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it 2 Food

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The Story of

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The Hamburger

od !
The (1) hamburger is one of the most popular foods in the world
, but where did it come from ? Nobody really knows .

One theory is that about 800 years ago Mongolian soldiers , who didn't
have (2) or cookers , put meat under their saddles while they rode
their horses to make it soft . In the evening they ate the meat without
cooking it .

Another story is that immigrants to America from the city of Hamburg in

Germany brought their 'Hamburg steak' with them - a type of (3)
meat in (4) .

Or perhaps Otta Kuasw from Hamburg made the first hamburger . Otto (5)
meat with (6) , fried it and put it between bread and sold it to
young , hard-working and (7) sailors for their (8) . When
the sailors went back to America they asked their families to make the
same thing and so the hamburger was born .

1 a horrible b delicious c breakfast 5 a chewed b bit c mixed

2 a meat b food c fridges 6 a breakfas b eggs c starter
3 a fried b peeled c stirred 7 a starter b kitchen c hungry
4 a bowl b bread c kitchen 8 a dessert b lunch c meat

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