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An Introduction by


(From the Original Drawing by Cowan Dobson, R.B,A,)




First Impression, December, 19 2 9.

An Introduction by Hannen Swaffer 9
Foreword 13
The Truth about the Zancigs 15
The Tragedy of Hanco 24
When G. W. Hunter dried up 26
How Denny and Will Goldston escaped Gaol 28
The Truth of Horace Goldin's Arrest 33
The Comells and their Ghastly Publicity Stunt 39
The Strangeness of Lafayette 42
Dante Perplexed 48
Dante's Experience in Russia 52
Muller the Mystic 60
Was Chung Ling Soo Murdered? 63
A Handcuff Escape that went wrong 70
Ceeleyand the Naked Lady ... 73
Frank Van Hoven's Tragic Failure 76
Frank Van Hoven and a Fellow Artist's Wife 80
Frank Van Hoven-A Changed Man 82
Wishart and the Dead Body 88
Raymond and the Undertaker 91
What Hannen Swaffer told the Magic Circle 95
The M.P. who does Magic 102
The Prince who stabbed his Partner 104
A Foreword on Houdini 110
Houdini 111
My first encounter with Houdini 118
Houdini and the Magical Illusions 123
Houdini's Film Failure 125
Houdini at the Palladium 128
Houdini at Manchester 129
A Regrettable Incident 133
Dear Will Goldston,
The Houdini Packing Case Escape 134 You have honoured me by asking me to
Houdini and the Unmasking. of Robert Houdin 135 write a foreword to your book. Frankly, I do
Houdini objects to someone else's Boost 138 not know what to say. It is usual, when such
Did Houdini Fail? 140 forewords are written, to pay some tribute to
Is Houdini Earth Bound? 144 the character, or achievements, or personality
Is Bessie Houdini a Cheat? 146 of the author.
Maurice and the Girl in the Car 152 As I am writing a preface and not a book, I
The Great Maurice and a New Illusion 155 must leave all that unsaid. As you know,
How Magic is accepted in Nigeria 158
when I think of magic, I think of your office-
Murray-His Greatest Escape 163
How Zomah delayed a Murder 172
an office where, whenever I visit it, I meet
Carl Hertz-The Imitator 176 magicians, famous and struggling, some so
The World's Cheapest Theatre 185 clever that I always start to eat my hat
Hertz and his Monte Carlo Syndicate 188 . before they make it vanish into air, some so
Carl Hertz and the Bird Cage 189 little known that they tell me they sometimes
Harry Kellar's Search for a Successor 193 read what I write.
Was John Nevil Maskelyne a Genius? 196 From the walls, there look down photo-
Facsimile Letter of John Nevil Maskelyne 198 graphs and paintings and sketches of illusion-
Facsimile Letter of Nevil Maskelyne ... 201 ists known right around the world. I see the
The Mystery of my Resignation from the Magic Circle 204
faces ?f.the great Lafayette, Chung Ling Soo,
David Devant-The Master Magician 208
My Impromptu Act ... 213
Houdllll, Carl Hertz, John Nevil Maskelyne
The Battle of the Pierrots 219 and Horace Goldin, men who have mystified
My Cemetery Adventure 224 me when I was younger, men who, when I
An Error that cost £1,000 229 grew to know them, seemed even more clever
Will Goldston's Spy Service 234 at close quarters than they were, far away
My Quickest Vanish ... ... 240 upon the stage.
A Confession by Will Goldston ... 244 Always, when I see those portraits, there is
conjured up in front of me the spirit of was the making of a great romantic story.
Romance. I know that behind everyone of Your rooms are full of such possibilities.
those lives is a story of years of patient work. Your mind is a storehouse of entrancing
I know that, mixed up with their shows, there memories.
have been great moments of real drama. I I wonder what will happen, when the
know that in each life there has been some missionary's box is opened, and the lock is
incident more striking than anything that the turned, and the mysteries reveal themselves
public has seen when they have paid to go in. from each printed page.
When I read the proofs of Sensational
le You suggested my election, one night, as a
Tales of Mystery Men, " a great deal of those vice-president of the Magicians' Club, of
mysteries were revealed to me for the first which you are the head. I have presided over
time, and I saw, in cold, truthful print, one of your dinners. I have addressed your
explanations of many things that had puzzled gatherings. Every time I enter your world of
me for years. Magic, trembling at the door, I realise more
My only quarrel with your book is that it is that you are the centre, and the clearing house,
much too short. You could have made it ten of a great trade, in Mystery and that, so gentle
time as long, and even then left me interested and kindly is your approach to men, you
in every new chapter you wrote. are the custodian of a thousand secrets
When, quite casually, the other day, I which, were they ever printed with diagrams
talked with you and Horace Goldin, in your would kill Magic, once and for all. '
sales room, I saw on the counter a wooden box I remember Chung Ling Soo, the cheerful
addressed to some missionary in a far- Scots-American. Well, your book takes us
distant village of the West Coast of Africa. behind the scenes of his tragic end.
Inside it was one of your Sealed Books of .Rorace Goldin's solemnity and serious
Mysteries, going thousands of miles, so that a mien ~ave often impressed me. Well, you
Christian preacher might mystify the native h~ve given us an idea of the humorous side of
his character.
members of his congregation, even more, he
hoped, than did the witch doctors of the t Roudini-well, he has always been a mys-
surrounding tribes. In that little incident, e~. You have laid bare a great deal of that
With a daring courage. '
The Zancigs-their tricks will puzzle Man-
kind for years, though Julius has gone and his
second wife has, of course, retired. Your
Zancig chapter is most illuminating. FOREWORD.
Now, this is only a little of what I wanted to
say. If I go on, I shall write the whole book. Some years ago, I decided to write a book
Then it will not be nearly as interesting as to be called Magicians I have M et. When I
told Harry Houdini of my idea, he asked me
yours, for I do not know anybody in the world, if he could use the title for a book of his own
except yourself, who could have written the that was then nearing completion. To this
chapters which I have read. I agreed, and told Houdini that I would
They tell me there are ro,ooo conjurers in delay the publication of my own work in
England, amateurs and those who do it for a order that our books should not clash.
living. Since that time I have collected further
valuable material, and this, together with
Well, there are at least r,ooo,ooo people some of the original stories, is published
who are fascinated by all that concerns under the present title of Sensational Tales of
Conjuring, or Magic,' as your illusionists always Mystery Men.
try to make me call it. For that reason, I am This book is not intended to be an auto-
sure your book will find 1,000,000 readers. biography. Most of the published life stories
I have read have bored me to distraction
and I decided long ago that I should neve;
~e .one of the vast army of writers who
Infl~ct their uninteresting experiences on a
patient and long suffering public.



It is not my intentio~ to se~ down a
detailed life story of Julius Zanclg. I have
neither the space nor in~lin.ation to do so.
But in view of the publIc mterest aroused
by Zancig's recent death, I f~el ~hat a fe~
words on his humble start m hfe and his
meteoric rise to fame will not be out of place.
Julius Zancig was a Dane, but for some
reason best known to himself, he preferred
the world to believe he was a Swede. He
was born of humble parents, and, for want
of a better calling, his father decided to put
him into the iron trade. When he had
learnt all there was to be known about
smelting, young Julius decided to emigrate
to America where he thought he might stand
a better chance of earning a living.
Shortly after his arrival in the United
States, Zancig was invited to a gathering of
Danish emigrants. There he was startled to
meet a deformed lady whom he had known
many years previously in his native land.
For a time they had been sweethearts but
~ youn~ Julius had grown into manhood, the
fnendship had been dropped in the manner
so common to such child affairs.
Agnes-for such was the lady's name-
was ?f a gentle and retiring disposition. Her
lon~h~ess and extreme poverty touched
Julius heart for the second time in his brief

life. After a short courtship he proposed for seve~al months, but eventually decided
marriage and was accepted. It was one of to undertake a tour in England.
the finest bargains he ever struck. . Their first appearance was at the AI~ambra,
The Zancigs started their thought reading London. This performance was wltnesse~
act when requested to do a small show for by Lord Northcliffe and W. T. S~ead. HIS
a Church Brotherhood Society. Having lordship, in particular, was mu~h Impressed,
no musical ability they hit on thought tra~s­ and decided that the extraordmary couple
ference as being something novel and dIS- from America possessed genuine psychic
tinctive. Their first programmes were very powers. Stead concurred in this vie w, and
simple, but the originality of. their ~urn on the following day the "Daily Mail" (Lord
brought in a few requests for chanty meetmgs Northcliffe's newspaper) was filled with col-
and semi-professional concerts. wnns lauding the extraordinary powers of the
It was about this time that Julius met Zancigs. It was a marvellous boost, and
with a terrible accident which eventually from that moment the pair were made.
proved the turning point in his life. In. the " Psychic-that is the word which has
course of carrying on his trade as an Iron made my fortune," Zancig once confided to
smelter, his hand was badly burned by a me. "I had never heard it until Lord
mass of molten metal, and for many weeks Northcliffe used it in connection with my
he lay seriously ill. A sound constitution work. At first I did not understand it and
pulled him through, but on his recovery he though~ ~t had some connection with physic
decided to drop his position in the factory or mediCIne."
for the less dangerous but more precarious "Tell me why you became so famous"
I asked. '
calling of a professional thought reader.
They went to Coney Island, and it was " "It ~ just my luck," he replied simply.
here that Horace Goldin discovered them, I owe It all to Lord Northcliffe."
doing thirty or forty shows a day. The . ~a~ a confession! But it was the
magician saw possibilities in the act, and SImplIcity. and frankness of his nature which
mentioned them to Hammerstein of New E;rked hIm as a man o?-t of the ordinary.
York. The latter attended a special demon-
stration, and a press show arranged by Gol~in
th e when he earmng huge salaries at
hae est theatres In America, he lived, as he
d always done, in quiet and humble
proved a wonderful success. The Zanclgs surroundings. He must have saved an
worked at Hammerstein's Winter Garden
enormous amount of money during his life-
time. what sort of object or design had been
Zancig's turn was no better than a score handed to him.
of other thought reading acts which were Long and continual practice had brought
touring the States at the same time as their scheme as near perfection as is humanly
himself. As he said, it was" just my luck." possible. On several occasions confede~ates
On one occasion I asked him if he was really were placed in the audience, and at such tImes
psychic. the effects seemed nothing short of miraculous.
"I prefer to say nothing," he replied. All their various tests were cunningly faked, and
"Would you submit to a private test in their methods were so thorough that detection
my office ?" I asked. was an absolute impossibility to the laymen.
"Certainly," he agreed. It often happened that Julius was handed
That test was duly held. It was probably some extremely unusual object which he
found impossible to convey to his wife. He
the only one at which the Zancigs com- would simply pass on to another member of
pletely failed. I wrote a number of common the audience, and so quick was his work
Hebrew words on slips of paper and handed that the omission was rarely noticed.
them to Julius, asking his wife to spell them The fortunes of the Zancigs progressed by
out. He took one glance at the words I leaps and bounds until the death of Agnes
had written, and then handed the slips back caused the act to come to an untimely end.
to me. Julius, however, nothing if not persevering,
" We cannot do it," he said. decided to find another partner to carry on
I thereupon persuaded him to tell me his the work of his late wife. He found a lady
secret, giving him my word of honour I would called Ada, who .consented to marry him
not betray it during his lifetime. With and t.o co-operate m the thought reading act.
Zancig's death, the ban of silence is removed, This second partnership was never as
and I have no qualms in putting down the successful as the first. Zancig's name was,
story as Julius gave it to me. of course, a huge ~ra~ at any time, but
The pair worked on a very complicated a;nd reports from Amenca mdicated that Ada
intricate code. There was never any questIOn la~ked something of the ability and showman-
of thought transference in the act. By ship of Agnes.
framing his question in a certain manner, The return visit of the Zancigs to this
J ulius was able to convey to his wife exactly country started badly. A press demonstration

arranged by an astute publicity manager envelope was returned t~ him sealed and
proved a fiasco, and they were labelled fastened as it had left hIm, he could only
failures. J ulius was despondent about his stand and goggle inanely at the performer.
reception and told me he intended to return The subsequent public show was a huge
to America forthwith. success, and the Zancigs found themselves on
Let me arrange another press show for
It their old pedestal of popularity. There can
you at the Magicians' Club," I urged. « We be little doubt that the incident of the
may save the situation yet. " envelope and card did much to help them
J ulius was agreeable, for he had nothing in their struggle for lost fame.
to lose and much to gain. Eight hundred It has been said that Julius Zancig was
guests were invited, including representatives never happy with his second wife. This is
of all the leading British newspapers. absolutely untrue. Ada was a faithful and
Shortly before the performance was due loving wife, and the following letter, which I
to begin, the Zancigs were approached by a received from her shortly before going to
reporter from one of the London dailies. press, only confirms my opinion. I am
"Zancig, I believe you're a fraud," said printing the letter without the slightest
the enterprising young man. But if your
wife can tell me the word written on the card September 17, 1929.
inside this sealed envelope, I will believe in Box 36,
Ocean Park,
you." CALIF.
cc Let me see the envelope," returned My dear Mr. Goldston,
J ulius, motioning his wife to the far side of I am in receipt of your kind letter and
the room. The reporter watched him closely, also of the newspaper sheets for which I
but failed to see him press the envelope thank you. I am making quite a collection
against a sponge concealed beneath his arm· for. I h~ve ~lso received some well writte~
pit. That sponge was saturated with alcohol, artIcles In thIS respect from several magazines
a spirit which, as most people are aware, and pape~s here in New York, New Jersey,
makes paper transparent. Julius had no and the mIddle West. I am grateful that they
difficulty in reading through the covering. have done Julius this honour, for it seemed
When Ada spoke the secret word, the to ~e that after laudibly performing his
reporter was astounded. public work for so many years, those in the
H It's marvellous!" he cried. And when the
profession should honor him at his passing,
in a public way. selling occult books and other thi?gs pertain-
There were some rather odd things said in to our work, and I am gettmg on very
about me, almost intimating that I had no w!ll, having had a very successful seas~m,
brainy capacity at all, being but a school and I have several pupils at wor~ learmng
teacher, but these in America are considered the Mind Reading act, but at a dIstance, so
rather brainy, being put to such severe mental they will not conflict with me. They clamour
tests before entering the profession. I may to share the title, but there can be only one
add that I was not in the grades, but had a Zancig in that field worth while.
college training as a specialist in the teaching I am still getting kind letters of condolence
of young children, so 1'd rather no~ be con- from many parts, and I welcome them all
• sidered an idiot. Julius always SaId that I
and feel very grateful, as I have said, in the
honor they are paying him.
had taken a very rapid and compre~ensive Many regret that he allowed the operations,
understanding of his work, an~ dId not and I was one, for we wanted to hold on to
hesitate to show me off at the hIghest class him, and although he was genial and often
affairs here or elsewhere (not meaning theatrical merry, the pain was more than he could bear,
work, but very elegant home or club affairs and I know he must be enjoying a glorious
of the wealthy and refined). freedom from pain, and a fine rest with some
I miss him more than I can say, and most congenial companions of the past. His wife,
truly appreciate every word tha~ is said in Agnes, must have been glad to welcome him
his praise. These I am collectmg for the to her side, after all the years of separation.
closing chapters of our notable scrap book,
and it is a sad closing to me. I am,
He was a brave soldier to the very last
breath, and as I kissed his brow in the last Most gratefully yours,
farewell, I felt truly that a brave and talented (Signed) ADA F. ZANCIG.
man had gone, and since his going several
men have tried to get me to join them in t~e
same line of work, but I have refused, for It
would not be the same to me ever again.
I am running the business here alone for
several weeks, giving private readings and

tically. "I have no future."

"But where are you going?" I queried,
THE TRAGEDY OF HANCO. extremely puzzled.
"The newspapers will tell you soon
enough," was the curious reply. /IIf you
In I90~, when Harry Hou~ini was s~artling would. like to buy my barrel effect, you can
the audIences of two contments WIth his have It for two pounds ten."
amazing escapes, a new star arose in the Hanco's barrel escape was the best trick
firmament of magic. This hitherto unknown in hi~ act, and I realised that the young man
conjurer was a young man called Hanco, who was m earnest. I closed with his offer, and
did some wonderfully clever escape tricks, as he .left my office, he again assured me that
something in the style of Houdini himself. he Wlshed to keep his future destination
Hanco always appeared on the stage in ~~t. That was the last time I ever saw
the garb of a convict-a simple, but exceed-
ingly clever piece of showmanship. He In.1ess ~h~n a week I read in the newspapers
explained to his audiences that he was an of his sU1cl~e. He. had stabbed himself to
ex-convict, and had learnt all his tricks whilst d~ath at his lodgmgs in Seymour Street
in gaol. He had been granted an early Liverpool. And gradually the sordid story'
release in view of his good conduct, and had came out.
decided to make an honest living. His little J:lanco had been madly in love with his
speech always won the sympathy of the r t a rt , and. he became insanely jealous
audience, and this, together with the clever- t e dSO d up hls act, and then, with nothing
ness of the escapes, and the prettiness and
agility of Hanco's lady assistant, always
t~ c~~s~~Phi~an~u~oHied. The girl tried
"I .. anco was young
ensured a good reception for the act. life " ~~~~~ to .t1ach you the lesson of your
One day towards the end of the year, the' carving knilf[' A:~e spoke, he picked up
Hanco walked into my office, and told me himself to the hea~~m e table, and stabbed
he was giving up his act. I was never more
surprised in my life.
Whatever for?" I asked.
/I There is a

great future before you."

You are wrong," Hanco replied, drama-

The man who agreed to assist him was' a .

bluff, hearty looking Scot;hman, who seemed
the ideal man for Hunter s purpose. After a
certain amount of cross talk, which went
mostly against the volunteer, Hunter invited
WHEN G. W. HUNTER DRIED UP. him to take a seat.
It This is a very clever trick," he said,
Before telling you the following amusing turning to the man. "By the way, I suppose
story of one of our great comedians, I sho~.1d you have never seen me before, have you? "
explain a custom which seems to have dIed Cl Of course I have," was the surprising
out in recent times. Some years ago many reply.
of the leading provision. <:~d grocery stores Cl You've seen me before? Are you sure ? "
were in the habit of exhIbItmg the head of a Cl Yes."

huge pig with a lemon in the mouth for the Cl Whereabouts? "

Christmas displays. What the ex~ct purJ?ort • Cl In Lipton's shop window with a lemon

of this was I cannot say, but It certamly m your mouth I "

added a touch of humour to the shop windows The audience roared at the smart piece of
during the festive season. repartee. Hunter felt very small and the
One Christmas season, G. W. Hunter, the scene was finished there and th~n. When
well known comedian who has since retired next the comedian appeared on the stage, he
from the stage, was performinf? in a panto- '!SS laughed off, and It was some considerable
mine at Glasgow, As part of hIS turn he had tune before ~he audience had sufficiently
to perform some card tricks-he was no mean re<:0vered to listen once again to his clever
conjurer, I might add-.and he a~way.s asked qwps and gags.
someone from the audIence to assIst him.
Once he had got his victim on to th.e stage,
he always raised laughter by makmg the
volunteer look small. This he did by the
well known tricks of moving his chair to
different parts of the stage, advising him not
to fall over, and so on. On this occasion he
more than met his match!

the whole series of illusions would be ready.

He came at the appointed time and expressed
HOW DENNY AND WILL GOLDSTON his full approval of the way in which I
ESCAPED GAOL. handled the work.
"I think the tricks are very good, Mr.
Onefine Spring morning, some twenty years Denny," I said. "It would be a pity to
ago a stranger walked into my office, and spoil them through lack of good workmanship."
told my secretary th3:t he w~)Uld like to talk "I quite agree," was the reply. "As a
over some private busmess wIth me. He was matter of fact, I am booked for a week at the
shown to my room, and introduced himself as Putney Hippodrome from next Monday, and
Charles Denny. He was a quietly spoken I want everything to be in apple-pie order.
individual, of striking appea~ance, and looked Do you think you could attend the dress
more like a well-to-do busmess man than reh~ar~al on S~day, just to supervise the
anything else. prelimmary workmg of the illusions? I will
"Mr. Goldston," he said, taking the seat pay you £50 for the trouble."
that I had indicated, " I want you to build Although it was not my habit to work on
some illusions for me. I have just come into S~days, I th~ught this too good an oppor-
some money, which will enable me. to h~;e tumty to be nussed, and readily agreed to his
tricks constructed from my own Ideas. proposal. Denny hastened to add that he
My visitor handed me a packet of plans, would have everything ready for me, so that
which I scrutinised carefully, for I had never I should be s~ved as much trouble as possible.
previously heard of him, and doubted whet~er The folloWlI~g Sunday was extremely hot,
he had the ability to think out an effective and when I arnved at the Putney Hippodrome
illusion. But to my astonishment I fouJ.l~ the I ~uggested to Denny that we should take ~
tricks to be exceedingly clever and ongmal. Thd lun~h befo e we settled down to business
One effect, in which a woman was to be aire ~onJure~ was hot and tired, for he had
ea nlY put m. t~o or three hours' work and
produced from a box hardly big enough to was 0 y too willin t f II ' . ,
hold a baby, was particularly good. Denny tion . H' . t d g 0 a m Wlth my 5ugges-
e mSIS e on pa .
told me that he had thought this would be a and then alth h I h ymg me my fee there
suitable trick to close his act. the rehe~sals ~Th ad not yet started on
I agreed to undertake the work, and asked wise slip hi ' e ng me that it might other-
s memory.
him to call again in a few weeks' time, when

After lunch, the weather seemed to get all about her! It's your fault for suggesting
hotter than ever. the lunch."
"What about a sail on lthe river before I ignored his last remark, for at the moment
we go back to the theatre?" Denny suggested I was too agitated to reply.
"I think it's really too warm to start work " Good heavens, man! " I cried at length.
just yet, don't you? " " The girl must be dead. Let's hurry back.
We walked along the river side, and chose We may be in time yet."
a comfortable looking boat, which we thought We turned the prow of our small craft
would suit our purpose. Telling the boat- towards Putney, and, with all sails set, and
man we should probably be out for an two pairs of oars working at top speed, we
headed for the boathouse. We must have
hour or so, we hoisted our sails, and set off covered the distance in record time, but to
at a spanking pace in the direction of Ham- our tortured minds it seemed that we would
mersmith. The fresh river breeze was de- never reach land.
lightfully cool after the town air, and I rested A~ last, however, we drew up by the
back on the cushions feeling at peace with landing stage. We ran along the riverside
the whole world. as fast as. our would carry us, for every
As I was congratulating myself on earning ~cond gamed mIght be the difference between
the easiest £50 of my life, a startled exclama- life and death to the unfortunate assistant,
tion from my companion caused me to turn People gape~ at us with open mouths, no
my head. doubt assummg that the intense heat had
" Good God! " gasped Denny. affected our sanity. I can honestly say
" What's wrong ?" I asked. that I have never run harder in my life.
"The girl!" We brushed past the astonished door-
I looked about me. keeper of. the theatre, and hurried through
"I don't see a girl," I replied. to the WIngs. There, in the centre of the
" The girl in the box ! " ~age, stood th~ box, ominously still and
" Box? What box? I can't see a box sent. In an Instant Denny \vas on his
either. " h~W and knees, fumbling with the lock
"My assistant! You remember the illu- .
Cltedly.or God's sake hurry I. " I sal, 'd' ex-
sion in which I produce her from a foot
square box? Well, I locked her up before The lid sprang open, and Denny took one
you arrived at the theatre, and I've forgotten
look inside. Then he turned towards me,
his face as white as a sheet.
" It's no good, Goldston," he said. "She's
The poor girl was lying in a huddled heap ARREST.
in the secret partition of the box. But, Some years ago, my friend Ror~~e G:oldin,
with Denny's help, I managed to get her who is doubtless the greates~ magIcIan In the
out and it was soon apparent to both of world to-day, was performmg at Rammer-
us that we had arrived just in time. She stein's Roof Garden in New York. Whether
was not dead, but had been unconscious for his business had been particularly good .or
some considerable time. We splashed her not I cannot say, but in order to. enable hIm
face with cold water, and fanned her with to travel about the city and keep hIS numerous
our coats. To our relief, the treatment engagements to time, he decided .to purchase
proved effective, and in a short while she was a new car. I know of no finer Judge of an
sitting by our sides, pale and shaken, but automobile than Goldin, and on this occasion
otherwise none the worse for her unpleasant he invested in an extremely expensive and
speedy car, complete with negro chauffeur.
adventure. One night after his show, Rorace was asked
"Thank God!" said Denny. Those two to attend the farewell dinner to The Great
words were more expressive than any speech Kellar. Although he must have felt extremely
I ever heard. tired, he was never a man to hurt another's
Against my advice, the conjurer decided feelings if it could be avoided. Re accepted
he would do no more rehearsing. I urged the the invitation, and it was well after three
necessity of trying through the new tricks o'clock in the morning before he was able to
at least once before the public performance get away.
on the morrow. But Denny would not hear Although the speed limit in this certain
of it. . part of New York wac; fifteen miles an hour
"I've had enough for one day," he SaId, there was a good clear stretch of road ahead'
mopping his perspiring brow. an~ ~?eying his master's injunction to "step
on It, th~ c~auffeur s~on had the speedometer
needle poIntIng at thIrty-five miles an hour'
~u~ they had not gone very far before thev wer~
ted and overtaken by one of the many

