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A FASCINATING... MONEY-MAKING arf career can be yours America’s 12 Most Famous Artists Show You How! ‘Norman Rockwell Al Porker Jon Whitcomb Ben Stoht ‘Stevan Dohanos Robert Fawcett ter Helck Austin Briggs Herold Yon Sch: John Atherton Fred Ludekens Albert Dorne plies. Learnat homecr & APPROVED schoo! in MI big demand, high pret BE A PHOTO-ENGRAVER war od SOURL igh wage field ‘can start your own profitable, fall tine or part time PHOTO-ENGRAVING business right ia Eee dee Now, for the first time, you can study art under the personal supervision of America’s 12 most fomous artists. And you learn at home, in your spare time! Write today for our handsome illustrated booklet that tells you all about it. It’s FREE—Write today! r—* FAMOUS ARTISTS COURSE> mg 6M, Westport, nd book about your home study art course. Dept. Conn. Please Be infependent, be your own boss oF gave the vay lo a high pay job with experience TASOPE. TRAINING and TASOPE: EQUIP- MENT has enjoyed world wide recognition since 1931. Write for descriptive literature today. No obligation. Ce friendly You i LEARN MEAT CUTTIN aEP av y dependable trade of Meat Cutting taught easily in £ short weeks. YOU LEARN BY DOING un der actual meat market conditions in big modern School at Toledo. For beginners or men with experience. Get a profitable store of your own. Remember, PEOPLE MUST EAT! Big pay jobs. Free employment help. ‘Thousands of Successful graduates. Buying, cutting, percentage, pricing, advertising, sell- ing, eté. A complete retail meat education. National nool established over 25 years. Get National teain- ing NOW. Pay your tuition in easy weekly payments JANUARY 1951 AT NATIONAL Pay After Graduation after you graduate. G. I, approved. Send coupon for FREE $2 page school catalog — TODAY. ‘of Meat Cutting, Inc., Dept. 50-N, Toledo 4, Ohi Send me your FREE school catalog on National Training Geledo tn Meat Cutting, Steae Merthandising and Bell Ber¥ fee Meats.” No obligation. "No salesman will calle sadgress “Cy Chee here iF Veteran of World War i I I | mame. ! | ony. L 39 § HOBBY. Guckiy any earned Brees eae Ste REWER oc MOUNT Sega eins arenas peice ‘air a dour oor onease fs fr nate craener e MON ese EARN TANNING ane ipa eee ee Eres BOOK tenis See meres at TANT 201 Bed a a Ba Per) fatale FOR THIS BIG NEW NEW Low PRICES DELIVERY fon maple po- fe eae Roeany. ‘rod cedar,” erry, . Baa Sit'Broperiy Seasoned “and Ke dried, k sian ae as ware, gmaments.”'mouldin CRAFTSMAN WOOD SERVICE CO. 2729 South Mary Street, Dept. A-l Chicago 8, Ilinois new Catsiog No. 17. Enclosed fend me your bi 1 Cee Re res ee: ! 1 oNAMeE. wee on 1 4 eoress ! em ZONE... ! u ———— ee ———— alana C$ 7-50 Qfetione Guarantee} rus tox (EXCLUSIVE OF PARTS) 3 DIALS—5 HANDS—2 BUTTONS Plime, meting obieets Used as oy cr mepiee. Hiss, Sweep" Second Feeords up to 48 minutes, “Third Dial tase Tends to 6 hoa.” Seconteatintar = ‘RUGGED CONSTR MARDO SALES CORP., 480 RUPTURE! An amazing Air-Cushion Snvention ‘allows body Speen plea nea idk seo ale ae ‘Naturesopport weakened mules genty Beran, Beahge ia Wee NOW fe fo Boats Peaks Matai Ai atrpassones Sie 161-HStateSt.,Marshall, Mich. for success in test growing i internatfonally, 9 HOMESITES ‘300 zenms a California's loveliest Garden Spot. on scenic shores of Beautift? Morro Bas. Hafoy' future independence with ex= cellent soll, soft water, wonderful fishing. hunting, Doatine, Bathing oie Crow irultay vorctabien” poultry: Rerfest temperate climate, “Congemial community. Finest invest= ment. Bree Iiterature, RICHARD S. OTTO ear PAN LOS onions Gambia emai nee ae 4, Feads Sante: Teen. towy wa, Seal cheariee istee sae for utero Mths Shor BISBEE jee EA ee SPEED ~o POWE! Handbook 30 CHAPTER LIBRARY EDITION Build Fast Stock Cars! California Tepe fo Endiltacee all ootheee Aatiront Direct from Californial NEWHOUSE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRIES 300 HLUSTRATIONS POPULAR MECHANICS Wai Aa ese FREE LESSON ‘shows how yo ow oy home eels, erin ed ont ous aut ‘scesatul’ graduates, Coinpee Ii ition tnaterit and profertonal eoarking wp devetp gor wh ssl FEE ook and ituon now hom you tay eny an eral part sit you ate eligibie fr Gc, Training. R Institute of Authorship 1680 NO. SYCAMO} KN. Hourwoon 28, CALIFORNIA CH CHEMISTRY LEARN AT HOME... You rod du val Mnowonds of tay Goad fe dy, ‘Cotes sdencs lesson Tha Cote ioables you 10 maser precial chemin ou eam by paren scwolexperimanh otto tng coeicae ‘ond apporahe furished wih couse. Ilusrated Teson books auide Son. “Coarse approves. 