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Journal of Healthcare Engineering

Volume 2021, Article ID 9947255, 8 pages

Research Article
Clinical Effects of Form-Based Management of Forceps
Delivery under Intelligent Medical Model

Siming Xin , Zhizhong Wang , Hua Lai , Lingzhi Liu , Ting Shen ,
Fangping Xu , Xiaoming Zeng , and Jiusheng Zheng
Department of Obstetrics, Maternal and Child Health Hospital Affiliated to Nanchang University, Nanchang 330006,
Jiangxi, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Xiaoming Zeng; and Jiusheng Zheng;

Received 12 April 2021; Revised 13 May 2021; Accepted 20 May 2021; Published 31 May 2021

Academic Editor: Han Wang

Copyright © 2021 Siming Xin et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Background. Forceps delivery is one of the most important measures to facilitate vaginal delivery. It can reduce the rate of first cesarean
delivery. Frustratingly, adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes associated with forceps delivery have been frequently reported in recent
years. There are two major reasons: one is that the abilities of doctors and midwives in forceps delivery vary from hospital to hospital and
the other one is lack of regulations in the management of forceps delivery. In order to improve the success rate of forceps delivery and
reduce the incidence of maternal and neonatal complications, we applied form-based management to forceps delivery under an
intelligent medical model. The aim of this work is to explore the clinical effects of form-based management of forceps delivery. Methods.
Patients with forceps delivery in Maternal and Child Health Hospital Affiliated to Nanchang University were divided into two groups:
form-based patients from January 1, 2019, to December 31, 2020, were selected as the study group, while traditional protocol patients
from January 1, 2017, to December 31, 2018, were chosen as the control group. Then, we compared the maternal and neonatal outcomes
of these two groups. Results. There were significant differences in the maternal and neonatal adverse outcomes such as rate of postpartum
hemorrhage, degree of perineal laceration, and incidence of neonatal facial skin abrasions between the two groups, whereas differences in
the incidence of asphyxia and intracranial hemorrhage were not significant. Conclusions. Form-based management could help us assess
the security of forceps delivery comprehensively, as it could not only improve the success rate of the one-time forceps traction scheme
but also reduce the incidence of maternal and neonatal adverse outcomes effectively.

1. Introduction medical works for reducing the morbidity of perinatal

pregnant women and newborns. Through this way, we could
During the information era, medical and health field was reduce the evaluation errors caused by differences in clinical
gradually moving towards informationization and intellec- experience and other factors, so as to reduce the incidence of
tualization. The intelligent medicine was a cross-discipline perinatal pregnant women and newborns [3]. In recent
on the integration of life science and information tech- years, intelligent medicine has been widely used in prenatal
nology, and it was a new stage of information construction in fetal heart monitoring [4, 5], vaginal trial delivery model
the healthcare field. By using information management, prediction after cesarean section [6], prediction model of
patients’ clinical data could be fully recorded and tell us vaginal birth after cesarean, and premature delivery [7]. It
more about the situation of patients, which could help us to also has been used in postpartum hemorrhage prediction
design effective treatments. [8, 9]. During the time, it has achieved fairly good results in
Under the environment of high cesarean section rate, we vaginal midwifery training [10].
have the responsibility to promote vaginal birth and reduce Vaginal forceps delivery, one of the surgical vaginal
primary cesarean birth rate [1, 2]. In order to obtain this methods, could resolve cephalic dystocia effectively, for ex-
goal, we need to put intelligent medicine into our daily ample, maternal exhaustion, maternal cardiac disease and
2 Journal of Healthcare Engineering