"speed cops" that abound in the city. The inspector listened in silence while the
To say that Rorace was annoyed would policeman made his statement. Then he
be putting it mildly. But he had been caught turned to Goldin.
"Bail of hundred dollars until to-morrow
fairly and squarely, and knew he would have
to see the matter through. Re waited in morning will cover it," he said.
Now Horace had only ninety-eight dollars
moody silence as the policeman produced in his pocket. He offered to leave this,
his notebook and pencil. together with a valuable diamond ring which
"Wasyername ?" asked the upholder of would more than make up the full amount of
the law. his bail.
" Goldin-Rorace Goldin. " The inspector waved his offer aside with a
<. What! Not the conjurer? "
contemptuous gesture.
" Yes." "That's no good," he said. "I can't accept
The policeman lowered his pencil. bail from you. It must be somebody else."
" Say, Mr. Goldin," he said, "I'm real sorry Horace bit his lip in perplexity. Here was a
about this. I wouldn't pinch you for a barrel pretty kettle of fish. If the money was not
of bucks. What'll I do now? " paid it would mean that he would have to
" You can let me go," suggested Goldin,
nothing if not practical.
"That's just it. I can't do that. You
spend the night in an uncomfortable police
But suddenly a brilliant thought struck
see Mr. Goldin, the inspector's seen me "What if my chauffeur paid it ? " he asked
approach you, and I guess I'll have to make a "That'll ~<? me," replied the inspector:
charge. You were doing a good thirty- The magicIan turned to his coloured
five, you know. Tell you what," he added cha~eur who had followed him into the
as an afterthought, " I'll say you were doing station.
twenty-three. They'll let you off light for . "Now then, Rastus," he said " The
that. But vou'll have to come to the station." 1DSpeCtor ~ants a hundred dollar~. You
Seeing that any argument would be useless, must pay It for me."
the magician returned to his car, and g~ve The negro's eyes opened wide
the chauffeur instructions to follow the police- "I"Fo'. 'tHeaven' s sake, boss!" he ejaculated
man to the station. Arrived at their destina- tbi: I "got no hundred dollars. I ain't got
tion, Rorace was taken before the station
inspector, and the charge was made out.
The c~auffeur ~as speaking the truth,
and Goldm knew It. But the magician had of his unexpected find.
It Sure, 1 guess I wants all this, boss," ~e
quickly devised a scheme whereby he could said, grinning. "I wants ~very buck of. It.
be released from custody. Secretly palming I saved it all, and I wants It for somethmg
the wad of dollar notes in his own pocket
he turned towards the negro. ' ver' special, boss."
This was a development for which Rorace
"Come, Rastus," he said. "I know very was quite unprepared. However, by dint
well you've got a big pile of notes in your pocket of much talking, and a promise to repay
Pay my bail, there'sagoodfellow, and let us get the money in the morning, he persuaded the
home." As he spoke, he pulled the other to- chauffeur to hand the notes over to the inspec-
wards him by the lapel of his coat, and quietly tor. The latter took them without a word of
inserted the pile of notes into the chauffeur's thanks, and counted them in silence.
pocket. "Now then," he went on as the It Ninety-eight dollars," he said. "I shall
negro stared stupidly at him. "Get ahead want two more before you can go."
with it. Just a hundred dollars." Again Goldin's magical art came to the
"But boss," said the bewildered Rastus rescue. It Let me count them," he said.
"yo' sure is mad. I tells you I ain't got He ran through the pile q~ickly, and managed
one, buck,. let 'lone a hundred dollars. Yes ' t~ extract a two dollar bill unseen. " Quite
yo sure IS crazy, boss. I ain't got nothin'. " ~ht." he agreed. "There's only ninety-eight.
" I'm certain you have, Rastus. Just feel GIve the gen.tleman two more dollars, Rastus."
in your pockets and find out, there's a good Rastus gnnned.
chap." le Yo's t~en all 1 got, boss. Yo's taken
"It ain't no good, boss," exclaimed the all"my saymgs for somethin' ver' special."
negro, inserting his hand into his coat pocket. ~ubblsh. Feel in your pocket again"
"I tells yo." - Re stopped short as his fist e ~hauffeur did as he was bidden a~d
closed round the wad of notes that Horace w~~~~nntly ~,roduce~ t~; two dollar 'note.
had placed there a few moments previously. I had dY't ossl' he saId, I sure didn' know
"Well, I'm --." a . guess I must-"
"That's alri h .
" I knew you had," said Goldin, pleased at and we can gelh~me~~y It to the inspector,
the success of his scheme. "Just give it to
the inspector, and we can be on our way home."
But Rastus was not to be so easily deprived
The money was a .d
was handed ~a receip1 i ovher, and Goldin
or a undred dollars ,
although, of course, he had only parted with
ninety-eight. Receiving final instructions to
attend at the .court early next morning, he
returned to hIS car, and proceeded on his
way at a leisurely fifteen miles an hour. THE CORNELLS AND THEIR GHASTLY
But the comedy was not yet ended. On PUBLICITY STUNT.
the next day Goldin appeared in court, and Some artists will go to drastic lengths in
briefed a very capable attorney for his order to secure publicity, but the plan of
defence. At length the case was called, and the Comells, two American thought readers,
the policeman appeared in the witness box for roguery and debasement far exceeds any
to make his sworn statement. other story I have heard.
" Tell me," said the counsel. "How fast When the Zomahs were touring America,
was Mr. Goldin travelling? " their fame spread with lightning rapidity,
" Twenty-three miles an hour, sir." and they became so famous that imitators
"I see. I suppose you overtook him experienced the greatest difficulty in obtain-
rapidly on your motor bicycle, didn't you? ing engage~ents. The Comells, a couple who
" Oh yes, sir," said the policeman, pleased had met WIth moderate success, found their
at this compliment on his professional ability. bookings dropping off alarmingly.
" How did you know that Mr. Goldin was Driven to desperation, they concocted a
travelling at twenty-three miles an hour?" great publicity scheme. Fortunately for the
" By my speedometer. That was the speed good of the profession, and unfortunately for
it registered."
the couple, the plan misfired.
(/ Good. But, if you were travelling faster They ~d obtain~d an engagement in a
than the car, then Mr. Goldin must have been small hall m the C!Ucago suburbs, and it was
doing a good deal less than twenty-three ~t they ~ecIded to put their idea into
miles an hour. That's common sense." e»peration. Dunng ~he. performance, Madame
The magistrate agreed, and Goldin was
COmell, who was sIttmg blindfolded in the
dtre o~ the stage, gave a piercing scream
handed back one hundred dollars, with costs " ma e. ~ though to fall from her chair'
against the prosecution. He always says
that no money has given him as much ~:~ lSJf "
~ shouted Comell, playing th~
. "ty c~Whs racted husband with no mean
satisfaction as those two dollars he made out . at do you see?"
of the New York police force!
"Away! away! " cried the.wo~an, motion- publicity. Somebody disclosed the whole
ing her partner to keep hIS dIstance. "I despicable plan. The pair had purchased the
have seen a murder! Two youths fiung body from a mortuary, and, having dis~gured
themselves upon an old man, and battered it beyond recognition, sewed it up m. the
his face in. I can see them now. They are sack, and dropped the gruesome bundle mto
tying his body in a sack. Yes, they are putting the river. It was a well-thought-out plan
weights in. Now they are on the banks of which, but for the fact that they had to take
the river." Here she gave the exact location others into their confidence, might well have
of the scene she was witnessing. "They succeeded.
have dropped the sack into the water, and Happily for us, such people as the Comells
are hastening away." And with these last are few and far between in the profession.
words Madame Comell rolled off her chair in a
well simulated faint.
Her words created great excitement
amongst the audience. The performance
was stopped, and several people rushed f,rom
the building to the spot she had descnbed
in her "vision." Some of them went to
fetch policemen, whilst others informed the
river authorities.
It was an eerie scene by the river bank.
For several hours during the night, the water
was dragged, and nothing brought to light.
In the early hours of the moming, however,
a bulky sack was retrieved from the depths.
The police hurriedly opened it, and the crowd
gathered round with an air of suppressed
excitement. But they drew away when they
saw what the sack contained. It was the
mutilated body of a man.
The Comells received more publicity than
they needed. I t was the wrong sort of

stage of the Empire The~t~e, Edinburgh.

It was given to Harry HoudmI, and he passed
"Tell us the story," they say.
Callers at my office often become interested So I tell them.
Lafayette was the most hated magICIan
in a life size portrait in oils which hangs that ever lived. This is strange when one
opposite my desk. Age has darkened it recalls that it was he who established the
somewhat now, but it is still a picture that first class illusionist as an artist worthy of a
commands attention. It shows a slim, middle high salary. He proved to the management
aged man with pince-nez, his chin resting on of the Holbom Empire that he was worth
his left hand, his eyes gazing thoughtfully every penny of the £500 a week he demanded,
into space. There is something queer about by taking over the theatre himself for a
the face; it wears an expression difficult to fortnight, and running it at a huge profit.
describe. You become uneasy under the H~ was unsoc~able to a point of rudeness,
steadfast stare from those searching eyes, and It was for this reason that he was univers-
you feel they are piercing you through and ~y disliked. His constant refusals to meet
through, and probing into your innermost his ~rother conjurers, both here and in
secrets. Many of my visitors resent this Amenca, made him so intensely unpopular
silent examination. that he was greeted everywhere with the most
"Who is that man ?" they ask. utter and open contempt.
"Lafayette," I reply. I have always been convinced that Lafay-
And then perhaps their eyes will wander to a ~c: was t~o scared to meet his fellow ill us-
long sword in a glass case hanging on the ~s. .~lS knowledge of true conjuring
wall above my head. It is curious how the . ane~ble! and, rather than demonstrate
subconscious mind seems to connect the hicIfPh ng Ignoranc~ of the profession of
sword with Lafayette's portrait. They hang .....-of- e was so emment a member he
at extreme ends of the room, but time and 1'&A:rre~ to. k~ep his company to hi~self
again, I have noticed people glance unconsci- an illUSlomst he was wonderful and .
shouowman. . I rank h" '
Im In the same class asas a
ously from one to the other.
" That is Lafayette's sword," I tell them. those ~ and John Nevil Maskelyne. Only
" It was found on his charred body on the o saw: the latter two in their heydey

can realise how great a compliment this is. on all the magician's cheques and the~trical
But the ability to stage a sensational illusion contracts. A special bathroom. was b,!llt for
does not necessitate a knowledge of real magic. the dog at Lafayette's house m T?rnngton
It was this knowledge which Lafayette lacked. Square, and at night-time the ~mmal was
He was a mechanical illusionist, pure and served with a regular table d hote me~l,
simple. He was clever enough to build an complete from soup to sweets. B.eauty s
entirely different programme from any other portrait hung. o~tsid~ t?e house WIt~, the
magician of his time, and it was in this following quamt mscnptlOn beneath: The
manner he made his reputation. (( It must more I see of men, the more I love my dog."
be spectacular" was his motto, and well Lafayette was a great booster, an~ ~esorted
he lived up to it. His act was typified by to the most irritating form of publICIty that
gorgeous scenery, showy curtains, and loud has ever been brought to my notice. He
and soul-stirring music. had his name and photo printed on a number
Lafayette came from German stock, and of small sticky labels, and caused them to be
started life originally as a scenic artist. stuck on the exterior and interior of the public
It was due to this fact, no doubt, that he lavatories of the town in which he was appear-
picked his illusions with such discriminating ing. This foolish proceeding did him far
taste. I have never learned how he came to more harm than good.
adopt magic as a profession, but it was He was something of a pugilist too, as a
doubtless his position as a scenic painter which ~ Mr. Inglish of Chicago found out to
first gave him the idea. his cost. When Lafayette was performing in
He has been called eccentric. That is that town, he became very friendly with a
putting it mildly. I considered him quite young and pretty lady whose husband knew
mad. He drilled his assistants like soldiers othing of the affair. We can well imagine
the gentleman's surprise, therefore, when he
and demanded they should salute him in ent~d ~ restaurant and saw his wife, whom
the street. He bought a diamond collar for ~ un~ed was appearing as a manequin
his dog. He paid all his accounts by cheque, a fa;;hionable dress parade, sitting at a
no matter if the debt was only a penny. ta~1e Wlt~ ~he great magician.
A man who does all these things, I repeat, So ~his ~~ ~hat she does, is it ? " thought
must be mad. Laf!nglish. III see about it." He approached
His dog" Beauty" was his greatest weak- yette, and tapped him on the shoulder.
ness. It was this animal whose portrait was

"Do you know this lady is my wife;>" For the moment, he had forgotten
he demanded. . :C~~'locked by his own orders. Bef.ore he
" Is that. so ? " returned Lafayette, not in uld make his way to the other eXIt, the
the least dIsturbed. :a e was a raging mass of flames and sm?ke,
" What do you mean by taking her out to an~ overcome by the fumes, he fell unconsclOUS
dine without my permission?" to the boards. When his body. ~?-s recovered,
Lafayette made no reply, but hit the unfor- it was charred beyond recogmtlon.
tunate man a terrific blow on the point of the
j~w. It was ~he easiest way of settling the
dIspute. Inghsh collapsed, and on recovering
was asked what he meant by assaulting so
eminent a client as Lafayette. Such are the
trials of a wronged husband!
How many people know the truth of
Lafayette's death? Not many, I can wager.
He was burned to death in the disastrous
fire at the Empire Theatre, Edinburgh, on
May 9th, 19II. It is popularly supposed that
he made good his escape, and then returned to
save his white horse, which was still inside
the building. There is little truth in this
What actually happened was this. Lafay-
ette always insisted that the "pass door"
-the small iron door which leads from the
stalls into the wings-should be kept lock~d
during his performance. This he did m
order that no intruders should discover the
secrets of his illusions. It was a foolish
stipulation, and cost him his life.
When the fire broke out on the stage, ~e
rushed to the pass door to make good hIS
I t. is no~ ofte~ that ma.gicians are puzzled Dante, and thre~ himself without invitation
TheIr busl.ness IS to see tha~ what to the~ into an armchair.
appears sImple must. ~e!Uam a matter of " Say, boss," he said, cc Where dat woman
mystery to the ummtlated. public. But go? "
Dante, the well known Amencan magician "Woman?" asked the conjurer. // What
was considerably puzzled when appearing woman? "
at Proctor's Theatre, New York, early in "Dat woman on de stage."
"Oh, you mean the vanishing lady trick.
During his performances, Dante had She vanished by magic."
occasion to use the cc run down" -the small "Magic, eh? Could yo' vanish me like
bridge from the stage which gives a perfonner ciat? ..
access to the stalls. He was perplexed to " Certainly."
"Yo' could vanish me anywhere, boss?"
notice a very powerfully built, shabbily "No. Only on the stage. It's a special
dressed negro occupying one of the best age illusion."
stalls in the theatre. This in itself was " How much you charge to make me one
strange enough, but when the negro appeared edat?"
in the same seat at every single performance,
the mystery became deeper still.
" r price would be six hundred dollars.
~t I m sorry I couldn't make one for you.
After he had given his last show, the an exclUSIVe secret."
conjurer returned to his dressing room, and Here followed a somewhat heated argument
mentioned the matter to his wife. As they t D~te was adamaI?-t. The negro finally
were discussing the affair, there was a tap his departure, lookmg extremely de)' ected
at the door, and the call boy entered. downhearted.
cc Well ?" asked Dante. e follnwing week, a very flash young man
cc , Scuse me, sir, there's a nigger downstairs '· . . .IoIIoUWU on ante. He was anxious to get to
says he wants to see you on very important ~, . ~ ·..<,~·.~amess.
11 What
business." . . can I do for you" asked the
ccAha," smiled Dante. cc The mystery man ClaIl.
himself. Show him up, George." The Vanishing Lady Trick" .
The negro entered, smiled across at Madame ;,~t.~ reply. (/ I have got a c~sto~~~ ~~~

you. He wants to buy the illusion, lock, "You dirty dog," cried Dante. I'll n?t

stock and barrel."

party to any swindle." He turned ag~m
to the nigger. " What do you wan.t to -yamsh
" Is it a negro ? " for?" he asked. "Are you gomg m for
" Yes"
" Well I saw him last week. I told him bootlegging? "
my price was six hundred dollars in the " Mebbe yes, mebbe no, boss. But in any
ordinary way. But I didn't make one for case I wants to vanish."
Dante turned to the door.
him." "I can't vanish you-nor can anyone else.
" Well, he still wants one. I'm acting for ou keep your money in your pocket, Sambo.
him, and I can offer you a thous.and dollars. , safer there than anywhere else."
Perhaps you can run down wIth me. It
will only take you five minutes."
Still extremely perplexed, Dante consented
to visit the negro. The young man escorted
him to an old wooden shack where his pros-
pective client was sitting staring at a small
stone which he held in his hand.
"Good afternoon, boss," said the dusky
"Good afternoon," returned Dante.
"See, here Boss, yo' must make dat
vanishing trick fo' me. I got plenty of
money." He produced a cheque book. . ~he,n
he held the stone up for the magIcIan.s
benefit. "Dis here's a magic stone. DIS
young man tell me that if I buy yo' trick fo'
thousand dollars, and rubs dis stone for
thirty nights, I can vanish any time, any-
where." .
" That's right," the young man whIspered
to Dante. "He'll believe anything. We can
fleece him easy."

" You will find the food different from that

hich you eat in your own country. It
DANTE'S EXPERIENCE IN RUSSIA. takes getting used to. As regards accom-
odation-yourself, your family, and your
When Dante was performing at the Casino assistants will have the best we can offer.
Theatre, Buenos Aires, towards the end of e prefer to treat you as Russians rather than
1928 , he was approached by a German
syndicate with a view to making an eight formgners."
Dante thanked the stranger for his courtesy,
weeks tour of Russia. At that time the and proceeded to the address that had been
conjurer was working with the Roward ·ven him. He located the house after some
Thurston Road Show, and he was offered a . culty, and was immediately shown the
thousand dollars a week, together with the rooms which had been set aside for his
salaries of his twelve assistants and the disposal. They were spacious and scrupu-
cost of moving his twelve tons of sceneries y clean, but owing to the musty atmos-
and baggage. and the decaying condition of the walls
The offer was too good to refuse, and Dante ceiling, they did not altogether meet
took the whole company across to Germany ~ conjurer's approval.
in order to sign up the contract. Four days t happened, Dante only stayed there a
further travelling brought him to Moscow.
He was met at the station by a well dressed
and extremely courteous official who addressed
rf,'_. days. Th~ stage manager of the first
at which the company had been
:,;celblllgEu proved ~o be a Russian dancer who
him in perfect English. After the usual met. the conjurer some years previously
exchange of formalities, the man drew Dante en~. He seemed delighted to renew
to one side and spoke to him in a low voice. hiii=ance, and insisted that Dante
"Mr. Dante," he said, "I need hardly as buil:¥tS~oUld use a suite of rooms
say that I hope your engag~men~ us ewas qwc
mto the theatre
'k to take advantage
will be a great success. I belIeve It Will be. st kinOO of the
However, Russia is not America, and although ed, an~SSthe~he rooms were e~cellently
you will not be restricted in any way, all! . But you rareyas to be no ch~rge for
must ask you to overlook one or two sm in this IdY get somethmg for
wor . A few d f
matters of personal. comfort which may
disturb you.
taken up residence, the aA : t \~:

a long and rambling speech in which he

assured the audience that they were about to
'mess tricks, not miracles. The tricks, he
'd, were performed by natural means, and
the outcome of a new and wonderful
science which was not yet properly under-
Dante's performance caused a huge sensa-
• D, and such was his success that his stay
oscow and Leningrad was prolonged for a
fmrtht~ twelve weeks.
In this spare time Dante mixed as much
possible with the people, He frequented
squares and market places, the shops
the railway stations. He conversed
those who could speak English, and
---~oured to find ~ut th~ inner thoughts
eas of the RUSSIan mmd. It is inter-
,,']_iDg to, note that during the many weeks
• •DeIlt m the coun~ry of the Soviets, Dante
,...... __bear one h?stile word against England.
are no Slgns of extreme poverty in
,ss:ys Dante. Perhaps this is because
De ~hon;pelled to work, even married
~ la e d at.ter usually take on such
un enng or selling ne
are not compelled to do whspapers,
a day, more t an four
a ordinary
da male l b ' do eight
a ourers
orld,Y' T~~ are the s~owest workers in
. Sunda~s Wfurk RS1X ~ays a week
, USSla knows no

England during the war. H?rse flesh

to be the staple diet in ~ussla to-day,
:_lebDilstlS the bread is black and stIcky as though
bad been made from glue.
The Russians have no traffic problems to
contend with. This is because cars are
considered an essential part of the old
bureaucratic system, and are few and far
between. Those that are seen are usually
ected with Government business.
There are no women's fashions, for all
bers of the fair sex are dressed alike in
clothes cut on more modest lines than
OWD. At revues and plays, the audiences
asked to take no notice of the pretty
;':fI~as and costmnes displayed on the stage.
A1151100D as the shows are finished, the members
~j;;~cast change back to their everyday
11 , and proceed straight to their
There is no such thing as "hanging
he stage door" in Russia.
:Jnorc::e is ridiculously easy for either
One has o.nly to sign a document and
a all fee.m to gain matrimonial
. Marnage IS Just as simple. This
~ the effec.t of reducing the number
timate children in Russia to a
wr· There i~ no sign of prostitution
ove. ~ne IS apt to think 'that the
e ~d dlv~r~e laws have had much to
~ch abolitIOn of these two evils
en seem healthy and happy ~nd

ed States. He had been told beforehand

such inquiries might be made, and
ed that it would be extremely unwise
divulge any infonnation. Consequently
kept a discreet silence.
Dante's tour did not end as happily as it
.ght have done. He was told to present
. at the Russian offices of the German
dicate in order to receive the money which
due to him. To his utter astonishment he
infonned that he could only be allowed ~ne.
American dollars for himself, and
same amount for everv member of his
. It was explained that they were short
erican money at the time: but he was'
ded a note authorising further payment
he returned to Gennany.
'Yho1e of the company were searched
leavmg t~e country in order to prevent
smuggling valuables across the border
and not least, Dante's baggage which
dJJ,have been sent on direct, took twenty-
ys to reach Berlin. This delay lost
o ~~~s' work for which he was never

ty ~. I'm gonna make an impression

~ She'll be real proud to meet her
. Where can I get some suitings ? "
Some what? "
wtings. Clothes. I'm gonna look real
. Ain't bad cigars these, are they? "
" Apparently not," I returned. It As for
, the best thing you can do is to buy
misfits. A tailor will be too expensive,
know a shop where they can fix you up
y with a decent suit. Then I'd send a
to your daughter telling her what
intend to arrive. She will probably
platfonn to meet you."
him the name of a good second-hand
and he took his leave, promising to
card from Binningham. But an
he was back in the office. He
return b} telling me that he
opinion on his new clothes but I
suspected it was my ciga~s that
forbade me from telling the
t.I thou~ht of his appearance. He
m a paIr of striped grey trousers,
tched frock coat which fitted only
tOUhryched. In the buttonhole was
a The tsanthemum of gigantic pro.
a f hi op h~t on his head was an
as on althi.rty years old, and in
, was sever SIZes to b' H' '
best part of h· b 0 Ig. IS gloves
un, ut the guardsman's


ung Ling Soo, the famous Chinese magi-
• was shot through the chest on the stage
e Wood Green Empire, on 23 rd March,
• A few minutes later he died from inter-
orrhage. The tragedy caused some-
of a stir in theatrical circles at the time,
·-as a well-known figure throughout

id. Although he masqueraded as a

Chinese, he was in reality a Scotch-
whose name was William
obinson. This is a fact which was
. eI'f few people outside the profes-
.his own native America.
Ling Soo's death was universally
, for he was a magician of undoubted
. acknowledged master of his craft
.:qiest 'Yhich was subsequently held'
o Accldent,al Death was returned:
. e seemed satisfied with this opinion
• everyone except Will Goldston-and
{h:e r two other people who knew
hey ~ared to disclose And
I theori
h a d nothing, g
to o on except
' a few
u ~ which fitted in with the
q eer CIrcumstances of the case, I

. They were carried back to the

by a lady assistant, and apparently
to a male assistant who placed them
ritle. In reality the live bullets were
. ed by the girl, who handed them to
Ling 500 concealed beneath the rim of
tee The bullets placed in the rifle
then took several steps up stage and
the plate to his chest. The assistant
careful aim with the rifle and pulled the
. At the same time a faint click was
,and it was seen that 500 had apparently
the wo bullets on the plate. He had,
, merely dropped the marked bullets
ace of the plate. I should empha-
fact that the rifle which was used had
. ~ed barrel in order to minimise
ty of an accident,
atal night ~verything seems to have
. A fractIon <?f a second after the
o~edf the, tngger, 500 pitched
ace WIth a cry of " My God I
otme!" .
te fell from hi
on the stage B St ~;a%p, and was
by the bUllet~ TUhi 1, ad not been
, , . s goes to p
Dlaglclan had not held the pI trove
aceordin t h' a e over
so 't go. IS usual custom. H d
. ?
%:h~~ IsevitabIy have be:n
00 suddenly become

An examination of the rifle after the to be recovered. I was convinc€d

tragedy revealed the fact that the sealed barrel y were in poor Soo·s body. .
had been opened. Was this by accident or the night in question, Sou loaded th.e nfle
design? There is no doubt t~at Soo would As I have already explained, thIS was
never have been shot had the nfle been in its . hich was allocated to a male assistan~.
usual condition. And, supposing that the again the magician departed from hIS
rifle barrel had been deliberately opened mode of procedure for no apparent
whose hand was responsible? '
Again, I repeat, I have no proo~. ,However,
a friend of mine who must remam ~nameless, "think it will be generally agreed that I
happened to call on Soo in the interval tlined a pretty strong case against an
between the two performances. As my tal death. The details I have so far
friend entered the dressing room, he found the are consistent with a deliberate and
magician toying with the rifle. This fact t.akes tacJ1eDledsuicide (I have already indicated
on an added importance when one consIders theory of murder cannot be accepted).
that any damage done to the rifle must have suicide theory can be considered
been done during the first and second per- unless a motive is supplied. Not
formances on the Saturday night. most violent lunatic would take his
And what of the marked bullets-those sheer blood-lust.
which should have been caught on the plate? special case, the motive was not
I made a personal search of the stage <l;nd N'"ot lon~ .before the tragedy, Soo
auditorium of the theatre on the folloWl~g my ~plD1on on a domestic affair
Monday, shortly after the news of S?O s Ob~l0U:sly worrying him a great
death had reached me. I found nothmg. dreplied m a non-committal manner
Thinking I might have overlooked them, and not anxious to be concerned i~
wishing to rid myself of the many uneasy that might adversely affect my
suspicions in my mind, I offered to pay -,,'uew. reputation.
£I for each of the marked bullets wh d there was Soo's strange settlement
found. Nobody ever claimed the rewa~d debts. On the Thursday before he
The bullets had disappeared as strang~ly ad , Soo walked into my office in
as mysteriously as if they had never eXl~\he
I might add that I never expecte

he readily agreed. I took him to

se landing outside my office, and
. hands behind him, interlocking
es before fixing them round the
. I took this precaution in order
. 'tor should have as little space as
bich to move his wrists.
moment an excited ringing of the
bell attracted my attention. I
tIu'l[)1J2h to my office and picked up
• The voice of a man with whom
important business deal
• He had no time to waste.
him immediately? He had a
put before me. Perhaps I could
1 at the Trocadero in five
t could, and, picking up my
t to keep the appointment.
JJI".;auc banished all thoughts of
from my mind, and the
L ' l I " " - . and talk did not serve to

him. ~ hour and a half had

my bUSIness was concluded and
return to the office. '
ted the stairs, a terrific clatter
greeted me "Wh t th d'
'1" I thou h Cl a e lckens
padre I "g t. Oh, heavens, it
. fastened to the balustrade or
was left of the balustr~de.


early days of the war, a magician

in England as the "Great Ceeley"
. to my office, and told me that he
vice. He went on to explain that he
a pretty girl assistant who could do
. costume changing for him. He
_red an illusion in which a girl was
. the dress of a British soldier, a
teoldi4'er, and Britannia, all within the
that he would do well to insert
ent ill a professional paper
tage.". He thanked me for my
took hIS leave, promising to let
•'YS later he again came to see me.
th~bs to the ceiling, he cried:
her, Will. She's a real peach-the
good t~ look at ? " I asked.
, she got nice hair .~ " he replied
I'd slik
. 1 e you to fit her up with
~f!S, ~, d man. I'll send her along
On the following day the lady in question
presented herself. She was by no means It When I say t pull' ," I told her, "you
must pull the first button, and stand at
pretty, but had a beautiful mass of auburn attention as a Belgian soldier."
hair that stretched below her waist. " Righto," said the lady. "Go ahead."
My assistant measured her for the three We took up our positions in the rehearsal
costumes, and explained how she would have room, and the girl walked in dressed as a
to work them. First of all she had to put on British soldier. She did her posing well.
the Britannia dress, then the Belgian uniform, " That's good," I cried. "Now-pull!"
and lastly that of the British Tommy. Each She pulled-and stood dutifully at atten-
costume was to be fitted with a different tion. For a few seconds there was a deathly
shaped button attached to a hidden cord. By silence.
pulling the first button, the British uniform Then we all made a blackguard rush for the
would collapse, leaving her dressed as a door, leaving the poor girl standing in the
Belgian soldier. The next button left her as middle of the floor. She had pulled all three
Britannia, and the last button enabled her to buttons, and every stitch of clothing had fallen
discard the Britannia dress when her show was trom her!
The girl agreed that the instructions were
quite simple, and said she would call in a
week's time, when the costumes would be
ready. I urged the necessity of trying the
effect over in my rehearsal rooms in order to
avoid the possibility of amistake on thestage.
On the day of the appointment, Ceeley
himself called with his assistant. It so
happened that there were three or four other
theatrical gentlemen in my office at the time,
and Ceeley invited them to see the rehearsal.
The girl quickly changed into her costumes-
they fitted perfectly-and I went over the
instructions once again.

