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Allow your eyes to close.

Now focus on your breathing, which should be deep and regular, from Take five deep, relaxing
breaths, breathing in through your nose and out

way down to way up.

through your mouth... relax (take a long pause for the five breaths].

Now with each exhaling, breathe out the aches and pains and tension stored in your body. With
each inhaling breath, breathe in the peaceful energy that surrounds you.

Relax even more deeply.

Now visualize or imagine or feel all of your muscles completely relaxing. Relax the muscles of
your forehead and your face...

And your jaw. Relax the muscles of your neck and shoulders. A lot of tension is stored

in these areas. Relax your arms...

Relax your legs. Relax your back muscles...

And allow the muscles of your stomach to relax completely, so that your

breathing stays nice and deep and even. With each gentle breath you take, allow yourself to
become more and more deeply relaxed.

Visualize, imagine, or feel a bright light at the top of your head, inside your head. Allow your
mind to choose the color of this light (pause). Everything that this beautiful light touches, as it
later spreads down your body, every tissue and organ and muscle, every fiber and cell of your
body will relax completely, getting rid of all aches and pains, of all illness. And the light will
deepen and deepen the level of your relaxation.

You are already feeling deeply peaceful and tranquil.

Now see or feel or imagine the light spreading down from the top of your head... down past your
forehead... behind your eyes... relaxing you even more.

You can see or feel or imagine the light spreading into your jaw.. down your scalp ... deepening
your state.

Two, nearly
Now the light is flowing into your neck, completely relaxing the muscles of the neck and throat,
smoothing out the lining of your throat. And you relax even more [pause].

Visualize, imagine, or feel the light, which relaxes and heals every mus cle, nerve, and cell of
your body, spreading into your shoulders. And down both arms, all the way to your hands and
your fingers (pause)

See or feel or imagine the light flowing into your upper back... and chest... and into your heart,
which pumps the light through every blood vessel of your body....

Into your lungs, glowing beautifully...

The muscles of your upper back are completely relaxed.

And now the light is spreading into your spinal cord, from your brain to

the tip of your spine, flowing along your entire nervous system to reach every muscle and cell of
your body. And you are deeply calm and relaxed.

You are feeling a deep tranquility, a marvelous sense of peace [pause)

See, imagine, or feel the light spreading into your abdomen... and

your lower back, completely relaxing those muscles and nerves... And now see it flowing into
your hips Into your legs, and all the way to your feet and your toes, so that your

entire body is filled... bathed... with the wonderful, bright light. And you feel very, very peaceful.

Now visualize, imagine, or feel the light completely surrounding your body, as if you were in a
cocoon or halo of light. This protects you and

relaxes your skin and outer muscles... And you feel even more peaceful, calm, and relaxed.

In a moment I am going to count backwards, from five to one. With each number, you will feel
more and more peaceful and calm, and the level of your relaxed state will deepen and deepen,
until by the time I reach one, you will be in a very deep your mind freed up beyond the

limits of space and time. You are able to remember everything.


Four, feeling more and more peaceful and relaxed... Three, deeper and deeper and deeper…

Two, nearly there...


You are in a deeply relaxed state, but if you feel any discomfort, now or

later, you are in complete control.

You can now end the relaxation part of the exercise and not proceed with the regression merely
by opening your eyes, and you will im- mediately return to your normal state, with full control of
all your psychological and physical functions, feeling wonderful, relaxed, and refreshed.

If you choose to go further, visualize, imagine, or feel yourself slowly walking down a beautiful
staircase [pause]. At the bottom, there is a doorway with a bright light on the other side. You are
feeling completely relaxed and very much at peace. You walk toward the door, knowing that
your mind is no longer limited

by space or by time, and that you can remember everything that has

ever happened to you.

When you pass through the door into the light, you will be in another


Allow your subconscious mind to choose the time, whether from this life

or from any other.

You may be going back to a time from which a symptom of yours, a feeling, or a troubling
relationship first arose, the root cause [long pause].

Emerging into the light, first look down at your feet. See what kind of footwear you are wearing,
whether shoes or sandals or cloth or none

at all...

Then begin to look up your body...

Look at your clothes...

Look at your hands

See what you look like...

Is it daytime or nighttime.

Are you inside or outside...

See if you know or can find out the date [pause]. Look around, observing the geography, the
architecture, the plants and trees, and whether other people are around. If there are other

you can talk to them and they might answer your questions. Find out the answers to your
questions, to your symptoms [long pause]. Spend more time exploring that period.

You can go backward or forward in time if you need to...

If you feel any anxiety, just float above your body, observing rather than actively feeling and
participating. Or simply open your eyes and end the procedure, if you choose.

Explore any significant events and understand, from your greater per- spective, why they
happened and what they really mean. You can understand now [long pause].

See if any people from that lifetime are with you in your current life [long pause].

If you wish, go to the end of that lifetime and experience your death

[long pause].

Float above your body and review your life. What lessons did you have

to learn? [long pause]

Now it is time to come back.

In a moment, I am going to count from one to five. At the count of five, open your eyes and you
will be wide awake, alert and refreshed, feeling wonderful. You will be in full control of all your
physical and psychological functions. You will remember everything. Every time you do this
exercise, you will find that you will be more deeply and deeply relaxed.

One: Every muscle and nerve of your body fully relaxed. Two: Gradually awakening, feeling

Three: More and more awake and alert. Four: Nearly awake, feeling great.

Five: Open your eyes, wide awake and alert, feeling wonderful.

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