a need to avoid pushing in the second stage of labor, prolonged 1, 2017, to December 31, 2018, for the control group, the
second stage of labor, and nonreassuring fetal heart rate patterns discharge code was singleton live birth. The delivery data was
in the second stage of labor [11]. Under these conditions, entered into the hospital data management system imme-
forceps delivery could be accomplished more safely and quickly diately after delivery by the midwives responsible for the
than cesarean. Therefore, the skill of forceps delivery was one of ongoing care of the woman. Maternal data included age,
the most important clinical skills required for obstetricians and height, weight, gravidity, parity, gestational age, indication
midwives [12]. Of course, forceps delivery not only requires the of forceps delivery, instrument used, estimated blood loss,
above skill but also needs accurate judgment and systematic and degree of perineal laceration. Newborn data included
evaluation of the patient’s condition in advance. In recent birth weight, Apgar scores, umbilical artery blood pH value,
decades, severe laceration of the birth canal, postpartum intracranial hemorrhage, and facial skin injury.
hemorrhage, and neonatal injury caused by forceps delivery
have been constantly reported [13, 14]. Our hospital began the 3. Form-Based Forceps Delivery
construction of an intelligent hospital in 2018 and has suc- Management Program
cessively introduced information systems such as integrated
platform, HIS, LIS, and HRP. Relying on these information From January 1, 2019, to December 31, 2020, we used form-
platforms, we were able to implement form-based management based management of vaginal forceps delivery including
of forceps delivery since January 1, 2019. In order to explore the a delivery room safe delivery verification form (Table 1) and
effectiveness of form-based management of forceps delivery in a forceps delivery verification form (Table 2), which was
improving the success rate of forceps delivery and reducing the verified by senior physicians, resident physicians, and
incidence of adverse maternal and fetal outcomes, we were midwives to systematically standardize forceps operations
reviewing and analyzing the maternal and infant outcomes of with the following steps. In particular, the senior doctors and
patients with forceps delivery in our hospital during the period midwives who were allowed to participate in this study
from January 1, 2017, to December 31, 2020. should have the following qualifications: senior doctors
should have intermediate or above titles, have at least 2 years
2. Materials and Methods of work experience in the delivery room, have passed the
hospital assessment, and have been authorized the forceps
2.1. Study Population. This retrospective cohort study was midwifery technique while midwives were senior aided birth
conducted at the Maternal and Child Health Hospital Affil- attendants with no less than 5-year midwifery experience.
iated to Nanchang University. The study population consisted
of pregnant women who underwent forceps delivery from 3.1. Preoperative Verification. Prior to forceps imple-
January 1, 2017, to December 31, 2020. Cases with forceps mentation, residents reported to the senior physician about
delivery managed by form-based management from January the progress of delivery, previous history, the ultrasound
1, 2019, to December 31, 2020, were established as the study results in details, and the current dilemma. Then, the senior
group, and cases with forceps delivery managed by traditional physician checked the delivery safety checklist (Table 1) and
protocol from January 1, 2017, to December 31, 2018, were performed an abdominal examination to reestimate the fetal
established as the control group. The inclusion criteria were as size and fetal lie, then clarified the fetal station, fetal head
follows: single full-term fetus, fetal position being cephalic descent, and the clinical adequacy of the maternal pelvis by
position, indications for forceps delivery being prolonged vaginal examination. A discussion was taken among the
second stage of labor or suspicion of immediate fetal distress senior physician, residents, and midwives to determine
or maternal complications, and low forceps with Kielland or whether the forceps assisted delivery was reasonable or not,
Simpson forceps. The position of the fetal head in low forceps and then an appropriate type of forceps would be selected as
was that the lowest point of fetal cranial mass was located at or a result. The selection criteria of forceps were as following:
below +3 cm but it did not reach the pelvic floor. The ex- Simpson forceps were selected when the fetal position was
clusion criteria were huge babies and scarred uterus. The labor the anterior occipital position or nonoccipital position
process in this study adopted new labor process standards turned into anterior occipital position by hand, whereas
[15]. Eligible women were identified from the hospital data Kielland forceps were selected when the fetal position was
management system, and all study participants were informed transverse and hand rotation fails. Then, the first part of the
of the risks associated with forceps delivery and signed an forceps delivery checklist (Table 2) would be completed.
informed consent form before undergoing forceps delivery.

3.2. Preoperative Preparation. After the verification work is

2.2. Clinical Data Collection. Our hospital has introduced finished, the senior physician would tell the pregnant
a medical record information system and medical record woman and her guardian the necessity and risks of forceps
management system. Information between these two sys- delivery and then indicate them to sign an informed consent
tems was completely interoperable. All medical records in form. Meanwhile, the residents and midwives completed the
this study were retrieved through the medical record preparation of the midwifery kit, forceps, and neonatal
management system. The retrieval strategy was: low forceps asphyxia resuscitation equipment and completed the second
delivery as the procedure code, procedure time of January 1, part of the forceps assisted delivery verification form
2019, to December 31, 2020, for the study group and January (Table 2).
Journal of Healthcare Engineering 3

Table 1: The delivery room safe delivery verification form.

4 Journal of Healthcare Engineering

Table 2: The forceps delivery verification form.