I Trying is the right word," returned yan

n. U I haven't got the hang of .thmgs
But one of these days I am gomg to
. e my fortune at this game. You'll see my
e in the lights over Broadway-' Frank
an Hoven, the 'World's Greatest Bottle
ler.' "
11 I'm glad to hear it," was the encouraging

y. U I guess you'll have to make a lot of

ey to pay for all the bottles you've broken.
you're really interested) you had better
and practise on the stage at my theatre.
can put a mattress down, and the bottles
't break. That'll save you the trouble of
ing up all the broken glass."
an Hoven was delighted to have somebody
an interest in his efforts and duly
too himself at the theatr~. But no
had he seen Jenson give a conjuring
_m. rn~ce than he decided to give up
.g In favour of magic.
.J~nson was willing to help. He gave
01 bltl?US youth seyeral lessons in magic)
tt d him to purchase some cheap appara-
om Ro~erburg of Chicago. But Van
was eIther lacking in imagination or
sa.:ee~~~mely ungmtefu~. He purchased
ev: s that J enson hImself was using
en went so far as to steal his tutor'~
If a prize had been offered for the World' t was about this time that Van Ho~en
worst conjurer, Van Hoven would have wo~ I ted the slapstick programm~ whIch
O~ually made him famous. ~he Idea. was
it hands down. It is true that he managed to
obtain several engagements, but he never
gave more than one performance at each
:::n to America by an EnglIsh conJurer
~d William J. Hillier. ~an Hoven .saw
theatre. After his first show, the manager Hillier's perfonnance, and de~Ided to use It as
invariably greeted him with the phrase his own. By such small thmgs can a man
" You're fired-beat it!" And poor Frank be made.
From that moment Van Hoven never
together with the tricks he performed s~ looked back. The theatrical agent mentioned
badly, was bundled unceremoniously into his name to Hammerstein, the variety mag-
the street. nate of America, who gave him several
At last he decided to try his luck in New important bookings. Frank decided to go in
York. Jenson strongly advised him not to for laughter raising rather than rabbit produc-
do so, and told him there would be little hope ing. His turn in which the four boy assistants
were made to perform all sorts of nonsensical
of success in the capital if he had been a absurdities, was declared to be the funniest
failure in the small towns of the Middle West. thing America had seen for years.
But Van Hoven was nothing if not ambitious, Frank's slogan-The Man Who Made Ice
and decided to take his chance. It was the Famous-was first suggested by myself.
luckiest thing he ever did.
He managed to obtain an engagement at a
small picture theatre in the New York sub-
urbs. It so happened that an important
booking agent dropped into the theatre on
business, and, quite by chance, he saw the
magician's performance. "
" That's the rottenest act I've ever seen,
he told the manager. "In fact, he's so ro~teD
that he's really good. As a conjurer he s ,a
flop, but as a turn to raise the laughs he s

~ rmed in a double act with his

.r--ciit was soon appa;rent to all behind
es that it was thIS goo~ lady who
"bosSed" the partnershIp. ~s an
t in the double act she was a.dmIrable,
er decided views on the ng~ts and
. eges of a wife did not tend to Increase
happiness of her sadly misunderstood
day Frank called the man 3;side. and
ked him why he allowed hIS wIfe to
his life so miserable.
I" replied the other, pulling a
face. le You don't know my wife."
why don't you put your foot down ? "
's the only one who does that."
ou can't do anything with her, why
get rid of her-divorce her. It's
~, _.nngh."
tie a can on that stuff," came the
• It I've got no money for that."

IlPIlIOSe I give it to you?"

IPlPOEie I give you the money to divorce
mean that? "
~l~~ you then! It seems too good

hat was that. Frank duly found the

money, and the divorce was carried

through.* It was a happy day for the little

vaudeville artist when, after many months "I cn'ed as I took up the receiver.
HH ell0 ;>0"
of unhappiness, he found himself a free man. " at the deuce do you want. .
And so, for a short time the wife fades from Wh the secretary in my offIce. J¥fr.
our picture. But you can't keep a pushful It ;~n Hoven had called and would lIke
woman down. When next we hear of her Fran M Go1dston. He wanted to see Mr.
she is Mrs. Frank Van Hoven! ' to W:tonr'righ~ now. He wasn't in? Well
But even the genial Frank was no match ~n perhaps the secretary would nng up
for the fiery lady. From the day he .Hr Goldston and tell him t~ step ~ong. Mr.
V~ Hoven wanted to talk bIg busmess. Yes,
contracted his unwise marriage, his life
was one long round of misery. "Gee, she's he would wait. .
I hastily swallowed the remamder of my
too hot for me," he told me in describing his breakfast and took a taxi along to Leic~ster
bride. "She's just a big packet of trouble. Square. My feeling of annoyance had gIve,n
Whenever I go out, she follows like a dog. way to one of genuine pleas~re. Van Hov~n s
I visit some friends; she comes and drags me reputation had preceded hIm f~om Amenca,
home again. I go to the Club; but I guess she's and I took it as no small compliment that he
hanging somewhere around. If she can't see should visit me so shortly after he had
me , she'll be over the 'phone to me. Night . arrived in this country.
and morning she's at my heels. I'm becommg For some time we discussed various mutual
the laughing stock of the profession." friends in the profession. "By the way,"
So he took my fatherly advice and found said Van Hoven suddenly, "I've heard a
another wife! deal about you in America. I want to place a
* No reflection is intended on the lady who was div. rced big order with you. I'll take some of the
according to the Laws ruling in the United States of Amerl"a.
stuff now. And in case I forget, you might
drop into the Finsbury Park Empire to-night.
There is nothing more annoying to the I:m giving my first show in England, and I'd
average Englishman than a disturban~e at ~e you to be there. Now, about these
his breakfast table. It was, therefore, m no trickS . . . ."
pleasant frame of mind that I left m:y el5gs . H~ proce~ded t~ choose a large number of
and bacon to answer the impatient nng~ng iJ!US1ons WhICh he mtended to take away with
of the telephone bell one spring mormng ~ To my utter astonishment he picked on
fifteen years ago. that were suitable for the crudest

amateurs, simple effects that delight the knoW you are disappointed, Gold~tont
average schoolb?y. I. mCl;de no remark said to me, a few minutes later, III ~IS
however, and assIsted hIm WIth his purcha ' 1lIn~'ng room. "But I meant what I saId
to a waiting taxi. ses there on the stage. As a matter of fact, I
. I naturally assumed -that Van Hov don't know a damn thing about magic. That s
Illtended to us~ the tricks in. his performan~~ e of the greatest sorrows of my life."
that ~ame evemng.. But ~gaIll I was in for a Truly a strange confession for a professional
s~rpnse. The conJurer sImply went through
magician I Poor Frank! His life was some-
hIS usual fool~ry of. smashing up ice, spilling . ~ in the nature of a tragedy. His one
water over hIS aSSIstants, lighting innumer- bttion was to be an illusionist; he was cast
able candles with an endless supply of matches, the hand of fate into the role of a jester.
and so on. d although in his own form of entertain-
At the end of the performance, he was t he was a wonderful success, I incline to
called on to make a speech. He thanked the belief that he put himself down as one of
audience for their great kindness, and told 's failures.
I can still recollect the pathetic speech he
them how pleased he was to receive such a de at the Magicians' Club. His cheery
~agnificent rece~tion on his first appearance
personality soon endeared itself to the mem-
III England. IncIdentally, he paid me a very
bers, and before he returned to America, he
pretty compliment. presented with an illuminated address
He explained that he had bought a certain d silver casket.
number of books and illusions from me that "Ladies and gentlemen," he said in a
very morning. "They are tricks that I have ~en voice, "this is the only occasion in
always wanted," he murmured in a voice so ylife I have been honoured. You have seen
hushed that it was difficult to hear exactly what perfonnance ; you know it for a ridiculous
he said. " They are lying beneath the stage lesque. But I hope from the bottom of
now-I don't suppose I shall ever have the heart that the day is not far distant when
opportunity of giving a public performance be able to show you a genuine magical
with them. But when I first started as a onnance." That day never came.
magician I determined I would get those tt~ the pass::ge of time, Van Hoven and I
tricks. And now my wish is realised." He him. great f~1end.s. One evening, I called
added a few words in praise of myself that I at the VIctona Palace. He walked out
should blush to repeat.
from the wings accompanied by a man Whom
t 't Frank" I said, shaking him
I recognized as an old assistant I had sacked
for dishonesty. "Forg: the hand.' "These little upsets in
y y "
"Hello, Frank," I said, extending my often happen. f
hand. " How's the show going? " companion's gaze rested on a photo 0
Van Hoyen, looked at me without smiling. o!dini which hangs above my desk. .
H Life Will? Yes, it's a funny thmg. I
" I'm afraId I m too busy to bother with you nder 'what it all means. There's poor
just at present, Mr. Goldston," he said.
" Another time, perhaps." And, turning on
H~udini-he's gone. My mother died recently.
his heel, he walked through to his dressing room. .
That was a sad blow to me-she was a great
To say that I was surprised would be ~a~~ned back in his chair, wrapped in con-
stating things mildly. To receive a public emplation. I had not the courage to break
rebuff from such an old friend was a great . on his thoughts.
shock to me. And it was not until a year after- At last he spoke again. "Will, you know
wards that an explanation was forthcoming. hat sort of a chap I am. I've led a pretty
Twelve months later, Van Hoven called on racy life up to now, haven't I ? "
me, accompanied by a lady friend. My "Well, er-a trifle Bohemian," I assented.
secretary intimated that I was too busy to see U Exactly. Women and wine. It's amusing
him. Later the same day he called alone, and for a time, but it's a shallow life, a rotten life.
told me the whole story. It appeared that my I'm changed completely. The deaths of
ex-assistant had told Van Hoven that I had Houdini and my mother have affected me
described him as "the rottenest conjurer in more than any man will ever guess. Don't
the world." Such a statement was entirely laugh at me, Will, but I believe I've become
untrue. Although I had no illusions as to the religious. At any rate, I'm sure there's
American's magical ability, I had never made something in religion, isn't there?" He
any public statement which might have been ~ked at me with something akin to tears in
at all damaging to his reputation. . eyes.
I only saw Frank on one further occaSIOn cc ~ure," I said slowly. I felt strangely sad,
after that. In November, 1928, he walked It takes no small amount of courage for a
into my office, and I found him strangely man to lay bare his soul to another.
changed. His first action was to offer me a Poor Frank. Inside three months he was
further apology for his conduct.

landlady was as good as her word.

Wishart returned later, he w~s sh<;>wn
which gave him every satIsfactIOn.
r:tiring for the night) he found the bed
roomy and comfortable, and soon
WISHART AND THE DEAD BODY. d off into a heavy sleep.
Every theatrical artist who goes on tour
E slumbers were disturbed ea~ly on the
owing morning by a loud knockmg on the
knows of the great difficulties to be ex-
perienced in finding suitable lodgings. Mv "Hello," he cried, somewhat annoyed
own unpleasant and discomforting experI- the manner in which he had been awakened.
ences in this direction would fill volumes, but What do you want? "
by far the most extraordinary story I have The knocking ceased. 11 We've come for
. heard was told me by Wishart, the well- corpse," a voice replied.
known conjurer and entertainer. u Corpse? What corpse ? "
I will set down the story just as Wishart U The corpse in your room."

recounted it to me. It would be difficult to "You've made a mistake. There's no

imagi!1e a more unnerving and revolting ~:CClI'Pl;e in here. "
expenence. , Oh, yes there is. You must let us have it."
It happened in this manner. Wishart was ishart rose from his bed and unlocked the
touring the theatres of South Wales. When • U I tell you, you have made a mistake,"
he came to Dowlais, he congratulated himself said angrily. 11 There is no corpse in here.
on his good luck, for he was able to fix up at go away and let me sleep."
the very first house at which he called. The he two men who were standing in the
landlady told him that she had no room .e told him that it was he who had made
vacant at the moment but if he cared to call IDlStake.
again in an hour' s tim~, she would be pleased "The corpse IS . beneath the bed sir"
to show him a room that might be smtab!e. one ofthe!fi as an afterthought. 11 'It w~s
This arrangement suited the conjurer ad~l1r­ ~e bed untIl you came along yesterday."
ably, and leaving his bag, he went lI:to ey entered the room and pulled aside the
the town to get a meal before the evemng counterpane which lay across the bed.
performance. art could hardly believe his eyes, and


e Great Raymond is an American

·clan who I must admit, is not without a
~o~t of conjuring ability. But,
Alfred the Great who burnt the house-
's cakes through inattention, Raymond
other interests in life besides magic.
uently he did not meet with the
he otherwise would have done. His
o was H Pleasure first, business after-
e Monday morning just after the war,
~ond walked into my office and told me
he was playing on a percentage basis at
Queen's Theatre, Poplar.
I r wish you luck," I said, hoping he would

a hurried exit, for I was busy with

Thanks," he grinned. "I know I shall be
:uce::ess. On Friday I'm having a special
, and I'd like you to come down. I'm
a new coffin escape that's the ab-
te .goods. It's been well advertised and
. :ve lSSued a challenge. I guess there:ll be
supPOse you know they're a pretty

been seen," he said. "In the course

y career, I have escaped from coffins,
ocks and chains) and have never once
,l '
defeated. This coffin has been made f or
by a well known firm of undertakers. If
ame the :firm !" The interruption came
a rosy faced gentleman who had risen
. feet in the front of the stalls. Raymond,
ver, took no notice, and continued his
f several gentlemen would step up on the
to act as a committee, and screw me in
coffin I should feel greatly obliged."
this, a dozen men rose to their feet, and
their way to the stage. I noticed that
red-eheeked interpreter was amongst

o sooner had the men taken their place on

age than the man once more demanded
?w the name of the makers of the coffin.
m an undertaker in Poplar" he
ed. U I don't like the looks of that
~~. Come on, guv'nor, who made it
ond smiled sweetly.
a ~atter of fact, sir," he said "a
tabve of the firm is in the theatr'e to-
ou ,? doubt he will confirm all I have
~rhaAs he spoke, he pointed towards
ps you would be good enough to


and spiritualists ,are hereditary
one considers how great a force
bodies might become were their
ed, one realises that the present
. is indeed a tragedy. An
would be of immense value to
art, and to spiritualism as a
there is little hope of this
to be quite frank, the magic-
spiritualism are as stubborn
determined to see no further
heir noses.
by profession, and a spiritu-
J I. am reg~ded by many
Just. a tnfle eccentric. I
unenVIable reput~tio.n simply
y confess to belIef In things
ere. ~ a grocer or a butcher
magtclan, .shou~d I be thought
~e I believe In spiritualism ?
Cl!cle, that eminent body of
~, hich I.o~ce ~elonged, have been
~e Spmtuallsts ever since their
ent, the famous Nevil Maske-
ed themselves in a manner befitting
. As far as I know, however,
~~~~ch has never been permanently
ed and I shall set down a~ I?any of
ords as have a general pu?hc mterest.
first speaker of the evemng was Mr.
. who asserted "that the case for
eck.iIulgatism had not been proved." He
ced several seances whIch he had
ded, and which, he said, had all been
. Swaffer was then called upon to
·ore he commenced his speech, however,
astonished the audience by showing an
from which he produced a coloured
erchief. "I obtained this trick from
who supplies apparatus to our leading
·clans-Will Goldston," he explained.
lIDl dealing with conj llrers to-night, and
see I am not entirely without some
ledge of the art," And with this
introduction, he turned to outline the
15 for the spiritualists.
0U: years ago," he said, "I was being
mto materialism, due chiefly to the
~t, lik~ many modern men, I was
. g t? disbelieve in the miracles implied
. lI'atIon. I had the good fortune to
as an. honest m~D:' wit.h my eyes open,
subject <;>f s~1fltuahsm, and within
ys of m~ mqUlr~ starting I was con-
by the dIrect VOIce mediumship of an

years I have seen every kind of

o known to spiritualism, except
tography and materialisation. We
in the dark, we never pay any:noney ,
ever deceive ourselves. Men lIke Mr.
tell you that you go into :=t dark r?om
to be deluded. That 15 certamly
of \,ersons like myself. I am too
a Journalist, to analysing facts.
e beginning of history there have
esses of the fact that so-called
phenomena has taken place.
believed it. Roman Catholicism
it; Mahomet had evidence of it;
own drawing-room I have proved
. What happens in our pres-
happened to Moses, or there
any JeWTY. It happened to
, or there would not have been
y. It happened to Wesley
not have been a Wesleya~
happened to George Fox, or
~ve been no Quakers. We
kinds of phenomena in our
-fourteen different kinds on
t, 1927, Mr. Dingwall will no

ou-and 1. 't h as been hIS
. '
the paId research officers of
t thes~ phenomena do not
people SurvIve death, but if these
~e .place together, you can no
It 15 not evidence of life here-

uId have been taken on

ced cO
on last winter?
, 'Y , he
d the scientific records that were
faked?' I Yes,' he said. 'What
w you got anywhere f?r ~he fac~
reached the Pole? None,
I except the word of men who

eo' We, too, quote the words of

d not lie. That is our case.
. Scott died in the far South,
era! winters have made white
plains and blown away all
Still. ~e believe his story is
cannot prove it. Indeed,
°t is true. And the story of
of Nelson, is the greatest
talk of lies, fraud, deceit,
o not believe that men of
are deliberate liars.
of Occult Committees. I
evidence for spiritualism
orty years ago men were
bat I am now saying openly.
the truth to-night, for the
already won."
On the following day the lady in question
presented herself. She was by no means It When I say t pull' ," I told her, "you
must pull the first button, and stand at
pretty, but had a beautiful mass of auburn attention as a Belgian soldier."
hair that stretched below her waist. " Righto," said the lady. "Go ahead."
My assistant measured her for the three We took up our positions in the rehearsal
costumes, and explained how she would have room, and the girl walked in dressed as a
to work them. First of all she had to put on British soldier. She did her posing well.
the Britannia dress, then the Belgian uniform, " That's good," I cried. "Now-pull!"
and lastly that of the British Tommy. Each She pulled-and stood dutifully at atten-
costume was to be fitted with a different tion. For a few seconds there was a deathly
shaped button attached to a hidden cord. By silence.
pulling the first button, the British uniform Then we all made a blackguard rush for the
would collapse, leaving her dressed as a door, leaving the poor girl standing in the
Belgian soldier. The next button left her as middle of the floor. She had pulled all three
Britannia, and the last button enabled her to buttons, and every stitch of clothing had fallen
discard the Britannia dress when her show was trom her!
The girl agreed that the instructions were
quite simple, and said she would call in a
week's time, when the costumes would be
ready. I urged the necessity of trying the
effect over in my rehearsal rooms in order to
avoid the possibility of amistake on thestage.
On the day of the appointment, Ceeley
himself called with his assistant. It so
happened that there were three or four other
theatrical gentlemen in my office at the time,
and Ceeley invited them to see the rehearsal.
The girl quickly changed into her costumes-
they fitted perfectly-and I went over the
instructions once again.

Telling an assistant to carry them on to the

stage he collected his apparatus from the
floor'and hurried on amidst the plaudits of
the audience. Unfortunately he happened to
step into the three cottons which controlled
THE M.P. WHO DOES MAGIC. his clock, spirit hand, and ball. The cottons
immediately snapped. To the conjurer's
Mr. Frederick Montague, who is the present horror, the hand of the clock started to whizz
Under Secretary for Air, is a very capable round at a terrifying pace, the spirit hand
conjurer. Many years ago, he was giving a tapped out continually on the glass panel, and
performance before some working men at the ball ascended high into the air above the
Mildmay Park, and it had been arranged that audience.
he should be on the stage for a quarter of Montague swallowed hard, and decided to
do his best with the rest of his illusions. But
an hour. the stage hand who had carried on his tables
Montague, being a young man who had his
way to make, was anxious to make a good had unfortunately placed them wrong side to
impression, and accordingly took a good deal the audience. Consequently, all the conjurer's
of care in the preparation of his tricks. secret traps and effects were in full view.
Amongst other things, he intended to show a He did not notice this, and proceeded with
clock which stopped at any number asked by his programme as if nothing untoward had
the audience, a spirit hand which rapped on a happened. But when he came to the climax
glass panel, and a mystic ball which floated in of his trick, he was horrified to find that the
the air. All these effects were controlled by table had been reversed. To make matters
thin pieces of cotton which were placed worse, the audience had observed his plight,
across the stage. and laughed unmercifully.
The conjurer's two tables had been placed Little more need be said. Montague's turn
in the wings whilst a double turn-a lasted exactly two minutes. When he came
musical and acrobatic act-occupied the off, the manager approached him with out-
stage. As. a sort of €?rand fin.ale, one o~ the stretched hand.
pair made_a great.~flymg leap mt~ t~e wmgs. It Mr. Montague," he said, " your show was
This roused great applause, and mCldentally great. It's brought the house down. But
knocked over poor Montague's two tables. why couldn't you make it last longer?"

"Sure. My friends caU me Acid Drop. My

real name is Askedop-I'm a Prince in my
own land. Can you build me real magic
show? "
"Certainly," I assented. "How much do
" About £300, sir."
Not long ago, when looking through some "Righto. What do you know about magic?"
old books, I came across my diary for 19 1 5. " Nothin'."
Amongst the entries for July, I found the " Ah, that's awkward. What sort of illu-
words" Prince Askedop stabbed his partner," sion"s do you want ? "
and the whole story came back to me. I " Don't know."
recalled the adventure of the dusky Prince,
" That's more awkward still."
and his unfortunate partner, Primo Mulatti,
"Wait a minute-me call my partner. He
as vividly as if they had been standing at
got the money, sir." As he spoke, my
my side. prospective client rose to his feet and walked
It was in the early part of the month that I
to the door. It Primo," he bellowed in- a
first encountered the Prince. He walked into
voice of thunder.
my office one hot morning, and flung himself
into an easy chair. He was a fine figare of a He was answered by rapid footsteps on the
man, quite six foot in height, and his coal ?ffi~e stairs, and a second later, a weedy little
black skin and thick woolly hair told me he mdIVidual entered the room. His clothes
came from West Africa. had obviously been made for another man,
" Good morning," he said, grinning from and his appearance was not enhanced by a
ear to ear. "YoJ. Mr. Goldston ?" number of dark food stains which decorated
"That's me," I returned. "I haven't the lapels of his jacket.
seen you before, have I ? " '.' This is Mr. Primo Mulatti," said the
"No, sir. Me's Prince Acid Drop." Pnnce. "He's a waiter, and also my partner."
" Acid Drop? " Mr. Mulatti was evidently a man who knew

his business. He told me exactly what sort of much chance of the Prince making a mIS-
illusions he require('l, and explained that take."
Prince Askedop woulP present them whilst he 11 That's fine," returned Mulatti. tI So long
himself acted only as business manager. I as I know when everything will be prepared, I
told him I should be pleased to make his can start fixing my engagements."
apparatus, and hastily added I shOuld want On the following morning, Prince Aske·
£15 0 left as a deposit: I did not feel inclined dop again came in to see me.
to run any risks wiH1 such queer clients. 11 When will de tricks be finished, Mr. Gold-
11 Certainly," repli~d Mulatti, who spoke ston ?" he asked placidly.
perfect English. I'll give it to you now."
(/ I told you yesterday they would take ten
He pulled his tie fro}l1 beneath his waistcoat, days to complete," I said, somewhat annoyed
and exposed a huge rfletal safety pin. 1 his he at the unnecessary intrusion.
undid, and, inserting pis hand into that part of 11 Three hundred pounds is good order for
the tie where the lining usually lies, he pulled you, eh ? "
out a bunch of five· pound notes. 11 Very good," I agreed.
I watched this prPceeding in amazement. 11 Then you give me £50, eh ? "
11 That's the queerest place for keeping 11 Fifty pounds! Whatever for?"
" You give me £50 or I tell partner de
money I've ever see}1," I ventured.
tricks is no good."
11 The notes are all good," came the quick
11 You swindling nigger! " I cried, forgetting
reply, and they'ie safer there than in a
myself in the heat of the moment. 11 So
bank." He counted out thirty, and pushed
you're trying to double cross your partner? "
them across the table to me. That's right, I
. In a few well chosen words, I told the Prince
think." Just what I thought of him. He did not seem
I checked the anlOunt, and made out a at all abash~d at the strength of my language,
receipt. and. took hIS departure promising to visit me
I can have th()se things ready for you
~am at an early date. He k~pt his word.

in ten days' time," I said. All the trickS

e called every day for the next ten days, on
are simple to operate, so there will not be

the pretext of inquiring" just how dem t . ks to come here - as much right as you
. ,,, H 1 ne
was gom. e a ways contrived to k have."
th e q~es t IOn f' Wor "Get out here at once, please. You my
0 a bnbe of £50 into his ron.
versatlOn, only to meet with the same fi t manager round de front, but not in de dressin'
refusal. I finally gave him a small trick tabt room."
and he was frank enough to tell me th et " You're mad. I shall stop here as long as
this pleased him far more than "any o~e I like."
£S?.:' The tabl~ was worth about thirty Prince Askedop wasted no further words in
shIllings, but I dId not trouble to point this argument. With one swift motion he drew a
out to him. knife from his pocket and stabbed Mulatti
Meanwhile, Mulatti had not been idle. Most in the back.
of the managers he approached refused to And so the partners Askedop and Mulatti
e~gage Prince Askedop until they had seen never even gave their first performance. For
hIm perform. The Italian eventually per- at the time the dusky magician was supposed
suaded an East-end manager to give him a to present his act, he was sitting in a police
week's trial run, this meaning that Askedop cell musing on the bitterness of Fate.
had to work a week for nothing.
On the opening night, Askedop was sitting
in his dressing room, making up as an Eastern
mystic. Mulatti went in to see him in order
to make the final arrangements for the pre-
sentation of the act.
"What do you want in my dressing room ?"
demanded the Prince turning round as the
Italian entered. "You get out here, quick,
please! "
" Don't talk such nonsense," said Mulatti.
"As your manager I've got a perfect right

his mother, and his courage and daring,

~~~t he has come ~o be regarded as a sort of
fa~t1e~a~u~:~::h~g· acknowledged a great
A FOREWORD ON HOUDINI. erf~rmer. This he certain~y was. He h~s
~lso been described as a magIcal ma.ster. ThIS
I feel that the stories on Houdini contained h as not. He was a clever conJurer, and
in this volume require some word of explana- n~t~ing more. His genius-what a. sadly
tion. From the nature of the incidents misused word that is. I-lay .more.m the
described, it has struck me that I may be direction of showmanshIp than m ~agIc.
accused of showing the character of myoId He was a man of moods, sometImes sweet
friend in an unfavourable light. Such is not and kind, but just as often the reverse. Af~er
my intention. one of his most violent outb?rsts, I told hIm
My friendship with Houdini extended over that if it were not for hIS uncontrollable
a period of thirty years, and I feel that few temper and stupid conceit, he would be a most
men are better qualified to pass an opinion on lovable. man.
his character than myself. He smiled and held out his hand.
But so much has been written in Houdini's " I know, Will," he said. "Thank you for
praise that the public have become saturated your frankness."
with ideas of his greatness, ideas which in That was typical of Houdini. I must be
just as frank now.
many cases are grossly exaggerated. In the
stories I have related, I have endeavoured to
show that Houdini was an ordinary human Although it would be impossible to record a
being, with as many weaknesses as you and 1. detailed account of Harry Houdini's life story
In fact, I have represented the man as he was, in the small amount of space at my ~ispos~l, I
and not as most people believe him to have fe~l I should be guilty of a grave omISSIOn If I
been. failed to give a brief synopsis of the great
I could write many stories in Houdini's II;1agician's early struggles and subsequ~nt
praise, but my time would be wasted. The nse to ~ame. Many of the published stones
public have read so much of his tenderness. to concernmg Houdini have been remarkable for
children and animals, his touching affectIOn the manner in which they have deviated from

the truth. The facts which I am about to set would my congregation think if they knew
down, however, were given to me by the y son was a newspaper boy?" This argu-
magician himself, and have been verified from
several authoritative sources. ~ent was convincing enough, and Harry
Houdini was born very humbly in New York. determined to try his luck in othe~ fields.
His father was a poor and overworked Jewish Without much difficulty he obtamed a post
clergyman named Weiss, whose income was in a necktie factory. His particular job was to
insufficient to provide even the plainest food cut out the tie linings, and although the pay
for his large and growing family. Mrs. Weiss' was very poor, he found this so~ewhat more
life was one long struggle to keep things going, lucrative than his former occupatlOn. Strange
and the fact that she was starving herself into as it may seem, Houdini would probably
an early grave was not lost upon young Harry. never have become a magician ha~ he n?t
He loved his mother beyond anyone else in the started out as a necktie cutter, f?r It was. m
world, and the sight of her slaving to keep up this factory that he had his first mtroductlOn
the appearances her husband's position de- to the art of conjuring.
manded, caused him the most acute mental The youth who worked on the be!1ch ne:c t
agony. to him was interested in a small way m magIc.
Unknown to his parents, he sold newspapers One day he suggested to Harry that they
in the streets. The few cents he was able to should both go along to the Bowery to
earn in this manner were given to his mother purchase a few tricks.
with the explanation that he had just been
" Tricks? " said Houdini, "Whatever for?"
doing a job." That Houdini never so much as "My hobby is conjuring," was the reply.
retained a single dime from his small earnings " It's great fun-you should try it. "
speaks volumes for his youthful courage and The demonstration in the Bowery was a
unselfishness. great success. Harry was so amazed at the
For a time this scheme worked well. But apparent miracles which the salesman per-
it was inevitable that the truth should become formed, that he determined there and then to
known. When Houdini's parents discovered becor:ne a conjurer. That he was almo~t
the sJurce of their son's income, they begged penmless did not worry him in the least. HIS
him to find some other calling. yo~thful imagination was fired, and .he
" You see, Harry," his father explained, d~CId~d that nothing on earth would stop hIm
"I have my position to consider. What clImbIng the ladder of magical fame.

