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Write a summary of the following conversation between two friends, using at

least 8 different reporting verbs. (2pts)
David Smith: Can you tell me the Math homework for next Monday?
Susan Parker: We have to study Lesson 3 and do the exercises on page 20.
David Smith: Have you finished the Geography project?
Susan Parker: I haven’t done it but I am going to start it this afternoon.
David Smith: Would you like to go to the cinema with me next Saturday afternoon?
Susan Parker: I’m sorry but I can’t. I have a birthday party at my cousin’s house.
David Smith: Where did you go last Easter day?
Susan Parker: I spent three days with my grandparents in the mountains. They have a
beautiful house there.
David Smith: Did you enjoy it?
Susan Parker: I enjoyed it very much
David Smith: Why don’t you send me a photograph?
Susan Parker: All right, I will send it to you tomorrow.

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