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Name: Iqra Shahid

Submitted to: Maam Asmara
UPWORK is an American freelancing platform in San Francisco,California. It came
when Elance.lnc and aDesk Corp. merged together in 2015


Upwork has become the world’s work marketplace where every day businesses of all sizes and
independent talent from around the globe meet here to accomplish incredible things.Diversity is who
upwork is.
The employees working with upwork believe that upwork value its employees on their individual
strengths no matter what identities,race,religion,gender they have.
Upwork vision is also to create a diverse workplace where the black,African communities can also
prosper and provides them the equal education and benefits.

Upwork knows great work can be done anywhere.Upwork has a rich history with more than 20
years as a remote work company.While upwork maintains two offices for collaboration and
socialization, it embrace a remote working environment as the default for most of its corporate
team members.its a market place for the freelancers. They can work part time or at any
suitables hours.

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