His first step was to go to the public library, a small box escape. After much haggling a
where he spent many hours in studying all the price was agreed upon, and young Harry, for
the first time in his life, was forced to borrow
books on magic. The volume that appealed to money. He bought the trick and decided to
him above all others was Professor Hoffmann's incorporate it in his programme.
" Modern Magic." He read and re-read this His luck continued. A few days later he
work until he knew practically every word by was introduced to a performer named Dexter,
heart. He demonstrated his" infinite capacity who specialised in handcuff escapes. He
for taking pains" more at this period than at purchased a few of Dexter's secrets, and
any other time during his life. decided he would have an entirely new show
He wa~ far too poor to ,Purchase any tricks consisting only of handcuff escapes, with the
for he stIll adhered to hIS policy of handing box trick as a grand finale.
ove: all his earnings to his mother. However, Blit a new problem presented itself. How
he Invented many ways of performing tricks was he to get an assistant? His income was
by. using ordinary unprepared household hardly sufficient to provide for himself, let
objects, and most of his spare time was alon~ pay a second salary. This difficulty
devoted to practising. prOVIded Harry with much food for thought.
He gave several entertainments at charity And then he met Bessie.
bazaars and ~imilar. functions,. charging a Thi~ )'oung lady was much taken in
small fee for hIS serVIces. But hIS tricks were HoudmI s personality. She had her fair share
too commonplace, and he had not the ~f good looks, but was very young and had
n~cessary mo~ey to buy fresh illusions. It
lIttle ~~owledge of the world. In fairness to
dI~ not take hInl long to realise that he was a
HoudIU1 I must s~y that ~e was considerably
failure, and dreams of making himself world ~~tracted by BessIe, and It occurred to him
famou.s 1?egan to fade. as quicldy as they had at two might live as cheaply as one. He
matenalIsed.. He r.ealIsed bitterly that money f~rsua~ed her to leave home and they had a
means power In thIS hard and unsympathetic mantlc runaway marriage. Thus was the
world. probleID: C!f the assistant solved.
I t was at this time that Fate which had an~OUdl.U1 acquired his skill in handcuff, chain
hitherto been sC! unkind to him, l~nt a helping of t~eg Ir~n escapes by studying the methods
~and and set hIS footsteps in the right direc-
. e vanous magicians with whom he came
In contact. He made a point of meeting lock.
tIon. An out-of-work conjurer offered Houdini

smiths and key makers, and his knowledge wer of dematerialising his body at will.
increased considerably. When he thoroughly POWhen Houdini's fame had spread. t~rough
understood the workings of locks and master England and the Continent, many ImItato~s
keys, he invented many ingenious fakes for sprang up. The ~merican ~educed theIr
his own use. There is absolutely no truth in the number in an incredIbly shor~ time by ?leans
widely spread story that H oudini spent many of a scheme which was as sImple as It was
months as a locksmith's apprentice. He never
worked in a lGcksmith's shop in the whole ot his effective. . .
He organised a serVIce of professIOnal
lite. " challengers." These men attended the shows
Houdini brought the escape business to a of the various imitators, and challenged the
fine art. He also understood the value of performers to escape from an " ordinary" pair
newspaper stories and articles as a form of of handcuffs. These ordinary handcuffs
publicity. He once confessed to me that he were so constructed that once they were
spent every cent he could spare in advertising closed they could only be opened with a
himself. He learnt to swim, and his first special key. After a go?d d~al of helpless
sensational trick was an escape from a milk struggling, the performers Invanably admItted
can filled with water. This illusion was defeat.
invented by one of his assistants. There was, however, one escape act which
Sensation! That was Houdini's pass word. Houdini could not humble. This was " The
He was not, of course, the first man to escape Brother Cirnocs". The Cirnocs were not
from handcuffs and boxes, but he certainly imitators in the strict sense of the word, for
was the pioneer in escapes of a sensational they were performing in England some ti~e
nature. He aimed at being different from all before Houdini came to this country. TheIr
other performers, and I have known him to turn was very similar to Houdini's, and, what
scrap many illusions because he thought he was more important from the American's
was being imitated. point of view, it was equally as clever.
At the beginning of his performances, In vain did Harry try to corner the Cirnocs
Houdini always told the audience that he did by ~eans of his" challengers." At last he
not possess supernatural powers. He empha- gave It up as a bad job. But, realising that he
sized the fact that his escapes were tricks- had opponents in England who were just as
not miracles. In spite of this assurance, many astute as himself, he decided to delete the
people were firmly convinced that he had the handcuff escapes from his programme.

"Goldston, my dear fellow!" c~ied

Houdini, me ~y th;, h~n~ c:S If I
h d been his lIfelong fnend, thIS IS mdeed
aapleasant surprise." His manner sudde~ly
MY FIRST ENCOUNTER WITH HOUDINI. changed. "Tell me," he resumed, l~wenng
his voice for no apparent reason, where
I knew Harry Houdini before I had ever can I get a pair of patent leather boots ? "
seen him. His reputation had reached me " Patent leather boots? " .
some years before I first encountered him, and, "Sure. I've tried almost every shop m
as is the habit of magicians, we corresponded the town. And then I want to find th,~
for a considerable time before he gave his American Bar. You must take me there.
first performance in this country. We strolled along to a small footw~a~
Strangely enough, it was quite by accident shop that was known to me, and HoudmI
that I first ran into him. About twenty- bought the boots he required. When he
nine years ago, I was walking down Lime had expressed full satisfaction at his purchase,
Street , one of the main thoroughfares . of I escorted him to the American Bar, wonder-
Liverpool. It was winter time and snowmg ing why he was so anxious to visit the place.
hard. As I hastened along, with my thoughts Twas not left long in ignorance. .
on nothing in particular, I noticed a short When we arrived, I found that a collectIOn
figure coming towards me, with coat collar was being made for the widow of a poor and
turned up and head bent to the ground. unknown member of the profession. Houdini
As the man got nearer, I observed t~at he had been told of this, and had decided to give
was carrying a small dog beneath hIS left as much as he could afford. In those days
arm. His clothes were shabby and unkempt, he was not getting the big salary that he
and it was this fact more than anythlllg earned in later years, but subscribed two
else which caused me to stare at him with more pounds to the fund.
than usual interest. To my surprise, his I have mentioned this somewhat insignifi-
face was familiar. cant incident because it was absolutely
" Excuse me," I said, grasping him by the characteristic of the man-warm-hearted and
arm. "Are you Harry Houdini?" " gene~ous, always willing to help a brother
" Yes," was the reply. "Who are you? or SIster in distress. And later, when he
" I'm Will Goldston." told me that he himself was badly lacking in
funds, I wondered what manner of man this with several copies of the book, placed in the
strange Houdini could be. shop window.
As we left the American Bar, Houdini ''It's a good idea, and you certainly
told me the story of his life-a story that deserve to get on," said my companion.
could fill several volumes. "Do you know, " But it doesn't do me much good, does it ? "
Goldston," he said, " I have not had a decent And he smiled kindly. " You must call
meal for more than five years! " at my apartments to-morrow. I would like
you to meet Mrs. Houdini."
" In Heaven's name, why not? " I asked. The next day I called and had tea with the
"In my early days I couldn't afford it, Houdinis. There we talked over different
and now I'm too busy." matters connected with our profession, and
At first I thought Houdini was pulling my I remember advising the American to go
leg. As a matter of fact, it was not until some down to the harbour and see a huge advertise-
years afterwards that I realised he had told ment of his name. It was then that I urged
me the truth. Although he was earning a him to have his name printed as t Houdini,'
hundred pounds a week, Houdini was a with the Christian name "Harry" in very
starving man! small type. Houdini thought this a good
After we had walked some little way in business idea, and eventually became known
silence-I hardly liked to call the man a simply by his surname.
liar-Houdini resumed the conversation. Before I left, he promised that he would
" Are you responsible for the display of books write to me every week when he returned to
in the shop next to the theatre? " he asked. ~merica. He kept his promise for twenty
" Yes" I replied. "It struck me that your eIght years, sometimes sending me as many as
visit to this country would help the sale of three and four letters a week. During
my first book. I hired the shop window,. an~ t~e w~ole of t~at time I only had one quarrel
made a terrific splash of the whole thI~g. wIth him. ThIS was due to a stupid misunder-
Some months previouslyHoudini had gIven standing.
me his written consent to include the explana- HIt. h,appened . in this manner. When
tions of a number of his escape tricks in a A oUd~m was ~akmg a big name for himself in
book that I was writing. I had had a T~enca, the CIrnocs appeared in this country.
big placard painted with the words "How s last was a double turn-father and son
Houdini does his tricks," and had it, together and w . d '
ere m eed a very formidable combina-

tion. As a publicity stunt they declared

they could escape from any. police ce.ll in
which they were locked. ThIs they dId to HOUDINI AND THE MAGICAL ILLUSIONS.
the satisfaction of the public-but not to
my own. I discovered they bribed the officials In spite of his wonderful success as an
who had locked them in. escape artist, Houdini was always very keen
Houdini had done the same thing in to build and present a number of ordinary
America , but this had been a genuine escape.
. magical illusions. It was with this end. in
In justice to my friend I expo.sed the Clrnocs view that he called at my office one mornmg
in a magical book. HoudmI got hold of a about twenty years ago, and told me of his
copy of the paper and wrongly assumed that secret ambition. "What do you think of it,
it was himself I had exposed. Will ?" he asked, finally.
Impetuosity was probably t~e stro~gest " Your escapes are good and the public like
trait in Houdini's character. He ImmedIately them," I replied cautiously.
attacked me in a libellous article which " I know that, but I'd like a change. Can
appeared in his own American Magical mag<;L- you tell me the name of an illusion inventor
zine. I was at a loss to understand hIS who can keep a secret? "
conduct, for not only were his statements " Yes. \Vhy not try Charles Morritt who
untrue, but hitherto we had been the closest has built stuff for Maskelyne and Devant
Ltd.? "
of friends. Ho?dini took my tip and paid a visit to
Explanations and apologies followed.
Nobody was better pleased than myself to Morntt's workshop. After some discussion
have the whole matter cleared up, ~or h~ agreed to buy several of Morritt's own
Houdini's friendship was something for w~Ich tncks and commissioned the inventor to
I would not have exchanged a dozen theatrIcal build them for him.
H~rry decided to give his new show a trial
contracts. run In the provinces. For some reason best
fnown to himself, he left me definite instruc·
Ions not to be present at the first night.
r~turally I respected my friend's wishes, but ,I
ad a full account of the performance from
another magician who was present.

One. of Harry's best tricks consisted of HOUDINI'S FILM FAILURE.

producmg five hundred gold sovereigns from
an apparently empty bag. The audience To err is human, and Houdini was a human
received th~ pro~amme well enough, but, in being. He did not make many mistakes
order to gIve It an extra fillip, Houdini during his lifetime, but it must not be sup-
thought out an extraordinary publicity stunt. posed that his judgment was always infallible.
On the following day he hired a number of The greatest blunder he ever made was to
detectives to accompany him to the local act for the films.
bank. There, with a good deal of unnecessary Harry had an idea that he could make a
ceremony and palaver, he paid in the five fortune on the movies. He decided to produce
hundred sovereigns. Of course, the money a film bringing in his more daring escapes and
was drawn out again for the next performance. was convinced that he would be an enormous
This strange proceeding naturally caused a success. Pride, they say, goes before a fall.
stir in the provincial town which was just Houdini was never cut ont for film acting.
what Houdini wanted. There was a long Some years later he told me that his venture
account of the affair in the newspapers next had cost him more than £roo,ooo. But that
morning, and no doubt the magician felt his was not all. Arnold de Biere, who had been
trouble had been worth while. persuaded to put some money into the
He was wrong. The magical show was an scheme, also lost several thousands. In this
utter and complete failure. After a week's manner was a long and affectionate friendship
trial he wisely decided to return to his smashed beyond repair.
escapes. "If the English want escapes, they pe Biere and Houdini were very great
can have them," he explained to me after- fnends before the unhappy failure. After-
wards. "But I'm determined to give a good w?-rds they became bitter enemies. De
BIer~'s long and painful story casts very little
magical show before I die." So he shipped all
his apparatus to New York to be stored for credIt on the American magician.
use at some later date. I r~me!Uber Houdini calling on me one
m,?rnmg m one of his ugliest moods.
f Hello, Harry," I said pleasantly. "A friend
o ,yours has just been in."
" Oh? Who's that? "
De Biere."
So Harry, the hero of sensational escapes,
11 That b ," cried Houdini, using an disguised himself and attended several of the
epithet that would have sounded better seances which were being held as a direct
from the lips of a bargee. 11 Does he often outcome of Sir Arthur's tour. Then he
come in here ? " declared he had discovered that Spiritualism
11 Yes, quite often." was nothing but a gigantic fraud. He invited
"Well, if I meet him, I'll fling him down several pressmen to follow his lead, and find
t~e stairs. So to .save you any bother, p'raps out the truth for themselves. As he had
I d best not see hIm. Say, how do you switch anticipated, his "disclosures," as he called
on that light outside your door?" them, created a great sensation.
. 11 I have a switch on my desk." As a spiritualist myself, I know Houdini was
H That's O.K. When De Biere's in here not. sincere in his. stat~~ents. Every Jew
with you, switch on the light. If I come up bel:eves through hIS rehglOn that the spirit
the stairs and see the light on, I'll know who's which passes out from the body at death lives
in, and come back later." on. And Houdini was really a good Jew: On
I sighed. 11 Alright, Harry," I said. "It's th~ .death of his mother, he prayed that her
a fine idea." spmt would be guarded and protected and
t~at ~he would be eternally happy. No real
After his film failure, Houdini decided to disbeliever would do that.
return to vaudeville. He remembered the .When he.h,ad the.Press of the country with
magical apparatus that had been stored since him, ~oudml put hIS show on the road. His
his failure in England, and thought the time ca;mpalgn against the spiritualists had met
had come when he should again present his ~t~ such astounding success, that he decided
conjuring act. Yes, he would stage a pro~ o mcorporate further propaO'anda in his
gramme that America had never seen before, program
( ) M ~e. H'IS performance consisted
D '
of :-
and call it the 11 HOUDINI ROAD SHOW." I aglc and illusions
Now he wanted the American Press to boost (2) Elsdcapes (he could ~ot entirely forget his
him again, and it was some time before he hit o love),
on the right scheme. At last he had an idea (3) ~ lecture against spiritualism introduc-
inspired by a number of spiritualistic lectures mg apparatus which, he de~lared was
which Sir Arthur Conan Doyle had been giving used by 11 med ' " for faking 'spirit
eff ects. .
in the States. Houdini would expose the

During the course of this lecture Houdini well as the rest of the. a~dier:ce. .
was in the habit of throwing a photograph of As I was talking to him III his ~resslllg room
myself on to the screen. "This is a friend of before the performance, an aSSIstant rapped
mine in England," he would tell the ~udience. on the door) and entere~..
"He is a magician, an author, and an lllventor. " Well ?" asked Houdllll.
But what astounds me more than anything "It's all right, boss," came the answe!.
else is this-he is a firm believer in Spiritual "I've fixed up those two confederates III
. I "
~sm. the stalls and circle."
" You b-- fool," screamed Harry jump-
HOUDINI AT THE PALLADIUM. ing to his feet, his face white with rage.
"Can't you see we're not alone?"
I can recall an amusing story of Houdini
which throws an interesting sidelight on
his extraordinary character. To appreciate
the full point of this little yarn, It mu~t. be 11Come immediately, spend two days as
remembered that I am a professional ~aglCIan my guest. Have arranged rooms for you
of many years experience in performmg .ar:,d at my digs-Houdini."
inventing. In addition, I w~s Houdml s Such was the telegram I received from my
greatest friend for a long peflod of years, American friend when he was performing
and on many occasions he asked me to help at Manchester many years ago. It so
and advise him with his illusions. . . happened that I had no important engage-
When the American last appeared m thIS ments at the time, and decided to accept
country, he was eng~ged at the London the invitation.
Palladium for a fortmght at the enormous When I arrived at the address Houdini
salary of £geo a week. had given me, my astonishment was so great
Before he was due to open, he informed m,~ that I could hardly find words to greet my
that he was running a "really great ~how." host. !he house was an insignificant theatri-
One trick in particular was a "wmner, cal reSIdence, vvith typically cheap furniture
and he wanted me to be in the theatre to ~nd. threadbare carpets. At first I was
see it. I could clearly see what the man was Inchned to think I was the victim of a
driving at , for I guessed he would Of
be as
as prac~ical joke, for I knew that Houdini was
pleased as Punch if he could mysb y me earnlUg we1lover £3 00 pounds a week.
Sev~ral men stepped on to the stage,
. "Tell me, Harry," I said at.length. " Why includmg myself. The volunteers did their
m the name of goodness are you staying in a work well, and Houdini was securely bound and
frowsy hole like this ? " chained. But one man with ruddy cheeks
. "Fro\\:,sy? ':, Houdini raised his eyebrows and a waxed moustache, was bent on making
m surpnse. Frowsy? Is it really now? things uncomfortable for him. "I don't
I hadn't noticed. Anyway, Will, it doesn't like the look of this knot," he said " It
matter much. The landlady is a heaven- looks as if it might slip easily." ,
born cook, she can dish up anything in first Houdini wa~ nev~r happy when people
rate style." found fault Wlth hIS performance and in
And with that I had to be content. In order to avoid all public embar~assment
vain did I try to persuade Houdini to change he instituted a system which permitted hi~
his lodgings for a good class hotel. "Appear- show to proceed with its accustomed smooth-
ances count nothing with me," he said. n~ss. While the ~is.gruntled one was airing
"But with some decent food inside me, I hIS protests, HoudmI .gav~ a secret sign to a
feel that all's right with the world." man w~o was standmg m the wings, well
The following day was Saturday, and out of SIght of the audience.
Houdini asked me if I would care to see the The confederate took the cue and smilingly
show he was presenting at the Manchester beckoned t? the victim. The man paused,
Palace. I readily agreed, and was installed scratched hIS head wonderingly, and walked
in a comfortable seat before the second off the st?-ge. That was the last the audience
performance. saw of hIm. Incidentally it was the last he
Houdini was accorded a tremendous recep- sa~ of the audience.
tion when he appeared. Following his usual wal~e~on as ~he unfortu~ate interrupter had
procedure he performed several minor ilbsions 'fi well mto the Wlngs he received a
prior to doing his" feature" trick, an escape tten
ern this t on the ear. In n~ne
c cuff ' . cases out of
from ropes and chains. When the audience that '1 reatment was suffiCIent persuasion
had been worked up to a suitable state of Houdf~.~nce was by far the best policy at
excitement, he told them he was about to case hIS performances. In this particular
present" the world's greatest act," and asked much t~wever, the v~etim showed fight. So
if half a dozen gentlemen from the stalls He e worse for hIm.
would come on to the stage to secure his lashed out wildly with both fists. But
from the start he was hopelessly outnumbered.
Three or four of Houdini's assistants pounced eye, was led away half protesting by the
on him and speedily but effectively silenced smiling George.
him. When the poor man had been knocked "Well, well," said Houdini to me in his
almost unconscious, he was placed beneath dressin/Z room. "It's all in a lifetime, you
the stage to recover at his leisure. know Will, it's all in a lifetime. By the way
As Houdini was returning to the dressing have you heard that story about the wife who
broke her husband's nose with a flatiron ... ?
room after the performance, he was
approached by the house-manager. " What
in God's name have your men done to that A REGRETTABLE INCIDENT.
interrupter?" he gasped. "They've half Houdini was a great man in many ways.
murdered him! " He had courage, detemlination, and infinite
"They've done what?" asked Harry, patience. In other things he was often
assuming innocence. "I never told them to unscrupulous and dishonest.
touch him. He must have got fresh." On one occasion I asked him to dine with me
The battered one was brought forward for at my flat. At that time mv hobby was
inspection. He was indeed a sorry sight. collecting pictures of which I was said'to be
Both eyes were closed, his lips were cut. no mean judge. I was especially proud of
and his nose had assumed elephantine propor- one that I had recently bought, a small
tions. The assistants had done their work water colour of a handsome woman. It
not wisely but too well. However, the ~vas a real work of art, and occupied an
magician was not in the least perturb~d. Important position on my drawing room walL
"Really, my man," he said, producmg '.' H;ow do you like that, Harry?" I asked,
a five pound note from his pocket, "you pomtmg ""ith the stem of my pipe at my
must not upset my staff like this. I'm la~~st acquisition. "Pretty good, eh?"
afraid you made them loose their temp~rs. Good heavens, Will, that's mine! " came
However, I will discharge them. MeanwhIle, th~ startling reply.
George here will put you in a taxi, and send Yours?" I returned, puzzled. " What
you safely home. Good night." . . do you mean? "
The note changed hands. The ':'1~t1m, :: Of COurse it;s mine. It was promised to me."
torn between a desire to thank Houdml for Don't talk such rubbish. I can show
the fiver and an impulse to dot him in the you the receipt for it."