Journal of Healthcare Engineering 5

3.3. Intraoperative Verification. To ensure bladder empty hemorrhage should be identified quickly, then therapeutic
and adequate analgesia, if necessary, a lateral perineal drugs, surgical hemostasis, and even blood products in-
incision would be recommended. The senior physician fusion had to be carried out.
should reconfirm the fetal position that was occipi-
toanterior by vaginal examination. If it was posterior or
4. Traditional Management Scheme of
transverse occipital, Sb should transfer them into ante-
rior by manually rotating the fetal head between con- Forceps Delivery
tractions. Once the rotation failed, Kielland forceps were Before implementation of forceps, the delivery process and
used to rotate the fetal head into an occipitoanterior related auxiliary examination should be checked by the
position. senior physician. After learning fetal head station, fetal
position, auricle direction by vaginal examination, the senior
3.3.1. Operations of Kielland Forceps. Placing forceps on physician decided whether it is necessary to carry out forceps
both sides of the fetal head by the one-handed forceps delivery or not. Once forceps delivery was decided, the
method, then the operator clamped forceps after confirming senior physician implemented or instructed residents to
no soft tissues of the birth canal were clamped. After perform forceps delivery. The operations of forceps were the
reconfirming the correct position of the forceps, the operator same as the study group.
took a standing position, with the index and middle fingers
placed on the two shoulders of the forceps, and then pulled 5. Observed Indicators
the forceps along the pelvic axis. In the first place, the di-
rection of downward and outward traction was at an angle of We evaluated the clinical effects of form-based forceps
30 degrees below the horizontal plane. As the fetal head was management by the following indicators: success rate of
gradually delivered, the handle of the forceps was slowly primary forceps traction, rate of perineal laceration, post-
lifted. When the fetal head was exposed, the direction of partum hemorrhage, neonatal asphyxia, intracranial hem-
traction was changed to horizontal, and the forceps were orrhage, and facial skin injury.
removed when the fetal head was pulled to the crown. The
midwife continued to assist in the delivery of the fetal head 6. Statistical Analysis
and carcass.
The sociodemographic characteristics and delivery-related
data of the subjects were collected from the electronic case
3.3.2. Operations of Simpson Forceps. Doctor’s posture and
system. We analyzed the skewness and kurtosis of the
the traction direction of Simpson forceps were the same as
patients’ clinical data. Normally distributed data such as
Kielland forceps, while the difference was that in an oper-
age, gestational age, and body mass index (BMI) were
ation of Simpson forceps when the vaginal opening exposed
expressed as mean ± standard deviation, nonnormally
the forehead of the fetus, the handle of the forceps was
distributed data such as gravidity and parity times were
gradually lifted up to help the fetal head stretch up. When
expressed as median and interquartile spacing, and qual-
the mandible of the fetus could be touched, the forceps
itative information was expressed as composition ratio. We
would be removed, and the midwife continued to deliver the
used an independent sample t-test to analyze the potential
fetal head and carcass.
statistical differences of age, gestational age, and BMI; used
Mann–Whitney U test to analyze the statistical differences
3.4. Postoperative Verification. Once the baby was born, of gravidity, parity times, perineal laceration, and neonatal
a neonatologist would conduct a careful physical exami- asphyxia; and used the chi-square test to compare the
nation. The examination included heart rate, respiration, composition ratio between the two groups. The P value was
muscle tension, body reflexes, skin color, facial indentation two-sided and the result was considered significantly dif-
or abrasion, scalp hematoma, clavicle fracture, and organ ferent at P < 0.05. All the above-mentioned analyses were
dysplasia and then performed Apgar scores. At the same carried out with SPSS software.
time, the umbilical artery was taken for blood gas analysis to
comprehensively evaluate the condition of the newborn. 7. Results
Assessment criteria for neonatal asphyxia: (1) mild asphyxia:
Apgar score 1 min ≤ 7, or 5 min ≤ 7, with umbilical artery 7.1. Clinical Characteristics. During the period from January
blood pH < 7.2, and (2) severe asphyxia: Apgar score 1, 2017, to December 31, 2018, the number of forceps de-
1 min ≤ 3 or 5 min ≤ 5, with umbilical artery blood pH < 7.0 liveries in our hospital was 626, while the number of cu-
[16]. The birth canal was examined by obstetricians and mulative deliveries and vaginal deliveries was 44,601 and
midwives; if there was a laceration of the birth canal, it 24,593, respectively. From January 1, 2019, to December 31,
needed to be sutured. In addition, as forceps midwifery was 2020, there were 634 forceps deliveries, 42,409 total de-
one of the high-risk factors of postpartum hemorrhage, we liveries and 23,398 vaginal deliveries. The details are shown
gave parturient prophylactic drug treatment to promote in Table 3. Summary statistics of clinical data of the two
uterine contraction immediately after shoulder delivery. If study groups are shown in Table 4, indicating little statistical
postpartum hemorrhage occurred, the cause of the difference between the two groups.
6 Journal of Healthcare Engineering

