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Task 9

Colombia is a beautiful country with a lot of biodiversity and unforgettable

places to visit, one of them is the Peñon de Guatape stone, in
(Guatape)antioquia. This tourist destination consists of a giant stone coming
from space, there are only two on the planet, the other is in Brazil. This stone
attracts a lot of attention since you can climb it and the views from there are
unforgettable. You can also visit the beautiful town located a few minutes from
the famous Stone.

Task 10

- Hi Alex.Would you ask Santiago to have dinner with us after training?

-Ok. Jose .And Could you tell Juan that we have a soccer match tomorrow at

- Yes.Alex Could you tell Santiago if he can lend me the uniform because he
can’t play and I lent to him Last time.

Task 11
Dear teacher
Our group has decided to spend a month studying English in U.S.A. We are
going in April because it is the cheapest time to go .We plan go to the parks
Disney,Universal.sea world and talk to people ride the attractions,buy
memories,talk to people, I hope to get to know the culture and improve the
language. We plan to still in a cheap hotel because we are still going to be
outside all day, let’s keep in touch.

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