" I can't help that. It was offered to me " Yes, Harry? " I replied,not knowing what
and I said I would consider the matter: to expect.
I must have it." "Do you know how I escape from that
"But I've paid for it." packing case ? "
"What you have done is no concern of "I haven't given it a thought, Harry."
mine. I claim that picture." " You're lying," Houdini shouted. " Tell
" Harry," I said, gently. "Your friendship me the truth."
is worth more to me than that picture. Don't " I assure you, Harrv - - "
let's have words over it." " Don't lie:Will." Houdini's manner had
"No. Don't let's. I'll take it." become quieter now. "To be honest, I
Houdilli removed the picture from the want to know if magicians are getting wise
wall. I watched him in silence, wondering to my secrets. If you don't know them, I'm
at the incredible smallness of the man's not afraid of the others. Please tell me."
character. The next time I saw my water I took a pencil and note-book from my
colour, it was hanging in the bedroom of pocket, and sketched an instrument which
Harry's New York home. I thought could be used for the packing case
escape. Without speaking, I handed over
my diagram to Houdini.
THE HOUDINI PACKING CASE He went deathly pale. My long shot had
ESCAPE. gone home. "I'll take this," he said at
On one occasion when Houdini was perform- last, tearing the sheet from my note-book.
ing in London, he decided to tryout a new "This ~as finished me with packing cases.
packing case escape. The trick was very After thIS performance, I'll have no more."
successful and he was well pleased with the
reception he obtained. Half way through HOUDINI AND "THE UNMASKING
the week he invited me to dine with him, and OF ROBERT HOUDIN."
suggested I should accompany him to the
theatre after the meal. H I ~a::e already made some reference to
As we were putting on our hats and co~t~ v OUdl~1 s love of publicity. It was his
prior to setting off to the show, Houdlll1 ery hfe blood. He invented so many
turned to me with a startled expression on schemes for bringing his name before the
public that I could fill several volumes on
his face. " Will !" he cried.

those alone. Some of them failed, most of this refusal on the part of Houdin's relatives
them succeeded. Had they not done so, he more likely than not they desired to be left
might easily have died a poor and unknown man in quietness. Possibly they hated the thought
Harry was not blind to the value of senti- of publicity. But Houdini could not, or
mental publicity. One of his favourite would not, take this point of view.
schemes was to hunt out the graves of any " Heavens, Will," he said, "what's wrong
magicians who had lived in the particular with me; Anyone wo~ld think I'm a leper!
town or district in \vhich he was appearing. But they 11 be sorry for It before I'm finished."
Then, accompanied by an army of press "What do you mean ?" I asked.
photographers, he would take a huge wreath " I'm writing a book on Houdin that'll
to the graveside, standing bareheaded whilst make those folks of his sit up. He's going to
his photograph was taken. On the following day ~et the worst write up he ever had. He was an
his likeness would appear in the papers with Imposter. "
such words as " Great Magician pays homage "Rubbish, Harry," I returned heatedly
to a departed conjurer." This idea tickled "'yoy.know that's not true. Whv be s~
Harry immensely, and incidentally had the vmdlctIve? Houdin was a great magician
desired effect of increasing his popularity. and you know it as well as anvone." ,
When he was performing in Paris before "He was an imposter, t tell you. I
the war, he decided to carry out this same have collected my facts to prove it And
programme, and accordingly hunted up the a~yway':' he added lamely, "the' public
grave and records of Robert Houdin, the WIll be1~eve anything I tell them. 'The
eminent French illusionist. He went even Unmaskmg of Robert Houdin' will make
further, and inquired for the whereabouts of everyone take notice"
Houdin's surviving relatives. To his utter " You are making' a great mistake Harry
astonishment, these good people refused to ~ObOdy wil~ think you a better man f~r such ~
meet him, and informed him in a manner eastly actIOn. Houdin is dead and cannot
a~fter .back. One of these days somebody
which left no room for doubt, that they wished
to have nothing to do with him. t'l wn~e a book on you, and call it 'The
nmaskmg of Harry Houdini.' "
This public rebuff made Harry very bitter.
That anyone should refuse to see him, the He looked up sharply at my words. "If
great Houdini, was totally beyond his compre- alnyolne does that it will be you" he said
Sow y. '
hension. I have never learnt the reason for

I laughed. "Maybe y~u're right,". ~ chair and make the presentation was The
replied. "But if I ever ~nt~ <?n Hou,~lm, Great Raymond. And Harry detested Ray-
it will never be out of vmdlctlveness. mond. "I won't accept anything from that
When the book eventually appeared, it --," he declared hotly. "Why, he pinches
was an utter failure. Although Harry had my ideas," and then he went on to tell me
taken much trouble to delve out his facts, in a few well chosen words just what he
he had also allowed his imagination to run, and thought of Raymond's capabilities.
the information was not generally accepted I felt the position very keenly, but, to my
as accurate. It was as well. Robert Houdin, relief, I managed to talk Harry over. I was
" The French Father of Magic," was a man a happy man when he finally agreed to allow
whom we all loved and respected. His Raymond to officiate.
spirit should rest in peace. We had several hundred cards printed for
distribution amongst our members. But they
didn't please Houdini.
HOUDINI OBJECTS TO SOMEONE ': These are all wrong," he said, when they
ELSE'S BOOST. arnved back from the printers.
I have already made some reference to t~e " Wh~t's the matter with them? " I inquired,
weaker side of Harry Houdini's na~ure, ~lS wondenng what my friend had at the back of
childishness his irritability, and hIS qUlck his mind.
temper. While it is not my intention to s~ress " You've got here 'In the Chair-The
thefaultsofonewhoformanyyearswasafn~nd, G~~at Raymond.' He's not great at all."
I feel it is my duty to present to the pu~hc a I shouldn't let that worrv you. It's
true pen picture of the man as I knew hIm. only a professional name." ~
The weakness of Houdini's character was . "Well it'll have to be altered. Call him
never better illustrated that at an annual ]~st ' M. F. Raymond.' Even that's a damn
dinner of the Magicians' Club, eight or nine SIght too good for him. Don't let's aruue
years ago. We ~ad decided t~at the gath~r·· abo~t it, Will. Either you have these ca~ds
inO' would proVIde a splendId opportumty repnr:ted as I like them. or I'll refuse to attend
otmaking him a prese~tation, f<?r he had been trebd~nner, and resign the presidency of the
our President since the mauguratlOn of the club. c T lI1 the bargain."
~ere was no argument. The cards were
It so happened that .t~e only available
magician of any repute Wlllmg to occupy the

Five, ten, twenty minutes passed, and still

Houdini had not escaped. The audience
grew restless. Had Houdini met his
DID HOUDINI FAIL ~ Waterloo? There was a cry of relief as he
walked to the footlights at the end of half an
I can recall only one occasion when Houdim hour, but when it was seen that his wrists
was baffled in an escape act. That he did were still secured, it turned to a sigh of
eventually succeed in escaping from a pair disappointment. Perspiring profusely, he
of. specially constructed cuffs after seventy examined. t~e handcuffs in the full glare of
m:nutes struggling was in itself a great the electnc lIght, and returned to his cabinet.
tnumph, but he afterwards told me it was the .A few.minutes later, he requested that a
mos~ nerve r~cking ordeal in all his long pIllow mIght be placed on his knees in order
magIcal exp~nence. There was one thing, to make his position more comfortable.
however, WhICh he refused to disclose. That But still the time went by, and he seemed
was the manner in which he freed himself. no nearer success. The audience was amazed.
A .",:ell known newspaper challenged Fifteen minutes more elapsed, and Houdini
HoudmI to escape from a pair of hand- asked that his coat might be removed. This
cuffs made by a Birmingham blacksmith. request was refused since it would have
T~is. man. had taken five years to perfect necessitated removing the handcuffs, So he
Ius mventIOn, and it was said that the p,rocured a l?e~knife from his pocket, and
man~cles could only be opened by a slashed the lmmg of the coat to ribbons.
spe~I~1 key. Houdini, fearing nobody, and ~t th~ end of an hour, he asked his wife to
reahsmg the value of the challenge as a bnn(S h~m a glass of water. This she did,
free advertisement, readily accepted. placmg It on the edge of the cabinet. Hounini
The test was held at the London Hippo- ~ook the glass between his hands and drained
drom~, .and it was generally expected that c~ .T en mmutes
It ' later, he emerged from the
HoudmI would free himself from the wonder t bmet, and flung the handcuffs on to the
c~ffs in his customary time of two or three s r~~e. H~ was free, and his appearance was
mI!1 utes . The manacles were placed on his g ded WIth thunderous applause
wnsts, and, follmving his usual procedure, h How . d'd 1 .
Houdini escape? Presumably
he ent~red the small cabinet which exposed e tmha~Ipulat~d the handcuffs by- his ordinary
only hIS face to the audience of two thousand m e OQS , b U t m LlllS case tbe locks had proved

standing would have consented to deliver
so stubborn that it had. taken him over an up the key is quite another matter. One
hour to persuade them to yield. That, at must remember it would have been a
least, is what the public concluded. Perhaps great triumph from newspaper's point of view
the public was right, it may have been to have brought about the d.efeat of such a
deceived. I do not know. celebrated escapologist as Houdini.
I only know that on the following day When Houdini came in to see me two days
I was told a very different story. A man later, I put the question to him point. blank,
whose sources of information were usually "Say, Harry," I said, "they're tellmg me
correct told me that Houdini never escaped you unlocked the handcuffs with the journal-
from the handcufJs. ist's key. Is that true ? "
After an hour's struggling, said my inform- "Who's been saying that? " he demanded.
ant, the magician realised he would never
escape. So he asked his wife for a glass of " Never mind who. Is it true? "
water, and gave her to understand she would " Since you know so much, Will, you had
have to procure the key at all costs. Bessie, better find out the rest," was all he said.
realising the terrible predicament of her This refusal of information on Houdini's
husband, called one of the journalists aside, part should not be construed as an admission
and frankly told him that her husband was of guilt. I expected it, for knowing him as
beaten. Since failure would have meant the I did, I guessed he would welcome the story
end of everything for Houdini, whilst to as a means of quiet publicity, even if it was
the paper it meant but little, she asked to be untrue. On the other hand, if he did actually
given the key to pass on to her husband. fail to escape, one would hardly expect him
This request was granted. It was rumoured to admit it.
that Bessie placed the key in the glass of water I am afraid we shall never know what
and took it to Houdini on the stage. Shortly actually happened, but you can take it from
afterwards, he walked from the cabinet with me that Houdini had the greatest shock of
the handcufis free from his wrists. his life. He afterwards told me that he would
Personally, I think this story is an exagger- sooner face death a dozen times than live
ation. I can readily believe that Houdini was through that ordeal again.
capable of such a plan when he found his escape
impossible, but whether a newspaper man of

IS HOUDINI EARTH BOUND? 1 t tell me that Houdini was an altered

ong 0" Why should he be?" I aske.d
Is Houdini earth bound? I think he is man. If "There is no reason." Then I hIt
The great American has been dead now fo; mysehat. I believe to be the true exp1ana t'IOn.
over three years. That is sufficient time for on~udini is lost in his new sphe~e. He was
the spirit of the average human being to always a difficult man to conVIllce, and I
realise that he or she is something different think it more than likely that .he does not
from the flesh and blood of us mortals. In realise he is dead, dead, I mean, III an earthly
all that time, however, I have only once seen sense. He has lost his pe~spec.tive) and, .a~ a
Houdini manifest himself in spirit form- spiritual being, cannot realIse hIS true pOSItIon
this in spite of the fact that I am an ardent in regard to the friends he has left on earth.
spiritualist, and have several times endeav-
oured to get in touch with my departed
He thinks he -is still one ot us.
He may be at my side as I pen these words,
friend. perhaps trying to attract my attention. Who
The solitary occasion of which I speak was can say? I am not clairvoyant, and am
at Hannen Swaffer's flat, early in the spring quite unable to sense a spirit presence. I
of 1928. There were several people present am convinced there is much he has to tell
at the time, including a well-known amateur me, that he is determined to tell me. How
trance medium. It was through this person many attempts he has made to communicate
that Houdini appeared to us, str?-ng~Iy with me since his tragic death he alone knows.
different from the man we had known m life. This particular seance had been held because
His wrists were held together as though an. entity who called himself Houdini had
fastened by unseen handcuffs. He 'Yas SaId, "S~nd for Will." So I went along. . . .
struggling violently, evidently endea,:"ounng On thIS, ~he only occasion when he actually
to free himself. "I'm Houdini," he whlspe~ed sUcceeded In getting into touch with me, I
in a hoarse, almost unrecognisable VOIce. ~as st!uck by the desperate and eager way
"Don't you know me ?" He appeared to ~ WhIch he endeavoured to make himself
want to tell us something, but l<:tcked t~ .o:n' .That he failed to tell me all that he
.power. At last he pulled his WrIsts ap~s
as though he had escaped from the manacl .
:fu et· IS. ample proof that his spiritual
ca Ion IS not yet complete.
A few seconds later he was gone. . tl
The appearance was brief, but sufficIen Y


So much has been said and written of the
Houdini spirit message to the Rev. Arthur
Ford, that I feel I should be doing an injustice
to the great American magician if I did not
spare a small amount of space in order to
clear up the matter once and for all.
Many of the statements that have been issued
on this matter have been so entirelY contradic-
tory and false that many otherwise credulous
members of the public have put the whole
thing down as a somewhat irreverant, but not
entirely unsuccessful, publicity stunt.
In the first place let me say definitely .that
Houdini was never a spiritualistic medmm.
I should like to make this point quite clear
in view of the fact that Sir Arthur C~n~
Doyle suggested in the "Strand, Ma~aZI?e
that many of the American's am~~lilg ~l1uslO~S
were effected by means of spmtualism-:- ln
short , that Houdini was an unconscIOUS d' . was
medium. As a matter of fact :S;ou lill ver
nothing more or less than exceedmgly cle hi
conjurer who knew the art of showm ans P
from A to Z. Had I the mind to d? ~?;
I could explain everyone 0/ the A mer~ca

these magical nobodies, and in a short while h ve been praying to receive the message
Mrs. Houdini and the Rev. Ford wer~ ~ro~ my husband, for two years every day
openly accused of fraud.
I have received messages from a~l. parts of
I ha~e the pleasure of knowing both the the world. Had I wanted a publICIty stunt
people In questIOn. Mrs. Houdini is a sweet I no doubt could have chosen any of ~hese
demure little woman, known among he: sensational messages. W~en I repudIated
friends as "Bessie the Nun." She is rich these messages, no. one saId a word, except
and has absolutely nothing to gain in bringing the writers who saId I had not the nerve to
her name before the public. The Rev.
Arthur Ford is a well respected man in New admit the truth.
When the real message, the message that
York, and it is difficult to believe that he Houdini and I agreed upon came to me, a?d
would enter into any form of swindling. It I accepted it as the truth, I was greeted WIth
is interesting to note that he declares that jeers. Why? Those wh? denounced. the
he does not know whether he received the entire thing as a fraud, claIm that I had gIven
Houdini message or not. But, as he himself Mr. A. Ford the message. If Mr. Ford said
writes, "Mrs. Houdini said I did, and the this, I brand him as a liar. Mr. Ford has
sealed compact which Houdini left in the stoutly denied saying this ugly thing, ~md
bank vault seems to prove it." knowing him as well as I do, I prefer to belIeve
The following letter which Mrs. Houdini Mr. Ford. Others say the message has been
wrote to Mr. Walter Winchell of the staff common property and known to them for
of the New York "Graphic" should leave little some time. Why do they tell me this now,
doubt upon the matter. The letter runs when they knew my heart was hungry
as follows: for the true words from my husband ?
Dear Mr. Walter Winchell, Of the many stories told about me, I
This letter is not for publicity. I do. n~t have no way t~o tell the world the truth or
need pUblicity. I want to let Houdlnl.S the untruth, for I have no paper at my beck
old friends know that I did not betray his and call. Everyone has a different opinion
trust. of how the message was obtained. With all
I am writing you this personally because ~ese different tales I would not even argue.
I wish to tell you emphatically that I was no thowever, when anyone accuses me of giving
party to any fraud. rs la e Words that my beloved husband and I
Now regarding the seance. For two yea bored so long to convince ourselves of the

truth of communication, then I will fight and Houdini decided to give up all her ~onnections
fight until the breath leaves my body with stage life. But, partl~ owmg to the
If anyone claims that I gave the code' then persistent arguments of her fnends, and partly
I can only repeat they lie. Why shduld I owing to her own inherent love of the foot-
~ant to cheat my~elf? . I do not need public- lights, she decided to alter her decision.
Ity. I have no mtentIOn of going on the She realised she could not do better than
stage, or as some paper said, on a lecture tour ca~ . on her late husband's work as a
My husband made it possible for me to liv~ magrcIan.
in the greatest comfort. I don't need to She decided to produce an escape from a
earn money. I have gotten the message that solid block of ice, and for several months she
I have been waiting for from my beloved, how was coached by illusionists of repute in
if not by spiritual aid, I do not know. ' America. At the rehearsals, however, she
And now, after I told the world that I became dissatisfied with the construction of
had received the true message, everyone her apparatus, and the manner in which the
seems to have known of the code, yet never act was produced.
told me. They left it for Mr. Ford to tell She was not enjoying the best of health
me, and I am accused of giving the words. at the time, and finally thought it best to
In conclusion, may I say that God and proceed no further with the shoviT• Several
Houdini and I know that I did not betray of her friends were in agreement with her,
my trust. For the rest of the world I really ~or they ha~ no desire to see her appear
ought not to care a hang, but somehow I do, In an act ~hICh was not in keeping with the
therefore this letter. Forgive its length. true Houdmi tradition.
Sincerely yours,

In justice to Bessie Houdini, I feel obliged

to allot a small amount of space to .the
true explanation of the failure of the magIc~
entertainment with which she contemplate
touring America.
After the death of her husband, Mrs.

" Yes, beautiful."

" Excuse me if I say so, but you are a very
nice girL"
"Am I really?"
MAURICE AND THE GIRL IN THE CAR. "Yes. Perhaps you know me-my name
is Maunce."
The Great Maurice, the well known French " I'm afraid I don't."
card manipulator, is a man of an impulsive .The conj.urer produced. a photograph and
and somewhat obstinate disposition. It was hi.s profe?slOn::l card whlc~ the girl studied
these characteristics which caused him to Wlth ObVIOUS mterest. ThIs attention urged
propose to the lady who is now his wife on Maurice to further efforts.
the first occasion that he' ever saw her. "Are you in the profession?" he asked.
Twelve years ago, he was walking through " Yes. I am an assistant with The Great
Leicester Square with the intention of calling Rameses. JJ

on me to discuss some business affairs which "That's most interesting. By the way-
we had in hand. As he was about to enter are you married ? "
my office, he noticed a very smar~ limous~ne "Oh, no."
car that was drawn up to the curb Just outsl~e m;}~~ you think you would care to marry
mv front door. But what attracted his
attention more than the car was the extremely "I might."
pretty and well dressed girl who happened :: Tell me now, yes or no.

to be sitting at the wheel. Ve~y well, I will."

Nine men out of ten would have passed d~~Tce .coul~ hardly believe his ears, and
the girl by, for she appeared to be entirely must With JO~ on the pavement. "I
wrapped in her own thoughts. But not s~ shoute~el1 my fnend. Will Goldston!" he
Maurice. He approached the car, and doffe his ne~l and rushed lI;to ~y ~ffice, leaving
his hat in the approved style. car. y found fiancee still SItting in the
" Good morning," he said. He told m h' .
"Er-good mormng,. " rep l'le d the gl'ri, not that he woulde IS happy news, and added
a little startled. breakfast T e~p;ct me to attend his wedding
" It's a very nice morning," went on the WhOle aff~ir: . IS I agreed, thinking the
conjurer, following up his advantage. as Just a mad escapade. When
Maurice left my office, still extremelv happy
and excited, I dismissed the matter from my
. A few mon~hs later, however, he burst
m on me agam.
"You're coming to my wedding breakfast
now, Will," he said. You're the only one we THE GREAT MAURICE AND A NEW
have invited. ILLUSION.
"I can't manage it to-day, Maurice," One afternoon, shortly after the War I
I told him. "I have a lot of urgent business was demonstrating a few tricks to Bert
on hand." Bailey, the popular Australian actor when
"But you must come. We must have The Grea~ Mau~ice walked into my' office.
just one guest, and we've selected you." H~ ;vas ImmedIately foll?wed. by a huge,
I pondered for a moment. "\\There's thlcl.. set, and not very mtelhgent looking
the bride ? " I asked. negro..
" Downstairs in the car. We've only just IC G~od afte:-noon,
IC Maurice," I said.
been married. The breakfast won't take you ~ho s your fnend ? "
long, and the little lady will be frightfully 'erkPo yo~ mean th~s fellow?" asked Maurice,
disappointed if you don't come." . t I ~g ,hIS head m the negro's direction
Put to me in this light, I had no alternatl,ve t b on t kn,ow him from Adam. He seem~
but to agree, and I accompanied, Maunce 0" e followmg me about."
downstairs and offered my best WIshes and one G~?~ afternoon," interrupted the dusky
congratulations to his wife. .
Leaving the car by the curb, M~urIce took
me 'bef onel,of you gentlemen have seen
" ,ore. m Sam."
me by the arm, and directed hIS footste{>s " ~~: ~et plenty of Sams," I returned.
towards the Lyons teashop which stands In
Green Street. There he ordered three c~ps reply. '}~~t I daresay you have," was the
king one Sam l"k not t~IS on~. There's only
of tea and a plate of Dundee cake. Ta: at circuses I" e me. I m a SIde show exhibit
a slice of cake from the dish, he placed It on
my plate, and smiled. .
"w .
" l' hat's your line ? " I asked
"There Will," he said. "That's our weddifR m the W'l .
lOOk at th I d Man from Borneo. Just
breakfast. I told you it wouldn't take long. ese photos." He produced a

number of dilapidated prints from his pocket

" That's. a picture of a girl who sometim~
works wIth me. We look like real savages
when we're made up."
I glanced through the photographs and
handed them back to him. '
" They're all very interesting," I remarked.
" But why do you honour me with a visit?"
"I've finished with the wild man stuff. I
want to buy some tricks."
" You want to become a conjurer? "
"Sure. What sort of tricks have you got? "
"There's the 'Indian Basket.' That's a
good illusion."
"No. It's much too old."
" Would a box escape suit you? "
"That came out of the ark?"
For the next twenty minutes I was
occupied in suggesting tricks to the negro.
But everything I proposed met with the same
objection; they were all too old. At last I
grew desperate.
" What about a freak that is half a woman,
half a dog?" I demanded.
At this the negro's eyes lit up. "Which
half is the woman?" he asked.
"The top half."
"It's really alive?"
" As much alive as you are." ~"
"What is the price of this person.
" I'll charge you £350."
The dusky one jumped back as if I bad


Although from time to time I have
numbered. am~ng~t my customers many so
called. natIve wItch doctors," I have never
expenenced ~he pleasure-tor a pleasure it
~ndou.btedly Is- of performmg before natives

~n theIr own country. Dr. A. E. Neale, who

IS perhaps, the finest amateur conjurer in
Englapd, has .told me of a most amusing
expenence whIch he had with an African
Dr. Neale had been sent out to the West
Coast on Government work in connection
with the public health of the colony. Soon
after his arrival, he was asked to give a
perform.ance in aid of a local charity, and this
he readIly agreed to do.
The show was well advertised, and an
hour before the performance was due to
begin, the little public hall was crowded with
negroes of every class and condition. Most
of the best seats had been booked for a
prince, who attended with his full harem of
forty wives. Then came the better class
natives who wore top hats, shirts-no trousers,
ma hat. Dis am ma best one. Y0' can't Th hubbub only ceased when Dr. Neale
hab dis."
d~ced a beautiful home-made .cake from
." B~t I. give you my word of honour I f~~ interior of the hat. Jim m :vonder-
will gIve It back to you quite undamaged t and then snatched hastIly at hIS head-
or buy you a brand new one." , men 't see what damage had been ca~sed.
A~ these words Jim appeared to be less wearDr.0 Neale had promIse
As . d 't
,I was ent Ire1y
obstmate, and eventually handed over his
hat. But his eyes opened wide as he unharmed. h
The conjurer then proceeded to cut ~ e
followed the conjurer's movements. Without cake into several small I?o~tions, <:me of
the slightest hesitation, Dr. Neale broke two he offered to his unwlllmg assIstant. Jlm
eggs and poured the yolks into the hat. He took it but shook his head sadly when
t~en proceeded to add flour and spirits of assured' that it was quite eatable. .
wme before beating the mixture with a "No can eat dis, Doe," he said. " DIS
wooden spoon. Lastly, he took a match, and am magic cake. And dese here ain't currants,
set the sticky mass alight. deys pieces of cloth."
Jim's anxiety was most pitiable. " Rubbish" said the doctor. "Of course
"Massa, Massa," he cried. "Y0' gone you can eat 'it. It's just an ordinary cake.
done ruined ma hat. Y 0' set urn alight You've seen me make it yourself."
wid de mess. Oh, ma hat, ma hat! " "Ah'll tell you in de morning whethe~ it a~
Dr. Neale attempted to comfort the negro magic or not," said the negro, regardmg hIS
by assuring him that his hat was entirely slice with suspicion. And no amount of
undamaged, and would be restored to him in persuasion on the conjurer's part could induce
due course. But Jim took little notice. the bewildered Jim to take a mouthful of the
He pressed his hands to his ears and rocked cake.
his head dismally to and fro. "Ma hat I . On the following day, Dr. Neale met Jim
Ma hat I " he cried. In the main street of the town.
The poor fellow's discomfort was a source " Yo's right, doe," said the negro. "Dat
of great delight to the rest of the audience. was no magic cake, it sure was fine to eat."
They screamed and hooted, jeered and "Of Course it was. But what made you
cha!lge your mind ? "
shouted. "Jim, yo' is one big fool. Y0' hat Jlm explained. His test had been simple
am sure finished," they yelled. b ut effective. When he had reached home

the previous night, he placed the cake under

his pillow. In the morning) he had observed
a stream of ants going to and from the
doorway to his bed. On lifting up the pillow
he discovered the cake swarming with th~
insects, and without hesitation, had placed it
in his mouth-ants and all. MURRAY-HIS GREATEST ESCAPE.
tIIf ant eat dat cake so can Jim. Y0' can In September, 1924, Murray, the ~ell
no fool ants," he explained, grinning from known Australian escapologist, was workmg
ear to ear. at the Apollo Theatre, Shanghai. He h~d a
successful week's run, but on the final mght
there occurred an incident, which, although
not of great interest in itself, was to prov~de
the first chapter of one of the most amazmg
and startling true-life stories that has reached
my ears.
As I have said, it was Murray's last
appearance in Shanghai. Just before the
curtain was due to fall, a man sitting in the
stalls rose to his feet and challenged the
performer's ability.
tI Murray, you are very clever," he said.
"VOil have escaped from your chains and
b.oxes here this evening, but I do not con-
S1~erthat extremely difficult. You use the same
~hlllgs every day, and are familiar with them.
t would be a very different matter to
escape from somewhere you have never been.
"I n my office in this city I have a strong-
room. I challenge you to escape from that
r~o~. If you succeed I will pay you the sum
o ve hundred dollars. If you fail, it will

cost you nothing. What do you say?" the Other hand, I .must examine you. These
Murray thought rapidly. He had no ressmen will aSSIS t me. " ., .
further bookings in Shanghai. Therefore if p Murray saw no point in obJectmg to thIS
he failed to escape from the strongroom, his roposal, and was thoroug~ly searched.
reputation would be very little damaged. ~hen the examiners were sa~Isfi~d that. he
On the other hand, he might succeed, in which had no implements concealed m hIS clothmg,
case he,lwould be five hundred dollars better they pushed him forward into the strong-room,
off. Yes , it was worth taking the risk. and turned the key.
"I accept your challenge, sir,'" he said. The locks were not difficult. Five minutes
11 If you will let me know your address, I later Murray had escape? He .received t~e
shall be pleased to attend at ten o'clock congratulations of the JournalIsts and hIS
to-morrow morning." challenger with good grace.
There was a round of applause at this bold It wasn't very difficult," he said,

statement. The challenger bowed his thanks, modestly. 1/ Why on earth did you chal-
gave Murray his address, and intimated that lenge me to open a door like that?"
"Well, you see," replied the loser, /II
he would be prepared to receive him on the
morrow at the appointed hour. thought you were a fraud. I don't mind
losing in the least, for you have more than
When Murray arrived at the office on the proved your ability. Here is your cheque for
following morning, it was obviou~ that preJ?ar- five hundred dollars." He turned suddenly
ations had been made for hIS receptIOn. to the waiting pressmen. /I Good day, gentle-
The strong-room door was st3:nding ajar, men.. I hope you have had an enjoyable
and had been thoroughly exammed before- mormng."
hand by half a dozen journalists who were ~he thinly veiled hint was taken. Murray
gathered together in the outer office. waIted in silence, wondering what he might
The escapologist greeted his challenger expect next from this strange man. The
cheerily. door had hardly closed behind the last of
"Good morning, sir," he smiled. "Perhaps the newspaper men, when his companion
I might examine the locks of the strong-
room door ? " l
speaking rapidly, almost unintel-
/I Oh no you can't I" returned the other p" Mr. Murray, you are a clever man.
warmly. 'I
/I That's not. m.
the ru Ies. On erhaps you have discovered that
I am a Russian, and that my name is
Vinoff. But of my business you know noth- But once the train had crossed the border,
ing. Now I tell you frankly I am interested Vinoff's manner changed.
in you. How would you like to tour for "I must tell you the truth about this
three months in Siberia? " business, Murray," he said, "I am not a
That's no good to me," returned Murray.
theatrical promoter-I don't know the first
It I should want a financial guarantee. thing about the ~usiness. I .am a Russian
Besides, I don't know what the theatres are royalist. I promIsed you thIrty thousand
like in Siberia." dollars for your work. You shall have it.
" You need not worry about the money. " You won't have to do any performing,
I myself will give you a guarantee of thirty but the Soviet Government have certain
thousand dollars. As for the theatres- documents in their possession which I must
well, what does it matter? Wherever we obtain. I can lead you to the house where
they are locked; you will have to break in and
go, I am certain we should play to big get at the safe. When you hand me the
papers. you will receive your payment."
After some further discussion, Murray "Good heavens, man! " exclaimed Murray.
agreed to accept Vinoff's offer. Thirty thous- "Are you suggesting that I turn house-
and dollars was a large sum of money, and breaker? Supposing I cannot find the papers,
the Russian seemed confident that the project or that I am caught stealing them?
would prove a success. I can escape from a strong room easily
Two days later, both men caught the en~ugh, but I can't escape from a bullet."
western-bound express. But those who had I don't fancy the task will prove difficult.
seen Murray in Shanghai would not. have ~s for the danger-well, you must take the
s~k. If you refuse to do what I ask, I will
recognized him now. He was dressed In the
garb of a Russian peasant. . . . " oot you where you sit. Now what is it to
" It is better that you travel In dIsg~llse,. be?"
Vinoff had assured him. "For one thIng It ~urr~y thought for a while. It I have no
will mean better business for us-as a Rus- OP,~lOn, he said at last.
sian you will be a bigger dra~ing card tha~
ther;xcell ent ," replied the Russian. " But
as a foreigner. And then agaIn, we. do no
want unpleasant inquiries on our )ourn~f' be t re two things which you must remem-
If r. n the first place you are deaf and dumb.
The Soviet are suspicious of all foreIgners. anYone hears you speak in English, they

may become suspicious. And, lastly, do not

attempt to trick us. It will be as much as
your life is worth."
After a further day in the train, Murray
and his companion alighted at a small wayside
station. They were greeted by a group of
half a dozen other Russians who were evi-
dently delighted at their confederate's success
in securing Murray's services.
The performer frankly admits that he was
scared. He had no idea of his whereabouts,
and the effort of playing the part of a deaf
mute was proving a greater strain t~an he
had at first imagined. The party eVIdently
had very little money at th~ir command, for
they lived like tramps, sleepmg unde.r hedges
and barns, and eating only salt herrmgs and
stale brown bread.
After several days tramping in ~ northerly
direction, they were met by a sleIgh. F~om
that moment, Murray lost all sense of tIme
and direction. After what seemed several
days, but was probably only a few hou~s,
the horses drew up at an imposing WhIt~
building surrounded by a large expanse 0
snow co~ered parkland. Save for the champ-
ing of the horses, and the murmuring of t~e
Russians, there was not a sound to be hear.
I t was like a house of death. .' re
Vinoff turned to Murray. "ThIs IS Wh~IY
you get busy," he said. "I know ~;,acHe
where the papers are to be found.