Table 3: The status of vaginal deliveries and forceps deliveries during the last 4 years.
01/01/2017–31/12/2018 01/01/2019–31/12/2020 P value Method
Total deliveries (case) 44601 42409
Vaginal deliveries (case/rate) 24593 (55.14%) 23398 (55.17%) 0.924 Pearson
Forceps deliveries (case/rate) 626 (2.55%) 634 (2.71%) 0.261 Pearson

Table 4: Descriptive statistics of basic information of study population.

Features Study group (n � 634) Control group (n � 626) P value Method
Age (years) 29.33 ± 5.22 28.40 ± 5.72 0.697 Independent sample t
Gestational age (days) 273.29 ± 16.01 270.00 ± 15.03 0.149 Independent sample t
Gravidity (times) 2.00 (1.00–3.00) 3.00 (1.50–5.00) 0.28 Mann–Whitney
Parity (times) 0.50 (0.00–1.00) 0.50 (0.00–1.50) 0.71 Mann–Whitney
BMI (kg/m2) 25.79 ± 3.36 25.74 ± 2.03 0.973 Independent sample t
Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation or median (interquartile spacing). BMI: body mass index.

7.2. Maternal Outcomes. The success rate of forceps delivery the World Health Organization [17, 18]. However, the ce-
was 100% in both groups. All of the pregnant women in the sarean section was not as safe as that we thought. In 2007,
study group had successful one-time traction, while three a study from Canada showed that the risk of serious ma-
patients in the control group had failed in their first traction. ternal illness was three times higher in patients who had
The main reason for failure was inaccurate forceps place- a cesarean section than in those who had a vaginal delivery
ment due to fetal position error, and we had second-time [19]. In the last 2 years, a number of studies had shown that
successful traction after repositioning forceps. Comparing unnecessary cesarean sections increased maternal and
the success rate of disposable forceps traction between the neonatal risks, even if it might increase maternal mortality
two groups, it was found that the success rate of the study [15, 20]. In short, we believed that vaginal delivery was the
group was slightly higher than that of the control group, safer and more cost-effective way of delivery.
although the differences were not obvious. The rates of During the second stage of labor, when vaginal delivery
postpartum hemorrhage, second-degree perineal laceration, became difficult, forceps delivery was an important measure
and third-degree perineal laceration in the study group were to solve cephalic dystocia. Studies had shown that low
16.09%, 11.99%, and 0.32%, while those in the control group forceps or export forceps performed by experienced and
were 24.92%, 18.85%, and 0.48%. It was found that the rate of trained doctors in the second stage of labor might safely
postpartum hemorrhage and the degree of perineal lacer- reduce risks of cesarean delivery and that vaginal surgical
ation in the study group were significantly lower than those delivery should be considered a safe and acceptable alter-
in the control group (Table 5). native to cesarean delivery [12, 15, 21, 22]. However, forceps
delivery is highly required for obstetricians and midwifery; if
performed improperly, it might cause serious birth canal
7.3. Neonatal Outcomes. There were 634 newborns in the injuries, postpartum hemorrhage, neonatal birth injuries,
study group, of which 7 had mild asphyxia and no severe and other complications. All of the complications would do
asphyxia. There were 626 newborns in the control group, great harm to the mother and the infant. Therefore, we
including 13 cases of mild asphyxia and 1 case of severe needed to try to avoid complications.
asphyxia due to intracranial hemorrhage. There was no In 2016, our hospital improved the traction method of
significant difference in neonatal asphyxia between the two Kielland forceps which was consistent with the previously
groups. In the control group, one newborn had intracranial described method. We found that the improved method
hemorrhage. It was a case of a second traction after repo- could reduce the complications of forceps delivery to some
sitioning the forceps due to incorrect judgment of fetal extent, but because these technical improvements relied
position, and the possible cause of intracranial hemorrhage more on the experience of operating physician, and a study
was considered to be excessive compression of the fetal head. showed that the probability of error in judgment of fetal
In addition, the incidence of facial skin injury was 3.94% in position and parameters was 50%–80% for residents and
the study group, which was significantly lower than that in 36%–80% for attending physicians [23]; therefore, the results
the control group (Table 6). we achieved were not significant. Subsequently, we carefully
analyzed cases of forceps delivery that had serious com-
8. Discussion plications before January 1, 2019, and we found the main
causes of these complications were incomplete preoperative
Since 1996, with the improvement of cesarean delivery assessment and improper operation, while the underlying
techniques and the enhancement of pregnant women’s cause was the lack of standardized management of forceps
awareness of safe delivery, the rate of cesarean section has delivery.
increased in both developed and developing countries, far The workload of the medical staff in the delivery room
exceeding the alert level of the cesarean delivery rate set by was heavy. In order to remind the medical staff to pay
Journal of Healthcare Engineering 7

Table 5: Maternal outcomes of study population.

