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Monthly Salary Sheet of Employees

Employee ID Employee Name Department Name Salary-Month/Year Basic Salary Allowances

H001 Alice HR Jan-22 60000 12000
H002 John HR Jan-22 75000 15000
M001 Bob Marketing Jan-22 50000 10000
M002 Mona Marketing Jan-22 55000 11000
F006 Jack Finance Jan-22 65000 13000
F023 Joseph Finance Jan-22 70000 14000
L005 Robert Legal Jan-22 62000 12400
L082 Jill Legal Jan-22 58000 11600
A002 James Accounts Jan-22 40000 8000
A010 Harry Accounts Jan-22 45000 9000
heet of Employees
Gross Salary Provident Fund Tax Amount Total Deductions Net Salary
72000 3000 9000 12000 60000
90000 3750 11250 15000 75000
60000 2500 7500 10000 50000
66000 2750 8250 11000 55000
78000 3250 9750 13000 65000
84000 3500 10500 14000 70000
74400 3100 9300 12400 62000
69600 2900 8700 11600 58000
48000 2000 6000 8000 40000
54000 2250 6750 9000 45000

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