jus t a tr i f1 e a w k war d . We shall h ve "That is a splendid idea," cried Vinoff

to read those papers before we know which excitedly. "We must try each envelope
we can take away. You must open the until we come to those I want."
envelopes without breaking the seal. We Carefully and systematically, they tested
must never let the Soviet know they have been every envelope in the safe. But there was no
tampered with." sign of the wanted documents. The Russians
"I can't perform miracles," protested swore long and fluently in their native
Murray. "I've opened the safe for you. language.
How do you expect me to open envelopes "Come. Let us not stay too long," said
that have been sealed? " Vinofi at last. "Be careful to leave each door
" I haven't the faintest idea. That's your as you found it."
business, not mine. But if you haven't Murr.ay never received payment for his
thought out a scheme in five minutes, your share In the enterprise. He was escorted
life won't be worth living." As he spoke, bac~ to the frontier, hastily thanked for his
Vinoff brandished a revolver dramatically serVIces, and left to his own devices. "I
in the air. s~ppose I. must be thankful to have escaped
Murray's plight was desperate. He looke.d wIth my hfe," he says, philosophically.
appealingly at the other men, but thelr
expressions gave him no hope. One of them
produced a vodka bottle which he passed
round to the others after helping himself.
That action probably saved Murray's life.
The sight of the alcohol bottle awakened
a childhood memory. He suddenly recalled
the old scheme of pouring alcohol on an
envelope in order to read the contents. He
was saved! d
He took an envelope from the safe, an
smeared it with two or three drops of vodka.
In a few seconds the paper became t~a~s­
parent, and it was possible to see the WrItmg
on the document inside.

entered the room, and introduced himself as

Major Griffith.
" I'm pleased to meet you," said Zomah.
" What can I do for you? "
Major Griffith played nervously with the
HOW ZOMAH DELAYED A MURDER. brim of his hat.
"Mr. Zomah," he said. "I am in very
The Zomahs are undoubtedly the greatest great trouble. I have not, however, come to
professional thought readers the world has borrow money. I wish to God it was only
ever known. Their almost incredible feats a question of finance that was worrying me.
have startled audiences in England and the lt is something far, far worse. I have been
American continent for many years past, and hypnotised. .I am the plaything of another
many experts have confessed themselves man's will. Can you help me?"
"Please explain," said Zomah, extremely
completely baffled by their performances. puzzled.
Early in the month of February, 1920 , Major Griffith explained. It appeared that
they were performing at the Princes' Theatre, a short time previously, he had attended a~
Montreal. After their evening show was amateur theatrical performance at Sainte
finished, the stage door attendant presented Agathe. A certain William A. Holland,
a card to Mr. Zomah, and stated that a man a prominent stockbroker, had been present
was waiting who insisted on being granted an and had hypnotised Griffith. From that
interview. But the words "Major Robe.rt ~oment the unfortunate Major had never
M. Griffith," which were written on the stnp hnown a moment's happiness, for, so he said,
of pasteboard, conveyed nothing to the thought e was ~ompletely dominated by Holland's
reader.' . personalIty.
The door attendant went on to explam z~~What do you want me to do ?" asked
that the Major seemed extremely ~gitated. add ah,. who wondered whether he was
More out of curiosity than anythmg else, resSIng a madman
"I d ' .
Zomah consented to see the man. "but on t k~ow exactly," replied Griffith,
Within a few seconds there was a tap o? two d something must be done. \iVhy, only
the door. In response to the performe~ I had i~ ago, I w~s on my: way to the office.
cheery "Come in," a tall middle-aged ro eavy day s work III front of me, and

was anxious to get ahead with it as soon as which might well have been taken from a
possible. But it was no good. I had to Lyceum melodrama. In January, 19 21 ,
return home." Major Griffith murdered William Holland
It Why? "
by shooting him through the heart.
"Because Holland had willed it.. Mr. It can only be assumed that for a short time
Zomah. That man haunts me night and Griffith had been persuaded he was free
day" Griffith lowered his voice dramatic- from Holland's influence. But, after a few
ally: "If you cannot help me, I will shoot months, the major had again felt himself
him like a dog. But, because I have seen to be under the hypnotic curse, and determined
your performance, and believe you to be to carry out his threat of murder.
possessed of some supernatural power, I Accompanied by a man called Coffee-who
have come to ask your advice!" . " . seemed to be in entire ignorance of Griffith's
(/ I certainly can help you, MaJ~r, saId intentions-he called at Holland's office, but
Zomah, thinking it best to humour ~IS str~nge was refused admission. He had lunch, and
visitor. At the moment, it is qmte ?bVlOUS called again. This time he made no mistake.
that your will is too weak to cope With ~he ~o¥and was shot through the heart whilst
power that this man has put over you. WIth sIttIng at ease in his office chair.
my help, however, you will be able to.more th~~ Whether Griffith's fears were real or imagin-
hold your own, because I c~n ~ you om ary will never be known. But to me the
strengthen your own determmatlOn. Fr whole story reads like a drama quite worthy
henceforward you must forget that such a of the pe? of Conan Doyle or Edgar Wallace.
man as Hol1a~d ever existed." k Truth IS mdeed stranger than fiction.
Major Griffith was profuse in his than. s,
and took his departure in a much. happl:J
state of mind. A few days later, h~ mform
the thought reader that he had qmte th~~
off the uncanny influence that had t~~ r
placed over him. As a result, he was heal le
both in mind and body. ed
That, so far as the Zomahs are concernt~
is the end of the story. But twelve. me; uel
later there was a sudden and dramatIc s q

and practised so assiduously that in a very

short while he felt confident that he could
present quite a passable public performance.
But now he was faced with his greatest
difficulty. Who would engage him?
eARL HERTZ THE IMITATOR. ~his was only one ?f the many problems
WhIC~ beset h~m. HIS father, having sold
Carl Hertz will be remembered as one of up hIS own busmess, put Carl out as assistant
the greatest American magicians of all time. at a neighbouring store. From this position
The story of his rise to fame is as romantic he was sacked for demonstrating conjuring
as. any fairy story from Grimm, and is a tricks during business hours, and he lost
tnumph of pluck and perseverance. Carl's seve~al other good posts for the same reason.
determination to succeed carried him through HIS parents became much alarmed at his
a. thousand troubles, and eventually enabled continual failures, and threatened that unless
hIm to reach the foremost rank of his profes- h~ coul.d put his mind to his busin'ess, all
sion. his. conJunng apparatus would be destroyed.
His real name was Louis Morgenstein, and ThIS ~hreat they afterwards carried out.
he was born of Jewish parents about sixty- Carl s first appearance on the stage (as
five years ago in San Francisco. His father ~ amateur) was a dismal failure. All his
owned a dry goods store in one of the meaner t~c~s went wrong, and his stage fright was so
parts of the town, and was determined that o1~~ous that the audience hooted him off the
his son should be in the same trade. Carl, Pe a lorm. In one trick, where he had to fire a
however, had other ideas. He had decided r vo ver ' he 1ost h'IS nerve entIrely
. and
to become a magician. fi re d a weapo t . . . '
Curiously enough, it was not until he had The bulle . n con ammg a lIve cartridge.
in th .t clIpped the ear of a man standing
seen a conjuring performance by the Great that ~h:mgs, and it .was only by a miracle
Hermann that Carl's thoughts definitely trial f young conjurer did not stand a
turned towards magic. But that one per- he wO~l:anslaughte~. As it was, he vowed
fo~ance had so impressed him that. he But a fe~ever agam appear in public.
deCIded then and there to change his vocatIOn.
professio 1 months later he was offered a
His first step was to learn a few tricks. parents' nCl; hengagement which, against his
This he did without any professional tuition, WIS es, he decided to accept. He

joined a touring company bound for the towns The perfo~~nce, w~ich had been. widely
advertised as A SpeCIal Show by GIlbert &
of Southern California. The tour lasted Sullivan's 'Pinafore' Company" was a fiasco.
exactly two days. The manager absconded, University students attended in force, and
and Carl was forced to pawn his gold cuff-~inks when they realised that four artists were
in order to pay his fare back to San FrancIsco. attempting to play every part in the opera,
This was a bad start, but there was worse there was almost a riot. They booed, made
to follow. In a short while he received cat calls, and eventually started throwing
another offer this time from a well-known eggs. After several attempts to gain a hearing,
manager wh~ was sending a. company to the actors retired, and the curtain was
tour the mining towns. Carl sIgned up the rung down. The next day the company
contract, and set off for Pet~luma where .the returned to San Francisco.
show was due to open. To hIS utter astOnIsh- Bitterly disappointed, Carl was forced to
ment he found only two actors and an actress return to the dry goods trade. He surprised
waiting to receive him. The manag~r told his parents by working exceptionally hard, and
him that other artists were on theIr way, they had hopes that he would settle down and
and handed him several sheets of closely lead the normal life of a business man. In
written manuscript. reality, he was saving to pay his fare to
"What's this?" asked Carl. Kansas City, where he was determined to
"Your part. We're doing 'H.M.S. Pina- t~y his luck as a single turn. In the mean-
fore'," was the short reply. time,. he was giving conjuring performances
Carl gaped open-monthed. " I'm at .p:lvate houses and charity shows, and was
"But hang it all," he protested. gaInIng confidence and skill. When he had
a conjurer. " th' g saved sufficient money, he packed up his
" Rubbish! You don't know any ~a a~pa~atus, and started on the three-thousand-
about magic, so you may as well play op mIle Journey to the west,
instead." " di For eleve~ days he suffered the worst
" I can't sing a note! I absolutely re.fuse. h~omforts ImagInable. The emigrant train
" Listen." The manager dismissed hl~ vr~~ w lch he boarded was dirty and smelly and
tests with an airy wave of the hand. lse ~hehe wa~ !ravelling in the height of su~mer,
either play the part of Dick Deadey e:, or~arl His condItIons became well-nigh unbearable.
start walking home. Please your~elf . food consisted of canned meats and
was almost broke, and had no optIOn.

vegetables. which his mother had thoughtfully for another three weeks."
bound up into a hamper. Carl whistled.
"That journey was the worst experience " That's bad," he remarked. " I'm staying
of my life," he told me forty years afterwards. at the best hotel in the town, and haven't
"Even though it was so long ago, it enough money to pay for one week, let alone
remains a vivid nightmare. I don't know three."
how I endured it." "That's alright," returned Hano. "You
When he arrived at his destination, he clear out of that hotel right now. I can fix
jumped from the. train a~d had a hu~ried you up until your engagement starts. I
wash his first smce leavmg San FranCISCO. happen to have taken a liking to you and I
Then: after a meal which he ate so quickly reckon you'll make a success. Get your
that he was troubled with indigestion for a luggage sent along to my rooms."
week afterwards, he went to the best hotel Carl ~as ~ot sl?w to take advantage of his
in the town, and reserved a room. new fnend s kmdness. He straightway
h~nded in his notice at the hotel, and moved
It My luggage is being s~n~ on in du~ course,"
hI~ luggage and his precious bundle of
he explained to the SUSpICIOUS boo.kmg clerk.
That same evening he was loungmg outSIde tnck~ to a small roem at the back of the
the hotel entrance, when he noticed a young clothm&" store. Had it not been for Hano's
man in shirt sleeves giving instructions to generosIty, more likely than not he would
another man who was dressing the windows ~aye retu::ned home, and might well have
of an adjoining shop, known as the "The ~I.shed his days behind the shop counters
W Ich he hated so much.
Boston One Price Clothing Store." C,:rl, W?o
felt badly in need of human companIonship, 0!l the following morning the young
started a conversation. and almost before h:e rOhnJurer set out to visit the manager of the
eatre Comique
realised it, he had told the other of his " I' .
cal ambitions, and of the many disappomt - h .m Carl Hert.z, the great conjurer,"
y~ ~ald by way of mtroduction. "I believe
ments which had come his way.
" So you want to get on at .the Theatre on ~ re re-opening in three weeks. I'll hang
T~ you care to engage me for a week."
Comique ? " asked. the shop - asslstan~~ w~
had introduced hImself as Hano. We , "S~ ma~ager smiled thoughtfully.
I've ne~ou re a great conjurer, are you ? Well,
I guess you'll have to wait awhile.. Th
theatre is being repaired, and won't befimshe
d er heard of you. Nor has anyone else

I daresay. Let's see what you can do." ments which lasted for another twelve months.
Carl gave a demonstration, and was relieved In r884, when he had become a popular
to observe that the manager seemed figure in America, Carl decided to visit
impressed. England. In July, he sailed for Liverpool
"That's enough," said the great man. with the intention of remaining a few months.
"What's your price? " Actually he stopped three years. Strangely
" Sixty dollars a week." enough, the Liverpool managers would not
" That's absurd. I might pay you thirty." look at him, although he assured them he had
"That's equally absurd. As a sacrifice, definitely established himself as one of
I can come down to fifty." America's leading magicians. So, more in
" Far too high." disgust that in anger, he travelled on to
But at last everything was arranged amic- Manchester, where he persuaded a manager
ably. Carl was engaged for one week at to book him for one week on the understanding
forty dollars, a figure which was the~ con- that if he were a failure there was to be no
sidered excellent payment. He filled m ~he payment.
three weeks before his engagement by dOl,ng His performance was well received, and he
various odd jobs in the" Boston One Pnce was engaged for a further fortnight. Flushed
Clothing Store." On one occasion,. he w~s with success, he came to London, and, as news
allowed to dress the window, and thIS he dId of his northern triumph had already trickled
with such success that the propri~tor beg!?ed south, he had no difficulty in obtaining further
him to give up the idea of stage ~Ife, o~enng bookings.
him an excellent salary as chIef wmdow It was at this time that Beautier de Kolta
dresser to the firm. Needless to say, Carl w~s a~tonishing audiences at the Trocadero
declined with thanks. . ~th hIS ~ele~r~ted Cl Vanishing Lady" illu-
His performance met with extraordmary SIon. ThIS tnc KWas different from anything
success, and the manager was so delighted that had been seen before, and was the talk
that he extended the contract for a further ~h~ll LOt;J-don. Anxious not to miss anything
fortnight. Meanwhile the wrote to R Ieh, mIght be of use to him, Carl saw de
agents in all parts of the Umted States, · oIta s performance, and came away greatly
enclosing his programme and s~veral press unpressed.
cuttings in praise of his Kansas CIty perform- , VB.e. a~tered a few of the details of the
ance. As a result, he obtained further engage- amshmg Lady,' re-named it, and used it
as his own trick. Re created a profound
sensation in all the towns he visited, and
within a comparatively short space of time, he
found himself famous. That, in brief, is the
romantic story of his rise to fame. THE WORLD'S CHEAPEST THEATRE.
For nearly twenty years he remained the
undisputed king of vaudeville magicians, and In the course of his long and successful
it was not until Rorace Goldin first appeared career, Carl Hertz received many offers to
here at the beginning of this century, that tour the world. On the first of these, he went
the 'American's position was seriously chal- to China, and had little difficulty in making
lenged. Hertz saw Goldin's pe~form~nce, himself popular with the audiences. It was
and realised that he had now a serIOUS rIval. while he was in this country that he was
He became panic stricken, and decided to alter advised to go to Shanghai where, he was
the whole of his programme. From that assured, he would be well received.
moment, he seemed to lose all his old artistry Carl thought this a splendid idea. But
and showmanship. when he arrived at the eastern port, he was
He purchased a number of new illusions dismayed to learn that the only theatre in
from Basch a well-known German manu- the town was occupied by a Chinese company.
facturer. This was a great mistake. Clever Since one native play often takes several
mechanic though he was, Basch. ~as. no weeks to perfornl, Carl knew that it was hope-
inventor and obtained the ideas for hIS illusIOns less to wait on until the theatre was free.
from th; programmes of the best Continental This was something of a blow, for he had
performers. reckoned on making a useful pile of money
Carl soon lost the reputation which had from his Shanghai performances. In the
cost him so much to build. He became known COurse of his walks through the town, however,
as an imitator, an~ ~ost caste not. only amol1:g~ he .had noticed a large strip of wasteland
his brother magIcIans, but WIth theatnc r wh~ch was situated conveniently near the
managers as well. He was content to appe \ maIn roads. At the time he had not been
at second class theatres, and !ndeed, ha~ ~ able to understand why this land had not
not been for his wonderful bIrd-cage tnc cl b~el! put to some useful purpose, but other
it is doubtful if he would have secure a aIrs had come along and he had given the
matter no further th01{ght.
engagements at al1.
An exceedingly original idea now struck
him. He found the owner of the land, and
asked him how much he would charge to let around which several yards of paper we~e
out the land for one month. To Carl's intense rolled. Carl's eyes almost fell from ~IS
surprise, he was told that he could have the head when he saw it, f~r it was covere~ WIth
use of the land rent free. Luck was with him. a number of minute Chmese figures whIch he
He next asked a Chinese builder to estimate reckoned must indicate several thousands of
for constructing a temporary wooden theatre. pounds. He immediately sent for a clerk from
Always a clever business man, Hertz was a nearby bank in order to find out exactly how
careful to explain that he would req <lire the much he would have to pay in English money.
theatre for one month only. Consequently, The bank clerk carefully unrolled the
he wOuld only need to hire the wood. scroll and examined each of the figures in
The builder thought for a moment. turn.' Poor Car1 was hopping about like a
"Who can say how much it will cost?" he cat on hot bricks, cursing himself for his
said. " It will require a large staff of men and folly in allowing himself to be swindled by a
much wood." rascally native.
" Can't you give me some idea? " persisted " How much is it? How much is it ? ','
Carl. he cried.
" That is very difficult, sir. I have never The clerk smiled.
built anything so large before." "I cannot tell you exactly, sir," he re-
Carl took the bull by the horns. plied. "But it is something in the neigh-
" Build it anyway," he said. (C Make your bourhood of £ro."
bill as small as possible, and let me have Ten pounds! Carl's theatre was surely
it afterwards." !he cheapest and most rapidly constructed
The work was soon in hand. A large num- In the history of drama. For a whole month
ber of men was employed, and within two he played to capacity, and came away from
weeks the giant wooden building was com- Shanghai considerably richer for his enterprise.
pleted. Hertz was well pleased "\\-ith. the In fact the whole tour was a wonderful
result, and intimated as much to the bUlld,~ri fina.ncial Success, due chiefly to Hertz's keen
"Thank you, sir," replied the latter. 0 bUSIness acumen. On his second world tour
am glad you like it. I have the honour t , he incorporated a cinematograph show in his
present you with the bill." r • k
programme-this was then something of a
As he spoke, he produced a length of ,she noveltY-and more than doubled his previous

it somewhere. I've heard of these infallible

HERTZ AND HIS MONTE CARLO schemes before, so count me out."
SYNDICATE. " You're missing the chance of a lifetime,
I have already said that Carl Hertz was "I don't mind. I shall be the first to
a wonderfully astute business man. There congratulate you when you come back."
was, however, one flaw in his character which " Don't be an idiot. This thing's-"
might easily have proved his downfall. He " No thanks."
was a born gambler. "Oh, all right. Just as you please."
Betting was to Hertz what a candle is to a Two months later Hertz was again in my
moth. It was an obsession-one might almost office.
say a mania. Without it, he would have lost " No need to ask you if you won, I sup-
all interest in life. And, although to my pose, Carl ? " I smiled.
certain knowledge he lost many hundreds of "Oh, we won alright. But some of the
pounds, he would never admit that he had others wanted to get back, and here I am."
failed. "Of course I won," was his stock I kept a discreet silence. But only the
reply to all queries with regard to his gambling day previously, one of those others had told
ventures. me that Carl had lost several thousand
On one occasion he discovered a "system" francs!
for beating the bank at Monte Carlo. - .
"You must come in on this, Will," he saId.
" It's an absolute cinch. I've roped in a few
friends to form a syndicate, and we're going to When, in the late summer of 1921 a certain
Monte Carlo to make our fortunes. The system [esp~cted public body was endea';ouring to
can't fail. It works like this ...." And he e!ah~e an Act preventing animals taking
went on to describe his idea. If the directors p rt III public performances there was a
of the famous Casino could have heard him, good deal of apprehension' among many
they would have shaken him warmly by the U1crupulous animal trainers in this country.
hand. int s luck .would have it, one of the persons
"Thank you Carl" I replied. " Your erested In the passing of the Act-a man
scheme sounds ~onde~ful. In fact, it's t<;'o ~fm~d S~ith-happenedto read an old book
good to be true. I'm sure there's a catch In mIne III which I had described the disap-

~earing bird cage trick. And it was at this "They are g.oing to expose me, Will,',
h~e th~t Carl Hertz was performing the same he replied despondently. "This will be the
trIck wIth so much success. finish of me. They have asked me to demon·
.In my book, howev~r, I had described the strate the trick at the House of Commons.
trIck as performed wIth an oval bird cage If anything goes wrong, I shall be ruined."
Hertz always used a square cage. That fact' "Rubbish, man!" I exclaimed. "It's
~ore than anything else, saved Carl's reputa~ the most wonderful piece of luck that you've
hon. ever had. If you take care, nothing will go
Smith approached Hertz and threatened wrong. Think of the tremendous publicity! "
to expose him. Now that the whole business " But supposing-"
is finished, I can do no harm in mentioning . " Don't suppose.. I can .make you a cage
t~e f~ct that. t~e American magician actually rIght now that WIll not mjure the bird."
d~d ~Ill ~nd mJu~e a large number of birds in Within an hour I had constructed a small
hIS IllUSIOn. Thmgs looked serious, and in cage. It was built up on a framework of
vulgar language, Carl "had the wind up." cane strips, the wire bars being represented
In order to gain time, I arranged a meeting by lengths of fishing line. I arranged a
at. which both men were to be present. I fine me~h hair net on the inside of the cage,
tr~ed to save Hertz by explaining that the so t~at the canary should not injure its wings
trIck I had described was quite different from agamst the cane supports.
that used by the American. The only differ- As Carl was very nervous on the day
ence was, of course, in the shape of the cage. o~ the demonstration, I had a long talk with
Smith did not believe me, and even went so hIm, and assured him that the show would
~ar as to demonstrate the oval cage trick frove a tremendous success. But he refused
m our presence. Incidentally he made a ° be comfort:d, and could only speak of the
hash of it. The canary escaped, and proba~ly tremendous rIsk he was incurring.
starved to death. But the demonstratIOn When the dreaded hour came however he
seem ed t 0 forget that he was a "man on trial
gave us time to think things over.
Hertz called again at my office on the follow· so rto speak, and became once more the
ing day. . . PBoflshed conjuror, suave and confident
eo th e ast<:nished eyes of a Select Corn .
" Don't look so downhearted, Carl," I sal.d
in my cheeriest manner "I am sure this the ce, he vam~hed the cage, and produced
affair will turn out for yo~r good." anary, qUIte unharmed, from beneath
his coat. His natural gift for showmanship
had pulled him through.
The papers could not forget the incident.
If Carl had collected all the news cuttings
which appeared about him, he could have
papered the walls of his house four times over. HARRY KELLAR'S SEARCH FOR A
It was the finest free advertisemel'lt any SUCCESSOR.
magician has ever had, and he was not slow
to take advantage of it. With the possible exception of Houdini,
it is doubtful if America ever produced a
finer or more clever showman than Harry
Kellar. He was a man who knew his work
from A to Z, and his ability, coupled with a
most delightful personality, made him an
exceedingly popular figure on the American
stage. He never performed in England, but
his name was well known here, and many of
his finest and most bewildering illusions were
inspired by private visits to this country.
Kellar was an excellent business man,
and conceived the idea of running his own
road show. His confidence in this scheme
was amply justified, and he amassed a
considerable fortune by touring the larger
towns of the United States. I have never yet
met the man who saw him play to a poor house.
But, strange as it may seem, Kellar departed
fr?m all the accepted rules of honesty and
~~lr play when it came to choosing tricks for
IS programme. If he saw an illusion which
appealed to him, he would get it, if not by fair
~eans,. then by foul. I will do him justice
Y saYIng that he always first attempted to

strike an honest bargain over such deals American audiences as " Harry Kellar's Suc-
If his preliminary overture failed, he would cessor." It was understood, of course, that
find out, either by bribery or close observation any new illusions that were added to the
how the trick was performed. Then w he~ programme were to be performed in the
a suitable period had elapsed, he' would true Harry Kellar tradition.
incorporate it in his own programme. The scheme was an utter failure. Valadon,
I can remember such cm occasion about although a very able conjuror, possessed
thirty years ago, when Hercat was performing a violent temper, and few people were able to
the famous" Blue Room Mystery" in London bear his company for any length of time.
with considerable success. Kellar, who was Not long after the partnership had started,
visiting this country at the time, saw Hercat's he demonstrated his petulance in no uncertain
show, and decided the trick wo aId do splendidly manner. The older man could not see eye
for presentation in the States. He ap- to eye with him on many matters, and quarrels
proached Hercat with a view to buying the were frequent. Harry suddenly found he had
mystery, but the latter-a keen business man backed a loser; he forthwith" sacked" Vala-
also-refused to listen to his proposals. don, and re-started his search for a man
But that didn't worry Harry in the least. to carry on his work.
Shortly afterwards Kellar staged (, The Blue This time he was more fortunate. After
Room Mystery" in America with all the much deliberation he picked on Howard
polish and effect of his rival's London show! Thurston, and, as far as I know, never had
About the year 1904, Kellar decided to look reason to regret his choice. Thurston has
for a successor. He was growing old then, carried out his task nobly and well and
and felt the time had come when he should i~cidentally has netted a useful fortun'e for
choose a man to carry on his work when he hImself. I understand that he in turn is
himself went into a well earned retirement. se~kin~ someone to carry on the work. I
He had seen Paul Valadon perform a~ the WIsh hIm luck, and trust he will be as fortunate
Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly, and immedIately as was Kellar in choosing himself.
for decided that here was the man whom he
was seeking.
Valadon, naturally enough, jumpe~ at
Kellar's offer. The older magician proI~l1sed
to teach him his illusions, and introduce hIm to

early days, his. greatest friend was Coo~e,

a tailor's apprentIc~, and both of them studIed
magic as a spare-tIm~ hobby..
It was a pure aCCIdent whIch led these
WAS JOHN NEVIL MASKELYNE two young men to co?sider the 'p.ossibilities
A GENIUS;J of becoming profeSSIOnal magIcIans, for,
Was John Nevil Maskelyne a genius? although they wer~ both kee.n amateurs,
Yes-but not a magical genius. How then, neither considered hImself suffiCIently expert
you might ask, did he make his name famous to earn a living by the art.
throughout the world as England's greatest At that time the celebrated Davenport
magician? Brothers were at the height of their fame,
It was showmanship, that indefinable and their visit to Cheltenham excited much
quality without which the cleverest perform- interest. They were then performing their
ance will be a failure, and which has turned celebrated spirit seance," which many people

many a mediocre production into a startling believed was a genuine exhibition of psychic
success. John Nevil Maskelyne was a show-
man to his finger t i p s . . . Both the performers were bound to chairs,
He was not, strictly speakmg, a c0fol]u~er. their wrists were tied, and their hands filled
Although his manipulation of the spmnmg with flour. They were put inside a cabinet,
bowls was extremely expert, he spe~ialised and between them was placed a stool on
mainly in mechanical illusions, and It was which stood a glass of water, a number of
on these effects that he built up his great musical instruments, a board, a hammer, and
reputation. He understood the great power some nails. The lights of the theatre were
of the Press, and, like Houdini in later years, extinguished, thus plunging the stage into
he did anything to bring his name before the
public. Less than a minute afterwards, a distinct
He invented a great number of clever sound of hammering was heard to come from
illusions and was skilled in most matters the cabinet. The musical instruments were
appertaining to machinery. This is no~ to pl?-yed in expert fashion, and then silence
reIg~ed again. When the lights were turned
be wondered at for he first went into busmess
as a clockmaker at Cheltenham. In those up, It was found that the nails had been
driven into the board, the musical instru-

ments had been disturbed, and the water in

t he glass had vanished. The perfonners
had apparently not moved, for their wrists
were still tied, and the flour in their hands was
not spilled. But their coats had been turned
inside out.
Maskelyne had no idea how the trick was
done, but a faint ray of light thrown on to the
stage from an uncurtained window gave him
the secret. The Davenports had ordered
that the window should be covered, but half
way through the" seance" the curtain slipped
down unnoticed. This unforeseen accident
pennitted Maskelyne to watch the Davenports'
movements. He saw them slip their ropes,
carefully place the flour in their pockets, and
remove their coats. They played on the
instruments, hammered the nails to the
board, drank the water, and put their coats
on inside out. When the "seance" was
completed, they took the flour again from their
P?c~ets, and replaced their hands into the
slIdmg loops of the ropes. This insight into
the working of a professional illusion set
Maskelyne thinking.
Shortly afterwards he decided to become
a professional magician, and eooke agreed
to become his partner. The latter played
only an assistant's part on the stage, but he
~ad charge of all the costumes and sceneries
In the act. This was in r865 but it was not
until eight years afterwards that they accum-

ulated sufficient capital to enable them to

take a lease of the St. James' Hall London
In those eight 'years in the provinces'
Maskelyne had learnt much. He was as yet
an unknown name in England, but was
beginning to develop those gifts for showman-
ship which were later to make him world-
famous. His idea was to run for two or
('I ')
..i Q.
three months in London, and then return to ~
the provinces as "Maskelyne-The Great "" z "
London Magician." But he and Cooke made
w 4
~ I-+-
1-4 1'
so much money from their short stay at the w
St. J ames' Hall, that he decided to take a long tii
lease of the Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly.
In this he showed extreme cleverness, for .....e

the latter theatre was ideally suited for a ~
magical entertainment. It had a quaint,

