is correct is the degree to which -is the study of art. It includes what art
we are able to comprehend the world, and consists of, as well as the purpose behind
act accordingly. Without this firm it. Does art consist of music, literature, and
foundation, all knowledge becomes painting? Or does it include a good
suspect. Any flaw in our view of reality engineering solution, or a beautiful sunset?
will make it more difficult to live. These are the questions that aimed at in
esthetics. It also studies methods of
Epistemology evaluating art, and allows judgments of the
-is the study of our method of acquiring art. Is art in the eye of the beholder? Does
knowledge. It answers the question, "How anything that appeals to you fit under the
do we know?" It encompasses the nature umbrella of art? Or does it have a specific
of concepts, the constructing of concepts, nature? Does it accomplish a goal?
the validity of the senses, logical
reasoning, as well as thoughts, ideas, Art has existed through all of recorded
memories, emotions, and all things human history. It is unique to humans
because of our unique form of thinking.
Its importance is based on this nature, their subject areas but based on what is a
specifically, man's ability to abstract. Art is morally acceptable norm or the standard
a little understood tool of man to bring set by the Ethics of some source as either
meaning to abstract concept. Aesthetics is the law, religion or culture.
important because it delves into the reason
why art has always existed, the burning What is Ethics?
need of mankind through the ages to see
the world in a different, clear way. It The branch of Philosophy deals with what
further evaluates art by the standard of is the proper action for man. It answers the
human life, and whether it accomplishes question, "What do I do?" It is the study of
the job of satisfying man's intellectual right and wrong in human endeavors. At a
needs, or whether it tends to hurt or make more fundamental level, it is the method
worse those needs. by which we categorize and pursue our
-is the study of God based on reason and Ethics is a requirement for human life. It is
not revelation; means vindication of God. our means of deciding a course of action.
It is to answer the question of why a good Without it, our actions would be random
God permits the manifestation of evil, and aimless. There would be no way to
thus resolving the issue of the problem of work towards a goal because there would
evil. be no way to pick between a limitless
number of goals. Even with an ethical
Ontology standard, we may be unable to pursue our
-is the study of beings and truths, studying goals with the possibility of success. To
the structure of the nature of reality or the the degree to which a rational ethical
nature of existence. Ontology identifies standard is taken, we can correctly
and distinguishes concepts and their organize our goals and actions to
relationships; it describes content and accomplish our most important values.
relationships. Any flaw in our ethics will reduce our
ability to be successful in our endeavors.
Relation to other sciences
Ethics is a science of morality and
descriptive science. The science that gives Morality is not fixed. Morality describes
us the idea of what is good or bad. the particular values of a specific group at
a specific point in time.
Studies of Political Science, Economics,
Anthropology, Sociology, Education and 1) Moral refers
other social sciences are disciplines that to what societies sanction as right and
normatively insist on a course of action acceptable. While some moral principles
or discipline for people on matters about seem to transcend time and culture, such
as fairness. What is moral is what makes
society better. When we help make society b) Consequent ignorance is willed
better, we are rewarded with also making implicitly, and hence does not entirely
better our own lives and the lives of our exclude knowledge
families and friends. Without moral c) Concomitant ignorance does not
conduct, society would be a miserable entirely exclude knowledge but comes
place. together with the action.

2) Immoral describes 2) Concupiscence - also called passion is

people who can differentiate between right an immediate reaction or normal response
and wrong but intentionally do wrong of an individual. Concupiscence is a bodily
anyway. Nonmoral is used when morality inclination and is an act of man.
is clearly not an issue. Concupiscence becomes a liability when
the agent prolongs it.
3) Amoral implies acknowledgment of
what is right and what is wrong but 3) Habit - a constantly repeated action that
unconcern for morality when carrying out can be good or bad. Virtues are good
an act. habits that are recommended for everyone.
Vices are bad habits that are never
Constituents recommended but avoided. Liability of the
habit is on vices; full or less liability
1) Knowledge - for a human to exist, there
depends on the action of the agent whether
must be the agent's knowledge of the
it is put to a full stop or allowed to
action. No human act can happen without
4) Violence - a force from agent 1 that
2) Freedom - human act proceeds from
compels an individual or agent 2 to do
the agent's use of freedom. An action done
action he or she does not like doing. This
by force can never be a human act.
is an author and actor scenario, where the
3) Voluntariness - human acts are
actor is the victim while the author sets the
intended and deliberate. It is an act from
the will.
5) Fear - the shrinking of the mind. A fear
Modifiers that is created thru imagination or is an
1) Ignorance - the lack of knowledge or abstraction. This fear is different from the
information; the absence of knowledge usual fear of a person that is part of
concupiscence or passion since this is a
Ignorance in its result: fear of nothing but the latter is a fear of
a) Antecedent ignorance excludes all something.
exercise of the will; because no knowledge
is had of the object
Law Religion cannot function as a standard or
shared source of moral authority and
value, either theoretically or practically,
Law in the primary sense of the term is a
because of the consequences and the
rule or ordinance of human action
profound confrontation between traditional
prescribed by the authority.
religious frameworks against the dynamic
A primary authority or source that includes living conditions the modern times.
the actual rules of law created by a
governmental body like; constitutions,
statutes, and codes (from the legislature),
case opinions (from the courts), and
regulations (from administrative agencies).
These materials may be generated by the
official of a locality, state, or federal


The most generally accepted concept is

that culture is a key determinant of an
individual's ethical ideology ( identity),
which affects an individual's inclination to
behave ethically. In other words, culture
acts as a guideline in determining whether
certain practices are appropriate and
To apply one's own culture or ethnicity is a
frame of reference to judge other cultures,
practices, behaviors, beliefs, and people,
instead of using the standards.

Religious authority is an ultimate source of
authority containing accurate and
authoritative knowledge about God or a
deity who can give guidance on how their
believers should behave, for example, the
Ten Commandments in the Bible which
prohibits Christians from certain acts
-“Thou shalt not kill”.

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