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Sample Question Paper – I

Course Name :- Computer Engineering Group
Course code :- CO/CM/CD/ IF
Semester :- Third
Subject :- RDBMS
Duration :- 3 hours Marks: 80

Instructions : 1] All questions are compulsory

2] Figures to the right indicates full marks
3] Use of non programmable calculator is permissible

Q1: Attempt any Eight of the following (8x2=16)

1. Define data independency and its types.

2. Define attribute and entity.
3. List different levels of which security can be maintained.
4. Define data models and list different types of data models.
5. What is functional dependency.
6. List the steps for deadlock prevention.
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7. How to defect dead lock in system.
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8. What is recoverable schedule?
9. List the functions of DBA.
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10. Define- i) Identifying Relationship ii) Partial Key.

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Q2: Attempt any Three of the following (3x4=12)

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1. What are different types of diet server Architecture explain any two of them.
2. Compare N/W model and Hierarchical model.
3. Draw E-R diagram of Hospital management. The Hospital should maintain the data
about employees, doctors and patients.
4. List and explain types of DBMS users.

Q3: Attempt any Three of the following (3x4=12)

1. With suitable example explain different types of attribute in E-R model.
2. Consider the structure as
Product- Muster = {, prod. name, rate}
Purchase- details = {, quantity, purchase. date}

(1) Write relational algebra expression for following-

i) Get, product-name and quantity for all purchased products.
ii) Get the products with rates between 100 4500.

3. How to grant & Revoke permission from user.

4. What is the use of group by and having clause? Explain with example.

Q4: Attempt any Four of the following (4x4=16)

1. List and explain set operators in SQL with example.

2. Consider the structure for Book. Table as book-master
= {Book-id, Book name, Sub-code, Author, No. of copies, price}.
Write SQL queries for following.
i) Display total number of books for subject code ‘DBM’
ii) Get author wise list of all books.
iii) Get the list of books which are written by same author as of book programming in C.
iv) Display all books with details whose name start with ‘S’

3. Write a program using while loop to display n even numbers.

4. List types of cursors and explain each with example.
5. With suitable example explain before and after insert trigger.

Q5: Attempt any Three of the following (4x3=12)

1. Consider the structure of relation as

Employee Details= {emp_id, emp_name, address, designation, salary, Dept-no, dept-
name, location, joining-date}
Find all functional dependencies and normalize the structure up to 2NF

2. How to access records using index sequential access methods.

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3. Draw ER diagram of car accident consider the data about car details, person details

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4. What is decomposition and loss-less join decomposition

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5. What is byte string representation? Explain with example.

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Q 6: Attempt any Three of the following
1. Consider the structure for account table as

{Acc_no, balance, acc_name} and customer table as

{Cust_name, cust_add, state, city, phone_no} apply primary key, foreign key and check
constraint that balance should not be less than 500

2. What is cascade less schedule? Explain with example.

3. What is equivalence expression .Explain with example?

4. What are two phase locking protocols? Explain with example.

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