J J.
mystic atmosphere which I have never
encountered elsewhere, and by calling it C"
"England's Home of Mystery," Maskelyne
did much to heighten this strange effect.
Maskelyne made his name, not so much by 4

{ '1
his own perfomances, as by those of the great i
~ .~


conjurers whom he engaged to assist him at i

the Egyptian Hall. Such men as Devant, H
.... I 1I I 1
~ ~
Paul Valadon, De Kolta, and Charles Morritt ~

did more to build up the reputation of the
theatre than either of the two proprietors.
~ ~
For Maskelyne, it must be said he ha~ a
friendly and intimate manner of putt~ng
over. his illusions, a fatherly style "yhlCh
appealed immensely to his old fashlOned

His most famous trick was the celebrated procession, he undertook to erect a certain
box escape, and he offered £500 to the man number of stands. It so happened that
who could discover the secret. Two magical the procession did not take the route he
mechanics claimed to have done so, but anticipated, and he lost every farthing he
Maskelyne refused to pay the money. A had put into the venture.
court case ensued which was finally taken to In 1905, the lease of the Egyptian Hall
the House of Lords. Maskelyne would not expired, and Maskelyne moved to the present
disclose his secret, and was forced to pay. headquarters of the family, St. George's
The case aroused enormous interest, and Hall. He opened with a play called "The
Maskelyne knew that the publicity he received Race," which was a disastrous failure. He
was worth far more than the money he had was not in the least disheartened, and, by
been forced to part with. I believe this box returning to his illusions, soon attracted the
was destroyed on Maskelyne's death. same crowded houses he had drawn at the
The libel case which Archdeacon Colley Egyptian Hall. On the death of Cooke, he
brought against Maskelyne will still be went into partnership with David Devant.
remembered by many. The Archdeacon This proved even more successful than the
stated that he had attended a spiritualistic first combination.
seance in which he had seen the form of a John ~evil Maskelyne died in 1917, and his
woman materialised from a man's side. s?n NeVIl has since joined him on the other
Although he secretly had a g~eat resJ?eet f?r SIde. Devant has gone into a honourable and
spiritualism, Mas kelyne publIcly dended. It, well earned retirement, but Jasper and Mary
thereby gaining a wonderful free advertise- Maske.lyne, grandchildren of John N evil,
ment. On this occasion, he stated he could are still carrying on the family traditions
produce by mechanical means the effect seen at. St. George's Hall. The name of Maskelyne
by Archdeacon Colley: and added a few words wI~l be known and honoured as long as magic
which were a gross libel on the famouS eXIstS.
prelate. And, although Maskelyne again 10s}
his case, he gained an enormous amount 0
publicity from the Press. .
Curiously e?ough, :'l-ll Maskelyne's b~sme~s
ventures outsIde magIC were c?mpl~t,e fallu~e ~
On the occasion of Queen Vlctona s Jublle

1 made several inquiries into the matter,

but the replies 1 received were all evasive, and
I was more mystified than before. I t was not
long, however, before I heard the expla?ati<?n.
Georg~ Wetton, a Director of the (l?aIly
Express," and a famous amateur conJur<?r
THE MYSTERY OF MY RESIGNATION FROM of the time, informed me that the MagIc
THE MAGIC CIRCLE. Circle had received a letter purporting to
come from myself, stating that 1 wished to
Many years ago, when the Magic Circle resign. Since 1 had never written such a
was first fonned, I was asked to become a letter, the only assumption was that my
member. At the time I was already a member signature had been forged.
of the Society of American Magicians, but The following day I met the secretary, and
I knew this would not prevent me from asked to be allowed to see the document.
joining the new society. I had felt for ~ome Again his replies were evasive, and I was
considerable time that a club for profeSSIOnal given no satisfaction. Since I feared that
illusionists in this country would be a very my professional reputation might suffer some
desirable thing, and was therefore only too damage, I called a secret meeting of the great
delighted to accept the invitation for member- magicians of the country, and put my case
ship that was extended to me. .1. agr~ed to before them.
give the Magic Circle some publIcIty III .the After a good deal of discussion, it was
pages of my own publication The M agic~an, decided that we should form another society
and to do everything in my power to help the to be known as "The Magicians' Club."
activities of the club. ~arry Houdini, who was in England at the
For a time, everything proceeded smoothly. tIme, was elected President and myself Vice-
The doings of the Circle were duly recorded President. The first meeting was arranged at
in my magazine, and I was extremely happy the Holborn Restaurant in May, 19II, more
in the thought that I was, at last, of s0Il1:e than 300 guests being invited.
material use to the many magIcIans. . 0f thIS The news of our new club soon leaked out,
country. After some months, however, the and it came to Houdini's ears that several of
communications and circulars that were the members of the Magic Circle were going to
always sent to me by the secretary sudden Y attend our meeting with a view to upsetting
ceased, and for no apparent reason.

the proceedings. In order to safeguard our- and from that day the Magicians' Club has
selves, it was decided that Houdini and myself never looked back.
should each have a bodyguard of eight well- As time went on, the members ~f. th~
trained pugilists, who would be able to explain Magic Circle learnt that the M<:tgIclans
to any would-be hecklers that law and order Club was doing much to further the mterests
was desirable. of magic, not only in England, ~ut all ?ver
Houdini occupied the chair. As I was the world.. Members of the nval socIety
sitting next to him on the platform, I noticed were invited to attend our functions, and
several members of the Magic Circle congre- much of the bad feeling which formerly
gated together on one side of the hall. existed has long since disappeared. Inde~d,
No sooner had the chairman started his if the figures of the J. N. Maskelyne Memonal
speech than a whole volley of remarks were Fund of which I have the honour to be a
fired at him. trust~e were to be examined, it would be
"There's only room for one society, and found that the members of the the Magicians'
that's already in existence." " Even if yo.u Club have subscribed to a very generous
are Houdini and can escape from handcuffs, It degree. I need hardly add that the great
doesn't mean that vou can run a magical John Nevil Maskelyne was probably the
society." These and other less polite remarks greatest opponent that our club has ever
caused incessant interruptions. . had. "J
At last, Houd'ni gave a pre-arranged sIgn. For a long time past the Magic Circle and
Thereupon sixteen men from the back of the the Magicians' Club have been on the most
hall walk~d slowly forward, and gradually friendly terms, for, in endeavouring to further
surrounded the hecklers. There wa~ no the interests of Magic throughout the world,
c.:..;order, no stampeding. But as the IJ?-~er­ they have a common cause. It is interesting
rupters realised that .sixtee:r: .hefty pUgl~ISts to note that, although John Nevil Maskelyne
were giving them theIr undIvIded attentIOn, told me plainly that he had no use for the
they grew strangely silent. There wet e. no Magicians' Club, his son Nevil willingly joined
further interruptions during the meetm g Our society, and before his death was elected to
r A nun1ber of m.embership forms were hande ci the position of Vice-President. There are
round amongst the guests towar d s the
~ .close
hty many magicians at the present time who are
of the proceedings.! One hundred and el g d members of both institutions and speak of
nine' o(.these were'eventually returned fil le . highly of one as they do the other.

Devant recognised me, and immediately

became suspicious. I assumed. he thought
I had volunteered my ~elp. m order. to
probe into the secret of hIS tnck. Nothmg
was further from my mind. At any rate,
DAVID DEVANT-THE MASTER MAGICIAN. David decided to take no chances, and asked
I first saw David Devant perfonn at the
for another volunteer. After some difficulty,
he persuaded a man who had been sitting
old Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly, 36 years .ago
near me, to go up on to the stag~. To get
(1893 or thereabouts.) ?e was then Just rid of me he employed an old tnck known
making a name for hImself as a ~tagc
in the pr~fession as "the conjurer's force."
performer* ; prior to this h~ had been a pnvate
entertainer. I thought hIS show one of the (l These two gentlemen have ~indly
cleverest I had witnessed, and felt I would consented to help me," he told the audIence.
like to see him perfonn again. "Which shall I choose, the gentleman on
A few years later, when he had become the the right or on the left?" Whichever one
provincial partner of Maskelyne and Cooke. of us the audience chose, I was bound to be
he gave an entertainment at ~he Hope Hall, asked to leave the stage, as Devant had not
Liverpool. He was perfonnmg an es~ape said whether he meant the audience's right
illusion playlet known as "Will the Vv~tch and left or his own. So I resumed my seat,
feeling uncomfortably small.
and the Watchman," and with recollechOl:l~
of his impressive London performance shl- I was not greatly impressed with the box
in my mind, I decided to attend the show. escape, and after the show I waited for him
When the escape box was brought. to in order to show him a model steel cage
the front of the stage, Devant asked If a escape of my own, which I thought a good
gentleman fr~m t?e audience would be good deal more mysterious than "Will the Witch
enough to aSSIst hIm. There was no :e~ponse~ and the Watchman." However, he told me
Thinking to avoid a brother magIcIan th that this was the invention of J. N. Maskelyne,
and this being so, he could not substitute
embarrassment of asking for help tha~ w~~
not forthcoming, I rose from my seat m t another trick. I was surprised at this, for I
stalls, and stepped up to the platform.. had been given to understand that he
* He had appeared at the London Pavl'1'Ion, The RonacheI,
~ought apparatus from a well-known magical
Vienna, and the Crystal Palace. Inventor called Frank Hiam. I was disap-
pointed too, for nothing would have given
me greater pleasure than .to have s~en my apparatus," he said, "but you h~ve nev~~
trick in the hands of so polIshed a conJurer as advised me when you have got anythmg good.
Devant. I refrained from mentioning the steel
I decided to~build .the7illusion~7·myself. cage incident, and humbly assured him that
A few weeks afterwards, I showed it to T. the fault would be rectified in the future.
Nelson Downs, the American coin manipu- My visit to De-yant was one. of the most
lator who found me a customer willing to enlightening expenences of my h~e. Amongst
pay ~ore than twice the amount I would have magicians he was a sadly mIsunderstood
accepted from Devant. Later, when the man, for his quiet and reserved nature was
secret leaked out , the trick was used'
by .
several mistaken for unsociability. I found him an
big illusionists in Europe ~nd;.- excellent conversationalist, willing to speak
Some years later, one foreIgn magIc~an on any subject which interested~me. At the
accused me of being a fraud, calmly statmg time it struck me that lhe was a man who
that he had invented the trick himself. would never stoop to a mean or underhand
Needless to say, this claim was never action, and in the course of many years
substantiated. business with him, I never had occasion to
Although I was anxious to c~aim Devant. as revise that opinion. I remember thinking
a friend, I refrained from agam approachmg how well he lived up to the advice of the
him owing to the fact that I had been very greatest of our poets:-
coldly treated by his partner, John NevII " . To thine own self be true,
Maskelyne. That, of course, is another story, A nd it shall follow, as the night the day,
but rather than run the risk of furth~r Thou can'st not then be false to any man."
friction, I thought it advisabl~ to aVOId
meeting any of the business aSSOCIates of the Before I left that evening, Devant had given
Grand Old Man of St. George's Hall. me an order for several new tricks. But I
I was, therefore, agreeably surprised ~hen came away with something far more valuable
Devant called on me one morning, and cordIal~y than a mere commercial contract. I had
his friendship.
invited me to visit him at his flat. HIS
manner was most friendly, and he added ~hat A short while afterwards, I went to see him
perform at the Finsbury Park Empire.
he was anxious to purchase some ~~w tnc~~
"You supply our leading magICIans WIt As I was sitting in his dressing room after
the show, an idea struck me.

11David," I said, cc the time has come when

the magicians of the world should acknow-
ledge you as their master."
11What do you mean? " he asked.
11They should make you a public presen-
tation. .Before I take the matter up, I MY IMPROMPTU ACT.
should lIke your consent."
He pondered for a minute or two in silence. When I was a young man, and had still
"It's a kind thought," he said. But I'm
11 my "vay to make in the world, I was eager to
afraid you would find it a difficult task. snap up any offer that was made to me. One
I'm too reserved for the liking of most people. of my first professional engagements was at a
You could not get many to subscribe to small mining town called Morristown, in South
my presentation." It was a considerable Wales.
time before I could persuade him to agree In those days-I was twenty-one at the time-
to my suggestion. I was always anxious to make a big impress-
The presentation was made at St. George's ion, and adopted the then unusual custom of
Hall, before a packed house. Magicians taking my scenery about with me. Arranging
from all parts of the world attended, and that this should be delivered by goods train
cheered him to the echo. They came to at the Morristown station, I went on ahead
pay homage to a Master Magician. to fix up the final arrangements for my show
at the local theatre.
To DlY surprise, there was nobody to greet
me when I arrived. The theatre was like a
house of death. I was told afterwards that
the whole of the theatre staff, including the
or~hestra and stage hands, worked in the
mInes .during the day, only starting their
professIOnal duties in the evening.
After I had been waiting well over an
ho~r, an aged man put in an appearance.
I Introduced myself, told him that my
scenery was being sent on, and finally
asked him if he knew of anyone who let out
apartments. and explained the whole situation. He
" Yes," he replied, after some deliberation. received me no more kindly than the landlady.
" My missus does." He gave me the address, "Do you know what you are?" he said.
and I set out in great haste, for I was anxious " You're a fraud, that's what you are. You
to return to the station to inquire after never had no scenery; you never had nothing.
my props. Arrived at the house, vvhich was You've come here on false pretences. I've a
only a few minutes from the station, I good mind to call in the police."
knocked sharply on the door. A large female "Rubbish," I returned heatedly. "Go
of gaunt and forbidding appearance answered down
. .. to" the station) yourself and make
my summons. mqumes.
" Ur ? " she asked. Taking me at my word, the manager walked
" Good morning," I said in my pleasantest down to the station) where my story was
manner. "Your husband tells me that you
let out rooms. Could you tell me your lowest "What are we going to do about it?"
tern1S for a week's lodging? " he asked. "The whole show's ruined, because
" Urn. T wo gumeas a week" . you were top of the bill."
"That seems rather dear," I said. "I " You can put me on last," I suggested.
happen to be a theatrical artist-in fact, "The scenery can't reach here before to-
I'm appearing at your theatre this w~ek. morrow, so I can't do any tricks. But I can
What are your very lowest terms for theatncal do a hypnotism act that ought to satisfy the
artists? " audience."
"Dirty dogs!" was the startling reply, "That's no good. They want to see you
and the door was slammed violently in my do magic, and they won't have' anything
else." ,
At last, however, I managed to fix up a "There's nothing else to be done," I
comfortable room. But my satisfaction was argued. "It's either hypnotism or nothing
at all."
short lived. When I went to the railway
station, I was horrified to learn that my " All right, all right," agreed the manager
scenery had been sent on to another tow~ by gloomily. "But I warn you-they'll give
you a rough time."
mistake. Things looked somewhat senous,
and I sought out the manager of the theatre, I made the most of the short'-time left
at my disposal. My plan of campaign was
simple. I visited every public house in the
town and picked out half a dozen men evening. However, with your permission, I
whos~ appearance seemed to indicated a propose to give ,You an exhibition of my
hypnotic powers. I paused to see how thIS
fondness for drink.
I took the men round to the back of the
announcement would be received. There
theatre and explained what I wanted them to were no comments, so I continued. " For
this exhibition, I shall require the assist-
do. They were to be ': horses," a term ~h~t ance of several gentlemen from my audience.
is used in the professIOn for a hypnotIst s Will anyone be kind enough to volunteer?"
secret confederates. I told them that they
would each receive a shilling and as much At this point my half a dozen " horses"
stepped forward, including my regular assis-
beer as it was possible to drink if they would tant who was sitting in the stalls. But to my
follow my instructions. surprise, they were immediately followed by
When I asked for assistants from the several other men whom I had never seen
audience, my "horses" were to come on to before. I was quite unprepared for this
the stage. Each man was then allotted a development, but I called for several more
different task. One had to chew. cand~es, chairs, set them around in a semi-circle, and
another was to drink paraffin 011, whil~t asked each man to sit down. I found I
another was to have needles forced thro?gh hIS had fifteen volunteers in all, and I was careful
cheeks-this last is easily done by pressmg the to see that mv own assistant was seated on the
flesh and so making it numb-and so on. extreme right. Waving my hands at the
I realised that I was taking an enormous
latter in what I hoped was a truly impressive
risk but it was the only way out of my manner, I looked him straight in the eyes.
diffi~ulty. The men agreed to help me, and
we held an impromptu rehearsal there and " You are falling asleep," I said in a deep
then. Everything worked very well, and voice. The words were hardly out of my
after binding them to secrecy, I asked them to mouth when the assistant fell off his chair,
be in the theatre by ten 0' clock the same and remained motionless on the ground.
evemng. . T This piece of fooling had a startling effect
" Ladies and gentlemen," I saId, S!ll1 mg on the audience. They rose in their seats,
pleasantly. "Owing to unforeseen cIrcum~ and some of the women screamed. The
stances I rearet I shall be unable to g. volunteers rushed as one man for the steps
through the b advertised performance thIS that led to the stalls and it was with the

greatest difficulty that I persuaded my unseemly conduct, in reality I had much to

" horses" to remain on the stage. thank him for. I played to crowded houses
The performance continued, and my volun- for the rest of the week, and, in spite of the
teers vlayed their part well. In turn they fact that my scenery arrived on the following
ate candles, swallowed oil, and did several day, the manager would not allow me to
other little tricks which I had shown them in change my programme. Of course, my assis-
the short time at my disposal. When I tant's eccentric behaviour was deleted from
came to forcing needles through a man's the subsequent performances!
cheeks, several women fainted, and had to I~'.was so pleased with the success:of ithe
be carried out. show that I paid my " horses" half a crown
Flushed with success, I decided that as a and as much beer as they could drink for each
Grand Finale, I would do a mock marriage performance, and, like good fellows, they did
scene. Putting the" fluence" on my regular not .~etray the trust I had put in them. In
assistant, I told him that he was to represent addItIOn, I was able to fool the police and
the bridegroom. He gave me a sly wink, several medical men who called on me and
which at the moment I was at a loss to under- asked for an explanation of my wonderful
stand. hypnotic powers.
I turned to one of the" horses," made the
same mysterious passes with my hands, and THE BATTLE OF THE PIERROTS.
explained that he was to be the bride. I was
in the middle of my explanation when an ,~lthough it is some years since I last
ear-splitting shout caused me to turn my head. yIsIted West Kirkby, I shall always remember
A strange sight met my eyes. My assistant It as the scene of my first--and perhaps my
had stripped himself of every inch of clothing. greatest-theatrical "battle." Although the
Waving his shirt above his head, he pranced story ,I am about to set down is of no
across the stage. Suddenly he stopped, and, great Importance" it sh,ows to what lengths
cupping his hands around his mouth, shouted, shome promoters WIll go In order to make their
" Where's my blushing bride ? " s ow a success.
I need hardly say that the performance thTwenty-five ye~~s ago, it occurred to me that
was stopped immediately.': The curtain came b e Pagoda PaVIlIon at West Kirkby would
down amidst shrieks of laughter. 4 Althoug:h e an admirable headquarters for my concert
I spoke severely to my assistant for hIS party during the summer season, I was not

discouraged when I learned that Adler and My first move was to telegraph to London
Sutton, two very well known concert party for another comedian and pianist. These
promoters of the period, had lost heavily the arrived before the date of the first performance
previous year, and when the owner of the of the" The Rosettes," and I was able to
Pagoda agreed to make some alterations in forestall my two" deserters" by giving them
the size of the stage and the number of the the sack. I held a hasty rehearsal one
stalls, I felt well pleased. Monday morning, found my new pianist and
I booked the Pagoda from May until comedian extremely satisfactory, and played
September-an unusually long season-and to a successful matinee the same afternoon.
bought up every advertisement hoarding from After the afternoon performance, I distri-
West Kirkby to Birkenhead. I decided that buted a number of hand-bills amongst the
if my show was to be a failure, it would not audience, announcing that I intended to do
be through lack of advertising. a wonderful handcuff escape in the evening,
The first performance of the " Will Goldston and invited members of the Cheshire Police
Court Pierrots" proved a great success, and Force . to attend free of charge. This
we continued to do two shows a day before caused something of a sensation, and the
well packed houses. Owing to my heavy house was packed an hour before the evening
preliminary expenses, I was unable to show a performance was due to begin. That night
balance for the first six weeks, but I was " The Rosettes" took exactly five shillings.
content to bide my time. I saw that once So far the honours were all mine in the
my debts had been cleared, I should be able to "battle," and the rival troupe decided to
make a handsome profit. change their tactics. At night, they employed
Towards the middle of June, a company several men to whitewash the following
called "The Rosettes" appeared at 'West words along the main streets of the town:-
Kirkby. I had not expected this, but was not " (The Rosettes' are the only Concert Party
unduly worried as my show had become worth seeing. The other show is a variety
thoroughly well established. But when I entertainment.' ,
heard that "The Rosettes" had secretly I countered this move by informing the
booked my comedian and pianist, I began to police that it was illegal to deface the public
have serious doubts as to the honesty of the streets in this manner. The following day my
rival promoter. rivals were warned that if such a thing
occurred again, the consequences would be
extremely serious. They brought down their prices of one
The next idea of " The Rosettes" was to shiljing, ninepence, and sixpence, to three-
send in a number of roughs at one of my pence, twopence, and a penny. Had they
evenin rr performances. Fortunately, I had been content to have left things like this,
foresee~ the possibility of this, and had it is quite possible that their reduced prices
would have attracted a considerable crowd.
engaged a nu~ber of t~e ~tronges t and heavi-
est constables III the dIstnct. As soon as the But they made one false step. On the
roughs commenced to get noisy, they w~re following Sunday night, they pasted their own
thrown out, and the show proceeded qUIte bills over my advertisements oJtside the
Pagoda pavilion.
By this time the rivalry between the two Very early the following morning I was told
concert parties was the talk of the whole town. of their latest move. I went down to the
In order to create further excitement, the Pagoda, and saw that none of my own bills
local hospital said they would award a Silver was visible. There was no one about, so
I decided to take a big risk.
Cup to the party which was able to collect
most money for the hospital funds on gala First of all I knocked off the padlock of the
front doors with a heavy stick. I then went
day. h inside the Pavilion, and smashed up all my
I hired a horse and wagon, and toured t e
town giving ten minute performances at the own props and scenery. When this was
street corners. I was very anxious that m.y done, I went to the police station and
party should gain the Cup, for I knew It informed the inspector that the Pagoda had
would be a splendid advertisement. In been wrecked by some unknown intruders!
To my surprise-and satisfaction-one of
order to give myself a better chance-I make
the policemen told me that he had seen the
this fact public for the first time-I put a
male members of "The Rosettes" leaving the
five pound note into my own collecting box.
Pagoda early in the morning. Whether he
When the amounts were checked, it was
told me this out of sheer kindness of heart, or
found that my own party had collected
whether he really imagined that he had seen
exactly five pounds more than " The my rivals, I do not know to this day.
Rosettes." Fortunately my gamble succeeded. When
The rival party were now getting desperate. the news became known that" The Rosettes"
had wrecked my show, I had all the public I was certainly not frightened of ghosts or
sYmpathy I required. At the end o~ th~ same sp~oks or any of the <;>ther ki.ndred beings
week, the other party left the town m dISgU.St, whIch are usually assocIated wIth the spirit
and for the rest of the season, the entertam- world.
ment of the population a~d holid~r ~akers of A few of my brother magicians-sceptics
West Kirkby was left entIrely to Will Gold- all of them-pulled my leg incessantly with
ston's Court Pierrots." regard to my spiritualistic investiaations.
I took their banter in good part, but ~ecretly
MY CEMETERY ADVENTURE. ached for the opportunity to show them I
had no fear of the" black bogies," as they
I am not what is usually termed a nervous called them.
man. In the course of my life I have had a The opportunity was not long in coming.
good many shocks, pleasant and unpleasant, A man called Bradley, who has since died asked
and have survived them all. The he.avy m;, point blank if I was frightened of ghosts.
spirit footsteps .w~ich I often hear lc~.te at mght Of course not," I replied.
in my office bmldmg no long~r t~~Ill m~, and "Well, we'll bet vou a fiver you won't
I have attended many awe mspmng sean~es walk across the Mount Cemetery and back
without the slightest qualms. But nothmg at two o'clock in the morning." .
will ever persuade me to walk through a ~'I'll take you on," I retorted. "But who's
cemetery at night. . gOlllg to get the keys ? "
I tried it once in order to ~1.~ is, "You leave that to us. We shall be at
and failed lamentably. I was the vIcbm of the main gates at two o'clock to-morrow
practical jokers, and lost both my wager and morning."
my nerve. Although the incidents I am about .Those wh~ kno~ the Mount Cemetery,
to relate occurred nearly thirty years ago, LIverpool, wIll testIfy that it is one of the
I have never quite lost the fear of gr~vey.ards largest graveyards in the district. I realised
which my terrifying experience first mspIred. that it would be a longish walk to undertake
I was a young man at the ti~e, a~d had at such an hour in the morning, and knew the
just become interested in Spmh~alIsm. I Cemetery would hardly wear the same peace-
was neither a believer nor an unbelIever, but ful aspect that it has in daylight. Neverthe-
was investigating the subject in order to less, I ~an honestly say that I was not in the
discover the truth of psychic phenomena. least fnghtened by my hasty resolution, and