Study group (n � 634) Control group (n � 626) P value Method
Successful one-time traction (case/rate) 634 (100%) 623 (99.52%) 0.122 Fisher’s exact
Postpartum hemorrhage (case/rate) 102 (16.09%) 156 (24.92%) <0.001 Pearson
Perineal laceration
Second degree (case/rate) 76 (11.99%) 118 (18.85%)
0.001 Mann–Whitney
Third degree (case/rate) 2 (0.32%) 3 (0.48%)

Table 6: Newborn outcomes of study population.

Study group (n � 634) Control group (n � 626) P value Method
Neonatal asphyxia
Mild asphyxia (case/rate) 7 (1.10%) 13 (2.08%)
0.116 Mann–Whitney
Severe asphyxia (case/rate) 0 (0) 1 (0.16%)
Intracranial hemorrhage (case/rate) 0 (0) 1 (0.16%) 0.497 Fisher’s exact
Facial skin injury (case/rate) 25 (3.94%) 82 (13.10%) <0.001 Pearson

attention to the surgical risk of each forceps delivery, we mother and neonates. At the same time, it might not delay
have changed our traditional forceps delivery protocol and the delivery of high-risk newborns. Therefore, form-based
have been using a form-based forceps delivery management management of forceps delivery was beneficial to obstetric
protocol since 2019. We established a delivery safety forceps management.
checklist and a forceps delivery checklist. The forceps de-
livery checklist was described in detail according to four 9. Conclusions
parts: preoperative verification, preoperative preparation,
intraoperative operation, and postoperative examination. In this paper, we found that the form-based forceps delivery
Specific verification requirements were put forward from management could improve the success rate of the one-time
aspects of prerequisites of forceps midwifery, communica- forceps traction scheme and reduce the maternal rate of
tion, personnel and facility preparation, key points of op- postpartum hemorrhage and risk of perineal laceration
eration, examination of postoperative maternal and fetal under the intelligent medical model. In the context of
complications, and so forth. At the same time, senior promoting vaginal delivery and reducing the rate of first
physicians, residents, and midwives were required to par- cesarean delivery, we need to improve the skill level of
ticipate in and independently verify the key steps in the obstetric medical staff in forceps delivery and strengthen the
process. In this way, we could avoid not only the omission of management of forceps delivery in the department and
preparations by medical staff due to fatigue, negligence, and homogenize the forceps delivery.
emergency but also incorrect operations due to inexperience
and so forth. In addition, we also emphasized the post-
operative verification of maternal and infant complications,
Data Availability
identified the causes of complications timely, and correct The datasets used and/or analyzed during the current study
errors early. Through this way, we could improve the forceps are available from the corresponding author on reasonable
delivery continuously. request.
After carefully checked by senior doctors, residents, and
midwives before the forceps delivery, the fetal positions of all
fetuses among 634 patients in the study group were accu- Ethical Approval
rately judged and the traction was successful at one time.
The present study followed the tenets of the Helsinki
While verification of fetus in the control group only relied on
Declaration . Ethics approval was obtained from the In-
senior doctors, there were three failed tractions at one time
stitutional Review Board of Maternal and Child Health
due to errors in judging the fetal position, caused by neg-
Hospital Affiliated to Nanchang University in China.
ligence, fatigue, or tension of senior doctors. Also, the in-
cidence of perineal lacerations, postpartum hemorrhage, and
neonatal facial skin damage were significantly lower than Consent
those of the control group based on no difference in neonatal
asphyxia. All of these fully demonstrated that the form-based Each participating woman gave informed consent.
management of forceps delivery could strengthen co-
operation between doctors and midwives, help medical staff Conflicts of Interest
comprehensively, and accurately evaluate the necessity and
operating conditions of the forceps delivery, aimed to avoid The authors have declared that no potential conflicts of
errors in forceps operation and reduce complications of interest exist.
8 Journal of Healthcare Engineering

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