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Humane, Rustproof, Sizes for all needs” Send coupon today for price list and free booklet on t HAVAHART, 56-3 st Please send me free booklet and price list. Name_ Address, TRY HOME STUDY WATCHMAKING FREE Sample Lesson Famous Sveazey System shows how to master watch making. expertly, quickly, successfully . right in Your own home. No brevious experience needed to learn ne! of the hignes! bold trades. Try Te without ob ation G. |. APPROVED RESIDENT COURSES ... in Watchmaking, Engraving, Jewelry Repair, Dia noha and Stone Secting at our modern, fully accredited Fesident sehool. Founded 1908. Write for PREE CIRCULAR, CHICAGO SCHOOL OF WATCHMAKING YoO8 N, Milwautee Avenue Dept. TI Chicago 47, II NO CAR TROUBLE IS last ak oe 1 when you lave MoToR's new “Trouble Shooter”? Bh ETRE Pee rah a Peet STUDY AT HOME for Business Suc- cess and LARGER PERSONAL EARNINGS. 40 years expert instruc- tions — over 114,000 students enrolled, LLB. Degree awarded. All text ma- terial furnished. Easy payment plan. Send for FREE BOOK — “Law and Executive Guidance” — NOW! AMERICAN EXTENSION SCHOOL OF LAW PM-34, 646 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago 11, Ill SHORTHAND ix Famous Spestwriting sytem. No sls: no smo: 100,000 taught by ‘mall ‘ANo typing. 28th yeas, Write for FREE booklet 1: Dept. 1503-Fi 1 55 W. 42 St, N, EO ER eT TT IBEA-TABONATONY SPECIALIST? comets ee hea fry 2 edie ria AT HOME ‘Avprozed, by American College o Co-educational “Free Placement Bureau Accredited Yor Sweterah” trainin vukticaco,cousgod‘Sitktdaroey tees ‘american Senol ef Phntopranhy, 635 Diversey Parkway, Dey. 136, Chica a cu m POPULAR MECHANICS REAL PANSY COASTERS fade by embedding real pansies in Castolite, a new liguid Uadfthe plastic, You ean embed teal flowers. wutterifies, Shelist‘medals, ots, to make unusual Jewelrs, Guitons. trays and shany olher objects, ‘Use home tools: Write for new Ear older *ivauld Magic” showine things You can mae. THE CASTOLITE CO., DEPT. A-1, WOODSTOCK, ILL. FALSE TEETH KLUTCH holds them tighter KLUTCH forms a comfort cushion: holds dental plates sq much firmer and snugger thst One can eat and talk with greater comfort and security: in many cases al- inost es well as with natural teeth. Kiutch lessens the constant fear of a sori Tocking, chafing plate. 3c and S0c at druggists ,. .dt your druggist hush't don’t waste money on substitutes, but send us 100 end we will mail you & generous trial box. KLUTCH CO, Box 5193-A aM ! ear SR ‘ci orac, cheok hero (" ) Do BEERY SCHOOL OF HORSEMANSH Dept. Heasant Buy Direct From Factory” 7s 99) wha pace ip INDEPENDENT IRON WORKS 2416 Best 23rd Street, Dept. B 2 Aetet 38, cost NEW “RAINBOW” . COLORED CORN aa LOTS OF DECORATION AND FUN IN A PATCH! “Ran Fun i elo we, ey err fu fall cootating. ony 930 for IG. PACKET ‘With simple” imirictios. "Alo ‘ante pres on alton aisled or hole Was at ‘ALOG FREE Tima in ower, vegetabiey fx Thal Ponca Hybrid Gora OSCAR H. WILL & CO. Box 145, Bismarck, N. Dal JANUARY 1951 ENTER RADIO-TY thru 7s Pon As a young man with a career to build, you’ may today be interested primarily in train ing for Radio — and perhaps for TV. But —,who knows ... you may some day have both the desire ‘and opportunity to climb further and become an Electrical Engineer! Here, then, is a world-renowned educational plan that ‘permits you to use your Radio training as @ major stepping-stone to ab ‘even greater career, IN 12 MONTHS Become a RADIO TECHNICIAN ‘Train here for radio shop operator orserv- iceman, mobile re- ceivers and all types ot transmitters, and for supervision of service personnel. You may then advance immediately, or at any future date, into courses described below. ING AUELHONAL MONTHS RADIO-TELEVISION TECHNICIAN An additional ¢~months course gives you intensive TV Technicians training under the personal guidance so necessary in this expanding feld, ALSO... your Radio course is full credit toward the B.S. degree in ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING the Radio course, while complete in itself, in uments Collage potetins toate: in Electronics—minor in Electrical Power). Further —~ you are guided scientifically to yard specialization beyond basic engineer- ing training. Miltary, racial ot pro academlo taining eralaated for advanced ereit Preparatory coures avaiable Ore od cated, Terms Open Abele duly, October, dancary. MILWAUKEE SCHOOL of ENGINEERING Technical Insritete « College of Electrical Engineering = FREE — write 1 “-oecupetlonsl a Gaidasco Butte bal Yosi Carga ie {Me ituen picemsenoot ortonet neon ea Dept.PM-151, 1020 N. Broadway, Milwaukee, Wi a "Without obliestion, rush following: £3198 Catalog; oscupationsl Guidawee Bul Tetin” ‘en C) Bleczieal Service () Bletro ‘rechaician CjReciieal Engineering (Power) Radio ()Telersion (} Mecericatngineer~ it GEltetronies) Q Hesticg C Retiesration ge Ar ‘Conditiening ©) Welding.

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