congratulated myself on being able to earn my trail. What I saw turned me cold with
such an easy fiver. . fear.
I arrived punctually at the appoInted V:apour was .rising f~om a nearby gravestone,
place, but found my four magical friends a kInd ?f white lumInOUS vapour that glis-
there before me. By some means or other ten~d WIth an unearthly light. It was like
they had obtained the keys, and were clustered polIshed s~eam, yet I could see right through
together, talking in low undertones. It. Yes, It was coming from another grave
" Hullo, Goldston," said one as he saw me as ,veIl. And another. It was cuming from
approaching. "Are you fit for the walk?" all of them! Oh, heavens! what was it?
" Rather t" I replied, quite at my ease. It ~ust b~ the ghosts coming to haunt me for
" The money's as good as mine." . my IntrusIOn!
" Glad you think so. We'll wait here untIl I stood li~e a statue, too frightened to
you come back. Best of luck to you." move. NothIng happened. No spirit voices
He unlocked the gate, and motioned me to gr~eted me, no bony hands stretched out their
enter. sp~dery finge~s to clutch my clothes. Every-
I t was not until I had passed from speaking thIng was qUIet. Even the breeze was stilled.
distance of my friends that I began to feel Although I dared not yet move, my numbed
the first twinges of nervousness. The deathly senses began to function again. .
stillness of everything around me, and the "What is it ?" I whispered. "The spirits
pale moonlight glinting on the cold, stone can't be lighting fires in the coffins." I
monuments sent queer little shivers down my pondered, and realisation came. " You
back. Occasionally the cool night breeze fathead!" I said aloud.
would catch up a few leaves and pieces of I had heard ~efore of the strange phosphor-
paper, and send them scurrying over the gravel ous vapour WhICh has been observed to rise
with a weird scratching sound. I began to from. graves ~t nig~t-time. This was my
perspIre. first l11troductlOn to It.. E-yen to this day I
I lengthened my pace, determine~ to c<;)Ver do not know the true SCIentIfic explanation of
the distance in the shortest pOSSIble tIme. the phenomenon, but have been told it is an
I had covered about a quarter of a mile when
the rustling of a few leaves behind me caused outcome of the chemical construction of
me to turn my head, as though to satisfy ~uman bones. In any case, 1 knew now what
myself that Cl Old Nick" was not really on It looked like, although I told myself that the
AN ERROR THAT COST £1,000. 229

experience had probably taken ten years off "Hello, Will," said Bradley who was
my life. peering through the bars. "Wh~t's wrong? "
" Nothing to be frightened of," I murmured, " For Heaven's sake let me out! " I splut-
and set off once more for the gates on the tered. "There's a ghost just behind."
far side of the cemetery. I had scarcely "A ghost? You must be dreaming."
walked another hundred yards when I had the " ~et me out., I tell you the awful thing's
greatest shock of my life. chaSIng me. It s coming now."
'.' Don't go that way, sir!" said a woman's " The ghost" came. It proved to be one
VOIce. of Bradley's lady friends! The girl was hard
" In God's name, who is it ? " I screamed. up, ~nd. for a I?ound note had readily consented
" Please, oh, please, don't go that way! " to he In waIt behind a tombstone for the
repeated the voice. unsuspecting victim.
I stood not upon the order of my going, but " I ~ope I didn't frighten you too much,"
flew as fast as my legs would carry me. she s~lld to me, afterwards. I sheepishly
All thoughts of my fiver had gone, and I comphmented her on her courage. But the
raced back along the track by which I had charming smile she gave me never recom-
approached. I had not gone far, however, pensed me for the enormous shock to my
when my courage returned. Perhaps, after nervous ~ystem. I h:=tven't got over it yet.
all, my nerves were playing tricks with me. That IS why I WIll not walk through a
I pulled up short, and listened intentlv. cemetery at night.
"Please, sir. Please, oh please!" Again
I heard it, close at hand. The voice was AN ERROR THAT COST £1,000.
chasing me I
That decided me. I ran faster and faster. . CO';lnt Castaglioni was not, as might be
ll~agIned, an Italian gentleman of noble
I realised, with a certain amount of relief,
that the unknown spirit was losing ground bIrth. When I knew him, he was nothing
on me. But there was no doubt that it was more or l~ss than an old and exceedingly
trying to catch me. I heard the thin, plain- clever conJurer who had fallen on evil days.
tive cry following in my wake, and gradually . He ~tarted his theatrical career by perform-
m~ WIth Henry Irving for the pitiful sum of
getting fainter as I gained speed.
~hIrty shillings a week. He ,vas always
I reached the cemetery gates in a state of
collapse. mterested in magic, and it is more than
AN ERROR THAT COST £1,000. 231
possible that he would have made a big name " Fine, Count," I replied, eyeing my com-
for himself in this branch of the profession panion's tattered clothes. " Where's your
had he not contracted a very unwise marriage. overcoat? "
The Countess Castaglioni-this, of course, The Count raised his eyebrows.
was not her real name-had many admirable " Overcoat?" he said, smiling sadly. "I
qualities, but was, unfortunately, afflicted haven't one."
with what is popularly known as a "long I pointed to an overcoat in a nearby tailor's
thirst." She confessed that her" favourite window.
flowers were hops" and in support of her "Would you like that?" I asked.
statement she made a hobby of investing her " This is not time for pleasantries," replied
money-and her husband's-with a firm of the old man sternly.
local brewers. She continued her hobby " I'm not joking, Count," I insisted. "You
throughout her married life, and had an early can have it if you want it."
but not altogether un€xpected death. "But I have no money.'"
After his wife's death, the poor Count " Let me give it to you, Count."
lived in the most terrible poverty. He was I saw the tears come into the old magician's
reduced to giving penny performances before eyes.
school children; his clothes became nothing " Thank you," he said simply.
but a collection of rags, and his chief means We entered the tailor's, and I asked to be
of subsistence was an occasional egg and allowed to see the overcoat I had chosen.
crust of dry bread. After much difficulty, it was removed from
It was in such a condition as this that I the window, and Castaglioni tried it on.
met him one winter's morning in the Dingle, It was an excellent fit with the exception of
Liverpool. The poor fellow's hands were the sleeves, for the cuffs came well over the
blue from the cold, and his teeth chattered old man's hands.
loudly. As he saw me, he pulled himself " I can soon alter those for you," said the
together. tailor. "It will only take me two or three
"Good morning, my dear Goldston,'~ he hours."
said, speaking, as he always did, in the "No, laddie," said the Count. "I'll
keep it as it is. The long sleeves will keep
dramatic style that Irving had taught him. l1:1Y hands warm." And no amount of persua-
" And how are you this morning ? " SIon could make him alter his decision.

On leaving the tailor, we went to a restaur- readers, I included it as a space filler, and
ant, where the Count made a hearty meal, and thought no more about it.
assured me that he felt much better. He About a week after my magazine had
asked me to call on him the following day, appeared in print, a woman walked into my
as he wished to give me some of his most office and demanded to see me. She intro-
exclusive tricks. I was anxious to learn all duced herself, and asked me what I meant
that could be taught about magic, and did as by referring to her as a prostitute and a
he requested. But I was ~o.o~ed to ~is~p­ murderess.
pointment. The old magICIan s con]unng cc I'm afraid I don't understand you,
apparatus consisted of a few coins, some madam," I replied, as civilly as I could. cc I
coloured handkerchiefs, a length of string, have never met you before."
and an ivory ball. It appeared that he had At that, the woman produced a copy of
sold all his best tricks when he had first my magazine, and indicated the paragraph
found himself in need of money. which Count Castaglioni had sent me.
And now for the sequel. Some years later cc That's about me," she cried excitedly.
I edited a magical journal known as cc ~he cc Really?" I said. "The story was
Magician." One night, when I was workI~g printed in the" Echo" a week or so ago."
late in an endeavour to get all my matenal cc I know it wasn't. That incident occurred
ready for press on the following day, .1 twenty years ago, and in any case it's quite
received a letter from Count Castaghom. untrue."
He enclosed a cutting which he " hoped This news was a big shock for me, and if
might be of some use to me." The cutting true, there could be little doubt that the
related to a murder in South America, where woman had a pretty clear case against me.
a conjurer had been killed by his girl assistant. She suggested that I should make her some
On the back of the slip the Count had written sort of payment and let the matter drop,
"Liverpool Echo" and the previous day's but the figure she mentioned was so high
date. that I would not consider it.
I naturally assumed that the cutting had A few days later I was served with a writ
been taken from the previous day's edition for l~bel. The case was brought before Lord
of The Echo." Therein I made a mistake
Darl~ng who was then simply Mr. Justice
which eventually cost nearly [I,OOO! Think- DarlIng. He complimented me on my fair-
ing the news item would be of interest to my ness, for in the next issue of cc The Magician"

I made a full and complete apology. For all This was a cause of secret satisfaction to
that, the plaintiff was awarded £200 damages, myself and of considerable irritation to the
and when I totalled up my costs, I found that others.
the case had cost well over £goo ! It was even whispered that I employed a
Count Castaglioni explained that the date sort of intelligence service to discover the
he had put on the back of the cutting was secrets of my brother magicians. My hired
merely the date on which he had sent me the spies, it was rumoured, visited the various
letter. He had unearthed the copy of the magical workshops, and either by bribery or
newspapers from an old and dirty pile, force, found out the secrets of the newest
and seeing the reference to a magician's illusions under construction.
death, had thought it might be useful for David Devant was my victim on more
my ma.gazine. than one occasion. Many people will still
recall his excellent "Spelling Fish'" effect
WILL GOLDSTON'S SPY SERVICE. at Maskelyne's Theatre. In this, he presented
a large· bowl filled with gold fish. The letters
A fellow magician once referred to me as of the alphabet, printed on small white cards,
"The Mystery Man of Mystery Men." This were dropped into the bowl, and any word
mayor may not have been intended as a given by a member of the audience was
compliment. It is a fact, however, that for spelt out"by the letters with uncanny accuracy.
many years I succeeded in baffling-perhaps The trick was worked bv a number of silver
I should say hoodwinking-many of the wires in the water, controlled by a button-hook I

greatest magicians of my time. beneath the stage. I published a full working

How does Will Goldston know? That is explanation of the trick in one of my
the question which Harry Houdini, Carl Magician's Annuals, including an accurate
Hertz, John Nevil Maskelyne, David Devant, design of the button-hook. On another
Chung Ling Soo, and many others, have occasion I congratulated him on his improve-
asked themselves repeatedly in the past. ment in the" Magic Kettle" trick, when he
All these men have from time to time been was able to pour out any named drink from a
exceedingly vexed, not to say annoyed, with tin kettle. This trick had been done before,
me. Not one was ever able to understand but the latest improvement, known only to
how I was able to explain the full details and Devant and his mechanic, was effected by
working of his latest tricks and illusions. means of a number of rubber tubes in the

handle. He was astounded when I told him " How did you know?" he cried, when he
how it was done. had sufficiently recovered to speak.
John Nevil Maskelyne was another whose "Even the waHs have ears," I said,
secrets were often known to me. I recall picking up my hat. "But believe me,
meeting him on one occasion in the foyer of your secret will be quite safe." .
St. George's Hall. I left him still staring at the prmts.
"Well, Goldston," said he, "have you Shortly afterwards I heard he had
discovered any new secrets ? " completely destroyed his half-finished ap-
"Plenty," I replied, shortly. paratus. There was no doubt that ~he gre~t
" There's one you don't know, at any rate," John Nevil was sorely vexed WIth WIll
he retorted. "I'm building an illusion now, Goldston. I thought it a pity he had acted
and not even Devant knows about it. It so childishly, for the illusion was most
will cause a big sensation." ingenious, and would have been a great
I made no answer. As a matter of fact, But my greatest triumph in thi? respect
I knew all about Maskelyne's new trick, and concerns Houdini, who guarded hIS secrets
was determined to spring a surprise on him. more jealously than any magician I ever
It was an exceedingly clever effect which was met. He had an excellent opening trick in
to be known as "The Entranced Fakir." which he called a committee of the audience
A man and a wicker basket were to be intro- on to the stage. After his mouth had been
duced to the audience. The man was to carefully examined, he apparently swallowed
step into the basket, which by some invisible two dozen loose needles and several yards of
means, suspended itself in the air. At a cotton. Then he took a drink from a tumbler
given signal the basket was to fall to the of water. The climax was reached when he
ground, showing that its occupant had com- produced the cotton from his mouth with the
pletely vanished.
twenty jour needles threaded ?n it. . This was
The following day, I called on Maskelyne, one of Harry's most bafflmg. tncks, and
and showed him the complete plans of his incidentally, one of his favountes.
new illusion. For a moment I feared he had I told him exactly how he concealed the
lost his reason. His eyes got bigger and duplicate needles and cotton in his mouth,
bigger, and he muttered all sorts of dire and in what manner he hid them from the
imprecations under his breath. eyes of the examining committee. Houdini

became exceedingly angry, and demanded Willie's wonderful trick. "You can publish
that I should tell him how I came by my that in your next book, can't you?" he
knowledge. But I preferred to keep my says, hopefully.
secret. That is my secret. Of course, my own
Things got to such a pitch that several knowledge as an inventor of magical apparatus
well known illusionists employed a detective has helped me considerably}n putting two and
to shadow me. They were determined at all two together. But my so-called "spies"
costs to discover how their secrets leaked were none other than the very magicians who
out. But when they found I attended at my wondered how I knew their tricks !
office and carried out my regular business In conclusion, I would like to point out that
routine each day, they became more perplexed although, from time to time, I have published
than ever. many volumes containing magical secrets,
There is now no reason why I should not I have always attempted to give impartial
make the truth known. I have had my treatment to friend and foe alike. I have a
laughs, and I feel it is time the" spy" theory reputation for "smelling out" secrets, but,
was exploded for ever. It is pure fiction. so far as I know, not for unfair play.
Never at any time have I bribed information, I have never written books from a com-
or broken into the workshops cf my brother mercial standpoint. My sole idea is to
maR~c~ans. preserve a record of the illusions of my time,
My sole means of getting information was-· to be passed down to the magicians of the
professional jealousy. Magicians, as a whole, future. It is a fact that many of the cleverest
are a highly jealous race. Thus, if Willie members of my profession have selfishly
Smith's handkerchief illusion is better than carried their secrets to the grave. Houdini
Fred Jones' rice bowls, then there is bound to and Chung Ling Soo are cases in point. That
be bad feeling on the part of Fred. Conse- is not fair play. Magic must live after its
quently he is only too eager to probe into creators have passed on. I feel I have a
Willie's secrets, and, if possible, expose them. duty to perform, and trust that, after my
And so Fred comes to Will Goldston with death, others will be found to carry on the
excitement dancing in his eyes. work that I have started.
" Do you know how Willie does his handker-
chiefs?" he asks. " Well, it's like this . . ."
And he goes on to give me the full details of

I suggested that as an uninvited guest

I should not be very welcome, but my doubts
were swept aside.
" You do not know my friend as I do.
You are connected with the stage, and that
is enough. You must show him some of your
MY QUICKEST VANISH. tricks. I am sure he will be greatly amused."
Seven years ago, I had an extraordinary And so I went. To this day I do not know
adventure in Paris. We have all of us read the location of our destination, except that it
at some time or another of the hand-to-mout? lay' twenty minutes' taxi ride' west of the
existence of the French apaches, of theIr Arc de Triomphe. Sufficient to say that
crudeness and brutality, and disre~ard for the house was the most magnificent private
residence that I have ever entered. I was
human life. I, for one, put .these. stones do~n afterwards told it had belonged to a wealthy
as figments of the i~agmatlvemlI~ds o~ fictIOn
writers, and certamly never Imagme~ I nobleman in the days before the Revolution.
should be mixed up in an affray that mIght I was introduced to my host and to several
well have ended in my death. of the guests, of which there were many.
In the course of my visit to the ;French We took our places at dinner, and I noticed
capital, I decided to call on an old fnend of everyone was in evening dress. The food
mine, a noted and much respected lawyer. was excellent, and my attempts to speak
He greeted me as only a French!Uan can, .but French to a young and exceedingly pretty
told me regretfully that a prevIOUS appomt- lady at my side kept the party in roars of
ment would necessitate his absence from laughter. Altogether a very enjoyable meal.
town that evening. Then an idea struck The subsequent circus astounded me.
him. There were clowns and performing animals,
" I must go to my friends to dinner. But columbines and bare-back riders-all for
you will come as well-yes? They are very the amusement of a handful of overgrown
rich, and I am sure you will enjoy the pri\:ate children! I suppose it takes all sorts to
circus which my friend runs for the enJoy- make a world, but I could not help thinking
ment of his guests. Most decidedly you must of the impossibility of such a performance
come." in England. Imagine two or three dozen

of our aristocracy clapping their hands at the SIX miles an hour. I consoled myself with
antics of a clown rolled up in a carpet ! the thought that every pace brought me
'But time was progressing, and when I nearer civilisation.
heard a nearby clock strike midnight, I Still they came-flippety flop, flippety
hinted to my friend that I would like to flop, nearer still.
leave. He urged me to stop, but I pleaded "Who can they be ?" I thought. " I t
I had an early train to catch in the morning, sounds like an army! "
and was anxious to be up betimes. I bade By this time I had almost broken into a
farewell to my host, andafterreceiving instruc- ru~, .but the sounds behind me were gaining,
tions as to my best way home, took a regretful gammg an the time. Sudd~nly they quick-
departure. . ened, and I realised they were only a few
The night air was chilling, and I stepped out yards behind me.
at a smart pace towards town, hoping to I turned-and only just in time. The
pick up a taxi en route. I had not got more gleaming blade of a knife swept past my
than a hundred yards from the house when shoulder, and I heard a muttered oath in
I paused to light a cigarette. It was then French. There were six or seven men and
that I heard footsteps. women crowding in on me, the most vile
I am not a man who is easily frightened, but looking creatures I have ever set eyes on.
those footsteps sent a chill down my spine. They were dirty and unkempt, and their
There was something uncanny about them,- clothes smelt like a garbage yard. The faces
they slithered! There seemed to be not might well have come from a Chamber of
one or two, but several people. The lane in Horrors.
which I found myself was dark and gloomy, . I didn't stop to think. I just ran. To the
and the overhanging trees shut out what nght was a sharp turning, and down this I
little moonlight there was. I glanced quickly speeded like a man possessed. Luckily for
over my shoulder, and the footsteps stopped. me, I was pretty fleet of foot. I had got a
" Will Goldston," I said to myself. "You start of a few feet, and although I dared not
must walk a little quicker." lo?k back, I prayed inwardly that this
I quickened my stride, and the footsteps might get wider with every step I took.
started again. Flippety-flop-just like so The slithering steps behind told me that my
many feet in soft rubber shoes. They were pursuers were still after me, and I remember
.getting nearer although I was doing a steady wondering if the gentleman with the knife
was leading the way, or whether one of his mailer ? No, he is none of these things.
less violent brothers (if any) had taken the In August, 1904, I was stopping at a small
lead. hotel near Lime Street, Liverpool. It was
Suddenly I saw a taxi. What is more, it my custom to take my meals in the restaurant
was a moving taxi. I made one final burst attached to the hotel, and as I was well
and reached the door. known to the management, I was always
" Allez !" was all I could gasp to the assured of good food and prompt attention
bewildered driver. Fortunately, he under- to my orders. One day, as I was taking
stood my danger. As I sank back on the lunch, the newspaper propped up against the
cushions, we shot forward at a speed that cruet, I heard the rattle of a money box at
in other circumstances I should have con- my side, and a pleasant, soft-toned voice
sidered suicidal. On this occasion it saved said, " Can you spare something, please? "
my life. I looked up. Before me was a Salvation
Army lassie, dressed in the regulation uniform
A CONFESSION BY WILL GOLDSTON. of blue tunic and skirt. She had rosy cheeks,
fair hair which peeped from beneath the brim
r have a confession to make, a confession of her poke bonnet, and large, blue eyes which
of a foolhardy escapade of twenty-five years looked straight into mine.
ago. In those far-off days I was young and "Please help us," she said. "It's Self-
irresponsible, and had not got that feeling Denial Week."
of respect for others which the passing years
have taught me. I was determined to get I slipped a shilling into the box.
as much fun as possible from life, and it did "I'm always glad to help a good cause,"
not occur to me that in so doing I might be I remarked, straightening my tie. "But to
causing considerable discomfiture and annoy- be quite honest, I don't know much about
ance to mv fellow creatures. the Salvation Army."
I have ~ laughed many times over this " Your money won't be wasted," replied
episode, but one must not assume that I the girl, making as though to move to the
have entirely lost my sense of shame. I next table.
have done my best to make amends, as I will "Wait a minute," I said, anxious not to
tell you later. What, then, was my crime? lose her company. Cl Tell me about the
Is Will Goldston a murderer, a thief, a black- Army."

"There is nothing much to tell. We try at seven 0' clock. I said I should be pleased
to do good, that is all." to attend, and the good girl, satisfied at
" I suppose you are all very good people, having done her duty by me, turned to
aren't you? " resume her collection.
" Some of us have been bad, but we have On. the following evening, I kept my
heard the call." appomtment to the second. There was a
" Heard the call? Oh yes, I know. Y Oll large crowd present when I arrived, and after
hear the call, and then join the Army, is that being ~nrolled by the Captain in charge,
it ? " I was mtroduced to everyone in turn. At
" Yes." first. there was .some hymn singing, accom-
I was beginning to enjoy myself. This was pamed by a tIme-worn harmonium. This
going to be a delightful leg pull. I cleared was followed by several speeches, to which we
my throat, and lowered my eyes to the plate. listened in respectful silence. Altogether I
found it rather boring. '
" Is it possible for a really wicked man to
hear the call ? " Finally, however, my opportunity came.
"Of course. But why do you ask ?" The Captain regretfully announced that
Mr. Blank had been taken suddenly ill.
" Because I am a wicked man," I replied in They. trusted he would soon be well again,
hushed tones. " I have led a terrible life." and It was to be hoped that his enforced
"What have you done?" absence would not disorganise the band in
" I could never tell you." which his services as bass drummer were
"But why-oh!" And the girl turned much appreciated.
crimson. There was silence for a few seconds. " Now for some fun," I thought. I sprang
"It is not too late," she continued to my feet. Everyone stared at me.
presently. "Why not join us ? " "Excuse me, Captain. You say your
" I am too wicked." bass drumm~r is ill ? "
"But we want sinners." "Yes, my friend."
" If you mean that, I will come." "May I offer my serVIces whilst he is
She seemed genuinely concerned for me, and away? "
told me exactly where to find the Army Hall. " Thank you. But perhaps you have never
There was a me\.~ting on the following evening played before? "
" Oh, yes. I was once bass drummer to a fitted well. I tried it on at various angles and
big band up in London." Needless to say, watched myself in the mirror. The effects
I had never handled drumsticks in my life. were pleasing.
" That is splendid. Perhaps you will attend But the unifonn was a distinct failure.
the band practice after the meeting." The sleeves of the coat were a good three
I found the -rehearsal most thrilling. inches too long, and the trousers arranged
Although musical ability was never one of themselves concertina fashion round my
my strong points, I joined in with a gusto ankles. I overcame the difficulty by turning
which astonished even myself.. back the sleeves and making an extra large
" Onward, Christian Soldiers. Boom I turn-up to the trousers. This was a vast
Boom I I Boom I I I improvement.
Marching-Boom I-on to war. Booml My exit from the hotel caused a mild
Boom 11" sensation on the Sunday evening. I took
no notice of the smirks and smiles which
And so we went on. At length we greeted my appearance, but walked briskly
stopped. round to the hall, faintly humming a few
" You're not quite so good as Mr. Blank," hymn tunes. Here I found myself distinctly
said the Captain doubtfully. "Still, I think unpopular. It appeared that my drum play-
you'll do. But don't bang so loud unless ing had not met with the full hearted approval
there~s a lot of heavy traffic about." of the rest of the band. For this I might have
"Alright, sir. You see, I'm used to a been forgiven, but the hostile atmosphere
pretty heavy band." was quickly renewed by my quaint appear-
" Yes, quite." ance.
I was served out with a unifonn, which I was given a huge leather apron which
I assumed had been made for Mr. Blank. stretched almost to my toes, and we started
The following day was a Sunday, and we were out. On the whole, I flatter myself I did
to have a big outing round the slums. In well that evening. Now and again, I made a
the circumstances, it was thought advisable mistake and banged in the wrong place, but,
to give me my clothing immediately. as a beginner, I might have done far worse.
It was not till I reached the hotel that I At the corner of Scotland Road, that terrible
found that the indisposed Mr. Blank was a slum quarter of Liverpool, I caused some
man of unusually large stature. The cap disorder in the procession by dropping a

go on. Excuse me, therefore, while I have

drumstick. However, we moved on again, a pint of beer." And I pushed my way
and finally stopped outside a public house through the crowd to the saloon bar of the
in Christian Street. public house.
I was glad of the rest, for my exertions had I had my drink, and peeped through the
made me hot and tired. We sang a few hymns curtained windows. There seemed to be
and mv lady friend of the previous day made some sort of disturbance outside. I decided
a speech. By the time she had finished I it would be wiser if I slipped off quietly to
was feeling much refreshed. The Captain the hotel, and sent the uniform back by
evidently noticed this. messenger on the following day.
" You might go round the public house with That is my confession. I heaped ridicule
the' War Cry,'" he said. on the Salvation Army, a body of men and
" I'd sooner make a speech," I suggested. women who strive to do good in the world,
"I have something of importance to say." and whose courage could never be doubted,
His face fell. no matter what one might think of their
"Oh-er, alright," he said. religious outlook. But I have done my best
I made a speech. I made a long speech. to atone for my crime. Every year since
I spoke for twenty minutes on the evils of that date I have made a special donation to
drink. I had a reputation in those days as the Army during Self-Denial Week.
as an impromptu speaker, and I felt at the top
of my form. Drink, I said, was the curse of
Liverpool, the curse of England, the curse
of the world. My audience was interested,
and I felt I was speaking well.
But all good things must end. After
twenty minutes, my throat and tongue were
parched. I decided I had said enough.
"And now, brethren," I concluded, "I
must leave you to fight out the battle for
yourselves. I have merely pointed out the
path you should take. I feel I have not yet
said enough, but my mouth is dry. I cannot

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