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ESLSCA Egypt – Dr. Hesham Sadek 1

Employer and Employee


ESLSCA Egypt – Dr. Hesham Sadek 2


Week Topics & Assignments Chapters

1 Introduction + PDP Project ………….

HRM in a Changing Environment Chapter 1
HRM Functions and Strategy Chapter 2

2 Employment Laws Chapter 3

Employer and Employee Rights Chapter 4
Effective Job Analysis Chapter 5
Employee Recruitment Chapter 6
Selecting Employees Chapter 7
Training & Developing Employees Chapter 8
Projects 1st presentation - (10 points)
Career Development Chapter 9
Performance Management Chapter 10
Compensation Chapter 11
Employee Benefits Chapter 12
Health and Safety Chapter 13
Labor Relations & Collective Bargaining Chapter 14
Projects 2nd Presentations - (20 points)

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Are the following a violation of Employee rights

1. Private Act (Collect info on individual personnel file)

2. Fair credit reporting act (allows employer to check into employees’ credit)

3. Drug-free workplace act (to ensure that the workplace is drug free)

4. Polygraph detecting (lie detectors in screening applicants)

5. Worker adjustment & retaining notification (not notifying employees

when closing down a plant or laying off workers)

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Are the following a violation of Employee rights

6. Honesty Test (a Q & A test to assess one’s honesty)

7. Whistle-blowing (employees notify authorities of wrongdoing)

8. Employee monitoring (Company keeps informed of employees’ activities)

9. Workplace romance (Personal relationship that develops at work)

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Discipline and Employee Rights

Discipline is when employees conduct with themselves in accordance

with the organization’s rules and standards of acceptable behavior.

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Before disciplining Employees

Cool off, but don’t wait too long.

Think before you speak.
Always discipline in private, one on one.
Follow company disciplinary procedures to ensure fairness & consistency.
Be prepared to near a variety of imaginative and worn-out excuses.
Prepare to avoid nervousness.
Prepare by comparing the Actual to the desired situation.
Clarify expectations for actions and timetables.
Ask employees for feedback.

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Progressive disciplinary process

Less severe More severe

Verbal Written
Suspension Dismissal
warning warning

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When firing an employee

Review all facts (be familiar with documentation: appraisal, discipline, ..)

Set the stage (private setting, have someone else as witness, phone silent,..)

Be very clear(use language that leaves no doubt that employee is fired)

Allow a little dignity (suggest that the job may not have been the best match)

Let the employee talk (but don’t back down)

Give severance pay (two weeks plus his rights)

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When firing an employee

Ask him to sign an agreement waiving the right to sue for wrongful

Immediately pay for any earned time.

Have the person leave that day.

Inform the person of any benefits

Take appropriate protective steps (immediately change passwords)

Tell other employees that the employee has been fired

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Team Exercise

Linking Concepts to Practice

Five cases. Review and discuss next lecture in groups.

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The Five cases were:

1. Employees should not be permitted to see their personnel files.

2. The goals of consistency and having punishment fit the crime.

3. Do you believe drug testing is necessary for organizations?

4. Whistle-blowers who go outside the organization to correct abuses in

the company should be disciplined for insubordination

5. Don’t rush back from back, you’ll make us all look bad!

Each Team has 10 minutes ONLY

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Relevant References for this Chapter

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Copyright 2012 © Dr Hesham Sadek. All rights reserved. Reproduction or translation of

this work beyond that named in Section 117 of the United States Copyright Act without the
express written permission of the copyright owner is unlawful. Requests for further
information should be addressed to Dr Hesham Sadek.

ESLSCA Egypt – Dr. Hesham Sadek

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