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Conjuror’s Choice by Wayne Dobson

A video explanation will be available , but for now here are some simple written instructions to
perform Conjuror’s Choice by Wayne Dobson.

1) Set the postcards up in the grid system that is on the cover of the box (as below). This has
been done so you don’t need to remember it. However, as you perform the trick, you will come
to remember it.
2) Fold the instruction page the resemble a small booklet, the Conjuror’s Choice cover will be the
front of the small booklet.

3) Either have a coin or some sort of counter the spectator can use to move around the grid.

4) Explain to the spectator that this is a game using free choice. They will move the coin up and
down, left and right around the grid. They can even move backwards and forwards. However,
they can not move diagonally. Also as they work through the small instruction book, postcards will
be removed and gaps will be in the grid. They are not allowed to move on to or through the gaps.

5) You then ask the spectator to place the coin on any postcard.

6) For this trick to work, you need the spectator to place the coin on either one of the corner
postcards or the middle postcard (Chung Lin Soo), however if they place the coin on any of the
outside middle postcards, say Kassner, it will not work. To get around this you say “to make sure
they have understood the instructions (from step 4) can they move the coin 3 times.”

7) This ensures they start on either a corner postcard or the middle postcard.

8) The rest of the trick is self working and you follow the instruction in the small booklet, but let the
spectator read and follow the instructions.

9) The spectator opens the small booklet and follows the first set of instructions.

10) After the first 7 moves are made, they will then open the booklet and read the next set of
instructions. When they are asked to remove Alexander and David Devant, you the performer, will
remove these two cards stacking them either in you hand or on the table in that order.

11) Again after the second instruction is made, they will be asked to remove Kassner and Okito.
Again Kassner is placed on top of the David Devant card followed by Okito.

12) The spectator now follows the last instruction and moves the coin 3 more times and again
opens the booklet fully to see that every move has been anticipated, and as it is read, you remove
Chung Ling Soo and Carter.

13) The 3 cards left are Keller, Houdini (the force card) and Thurston. The coin is moved 3 times
again (for the last time) and will be left on Houdini. Keller and Thurston are removed in that order.

14) Don’t worry about remembering that. We have put a small reminder in the last statement read
by the spectator…

“Move the coins 3 times and I’ll K(eller)now T(hurston)he card you will be left with!”

15) You now remove the coin off Houdini and say “I knew you would end up on Houdini” Place the
Houdini postcard on the rest of the stack (on top of Thurston)

16) Hopefully the spectator will looked puzzled and at this point you can say something like “Your
meant to ask me how I know” if they haven’t already done so.

17) Now for the big reveal….. Flip the whole stack over and from top left, lay each card down
revealing the Houdini Postcard!
Thank you for purchasing Conjuror’s Choice by Wayne Dobson. You will have great reactions from
this simple but very effective trick. Also research and use the extra forces we added to the
postcards, however make sure you do the main trick first!

©DTrik : The Magic of Wayne Dobson 2019

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